NHibernate Implementation of BulkOperationCleanupAction. An operation which may be scheduled for later execution. Usually, the operation is a database insert/update/delete, together with required second-level cache management. Called before executing any actions Execute this action What spaces (tables) are affected by this action? Get the before-transaction-completion process, if any, for this action. Get the after-transaction-completion process, if any, for this action. Create an action that will evict collection and entity regions based on queryspaces (table names). Any action relating to insert/update/delete of a collection Initializes a new instance of . The that is responsible for the persisting the Collection. The Persistent collection. The identifier of the Collection. The that the Action is occurring in. Called before executing any actions Execute this action Compares the current object with another object of the same type. A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has the following meanings: Value Meaning Less than zero This object is less than the other parameter.Zero This object is equal to other. Greater than zero This object is greater than other. An object to compare with this object. What spaces (tables) are affected by this action? Execute this action This method is called when a new non-null collection is persisted or when an existing (non-null) collection is moved to a new owner Removes a persistent collection from its loaded owner. The collection to to remove; must be non-null The collection's persister The collection key Indicates if the snapshot is empty The session Use this constructor when the collection is non-null. Removes a persistent collection from a specified owner. The collection's owner; must be non-null The collection's persister The collection key Indicates if the snapshot is empty The session Use this constructor when the collection to be removed has not been loaded. Acts as a stand-in for an entity identifier which is supposed to be generated on insert (like an IDENTITY column) where the insert needed to be delayed because we were outside a transaction when the persist occurred (save currently still performs the insert). The stand-in is only used within the see cref="NHibernate.Engine.PersistenceContext" in order to distinguish one instance from another; it is never injected into the entity instance or returned to the client... Base class for actions relating to insert/update/delete of an entity instance. Instantiate an action. The session from which this action is coming. The id of the entity The entity instance The entity persister Entity name accessor Entity Id accessor Entity Instance Session from which this action originated The entity persister. Delegate representing some process that needs to occur before transaction completion. NH specific: C# does not support dynamic interface proxies so a delegate is used in place of the Hibernate interface (see Action/BeforeTransactionCompletionProcess). The delegate omits the parameter as it is not used. Delegate representing some process that needs to occur after transaction completion. Did the transaction complete successfully? True means it did. NH specific: C# does not support dynamic interface proxies so a delegate is used in place of the Hibernate interface (see Action/AfterTransactionCompletionProcess). The delegate omits the parameter as it is not used. Format an SQL statement using simple rules: a) Insert newline after each comma; b) Indent three spaces after each inserted newline; If the statement contains single/double quotes return unchanged, it is too complex and could be broken by simple formatting. Represents the the understood types or styles of formatting. Centralize logging handling for SQL statements. Constructs a new SqlStatementLogger instance. Constructs a new SqlStatementLogger instance. Should we log to STDOUT in addition to our internal logger. Should we format SQL ('prettify') prior to logging. Log a IDbCommand. Title The SQL statement. The requested formatting style. Log a IDbCommand. The SQL statement. The requested formatting style. Manages prepared statements and batching. Class exists to enforce separation of concerns Manages s and s for an .

Abstracts ADO.NET batching to maintain the illusion that a single logical batch exists for the whole session, even when batching is disabled. Provides transparent IDbCommand caching.

This will be useful once ADO.NET gets support for batching. Until that point no code exists that will do batching, but this will provide a good point to do error checking and making sure the correct number of rows were affected.

Get an for using in loading / querying. The to convert to an . The of the command. The SqlTypes of parameters in . An that is ready to be executed. If not explicitly released by , it will be released when the session is closed or disconnected. This does NOT add anything to the batch - it only creates the IDbCommand and does NOT cause the batch to execute... Get a non-batchable an to use for inserting / deleting / updating. Must be explicitly released by CloseCommand() The to convert to an . The of the command. The SqlTypes of parameters in . An that is ready to have the parameter values set and then executed. Close a opened using PrepareCommand() The to ensure is closed. The to ensure is closed. Close a opened using The to ensure is closed. Get a batchable to use for inserting / deleting / updating (might be called many times before a single call to ExecuteBatch() After setting parameters, call AddToBatch() - do not execute the statement explicitly. The to convert to an . The of the command. The SqlTypes of parameters in . Add an insert / delete / update to the current batch (might be called multiple times for a single PrepareBatchStatement()) Determines whether the number of rows affected by query is correct. Execute the batch Close any query statements that were left lying around Use this method instead of Dispose if the can be used again. Gets an by calling ExecuteReader on the . The to execute to get the . The from the . The Batcher is responsible for ensuring that all of the Drivers rules for how many open s it can have are followed. Executes the . The to execute. The number of rows affected. The Batcher is responsible for ensuring that all of the Drivers rules for how many open s it can have are followed. Expand the parameters of the cmd to have a single parameter for each parameter in the sql string This is for databases that do not support named parameters. So, instead of a single parameter for 'select ... from MyTable t where t.Col1 = @p0 and t.Col2 = @p0' we can issue 'select ... from MyTable t where t.Col1 = ? and t.Col2 = ?' Must be called when an exception occurs. Cancel the current query statement Gets the value indicating whether there are any open resources managed by this batcher (IDbCommands or IDataReaders). Gets or sets the size of the batch, this can change dynamically by calling the session's SetBatchSize. The size of the batch. Initializes a new instance of the class. The owning this batcher. Prepares the for execution in the database. This takes care of hooking the up to an and if one exists. It will call Prepare if the Driver supports preparing commands. Ensures that the Driver's rules for Multiple Open DataReaders are being followed. Adds the expected row count into the batch. The number of rows expected to be affected by the query. If Batching is not supported, then this is when the Command should be executed. If Batching is supported then it should hold of on executing the batch until explicitly told to. A flag to indicate if Dispose() has been called. Finalizer that ensures the object is correctly disposed of. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Indicates if this BatcherImpl is being Disposed of or Finalized. If this BatcherImpl is being Finalized (isDisposing==false) then make sure not to call any methods that could potentially bring this BatcherImpl back to life. Gets the current that is contained for this Batch The current . Gets or sets the size of the batch, this can change dynamically by calling the session's SetBatchSize. The size of the batch. Gets the the Batcher was created in. The the Batcher was created in. Gets the for this batcher. Implementation of ColumnNameCache. Manages the database connection and transaction for an . This class corresponds to ConnectionManager and JDBCContext in Hibernate, combined. The batcher managed by this ConnectionManager. Expected row count. Valid only for batchable expectations. Factory for instances. Provide the class of according to the configuration and the capabilities of the driver. By default, .Net doesn't have any batching capabilities, drivers that does have batching support. The BatcherFactory trough session-factory configuration section. This interface was added in NHibernate for backdraw compatibility to have the ability to specify a default for a specific . An implementation of the interface that does no batching. Initializes a new instance of the class. The for this batcher. Executes the current and compares the row Count to the expectedRowCount. The expected number of rows affected by the query. A value of less than 0 indicates that the number of rows to expect is unknown or should not be a factor. Thrown when there is an expected number of rows to be affected and the actual number of rows is different. This Batcher implementation does not support batching so this is a no-op call. The actual execution of the is run in the AddToBatch method. A BatcherFactory implementation which constructs Batcher instances that do not perform batch operations. Summary description for OracleDataClientBatchingBatcher. By Tomer Avissar A ResultSet delegate, responsible for locally caching the columnName-to-columnIndex resolution that has been found to be inefficient in a few vendor's drivers (i.e., Oracle and Postgres). Summary description for SqlClientBatchingBatcher. Expose the batch functionality in ADO.Net 2.0 Microsoft in its wisdom decided to make my life hard and mark it internal. Through the use of Reflection and some delegates magic, I opened up the functionality. Observable performance benefits are 50%+ when used, so it is really worth it. Append a command to the batch This is required because SqlClient.SqlCommandSet will throw if the command has no parameters. Executes the batch This seems to be returning the total number of affected rows in all queries Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. 2 Return the batch command to be executed The number of commands batched in this instance Any exception that occurs in the O-R persistence layer. Exceptions that occur in the database layer are left as native exceptions. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. CodeDOM-based bytecode provider. Retrieve the delegate for this provider capable of generating reflection optimization components. The class to be reflected upon. All property getters to be accessed via reflection. All property setters to be accessed via reflection. The reflection optimization delegate. The specific factory for this provider capable of generating run-time proxies for lazy-loading purposes. NHibernate's object instaciator. For entities and its implementations. Instanciator of NHibernate's collections default types. ctor The target class Array of setters Array of getters Set up the compiler options Add an assembly to the list of ReferencedAssemblies required to build the class Build the generated code Generated code An instance of the generated class Check if the property is public If IsPublic==true I can directly set the property If IsPublic==false I need to use the setter/getter Generate the required code C# code Represents optimized entity property access. Factory that generate object based on IReflectionOptimizer needed to replace the use of reflection. Used in and Generate the IReflectionOptimizer object The target class Array of setters Array of getters if the generation fails Represents reflection optimization for a particular class. Represents optimized entity instantiation. Perform instantiation of an instance of the underlying class. The new instance. Class constructor. Generates a dynamic method which creates a new instance of when invoked. Generates a dynamic method on the given type. Generates a dynamic method on the given type. Interface for instanciate all NHibernate objects. Creates an instance of the specified type. The type of object to create. A reference to the created object. Creates an instance of the specified type. The type of object to create. true if a public or nonpublic default constructor can match; false if only a public default constructor can match. A reference to the created object. Creates an instance of the specified type using the constructor that best matches the specified parameters. The type of object to create. An array of constructor arguments. A reference to the created object. An interface for factories of proxy factory instances. Used to abstract from the tupizer. Build a proxy factory specifically for handling runtime lazy loading. The lazy-load proxy factory. Emits an ldc.i4 opcode using the fastest available opcode choice. Emits IL to unbox a value type and if null, create a new instance of the value type. This does not work if the value type doesn't have a default constructor - we delegate that to the ISetter. Defines a new delegate type. Type factory for collections types. Creates a new for an . The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. The to use to create the array. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) An for the specified role. Creates a new for an with bag semantics. The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an with bag semantics. The type of elements in the list. The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an . The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an with list semantics. The type of elements in the list. The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an with id-bag semantics. The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an with identifier bag semantics. The type of elements in the list. The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an . The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an that is sorted by an . The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. The that does the sorting. