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    <page xmlns="" type="guide" id="index"> <info> <!-- This shows in the title bar so does not show [icon] --> <title type="text">Organic Code</title> <desc>The <app>Organic Code</app> help.</desc> <credit type="author"> <name>Bryan M. Allred</name> <email></email> <years>2013</years> </credit> <license href=""> <p>GNU General Public License version 3.0 License</p> </license> </info> <title> <!-- This shows on the page in title font --> <!-- the icon only shows when installed --> <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/icon.png">[icon]</media> <app>Organic Code</app> Help </title> <p>A really simple help file for a really simple application.</p> <!-- This is the visible index --> <section id="contents" style="2column"> <!-- other pages needs to have a link to index#contents for this to work --> <title>Contents</title> </section> <note></note> </page>