-- This schema was automatically generated by Syntext Dtd2Schema and changed for NH use -- -- conversion tool (from file: hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd) -- -- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Syntext Inc. See http://www.syntext.com for updates. -- There are 3 default short-cut values - lcg : default for .NET2.0 and higher. - codedom : CodeDOM-based bytecode provider (mostly for .NET1.1). - null : Disable the reflection optimization completely. In addition you can specify the AssemblyQualifiedName of your custom bytecode-provider (implementation of IBytecodeProvider). Note: the bytecode-provider will be tooks in account only when specified in the app.config or web.config. There are 3 possible combinations of mapping attributes 1 - resource & assembly: NHibernate will read the mapping resource from the specified assembly 2 - file only: NHibernate will read the mapping from the file. 3 - assembly only: NHibernate will find all the resources ending in hbm.xml from the assembly.