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an . The type of elements in the collection. The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for a sorted . The type of elements in the collection. The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) The to use for the set. A for the specified role. Creates a new for an ordered . The type of elements in the collection. The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an . The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an that maintains insertion order of elements. The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an that is sorted by an . The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. The that does the sorting. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. Creates a new for an . The type of keys in the dictionary. The type of values in the dictionary. The role the collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Is embedded in XML (not supported yet) A for the specified role. A implementation that returns , disabling reflection optimization. Marker interface, denoting a client-visible "soft lock" on a cached item. A cached instance of a persistent class An item of cached data, timestamped with the time it was cached, when it was locked, when it was unlocked Caches data that is sometimes updated while maintaining the semantics of "read committed" isolation level. If the database is set to "repeatable read", this concurrency strategy almost maintains the semantics. Repeatable read isolation is compromised in the case of concurrent writes. This is an "asynchronous" concurrency strategy. If this strategy is used in a cluster, the underlying cache implementation must support distributed hard locks (which are held only momentarily). This strategy also assumes that the underlying cache implementation does not do asynchronous replication and that state has been fully replicated as soon as the lock is released. for a faster algorithm Implementors manage transactional access to cached data. Transactions pass in a timestamp indicating transaction start time. When used to cache entities and collections the key is the identifier of the entity/collection and the value should be set to the for an entity and the results of for a collection. Attempt to retrieve an object from the Cache The key (id) of the object to get out of the Cache. A timestamp prior to the transaction start time The cached object or Attempt to cache an object, after loading from the database The key (id) of the object to put in the Cache. The value A timestamp prior to the transaction start time the version number of the object we are putting a Comparer to be used to compare version numbers indicates that the cache should avoid a put if the item is already cached if the object was successfully cached We are going to attempt to update/delete the keyed object The key This method is used by "asynchronous" concurrency strategies. Called after an item has become stale (before the transaction completes). This method is used by "synchronous" concurrency strategies. Called after an item has been updated (before the transaction completes), instead of calling Evict(). This method is used by "synchronous" concurrency strategies. Called after an item has been inserted (before the transaction completes), instead of calling Evict(). This method is used by "synchronous" concurrency strategies. Called when we have finished the attempted update/delete (which may or may not have been successful), after transaction completion. The key The soft lock This method is used by "asynchronous" concurrency strategies. Called after an item has been updated (after the transaction completes), instead of calling Release(). This method is used by "asynchronous" concurrency strategies. Called after an item has been inserted (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release(). This method is used by "asynchronous" concurrency strategies. Evict an item from the cache immediately (without regard for transaction isolation). Evict all items from the cache immediately. Clean up all resources. Gets the cache region name. Gets or sets the for this strategy to use. The for this strategy to use. Generate an id for a new lock. Uniqueness per cache instance is very desirable but not absolutely critical. Must be called from one of the synchronized methods of this class. Do not return an item whose timestamp is later than the current transaction timestamp. (Otherwise we might compromise repeatable read unnecessarily.) Do not return an item which is soft-locked. Always go straight to the database instead. Note that since reading an item from that cache does not actually go to the database, it is possible to see a kind of phantom read due to the underlying row being updated after we have read it from the cache. This would not be possible in a lock-based implementation of repeatable read isolation. It is also possible to overwrite changes made and committed by another transaction after the current transaction read the item from the cache. This problem would be caught by the update-time version-checking, if the data is versioned or timestamped. Stop any other transactions reading or writing this item to/from the cache. Send them straight to the database instead. (The lock does time out eventually.) This implementation tracks concurrent locks by transactions which simultaneously attempt to write to an item. Do not add an item to the cache unless the current transaction timestamp is later than the timestamp at which the item was invalidated. (Otherwise, a stale item might be re-added if the database is operating in repeatable read isolation mode.) Whether the item was actually put into the cache decrement a lock and put it back in the cache Re-cache the updated state, if and only if there there are no other concurrent soft locks. Release our lock. Is the client's lock commensurate with the item in the cache? If it is not, we know that the cache expired the original lock. Gets the cache region name. Lock the item Is this item visible to the timestamped transaction? Don't overwrite already cached items The timestamp on the cached data The actual cached data Not a lock! Represents any exception from an . Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Factory class for creating an . No providers implement transactional caching currently, it was ported from Hibernate just for the sake of completeness. Creates an from the parameters. The name of the strategy that should use for the class. The name of the class the strategy is being created for. if the object being stored in the cache is mutable. Used to retrieve the global cache region prefix. Properties the cache provider can use to configure the cache. An to use for this object in the . Allows multiple entity classes / collection roles to be stored in the same cache region. Also allows for composite keys which do not properly implement equals()/hashCode(). Construct a new key for a collection or entity instance. Note that an entity name should always be the root entity name, not a subclass entity name. The identifier associated with the cached data The Hibernate type mapping The entity or collection-role name. The entiyt mode of the originating session The session factory for which we are caching A soft lock which supports concurrent locking, timestamped with the time it was released This class was named Lock in H2.1 Increment the lock, setting the new lock timeout Decrement the lock, setting the unlock timestamp if now unlocked Can the timestamped transaction re-cache this locked item now? locks are not returned to the client! Was this lock held concurrently by multiple transactions? Yes, this is a lock Used by Implementors define a caching algorithm. All implementations must be threadsafe. The key is the identifier of the object that is being cached and the value is a . Get the object from the Cache Remove an item from the Cache. The Key of the Item in the Cache to remove. Clear the Cache Clean up. If this is a clustered cache, lock the item The Key of the Item in the Cache to lock. If this is a clustered cache, unlock the item The Key of the Item in the Cache to unlock. Generate a timestamp Get a reasonable "lock timeout" Gets the name of the cache region A simple -based cache Cache Provider plugin for NHibernate that is configured by using cache.provider_class="NHibernate.Cache.HashtableCacheProvider" Support for pluggable caches Configure the cache the name of the cache region configuration settings generate a timestamp Callback to perform any necessary initialization of the underlying cache implementation during ISessionFactory construction. current configuration settings Callback to perform any necessary cleanup of the underlying cache implementation during . Contract for sources of optimistically lockable data sent to the second level cache. Note currently EntityPersisters are the only viable source. Does this source represent versioned (i.e., and thus optimistically lockable) data? True if this source represents versioned data; false otherwise. Get the comparator used to compare two different version values together. An appropriate comparator. Defines the contract for caches capable of storing query results. These caches should only concern themselves with storing the matching result ids. The transactional semantics are necessarily less strict than the semantics of an item cache. Defines a factory for query cache instances. These factories are responsible for creating individual QueryCache instances. A cache provider placeholder used when caching is disabled. Configure the cache the name of the cache region configuration settings Generate a timestamp Callback to perform any necessary initialization of the underlying cache implementation during SessionFactory construction. current configuration settings. Callback to perform any necessary cleanup of the underlying cache implementation during SessionFactory.close(). Caches data that is sometimes updated without ever locking the cache. If concurrent access to an item is possible, this concurrency strategy makes no guarantee that the item returned from the cache is the latest version available in the database. Configure your cache timeout accordingly! This is an "asynchronous" concurrency strategy. for a much stricter algorithm Get the most recent version, if available. Add an item to the cache Do nothing Invalidate the item Invalidate the item Do nothing Invalidate the item (again, for safety). Invalidate the item (again, for safety). Do nothing Gets the cache region name. Initializes a new instance of the class. the session factory for this query key, required to get the identifiers of entities that are used as values. The query string. The query parameters. The filters. Caches data that is never updated Unsupported! Unsupported! Unsupported! Do nothing. Do nothing. Do nothing. Unsupported! Gets the cache region name. The standard implementation of the Hibernate interface. This implementation is very good at recognizing stale query results and re-running queries when it detects this condition, recaching the new results. Standard Hibernate implementation of the IQueryCacheFactory interface. Returns instances of . Generates increasing identifiers (in a single application domain only). Not valid across multiple application domains. Identifiers are not necessarily strictly increasing, but usually are. Tracks the timestamps of the most recent updates to particular tables. It is important that the cache timeout of the underlying cache implementation be set to a higher value than the timeouts of any of the query caches. In fact, we recommend that the the underlying cache not be configured for expiry at all. Note, in particular, that an LRU cache expiry policy is never appropriate. Helper to parse hibernate-configuration XmlNode. The XML node name for hibernate configuration section in the App.config/Web.config and for the hibernate.cfg.xml . The XML Namespace for the nhibernate-configuration XPath expression for bytecode-provider property. XPath expression for reflection-optimizer property. XPath expression for session-factory whole node. XPath expression for session-factory.property nodes XPath expression for session-factory.mapping nodes XPath expression for session-factory.class-cache nodes XPath expression for session-factory.collection-cache nodes XPath expression for session-factory.event nodes XPath expression for session-factory.listener nodes Convert a string to . The string that represent . The converted to . If the values is invalid. See for allowed values. Convert a string to . The string that represent . The converted to . If the values is invalid. See for allowed values. Values for class-cache include. Not implemented in Cache. Xml value: all Xml value: non-lazy Configuration parsed values for a class-cache XML node. Initializes a new instance of the class. The class full name. Cache strategy. When is null or empty. Initializes a new instance of the class. The class full name. Cache strategy. Values for class-cache include. When is null or empty. Initializes a new instance of the class. The class full name. Cache strategy. The cache region. When is null or empty. Initializes a new instance of the class. The class full name. Cache strategy. Values for class-cache include. The cache region. When is null or empty. The class full name. The cache region. If null or empty the is used during configuration. Cache strategy. class-cache include. Not implemented in Cache. Default value . Configuration parsed values for a collection-cache XML node. Initializes a new instance of the class. The cache role. Cache strategy. When is null or empty. Initializes a new instance of the class. The cache role. Cache strategy. The cache region. When is null or empty. The role. The cache region. If null or empty the is used during configuration. Cache strategy. Configuration parsed values for a event XML node. Initializes a new instance of the class. The listener. The type. The default type of listeners. Listeners for this event. Values for bytecode-provider system property. Xml value: codedom Xml value: lcg Xml value: null Configuration parsed values for hibernate-configuration section. Initializes a new instance of the class. The XML reader to parse. The nhibernate-configuration.xsd is applied to the XML. When nhibernate-configuration.xsd can't be applied. Value for bytecode-provider system property. Default value . Value for reflection-optimizer system property. Default value true. The if the session-factory exists in hibernate-configuration; Otherwise null. Configuration parsed values for a listener XML node Initializes a new instance of the class. The class full name. When is null or empty. Initializes a new instance of the class. The class full name. The listener type. When is null or empty. The class full name. The listener type. Default value mean that the value is ignored. Configuration parsed values for a mapping XML node There are 3 possible combinations of mapping attributes 1 - resource and assembly: NHibernate will read the mapping resource from the specified assembly 2 - file only: NHibernate will read the mapping from the file. 3 - assembly only: NHibernate will find all the resources ending in hbm.xml from the assembly. Initializes a new instance of the class. Mapped file. When is null or empty. Initializes a new instance of the class. The assembly name. The mapped embedded resource. When is null or empty. Configuration parsed values for a session-factory XML node. The session factory name. Session factory propeties bag. Session factory mapping configuration. Session factory class-cache configurations. Session factory collection-cache configurations. Session factory event configurations. Session factory listener configurations. The session factory name. Session factory propeties bag. Session factory mapping configuration. Session factory class-cache configurations. Session factory collection-cache configurations. Session factory event configurations. Session factory listener configurations. Initializes a new instance of the class. The session factory name. Null or empty string are allowed. Define the dialect to use. The dialect implementation inherited from . The fluent configuration itself. Maximum depth of outer join fetching 0 (zero) disable the usage of OuterJoinFetching Set the SessionFactory mnemonic name. The mnemonic name. The fluent configuration itself. The SessionFactory mnemonic name can be used as a surrogate key in a multi-DB application. DataBase integration configuration. Cache configuration. Properties of TypeDef configuration. The key to use the type-definition inside not strongly typed mappings (XML mapping). An which public properties are used as type-definition pareneters or null where type-definition does not need parameters or you want use default values. As an anonimous object can be used: configure.TypeDefinition<TableHiLoGenerator>(c=> { c.Alias = "HighLow"; c.Properties = new {max_lo = 99}; }); Responsible for checking that a resource name matches the default pattern of "*.hbm.xml". This is the default filter for . Responsible for determining whether an embedded resource should be parsed for HBM XML data while iterating through an . Implemented by any mapping elemes supports simple and/or multicolumn mapping. A base class for HBM schema classes that provides helper methods. The relation of the element of the collection. Can be one of: HbmCompositeElement, HbmElement, HbmManyToAny, HbmManyToMany, HbmOneToMany... according to the type of the collection. Columns and Formulas, in declared order Responsible for converting a of HBM XML into an instance of . Responsible for building a list of objects from a range of acceptable sources. Calls the greedy constructor, passing it new instances of and . Adds any embedded resource streams which pass the . An assembly containing embedded mapping documents. A custom filter. Adds any embedded resource streams which pass the default filter. An assembly containing embedded mapping documents. Responsible for converting a of HBM XML into an instance of . Uses an to deserialize HBM. Converts a partial class name into a fully qualified one Converts a partial class name into a fully one The class FullName (without the assembly) The FullName is equivalent to the default entity-name Attempts to find a type by its full name. Throws a using the provided in case of failure. name of the class to find Error message to use for the in case of failure. Should contain the {0} formatting placeholder. A instance. Thrown when there is an error loading the class. Similar to , but handles short class names by calling . Called for all collections. parameter was added in NH to allow for reflection related to generic types. Called for arrays and primitive arrays Called for Maps Called for all collections Bind columns and formulas in the order in which they were mapped. Extracts the names of classes mapped in a given file, and the names of the classes they extend. Returns a collection of containing information about all classes in this stream. A validated representing a mapping file. Holds information about mapped classes found in the hbm.xml files. Allows the application to specify properties and mapping documents to be used when creating a . Usually an application will create a single , build a single instance of , and then instantiate objects in threads servicing client requests. The is meant only as an initialization-time object. is immutable and does not retain any association back to the Default name for hibernate configuration file. Clear the internal state of the object. Create a new Configuration object. Get the mapping for a particular class Get the mapping for a particular entity An entity name. the entity mapping information Get the mapping for a particular collection role a collection role Read mappings from a particular XML file. This method is equivalent to . Read mappings from a particular XML file. a path to a file This configuration object. Read mappings from a . This method is equivalent to . an XML string The name to use in error reporting. May be . This configuration object. Read mappings from a . an XML string This configuration object. Read mappings from a URL. a URL This configuration object. Read mappings from a URL. a to read the mappings from. This configuration object. Read mappings from an . A loaded that contains the mappings. The name of the document, for error reporting purposes. This configuration object. Takes the validated XmlDocument and has the Binder do its work of creating Mapping objects from the Mapping Xml. The NamedXmlDocument that contains the validated mapping XML file. Add mapping data using deserialized class. Mapping metadata. XML file's name where available; otherwise null. Create a new to add classes and collection mappings to. Read mappings from a . The stream containing XML This Configuration object. The passed in through the parameter is not guaranteed to be cleaned up by this method. It is the caller's responsiblity to ensure that is properly handled when this method completes. Read mappings from a . The stream containing XML The name of the stream to use in error reporting. May be . This Configuration object. The passed in through the parameter is not guaranteed to be cleaned up by this method. It is the caller's responsiblity to ensure that is properly handled when this method completes. Adds the mappings in the resource of the assembly. The path to the resource file in the assembly. The assembly that contains the resource file. This configuration object. Adds the mappings from embedded resources of the assembly. Paths to the resource files in the assembly. The assembly that contains the resource files. This configuration object. Read a mapping from an embedded resource, using a convention. The type to map. This configuration object. The convention is for class Foo.Bar.Foo to be mapped by the resource named Foo.Bar.Foo.hbm.xml, embedded in the class' assembly. If the mappings and classes are defined in different assemblies or don't follow the naming convention, this method cannot be used. Adds all of the assembly's embedded resources whose names end with .hbm.xml. The name of the assembly to load. This configuration object. The assembly must be loadable using . If this condition is not satisfied, load the assembly manually and call instead. Adds all of the assembly's embedded resources whose names end with .hbm.xml. The assembly. This configuration object. Read all mapping documents from a directory tree. Assume that any file named *.hbm.xml is a mapping document. a directory Generate DDL for dropping tables Generate DDL for creating tables Call this to ensure the mappings are fully compiled/built. Usefull to ensure getting access to all information in the metamodel when calling e.g. getClassMappings(). This method may be called many times!! Instantiate a new , using the properties and mappings in this configuration. The will be immutable, so changes made to the configuration after building the will not affect it. An instance. Returns the set of properties computed from the default properties in the dialect combined with the other properties in the configuration. Set the default assembly to use for the mappings added to the configuration afterwards. The default assembly name. This configuration instance. This setting can be overridden for a mapping file by setting default-assembly attribute of <hibernate-mapping> element. Set the default namespace to use for the mappings added to the configuration afterwards. The default namespace. This configuration instance. This setting can be overridden for a mapping file by setting default-namespace attribute of <hibernate-mapping> element. Sets the default interceptor for use by all sessions. The default interceptor. This configuration instance. Specify a completely new set of properties Adds an of configuration properties. The Key is the name of the Property and the Value is the value of the Property. An of configuration properties. This object. Sets the value of the configuration property. The name of the property. The value of the property. This configuration object. Gets the value of the configuration property. The name of the property. The configured value of the property, or if the property was not specified. Configure NHibernate using the <hibernate-configuration> section from the application config file, if found, or the file hibernate.cfg.xml if the <hibernate-configuration> section not include the session-factory configuration. A configuration object initialized with the file. To configure NHibernate explicitly using hibernate.cfg.xml, appling merge/override of the application configuration file, use this code: configuration.Configure("path/to/hibernate.cfg.xml"); Configure NHibernate using the file specified. The location of the XML file to use to configure NHibernate. A Configuration object initialized with the file. Calling Configure(string) will override/merge the values set in app.config or web.config Configure NHibernate using a resource contained in an Assembly. The that contains the resource. The name of the manifest resource being requested. A Configuration object initialized from the manifest resource. Calling Configure(Assembly, string) will overwrite the values set in app.config or web.config Configure NHibernate using the specified XmlReader. The that contains the Xml to configure NHibernate. A Configuration object initialized with the file. Calling Configure(XmlReader) will overwrite the values set in app.config or web.config Set up a cache for an entity class Set up a cache for a collection role Create an object-oriented view of the configuration properties A object initialized from the settings properties. Set a custom naming strategy the NamingStrategy to set Load and validate the mappings in the against the nhibernate-mapping-2.2 schema, without adding them to the configuration. This method is made public to be usable from the unit tests. It is not intended to be called by end users. The XmlReader that contains the mapping. The name of the document, for error reporting purposes. NamedXmlDocument containing the validated XmlDocument built from the XmlReader. Adds the Mappings in the after validating it against the nhibernate-mapping-2.2 schema. The XmlReader that contains the mapping. This Configuration object. Adds the Mappings in the after validating it against the nhibernate-mapping-2.2 schema. The XmlReader that contains the mapping. The name of the document to use for error reporting. May be . This Configuration object. Set or clear listener for a given . The . The array of AssemblyQualifiedName of each listener for . must implements the interface related with . All listeners of the given will be cleared if the is null or empty. when an element of have an invalid value or cant be instantiated. Set or clear listener for a given . The . The listener for or null to clear. must implements the interface related with . Set or clear listeners for a given . The . The listener for or null to clear. Listeners of must implements one of the interface of event listenesr. Append the listeners to the end of the currently configured listeners Generate DDL for altering tables The class mappings The collection mappings The table mappings The named queries Retrieve the user-supplied delegate to handle non-existent entity scenarios. Specify a user-supplied delegate to be used to handle scenarios where an entity could not be located by specified id. This is mainly intended for EJB3 implementations to be able to control how proxy initialization errors should be handled... Gets or sets the to use. The to use. Gets or sets the that contains the configuration properties and their values. The that contains the configuration properties and their values. Get the query language imports (entityName/className -> AssemblyQualifiedName) The named SQL queries Naming strategy for tables and columns Defines operations common to "compiled" mappings (ie. SessionFactory) and "uncompiled" mappings (ie Configuration that are used by implementors of IType Add a type-definition for mappings. The peristent type. The where add the type-definition. The custom configuration action. The . Depending on where you will use the type-definition in the mapping the can be : Summary description for ConfigurationSectionHandler. The default See for a better alternative A set of rules for determining the physical column and table names given the information in the mapping document. May be used to implement project-scoped naming standards for database objects. Return a table name for an entity class the fully-qualified class name a table name Return a column name for a property path expression a property path a column name Alter the table name given in the mapping document a table name a table name Alter the column name given in the mapping document a column name a column name Return a table name for a collection the fully-qualified name of the owning entity class a property path a table name Return the logical column name used to refer to a column in the metadata (like index, unique constraints etc) A full bijection is required between logicalNames and physical ones logicalName have to be case insersitively unique for a given table given column name if any property name of this column The singleton instance Return the unqualified class name Return the unqualified property name Return the argument Return the argument Return the unqualified property name Values for class-cache and collection-cache strategy. Xml value: read-only Xml value: read-write Xml value: nonstrict-read-write Xml value: transactional Helper to parse to and from XML string value. Convert a in its xml expected value. The to convert. The . Convert a string to . The string that represent . The converted to . If the values is invalid. See for allowed values. Provides access to configuration information. NHibernate has two property scopes: Factory-level properties may be passed to the when it is instantiated. Each instance might have different property values. If no properties are specified, the factory gets them from Environment System-level properties are shared by all factory instances and are always determined by the properties In NHibernate, <hibernate-configuration> section in the application configuration file corresponds to Java system-level properties; <session-factory> section is the session-factory-level configuration. It is possible to use the application configuration file (App.config) together with the NHibernate configuration file (hibernate.cfg.xml) at the same time. Properties in hibernate.cfg.xml override/merge properties in application configuration file where same property is found. For others configuration a merge is applied. Used to find the .Net 2.0 named connection string A default database schema (owner) name to use for unqualified tablenames A default database catalog name to use for unqualified tablenames The EntityMode in which set the Session opened from the SessionFactory. Enable formatting of SQL logged to the console Should named queries be checked during startup (the default is enabled). Mainly intended for test environments. Enable statistics collection Enable ordering of insert statements for the purpose of more effecient batching. Issue warnings to user when any obsolete property names are used. NHibernate version (informational). Gets a copy of the configuration found in <hibernate-configuration> section of app.config/web.config. This is the replacement for hibernate.properties The bytecode provider to use. This property is read from the <nhibernate> section of the application configuration file by default. Since it is not always convenient to configure NHibernate through the application configuration file, it is also possible to set the property value manually. This should only be done before a configuration object is created, otherwise the change may not take effect. Whether to enable the use of reflection optimizer This property is read from the <nhibernate> section of the application configuration file by default. Since it is not always convenient to configure NHibernate through the application configuration file, it is also possible to set the property value manually. This should only be done before a configuration object is created, otherwise the change may not take effect. Represents a mapping queued for delayed processing to await processing of an extends entity upon which it depends. An exception that occurs at configuration time, rather than runtime, as a result of something screwy in the hibernate.cfg.xml. An exception that usually occurs at configuration time, rather than runtime, as a result of something screwy in the O-R mappings Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Initializes a new instance of the class. Default message is used. Initializes a new instance of the class. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Summary description for ImprovedNamingStrategy. The singleton instance Return the unqualified class name, mixed case converted to underscores Return the full property path with underscore separators, mixed case converted to underscores Convert mixed case to underscores Convert mixed case to underscores Return the full property path prefixed by the unqualified class name, with underscore separators, mixed case converted to underscores A collection of mappings from classes and collections to relational database tables. Represents a single <hibernate-mapping> element. Binding table between the logical column name and the name out of the naming strategy for each table. According that when the column name is not set, the property name is considered as such This means that while theoretically possible through the naming strategy contract, it is forbidden to have 2 real columns having the same logical name Binding between logical table name and physical one (ie after the naming strategy has been applied) Adds an import to allow for the full class name Namespace.Entity (AssemblyQualifiedName) to be referenced as Entity or some other name in HQL. The name of the type that is being renamed. The new name to use in HQL for the type. Thrown when the rename already identifies another type. The default namespace for persistent classes The default assembly for persistent classes Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the Fully Qualified Type name should automatically have an import added as the class name. if the class name should be used as an import. Auto-import is used to shorten the string used to refer to types to just their unqualified name. So if the type MyAssembly.MyNamespace.MyClass, MyAssembly has auto-import="false" then all use of it in HQL would need to be the fully qualified version MyAssembly.MyNamespace.MyClass. If auto-import="true", the type could be referred to in HQL as just MyClass. Queues mapping files according to their dependency order. Adds the specified document to the queue. Gets a that can now be processed (i.e. that doesn't depend on classes not yet processed). Checks that no unprocessed documents remain in the queue. Holds information about mapped classes found in an embedded resource Gets the names of all entities outside this resource needed by the classes in this resource. Gets the names of all entities in this resource Settings that affect the behavior of NHibernate at runtime. Get the registry to provide Hql-Generators for known properties/methods. Reads configuration properties and configures a instance. Provides callbacks from the to the persistent object. Persistent classes may implement this interface but they are not required to. , , and are intended to be used to cascade saves and deletions of dependent objects. This is an alternative to declaring cascaded operations in the mapping file. may be used to initialize transient properties of the object from its persistent state. It may not be used to load dependent objects since the interface may not be invoked from inside this method. A further intended usage of , , and is to store a reference to the for later use. If , , or return , the operation is silently vetoed. If a is thrown, the operation is vetoed and the exception is passed back to the application. Note that is called after an identifier is assigned to the object, except when identity key generation is used. Called when an entity is saved The session If we should veto the save Called when an entity is passed to . The session A value indicating whether the operation should be vetoed or allowed to proceed. This method is not called every time the object's state is persisted during a flush. Called when an entity is deleted The session A value indicating whether the operation should be vetoed or allowed to proceed. Called after an entity is loaded. It is illegal to access the from inside this method.. However, the object may keep a reference to the session for later use The session The identifier Veto the action Accept the action Implemented by persistent classes with invariants that must be checked before inserting into or updating the database Validate the state of the object before persisting it. If a violation occurs, throw a . This method must not change the state of the object by side-effect. Thrown from when an invariant was violated. Some applications might subclass this exception in order to provide more information about the violation Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. An unordered, unkeyed collection that can contain the same element multiple times. The .NET collections API, has no Bag. Most developers seem to use to represent bag semantics, so NHibernate follows this practice. The type of the element the bag should hold. The underlying collection used is an An unordered, unkeyed collection that can contain the same element multiple times. The .NET collections API has no Bag class. Most developers seem to use s to represent bag semantics, so NHibernate follows this practice. Base class for implementing . Persistent collections are treated as value objects by NHibernate. ie. they have no independent existence beyond the object holding a reference to them. Unlike instances of entity classes, they are automatically deleted when unreferenced and automatically become persistent when held by a persistent object. Collections can be passed between different objects (change "roles") and this might cause their elements to move from one database table to another. NHibernate "wraps" a collection in an instance of . This mechanism is designed to support tracking of changes to the collection's persistent state and lazy instantiation of collection elements. The downside is that only certain abstract collection types are supported and any extra semantics are lost. Applications should never use classes in this namespace directly, unless extending the "framework" here. Changes to structure of the collection are recorded by the collection calling back to the session. Changes to mutable elements (ie. composite elements) are discovered by cloning their state when the collection is initialized and comparing at flush time. Return the user-visible collection (or array) instance By default, the NHibernate wrapper is an acceptable collection for the end user code to work with because it is interface compatible. An NHibernate PersistentList is an IList, an NHibernate PersistentMap is an IDictionary and those are the types user code is expecting. After flushing, re-init snapshot state. Clears out any Queued Additions. After a Flush() the database is in synch with the in-memory contents of the Collection. Since everything is in synch remove any Queued Additions. Called just before reading any rows from the Called after reading all rows from the This should be overridden by sub collections that use temporary collections to store values read from the db. true if NOT has Queued operations Called after initializing from cache true if NOT has Queued operations Disassociate this collection from the given session. true if this was currently associated with the given session Associate the collection with the given session. false if the collection was already associated with the session Read the state of the collection from a disassembled cached value. Iterate all collection entries, during update of the database An that gives access to all entries in the collection. Reads the row from the . This method should be prepared to handle duplicate elements caused by fetching multiple collections, or should be updated to return for the collection type. The IDataReader that contains the value of the Identifier The persister for this Collection. The descriptor providing result set column names The owner of this Collection. The object that was contained in the row. Get the identifier of the given collection entry Get the index of the given collection entry Get the value of the given collection entry Get the snapshot value of the given collection entry Called before any elements are read into the collection, allowing appropriate initializations to occur. The for this persistent collection. The anticipated size of the collection after initilization is complete. Does the current state exactly match the snapshot? The to compare the elements of the Collection. if the wrapped collection is different than the snapshot of the collection or if one of the elements in the collection is dirty. Is the snapshot empty? Disassemble the collection, ready for the cache The for this Collection. The contents of the persistent collection in a cacheable form. Gets a indicating if the rows for this collection need to be recreated in the table. The for this Collection. by default since most collections can determine which rows need to be individually updated/inserted/deleted. Currently only 's for many-to-many need to be recreated. Return a new snapshot of the current state of the collection To be called internally by the session, forcing immediate initalization. This method is similar to , except that different exceptions are thrown. Does an element exist at this entry in the collection? Do we need to insert this element? Do we need to update this element? Get all the elements that need deleting Is this the wrapper for the given underlying collection instance? The collection to see if this IPersistentCollection is wrapping. if the IPersistentCollection is wrappping the collection instance, otherwise. Get the "queued" orphans Clear the dirty flag, after flushing changes to the database. Mark the collection as dirty Called before inserting rows, to ensure that any surrogate keys are fully generated Called after inserting a row, to fetch the natively generated id Get all "orphaned" elements The snapshot of the collection. The persistent class whose objects the collection is expected to contain. An that contains all of the elements that have been orphaned. The owning entity. Note that the owner is only set during the flush cycle, and when a new collection wrapper is created while loading an entity. Get the current collection key value Get the current role name Is the collection unreferenced? Is the collection dirty? Note that this is only reliable during the flush cycle, after the collection elements are dirty checked against the snapshot. Get the snapshot cached by the collection instance Is the initialized collection empty? Gets a indicating if the underlying collection is directly accessible through code. if we are not guaranteed that the NHibernate collection wrapper is being used. This is typically whenever a transient object that contains a collection is being associated with an through or . NHibernate can't guarantee that it will know about all operations that would cause NHibernate's collections to call or . Not called by Hibernate, but used by non-NET serialization, eg. SOAP libraries. Return the user-visible collection (or array) instance By default, the NHibernate wrapper is an acceptable collection for the end user code to work with because it is interface compatible. An NHibernate PersistentList is an IList, an NHibernate PersistentMap is an IDictionary and those are the types user code is expecting. Called by any read-only method of the collection interface Called by the Count property Called by any writer method of the collection interface Queue an addition, delete etc. if the persistent collection supports it After reading all existing elements from the database, add the queued elements to the underlying collection. Clears out any Queued operation. After flushing, clear any "queued" additions, since the database state is now synchronized with the memory state. Called just before reading any rows from the Called after reading all rows from the This should be overridden by sub collections that use temporary collections to store values read from the db. Initialize the collection, if possible, wrapping any exceptions in a runtime exception currently obsolete if we cannot initialize Mark the collection as initialized. Disassociate this collection from the given session. true if this was currently associated with the given session Associate the collection with the given session. false if the collection was already associated with the session Gets a indicating if the rows for this collection need to be recreated in the table. The for this Collection. by default since most collections can determine which rows need to be individually updated/inserted/deleted. Currently only 's for many-to-many need to be recreated. To be called internally by the session, forcing immediate initalization. This method is similar to , except that different exceptions are thrown. Gets the Snapshot from the current session the collection is in. Called before inserting rows, to ensure that any surrogate keys are fully generated Called after inserting a row, to fetch the natively generated id Get all "orphaned" elements Given a collection of entity instances that used to belong to the collection, and a collection of instances that currently belong, return a collection of orphans Disassemble the collection, ready for the cache Is this the wrapper for the given underlying collection instance? Does an element exist at this entry in the collection? Get all the elements that need deleting Read the state of the collection from a disassembled cached value. Do we need to update this element? Reads the row from the . The IDataReader that contains the value of the Identifier The persister for this Collection. The descriptor providing result set column names The owner of this Collection. The object that was contained in the row. Do we need to insert this element? Get the index of the given collection entry Called before any elements are read into the collection, allowing appropriate initializations to occur. The underlying collection persister. The anticipated size of the collection after initilization is complete. Is the collection currently connected to an open session? Is this collection in a state that would allow us to "queue" additions? Is this collection in a state that would allow us to "queue" puts? This is a special case, because of orphan delete. Is this collection in a state that would allow us to "queue" clear? This is a special case, because of orphan delete. Is this the "inverse" end of a bidirectional association? Is this the "inverse" end of a bidirectional association with no orphan delete enabled? Is this the "inverse" end of a bidirectional one-to-many, or of a collection with no orphan delete? Is the initialized collection empty? Gets a indicating if the underlying collection is directly accessible through code. if we are not guaranteed that the NHibernate collection wrapper is being used. This is typically whenever a transient object that contains a collection is being associated with an through or . NHibernate can't guarantee that it will know about all operations that would cause NHibernate's collections to call or . Is this instance initialized? Does this instance have any "queued" additions? Counts the number of times that the occurs in the . The element to find in the list. The to search. The that can determine equality. The entity mode. The number of occurrences of the element in the list. Initializes this PersistentBag from the cached values. The CollectionPersister to use to reassemble the PersistentBag. The disassembled PersistentBag. The owner object. Gets a indicating if this PersistentBag needs to be recreated in the database. if this is a one-to-many Bag, if this is not a one-to-many Bag. Since a Bag is an unordered, unindexed collection that permits duplicates it is not possible to determine what has changed in a many-to-many so it is just recreated. Implements "bag" semantics more efficiently than by adding a synthetic identifier column to the table. The identifier is unique for all rows in the table, allowing very efficient updates and deletes. The value of the identifier is never exposed to the application. Identifier bags may not be used for a many-to-one association. Furthermore, there is no reason to use inverse="true". Implements "bag" semantics more efficiently than a regular by adding a synthetic identifier column to the table. The identifier is unique for all rows in the table, allowing very efficient updates and deletes. The value of the identifier is never exposed to the application. PersistentIdentifierBags may not be used for a many-to-one association. Furthermore, there is no reason to use inverse="true". Initializes this Bag from the cached values. The CollectionPersister to use to reassemble the PersistentIdentifierBag. The disassembled PersistentIdentifierBag. The owner object. A persistent wrapper for an The type of the element the list should hold. The underlying collection used is a A persistent wrapper for an The underlying collection used in an . Initializes an instance of the in the . The the list is in. Initializes an instance of the that wraps an existing in the . The the list is in. The to wrap. Initializes this PersistentList from the cached values. The CollectionPersister to use to reassemble the PersistentList. The disassembled PersistentList. The owner object. A persistent wrapper for a . Underlying collection is a The type of the keys in the IDictionary. The type of the elements in the IDictionary. A persistent wrapper for a . Underlying collection is a . Construct an uninitialized PersistentMap. The ISession the PersistentMap should be a part of. Construct an initialized PersistentMap based off the values from the existing IDictionary. The ISession the PersistentMap should be a part of. The IDictionary that contains the initial values. Initializes this PersistentMap from the cached values. The CollectionPersister to use to reassemble the PersistentMap. The disassembled PersistentMap. The owner object. .NET has no design equivalent for Java's Set so we are going to use the Iesi.Collections library. This class is internal to NHibernate and shouldn't be used by user code. The code for the Iesi.Collections library was taken from the article Add Support for "Set" Collections to .NET that was written by JasonSmith. .NET has no design equivalent for Java's Set so we are going to use the Iesi.Collections library. This class is internal to NHibernate and shouldn't be used by user code. The code for the Iesi.Collections library was taken from the article Add Support for "Set" Collections to .NET that was written by JasonSmith. The that NHibernate is wrapping. A temporary list that holds the objects while the PersistentSet is being populated from the database. This is necessary to ensure that the object being added to the PersistentSet doesn't have its' GetHashCode() and Equals() methods called during the load process. Constructor matching super. Instantiates a lazy set (the underlying set is un-initialized). The session to which this set will belong. Instantiates a non-lazy set (the underlying set is constructed from the incoming set reference). The session to which this set will belong. The underlying set data. Initializes this PersistentSet from the cached values. The CollectionPersister to use to reassemble the PersistentSet. The disassembled PersistentSet. The owner object. Set up the temporary List that will be used in the EndRead() to fully create the set. Takes the contents stored in the temporary list created during BeginRead() that was populated during ReadFrom() and write it to the underlying PersistentSet. A persistent wrapper for an array. lazy initialization is NOT supported Use of Hibernate arrays is not really recommended. A temporary list that holds the objects while the PersistentArrayHolder is being populated from the database. Returns the user-visible portion of the NHibernate PersistentArrayHolder. The array that contains the data, not the NHibernate wrapper. Before is called the PersistentArrayHolder needs to setup a temporary list to hold the objects. Takes the contents stored in the temporary list created during that was populated during and write it to the underlying array. Initializes this array holder from the cached values. The CollectionPersister to use to reassemble the Array. The disassembled Array. The owner object. Gets or sets the array. The array. The base class for the ConnectionProvider. A strategy for obtaining ADO.NET . The IConnectionProvider interface is not intended to be exposed to the application. Instead it is used internally by NHibernate to obtain . Implementors should provide a public default constructor. Initialize the connection provider from the given properties. The connection provider settings Dispose of a used The to clean up. Get an open . An open . Gets the this ConnectionProvider should use to communicate with the .NET Data Provider The to communicate with the .NET Data Provider. Closes the . The to clean up. Configures the ConnectionProvider with the Driver and the ConnectionString. An that contains the settings for this ConnectionProvider. Thrown when a could not be found in the settings parameter or the Driver Class could not be loaded. Get the .NET 2.0 named connection string Thrown when a was found in the settings parameter but could not be found in the app.config Configures the driver for the ConnectionProvider. An that contains the settings for the Driver. Thrown when the could not be found in the settings parameter or there is a problem with creating the . Get an open . An open . A flag to indicate if Disose() has been called. Finalizer that ensures the object is correctly disposed of. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Indicates if this ConnectionProvider is being Disposed of or Finalized.

If this ConnectionProvider is being Finalized (isDisposing==false) then make sure not to call any methods that could potentially bring this ConnectionProvider back to life.

If any subclasses manage resources that also need to be disposed of this method should be overridden, but don't forget to call it in the override.

Gets the for the to connect to the database. The for the to connect to the database. Gets the that can create the object. The that can create the . Instanciates a connection provider given configuration properties. A ConnectionProvider that uses an IDriver to create connections. Closes and Disposes of the . The to clean up. Gets a new open through the . An Open . If there is any problem creating or opening the . An implementation of the IConnectionProvider that simply throws an exception when a connection is requested. This implementation indicates that the user is expected to supply an ADO.NET connection Throws an if this method is called because the user is responsible for closing s. The to clean up. Thrown when this method is called. User is responsible for closing s. Throws an if this method is called because the user is responsible for creating s. No value is returned because an is thrown. Thrown when this method is called. User is responsible for creating s. Configures the ConnectionProvider with only the Driver class. All other settings of the Connection are the responsibility of the User since they configured NHibernate to use a Connection supplied by the User. Provides a current session for each . Not recommended for .NET 2.0 web applications. Extends the contract defined by by providing methods to bind and unbind sessions to the current context. The notion of a contextual session is managed by some external entity (generally some form of interceptor like the HttpModule). This external manager is responsible for scoping these contextual sessions appropriately binding/unbinding them here for exposure to the application through calls. Defines the contract for implementations which know how to scope the notion of a current session. Implementations should adhere to the following: contain a constructor accepting a single argument of type should be thread safe should be fully serializable Implementors should be aware that they are also fully responsible for cleanup of any generated current-sessions. Note that there will be exactly one instance of the configured ICurrentSessionContext implementation per . It is recommended to inherit from the class whenever possible as it simplifies the implementation and provides single entry point with session binding support. Retrieve the current session according to the scoping defined by this implementation. The current session. Typically indicates an issue locating or creating the current session. Retrieve the current session according to the scoping defined by this implementation. The current session. Indicates an issue locating the current session. Binds the specified session to the current context. Returns whether there is a session bound to the current context. Unbinds and returns the current session. Gets or sets the currently bound session. Get the dicitonary mapping session factory to its current session. Set the map mapping session factory to its current session. Gets or sets the currently bound session. The key is the session factory and the value is the bound session. The key is the session factory and the value is the bound session. Provides a current session for each System.Web.HttpContext. Works only with Web Applications. This class allows access to the HttpContext without referring to HttpContext at compile time. The accessors are cached as delegates for performance. A impl which scopes the notion of current session by the current thread of execution. Threads do not give us a nice hook to perform any type of cleanup making it questionable for this impl to actually generate Session instances. In the interest of usability, it was decided to have this default impl actually generate a session upon first request and then clean it up after the associated with that session is committed/rolled-back. In order for ensuring that happens, the sessions generated here are unusable until after {@link Session#beginTransaction()} has been called. If Close() is called on a session managed by this class, it will be automatically unbound.

Additionally, the static and methods are provided to allow application code to explicitly control opening and closing of these sessions. This, with some from of interception, is the preferred approach. It also allows easy framework integration and one possible approach for implementing long-sessions.

Unassociate a previously bound session from the current thread of execution. Provides a current session for each thread using the []. To avoid if there are two session factories in the same thread. Gets or sets the currently bound session. Provides a current session for the current OperationContext in WCF. Works only during the lifetime of a WCF operation. Provides a current session for each System.Web.HttpContext. Works only with web applications. Constructed with property name Apply a "between" constraint to the named property Apply an "in" constraint to the named property Apply an "in" constraint to the named property Apply an "in" constraint to the named property A case-insensitive "like", similar to Postgres "ilike" operator A case-insensitive "like", similar to Postgres "ilike" operator Apply a "like" constraint to the named property Apply a "like" constraint to the named property Apply a "like" constraint to the named property Apply an "is empty" constraint to the named property Apply a "not is empty" constraint to the named property Apply an "is null" constraint to the named property Apply an "not is null" constraint to the named property Constructed with property name Add a property equal subquery criterion detached subquery Add a property equal all subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than or equal subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than or equal all subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than or equal some subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than all subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than some subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property in subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than or equal subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than or equal all subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than or equal some subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than all subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than some subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property not equal subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property not in subquery criterion detached subquery Create an alias for the previous projection Select an arbitrary projection A property average value A property average value A property value count A property value count A distinct property value count A distinct property value count A grouping property value A grouping property value A property maximum value A property maximum value A property minimum value A property minimum value A projected property value A projected property value A property value sum A property value sum Constructed with property name Apply a "between" constraint to the named property Apply an "in" constraint to the named property Apply an "in" constraint to the named property Apply an "in" constraint to the named property A case-insensitive "like", similar to Postgres "ilike" operator A case-insensitive "like", similar to Postgres "ilike" operator Apply a "like" constraint to the named property Apply a "like" constraint to the named property Apply a "like" constraint to the named property Apply an "is empty" constraint to the named property Apply a "not is empty" constraint to the named property Apply an "is null" constraint to the named property Apply an "not is null" constraint to the named property Add an Exists subquery criterion Add a NotExists subquery criterion Subquery expression in the format .Where(t => t.Property [==, !=, >, etc.] detachedQueryOver.As<propertyType>()) Subquery expression in the format .Where(() => alias.Property [==, !=, >, etc.] detachedQueryOver.As<propertyType>()) Subquery expression in the format .WhereAll(t => t.Property [==, !=, >, etc.] detachedQueryOver.As<propertyType>()) Subquery expression in the format .WhereAll(() => alias.Property [==, !=, >, etc.] detachedQueryOver.As<propertyType>()) Subquery expression in the format .WhereSome(t => t.Property [==, !=, >, etc.] detachedQueryOver.As<propertyType>()) Subquery expression in the format .WhereSome(() => alias.Property [==, !=, >, etc.] detachedQueryOver.As<propertyType>()) Add a property equal subquery criterion detached subquery Add a property equal all subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than or equal subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than or equal all subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than or equal some subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than all subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property greater than some subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property in subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than or equal subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than or equal all subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than or equal some subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than all subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property less than some subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property not equal subquery criterion detached subquery Create a property not in subquery criterion detached subquery Base class for implementations. An object-oriented representation of a query criterion that may be used as a constraint in a query. Built-in criterion types are provided by the Expression factory class. This interface might be implemented by application classes but, more commonly, application criterion types would extend AbstractCriterion. Render a SqlString fragment for the expression. A SqlString that contains a valid Sql fragment. Return typed values for all parameters in the rendered SQL fragment An array of TypedValues for the Expression. Return all projections used in this criterion An array of IProjection used by the Expression. Gets a string representation of the . A String that shows the contents of the . This is not a well formed Sql fragment. It is useful for logging what the looks like. Render a SqlString for the expression. A SqlString that contains a valid Sql fragment. Return typed values for all parameters in the rendered SQL fragment An array of TypedValues for the Expression. Return all projections used in this criterion An array of IProjection used by the Expression. See here for details: http://steve.emxsoftware.com/NET/Overloading+the++and++operators See here for details: http://steve.emxsoftware.com/NET/Overloading+the++and++operators An Aggregation A single-column projection that may be aliased An "enhanced" Projection for a query. Render the SQL Fragment. The criteria. The position. The criteria query. The enabled filters. Render the SQL Fragment to be used in the Group By Clause. The criteria. The criteria query. The enabled filters. Return types for a particular user-visible alias Get the SQL select clause column aliases for a particular user-visible alias Get the SQL select clause column aliases for a particular user-visible alias Gets the typed values for parameters in this projection The criteria. The criteria query. Get the user-visible aliases for this projection (ie. the ones that will be passed to the ResultTransformer) Does this projection specify grouping attributes? Does this projection specify aggregate attributes? Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the SELECT clause . NHibernate always uses column aliases to extract data from the , so it is important that these be implemented correctly in order for NHibernate to be able to extract these values correctly. Just as in , represents the number of columns rendered prior to this projection. The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution). The overall criteria query instance. The columns aliases. Get the SQL column aliases used by this projection for the columns it writes for inclusion into the SELECT clause () for a particular criteria-level alias. The criteria-level alias. Just as in , represents the number of columns rendered prior to this projection. The local criteria to which this project is attached (for resolution). The overall criteria query instance. The columns aliases. Gets the typed values for parameters in this projection The criteria. The criteria query. Gets the typed values for parameters in this projection The criteria. The criteria query. An that combines two s with an and between them. An that combines two s with a operator (either "and" or "or") between them. Initialize a new instance of the class that combines two other s. The to use in the Left Hand Side. The to use in the Right Hand Side. Combines the for the Left Hand Side and the Right Hand Side of the Expression into one array. An array of s. Converts the LogicalExpression to a . A well formed SqlString for the Where clause. The SqlString will be enclosed by ( and ). Gets a string representation of the LogicalExpression. The String contains the LeftHandSide.ToString() and the RightHandSide.ToString() joined by the Op. This is not a well formed Sql fragment. It is useful for logging what Expressions are being combined. Gets the that will be on the Left Hand Side of the Op. Gets the that will be on the Right Hand Side of the Op. Get the Sql operator to put between the two s. Initializes a new instance of the class that combines two . The to use as the left hand side. The to use as the right hand side. Get the Sql operator to put between the two s. The string "and" An that represents a "between" constraint. Initializes a new instance of the class. The _projection. The _lo. The _hi. Initialize a new instance of the class for the named Property. The name of the Property of the Class. The low value for the BetweenExpression. The high value for the BetweenExpression. Casting a value from one type to another, at the database level An that Junctions together multiple s with an and A sequence of logical s combined by some associative logical operator. Adds an to the list of s to junction together. The to add. This instance. Adds an to the list of s to junction together. Adds an to the list of s to junction together. Get the Sql operator to put between multiple s. The corresponding to an instance with no added subcriteria. Get the Sql operator to put between multiple s. The string " and " This is useful if we want to send a value to the database A Count The alias that refers to the "root" entity of the criteria query. Each row of results is a from alias to entity instance Each row of results is an instance of the root entity Each row of results is a distinct instance of the root entity This result transformer is selected implicitly by calling Specifies joining to an entity based on an inner join. Specifies joining to an entity based on a full join. Specifies joining to an entity based on a left outer join. Some applications need to create criteria queries in "detached mode", where the Hibernate session is not available. This class may be instantiated anywhere, and then a ICriteria may be obtained by passing a session to GetExecutableCriteria(). All methods have the same semantics and behavior as the corresponding methods of the ICriteria interface. Get an executable instance of Criteria, to actually run the query. Get an executable instance of Criteria, to actually run the query. Gets the root entity type if available, throws otherwise This is an NHibernate specific method, used by several dependent frameworks for advance integration with NHibernate. Clear all orders from criteria. An that Junctions together multiple s with an or Get the Sql operator to put between multiple s. The string " or " Gets the typed values for parameters in this projection The criteria. The criteria query. An that represents an "equal" constraint between two properties. Superclass for an that represents a constraint between two properties (with SQL binary operators). Initializes a new instance of the class. The projection. Name of the RHS property. Initializes a new instance of the class. The LHS projection. The RHS projection. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the LHS property. Name of the RHS property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the LHS property. The RHS projection. Get the Sql operator to use for the property expression. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the LHS property. The RHS projection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The LHS projection. The RHS projection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The projection. Name of the RHS property. Initializes a new instance of the class that compares two mapped properties using an "equal" constraint. The name of the Property to use as the left hand side. The name of the Property to use as the right hand side. Get the Sql operator to use for the . The string " = " Support for Query By Example. List results = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Parent)) .Add( Example.Create(parent).IgnoreCase() ) .CreateCriteria("child") .Add( Example.Create( parent.Child ) ) .List(); "Examples" may be mixed and matched with "Expressions" in the same Set escape character for "like" clause Set the for this . The to determine which properties to include. This instance. This should be used when a custom has been implemented. Otherwise use the methods or to set the to the s built into NHibernate. Set the for this to exclude zero-valued properties. Set the for this to exclude no properties. Use the "like" operator for all string-valued properties with the specified . The to convert the string to the pattern for the like comparison. Use the "like" operator for all string-valued properties. The default is MatchMode.Exact. Exclude a particular named property The name of the property to exclude. Create a new instance, which includes all non-null properties by default A new instance of . Initialize a new instance of the class for a particular entity. The that the Example is being built from. The the Example should use. Determines if the property should be included in the Query. The value of the property. The name of the property. The of the property. if the Property should be included, if the Property should not be a part of the Query. Adds a based on the value and type parameters to the in the list parameter. The value of the Property. The of the Property. The to add the to. This method will add objects to the list parameter. A strategy for choosing property values for inclusion in the query criteria Determine if the Property should be included. The value of the property that is being checked for inclusion. The name of the property that is being checked for inclusion. The of the property. if the Property should be included in the Query, otherwise. Implementation of that includes all properties regardless of value. Implementation of that includes the properties that are not and do not have an returned by propertyValue.ToString(). This selector is not present in H2.1. It may be useful if nullable types are used for some properties. This class is semi-deprecated. Use . The namespace may be used by applications as a framework for building new kinds of . However, it is intended that most applications will simply use the built-in criterion types via the static factory methods of this class. Apply an "equal" constraint to the identifier property ICriterion Apply an "equal" constraint from the projection to the identifier property The projection. ICriterion Apply an "equal" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. The value for the Property. Apply an "equal" constraint to the projection The projection. The value for the Property. Apply a "like" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. The value for the Property. A . Apply a "like" constraint to the project The projection. The value for the Property. A . Apply a "like" constraint to the project The projection. The value for the Property. The match mode. A . A case-insensitive "like", similar to Postgres "ilike" operator The name of the Property in the class. The value for the Property. An . A case-insensitive "like", similar to Postgres "ilike" operator The projection. The value for the Property. An . Apply a "greater than" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. The value for the Property. Apply a "greater than" constraint to the projection The projection. The value for the Property. Apply a "less than" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. The value for the Property. Apply a "less than" constraint to the projection The projection. The value for the Property. Apply a "less than or equal" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. The value for the Property. Apply a "less than or equal" constraint to the projection The projection. The value for the Property. Apply a "greater than or equal" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. The value for the Property. Apply a "greater than or equal" constraint to the projection The projection. The value for the Property. Apply a "between" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. The low value for the Property. The high value for the Property. A . Apply a "between" constraint to the projection The projection. The low value for the Property. The high value for the Property. A . Apply an "in" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. An array of values. An . Apply an "in" constraint to the projection The projection. An array of values. An . Apply an "in" constraint to the projection The projection. An ICollection of values. An . Apply an "in" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. An ICollection of values. An . Apply an "in" constraint to the named property. This is the generic equivalent of , renamed to avoid ambiguity. The name of the Property in the class. An of values. An . Apply an "in" constraint to the projection. This is the generic equivalent of , renamed to avoid ambiguity. The projection. An of values. An . Apply an "is null" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. A . Apply an "is null" constraint to the projection The projection. A . Apply an "equal" constraint to two properties The lhs Property Name The rhs Property Name A . Apply an "equal" constraint to projection and property The projection. The rhs Property Name A . Apply an "equal" constraint to lshProjection and rshProjection The LHS projection. The RSH projection. A . Apply an "equal" constraint to the property and rshProjection Name of the property. The RSH projection. A . Apply an "not equal" constraint to two properties The lhs Property Name The rhs Property Name A . Apply an "not equal" constraint to projection and property The projection. The rhs Property Name A . Apply an "not equal" constraint to the projections The LHS projection. The RHS projection. A . Apply an "not equal" constraint to the projections Name of the property. The RHS projection. A . Apply a "greater than" constraint to two properties The lhs Property Name The rhs Property Name A . Apply a "greater than" constraint to two properties The projection. The rhs Property Name A . Apply a "greater than" constraint to two properties Name of the property. The projection. A . Apply a "greater than" constraint to two properties The LHS projection. The RHS projection. A . Apply a "greater than or equal" constraint to two properties The lhs Property Name The rhs Property Name A . Apply a "greater than or equal" constraint to two properties The LHS projection. The RHS projection. A . Apply a "greater than or equal" constraint to two properties The projection. The rhs Property Name A . Apply a "greater than or equal" constraint to two properties The lhs Property Name The projection. A . Apply a "less than" constraint to two properties The lhs Property Name The rhs Property Name A . Apply a "less than" constraint to two properties The projection. The rhs Property Name A . Apply a "less than" constraint to two properties The lhs Property Name The projection. A . Apply a "less than" constraint to two properties The LHS projection. The RHS projection. A . Apply a "less than or equal" constraint to two properties The lhs Property Name The rhs Property Name A . Apply a "less than or equal" constraint to two properties The projection. The rhs Property Name A . Apply a "less than or equal" constraint to two properties The lhs Property Name The projection. A . Apply a "less than or equal" constraint to two properties The LHS projection. The RHS projection. A . Apply an "is not null" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. A . Apply an "is not null" constraint to the named property The projection. A . Apply an "is not empty" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. A . Apply an "is not empty" constraint to the named property The name of the Property in the class. A . Return the conjunction of two expressions The Expression to use as the Left Hand Side. The Expression to use as the Right Hand Side. An . Return the disjuction of two expressions The Expression to use as the Left Hand Side. The Expression to use as the Right Hand Side. An . Return the negation of an expression The Expression to negate. A . Group expressions together in a single conjunction (A and B and C...) Group expressions together in a single disjunction (A or B or C...) Apply an "equals" constraint to each property in the key set of a IDictionary a dictionary from property names to values Create an ICriterion for the supplied LambdaExpression generic type lambda expression return NHibernate.Criterion.ICriterion Create an ICriterion for the supplied LambdaExpression lambda expression return NHibernate.Criterion.ICriterion Create an ICriterion for the negation of the supplied LambdaExpression generic type lambda expression return NHibernate.Criterion.ICriterion Create an ICriterion for the negation of the supplied LambdaExpression lambda expression return NHibernate.Criterion.ICriterion Build an ICriterion for the given property lambda expression identifying property returns LambdaRestrictionBuilder Build an ICriterion for the given property lambda expression identifying property returns LambdaRestrictionBuilder Apply a constraint expressed in SQL, with the given SQL parameters Apply a constraint expressed in SQL, with the given SQL parameter Apply a constraint expressed in SQL, with the given SQL parameter Apply a constraint expressed in SQL Apply a constraint expressed in SQL An that represents an "greater than or equal" constraint between two properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the LHS property. The RHS projection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The LHS projection. The RHS projection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The projection. Name of the RHS property. Initializes a new instance of the class that compares two mapped properties using an "greater than or equal" constraint. The name of the Property to use as the left hand side. The name of the Property to use as the right hand side. Get the Sql operator to use for the . The string " < " Gets the typed values for parameters in this projection The criteria. The criteria query. An that represents an "greater than" constraint between two properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the LHS property. The RHS projection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The LHS projection. The RHS projection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The projection. Name of the RHS property. Initializes a new instance of the class that compares two mapped properties using an "greater than" constraint. The name of the Property to use as the left hand side. The name of the Property to use as the right hand side. Get the Sql operator to use for the . The string " < " An instance of is passed to criterion, order and projection instances when actually compiling and executing the query. This interface is not used by application code. Get the name of the column mapped by a property path, ignoring projection alias Get the names of the columns mapped by a property path, ignoring projection aliases Get the type of a property path, ignoring projection aliases Get the names of the columns mapped by a property path Get the type of a property path Get the a typed value for the given property value. Get the entity name of an entity Get the entity name of an entity, taking into account the qualifier of the property path Get the root table alias of an entity Get the root table alias of an entity, taking into account the qualifier of the property path Get the property name, given a possibly qualified property name Get the identifier column names of this entity Get the identifier type of this entity Create a new query parameter to use in a The value and the of the parameter. A new instance of a query parameter to be added to a . An identifier constraint An that constrains the property to a specified list of values. InExpression - should only be used with a Single Value column - no multicolumn properties... Initializes a new instance of the class. The projection. The _values. An that represents an "like" constraint that is not case sensitive. Initializes a new instance of the class. The projection. The value. The match mode. Initializes a new instance of the class. The projection. The value. Initialize a new instance of the class for a named Property and its value. The name of the Property in the class. The value for the Property. An that represents empty association constraint. An that represents non-empty association constraint. An that represents an "less than or equal" constraint between two properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the LHS property. The RHS projection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The LHS projection. The RHS projection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The projection. Name of the RHS property. Initializes a new instance of the class that compares two mapped properties using an "less than or equal" constraint. The name of the Property to use as the left hand side. The name of the Property to use as the right hand side. Get the Sql operator to use for the . The string " <= " An that represents an "like" constraint. The case sensitivity depends on the database settings for string comparisons. Use if the string comparison should not be case sensitive. An that represents an "less than" constraint between two properties. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the LHS property. The RHS projection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The LHS projection. The RHS projection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The projection. Name of the RHS property. Initializes a new instance of the class that compares two mapped properties using an "less than" constraint. The name of the Property to use as the left hand side. The name of the Property to use as the right hand side. Get the Sql operator to use for the . The string " < " Represents an strategy for matching strings using "like". Initialize a new instance of the class. The code that identifies the match mode. The friendly name of the match mode. The parameter intCode is used as the key of to store instances and to ensure only instance of a particular is created. The string representation of the . The friendly name used to describe the . Convert the pattern, by appending/prepending "%" The string to convert to the appropriate match pattern. A that contains a "%" in the appropriate place for the Match Strategy. Match the entire string to the pattern Match the start of the string to the pattern Match the end of the string to the pattern Match the pattern anywhere in the string The that matches the entire string to the pattern. Initialize a new instance of the class. Converts the string to the Exact MatchMode. The string to convert to the appropriate match pattern. The pattern exactly the same as it was passed in. The that matches the start of the string to the pattern. Initialize a new instance of the class. Converts the string to the Start MatchMode. The string to convert to the appropriate match pattern. The pattern with a "%" appended at the end. The that matches the end of the string to the pattern. Initialize a new instance of the class. Converts the string to the End MatchMode. The string to convert to the appropriate match pattern. The pattern with a "%" appended at the beginning. The that exactly matches the string by appending "%" to the beginning and end. Initialize a new instance of the class. Converts the string to the Exact MatchMode. The string to convert to the appropriate match pattern. The pattern with a "%" appended at the beginning and the end. An that negates another . Initialize a new instance of the class for an The to negate. An that represents "not null" constraint. Initializes a new instance of the class. The projection. Initialize a new instance of the class for a named Property that should not be null. The name of the Property in the class. An that represents "null" constraint. Initializes a new instance of the class. The projection. Initialize a new instance of the class for a named Property that should be null. The name of the Property in the class. Represents an order imposed upon a result set. Should Order implement ICriteriaQuery? Render the SQL fragment Ascending order Ascending order Descending order Descending order An that combines two s with an "or" between them. Initialize a new instance of the class for two s. The to use as the left hand side. The to use as the right hand side. Get the Sql operator to put between the two s. Returns "or" Gets the typed values for parameters in this projection The criteria. The criteria query. The criterion package may be used by applications as a framework for building new kinds of Projection. However, it is intended that most applications will simply use the built-in projection types via the static factory methods of this class.

The factory methods that take an alias allow the projected value to be referred to by criterion and order instances.
Create a distinct projection from a projection Create a new projection list The query row count, ie. count(*) The RowCount projection mapped to an . The query row count, ie. count(*) The RowCount projection mapped to an . A property value count A property value count A distinct property value count A property maximum value A projection maximum value A property minimum value A projection minimum value A property average value A property average value A property value sum A property value sum A SQL projection, a typed select clause fragment A grouping SQL projection, specifying both select clause and group by clause fragments A grouping property value A grouping projection value A projected property value A projected identifier value Assign an alias to a projection, by wrapping it Casts the projection result to the specified type. The type. The projection. Return a constant value The obj. Return a constant value The obj. Calls the named Name of the function. The type. The projections. Calls the specified the function. The type. The projections. Conditionally return the true or false part, dependention on the criterion The criterion. The when true. The when false. A property average value A property average value A property value count A property value count A distinct property value count A distinct property value count A grouping property value A grouping property value A property maximum value A property maximum value A property minimum value A property minimum value A projected property value A projected property value A property value sum A property value sum Project SQL function concat() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Create an alias for a projection the projection instance LambdaExpression returning an alias return NHibernate.Criterion.IProjection Project SQL function year() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function day() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function month() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function hour() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function minute() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function second() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function sqrt() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function sqrt() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function sqrt() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function sqrt() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function sqrt() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function lower() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function upper() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function abs() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function abs() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function abs() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function trim() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function length() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function bit_length() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function substring() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function locate() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function coalesce() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function coalesce() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Project SQL function mod() Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression A factory for property-specific AbstractCriterion and projection instances A property value, or grouped property value Get a component attribute of this property A comparison between a property value in the outer query and the result of a subquery QueryOver<TRoot> is an API for retrieving entities by composing objects expressed using Lambda expression syntax. IList<Cat> cats = session.QueryOver<Cat>() .Where( c => c.Name == "Tigger" ) .And( c => c.Weight > minWeight ) ) .List(); Access the underlying ICriteria Access the root underlying ICriteria Get the results of the root type and fill the The list filled with the results. Get the results of the root type and fill the The list filled with the results. Clones the QueryOver, removes orders and paging, and projects the row-count for the query Clones the QueryOver, removes orders and paging, and projects the row-count (Int64) for the query Short for ToRowCountQuery().SingleOrDefault<int>() Short for ToRowCountInt64Query().SingleOrDefault<long>() Convenience method to return a single instance that matches the query, or null if the query returns no results. the single result or If there is more than one matching result Override type of . Get a enumerable that when enumerated will execute a batch of queries in a single database roundtrip Get a enumerable that when enumerated will execute a batch of queries in a single database roundtrip Get an IFutureValue instance, whose value can be retrieved through its Value property. The query is not executed until the Value property is retrieved, which will execute other Future queries as well in a single roundtrip Get an IFutureValue instance, whose value can be retrieved through its Value property. The query is not executed until the Value property is retrieved, which will execute other Future queries as well in a single roundtrip Creates an exact clone of the IQueryOver Clear all orders from the query. Set the first result to be retrieved Set a limit upon the number of objects to be retrieved Enable caching of this query result set Override the cache mode for this particular query. The cache mode to use. this (for method chaining) Set the name of the cache region. the name of a query cache region, or for the default query cache Set the read-only mode for entities (and proxies) loaded by this QueryOver. (see ). Get an executable instance of IQueryOver<TRoot>, to actually run the query. Get an executable instance of IQueryOver<TRoot>, to actually run the query. Clones the QueryOver, clears the orders and paging, and projects the RowCount Clones the QueryOver, clears the orders and paging, and projects the RowCount (Int64) Creates an exact clone of the QueryOver Method to allow comparison of detached query in Lambda expression e.g., p => p.Name == myQuery.As<string> type returned (projected) by query throws an exception if evaluated directly at runtime. Implementation of the interface QueryOver<TRoot,TSubType> is an API for retrieving entities by composing objects expressed using Lambda expression syntax. IList<Cat> cats = session.QueryOver<Cat>() .Where( c => c.Name == "Tigger" ) .And( c => c.Weight > minWeight ) ) .List(); Add criterion expressed as a lambda expression Lambda expression criteria instance Add criterion expressed as a lambda expression Lambda expression criteria instance Add arbitrary ICriterion (e.g., to allow protected member access) Add negation of criterion expressed as a lambda expression Lambda expression criteria instance Add negation of criterion expressed as a lambda expression Lambda expression criteria instance Add restriction to a property Lambda expression containing path to property criteria instance Add restriction to a property Lambda expression containing path to property criteria instance Identical semantics to And() to allow more readable queries Lambda expression criteria instance Identical semantics to And() to allow more readable queries Lambda expression criteria instance Add arbitrary ICriterion (e.g., to allow protected member access) Identical semantics to AndNot() to allow more readable queries Lambda expression criteria instance Identical semantics to AndNot() to allow more readable queries Lambda expression criteria instance Identical semantics to AndRestrictionOn() to allow more readable queries Lambda expression criteria instance Identical semantics to AndRestrictionOn() to allow more readable queries Lambda expression criteria instance Add projection expressed as a lambda expression Lambda expressions criteria instance Add arbitrary IProjections to query Create a list of projections using a projection builder Add order expressed as a lambda expression Lambda expression criteria instance Add order expressed as a lambda expression Lambda expression criteria instance Order by arbitrary IProjection (e.g., to allow protected member access) Add order for an aliased projection expressed as a lambda expression Lambda expression criteria instance Add order expressed as a lambda expression Lambda expression criteria instance Add order expressed as a lambda expression Lambda expression criteria instance Order by arbitrary IProjection (e.g., to allow protected member access) Add order for an aliased projection expressed as a lambda expression Lambda expression criteria instance Transform the results using the supplied IResultTransformer Specify an association fetching strategy. Currently, only one-to-many and one-to-one associations are supported. A lambda expression path (e.g., ChildList[0].Granchildren[0].Pets). Set the lock mode of the current entity Set the lock mode of the aliased entity Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity Type of sub-criteria Lambda expression returning association path The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity Type of sub-criteria Lambda expression returning association path The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity Type of sub-criteria Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity Type of sub-criteria Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity Type of sub-criteria Lambda expression returning association path Type of join The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity Type of sub-criteria Lambda expression returning association path Type of join The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity Type of sub-criteria Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity Type of sub-criteria Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join Additional criterion for the SQL on clause The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity Type of sub-criteria Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity Type of sub-criteria Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join Additional criterion for the SQL on clause The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity specifying a collection for the join. Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity specifying a collection for the join. Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity specifying a collection for the join. Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity specifying a collection for the join. Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity specifying a collection for the join. Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path Type of join The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity specifying a collection for the join. Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path Type of join The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity specifying a collection for the join. Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity specifying a collection for the join. Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join Additional criterion for the SQL on clause The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity specifying a collection for the join. Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join The created "sub criteria" Creates a new NHibernate.IQueryOver<TRoot, U>, "rooted" at the associated entity specifying a collection for the join. Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join Additional criterion for the SQL on clause The created "sub criteria" Join an association, assigning an alias to the joined entity Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference criteria instance Join an association, assigning an alias to the joined entity Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference criteria instance Join an association, assigning an alias to the joined entity Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join criteria instance Join an association, assigning an alias to the joined entity Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join Additional criterion for the SQL on clause criteria instance Join an association, assigning an alias to the joined entity Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join Additional criterion for the SQL on clause criteria instance Join an association, assigning an alias to the joined entity Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join criteria instance Join an association, assigning an alias to the joined entity Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join Additional criterion for the SQL on clause criteria instance Join an association, assigning an alias to the joined entity Type of sub-criteria (type of the collection) Lambda expression returning association path Lambda expression returning alias reference Type of join Additional criterion for the SQL on clause criteria instance Add a subquery expression Apply a "like" restriction in a QueryOver expression Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Apply a "like" restriction in a QueryOver expression Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Apply a "like" restriction in a QueryOver expression Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Apply a "like" restriction in a QueryOver expression Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Apply a "like" restriction in a QueryOver expression Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Apply an "in" constraint to the named property Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Apply an "in" constraint to the named property Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression Apply a "between" constraint to the named property Note: throws an exception outside of a QueryOver expression A comparison between a property value in the outer query and the result of a subquery The base class for an that compares a single Property to a value. Initialize a new instance of the class for a named Property and its value. The name of the Property in the class. The value for the Property. The SQL operation. Converts the SimpleExpression to a . A SqlString that contains a valid Sql fragment. Gets the named Property for the Expression. A string that is the name of the Property. Gets the Value for the Expression. An object that is the value for the Expression. Get the Sql operator to use for the specific subclass of . A comparison between a constant value and the the result of a subquery An that creates a SQLExpression. The string {alias} will be replaced by the alias of the root entity. This allows for database specific Expressions at the cost of needing to write a correct . A SQL fragment. The string {alias} will be replaced by the alias of the root entity. Gets the typed values for parameters in this projection The criteria. The criteria query. Factory class for AbstractCriterion instances that represent involving subqueries. Expression Projection AbstractCriterion Create a ICriterion for the specified property subquery expression generic type lambda expression returns LambdaSubqueryBuilder Create a ICriterion for the specified property subquery expression lambda expression returns LambdaSubqueryBuilder Create a ICriterion for the specified value subquery expression value returns LambdaSubqueryBuilder Create ICriterion for subquery expression using lambda syntax type of property lambda expression NHibernate.ICriterion.AbstractCriterion Create ICriterion for (exact) subquery expression using lambda syntax lambda expression NHibernate.ICriterion.AbstractCriterion Create ICriterion for (all) subquery expression using lambda syntax type of property lambda expression NHibernate.ICriterion.AbstractCriterion Create ICriterion for (all) subquery expression using lambda syntax lambda expression NHibernate.ICriterion.AbstractCriterion Create ICriterion for (some) subquery expression using lambda syntax type of property lambda expression NHibernate.ICriterion.AbstractCriterion Create ICriterion for (some) subquery expression using lambda syntax lambda expression NHibernate.ICriterion.AbstractCriterion Add an Exists subquery criterion Add a NotExists subquery criterion A property value, or grouped property value Used to show a better debug display for dictionaries ::= EXTRACT FROM ::= | Represents HQL functions that can have different representations in different SQL dialects. E.g. in HQL we can define function concat(?1, ?2) to concatenate two strings p1 and p2. Target SQL function will be dialect-specific, e.g. (?1 || ?2) for Oracle, concat(?1, ?2) for MySql, (?1 + ?2) for MS SQL. Each dialect will define a template as a string (exactly like above) marking function parameters with '?' followed by parameter's index (first index is 1). Provides support routines for the HQL functions as used in the various SQL Dialects Provides an interface for supporting various HQL functions that are translated to SQL. The Dialect and its sub-classes use this interface to provide details required for processing of the function. The function return type The type of the first argument Render the function call as SQL. List of arguments SQL fragment for the fuction. Does this function have any arguments? If there are no arguments, are parens required? Applies the template to passed in arguments. args function arguments generated SQL function call ANSI-SQL substring Documented in: ANSI X3.135-1992 American National Standard for Information Systems - Database Language - SQL Syntax: ::= SUBSTRING FROM < start position> [ FOR ] ]]> A SQLFunction implementation that emulates the ANSI SQL trim function on dialects which do not support the full definition. However, this function definition does assume the availability of ltrim, rtrim, and replace functions which it uses in various combinations to emulate the desired ANSI trim() functionality. according to both the ANSI-SQL and EJB3 specs, trim can either take exactly one parameter or a variable number of parameters between 1 and 4. from the SQL spec: ::= TRIM ::= [ [ ] [ ] FROM ] ::= LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ]]> If only trim specification is omitted, BOTH is assumed; if trim character is omitted, space is assumed ANSI-SQL style cast(foo as type) where the type is a NHibernate type Emulation of locate() on Sybase Initializes a new instance of the StandardSQLFunction class. SQL function name. Whether the function accepts an asterisk (*) in place of arguments Initializes a new instance of the StandardSQLFunction class. SQL function name. True if accept asterisk like argument Return type for the fuction. Classic AVG sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1 Classic COUNT sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1 Classic SUM sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1 Summary description for NoArgSQLFunction. Emulation of coalesce() on Oracle, using multiple nvl() calls Emulation of locate() on PostgreSQL Provides a standard implementation that supports the majority of the HQL functions that are translated to SQL. The Dialect and its sub-classes use this class to provide details required for processing of the associated function. Provides a standard implementation that supports the majority of the HQL functions that are translated to SQL. The Dialect and its sub-classes use this class to provide details required for processing of the associated function. Initializes a new instance of the StandardSQLFunction class. SQL function name. Initializes a new instance of the StandardSQLFunction class. SQL function name. Return type for the fuction. Initializes a new instance of the StandardSafeSQLFunction class. SQL function name. Exact number of arguments expected. Initializes a new instance of the StandardSafeSQLFunction class. SQL function name. Return type for the fuction. Exact number of arguments expected. Support for slightly more general templating than StandardSQLFunction, with an unlimited number of arguments. A strategy abstraction for how locks are obtained in the underlying database. All locking provided implemenations assume the underlying database supports (and that the connection is in) at least read-committed transaction isolation. The most glaring exclusion to this is HSQLDB which only offers support for READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation. Acquire an appropriate type of lock on the underlying data that will endure until the end of the current transaction. The id of the row to be locked The current version (or null if not versioned) The object logically being locked (currently not used) The session from which the lock request originated A locking strategy where the locks are obtained through select statements. For non-read locks, this is achieved through the Dialect's specific SELECT ... FOR UPDATE syntax. A locking strategy where the locks are obtained through update statements. This strategy is not valid for read style locks. Construct a locking strategy based on SQL UPDATE statements. The metadata for the entity to be locked. Indictates the type of lock to be acquired. read-locks are not valid for this strategy. Common implementation of schema reader. This implementation of is based on the new of .NET 2.0. This class is specific of NHibernate and supply DatabaseMetaData of Java. In the .NET Framework, there is no direct equivalent. Implementation is provide by a dialect. Gets a description of the tables available for the catalog A catalog, retrieves those without a catalog Schema pattern, retrieves those without the schema A table name pattern a list of table types to include Each row Get the Table MetaData. The resultSet of . Include FKs and indexes Gets a description of the table columns available A catalog, retrieves those without a catalog Schema pattern, retrieves those without the schema A table name pattern a columng name patterm A description of the table columns available Get a description of the given table's indices and statistics. A catalog, retrieves those without a catalog Schema pattern, retrieves those without the schema A table name pattern A description of the table's indices available The result is relative to the schema collections "Indexes". Get a description of the given table's indices and statistics. A catalog, retrieves those without a catalog Schema pattern, retrieves those without the schema A table name pattern The name of the index A description of the table's indices available The result is relative to the schema collections "IndexColumns". Gets a description of the foreign keys available A catalog, retrieves those without a catalog Schema name, retrieves those without the schema A table name A description of the foreign keys available Get all reserved words A set of reserved words In the Java language, this field indicates that the database treats mixed-case, quoted SQL identifiers as case-insensitive and stores them in mixed case. In the Java language, this field indicates that the database treats mixed-case, quoted SQL identifiers as case-insensitive and stores them in upper case. In the Java language, this field indicates that the database treats mixed-case, unquoted SQL identifiers as case-insensitive and stores them in upper case. In the Java language, this field indicates that the database treats mixed-case, quoted SQL identifiers as case-insensitive and stores them in lower case. In the Java language, this field indicates that the database treats mixed-case, unquoted SQL identifiers as case-insensitive and stores them in lower case, The name of the column that represent the TABLE_NAME in the returned by . An SQL dialect for DB2 on iSeries OS/400. The DB2400Dialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class An SQL dialect for DB2. The DB2Dialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class Represents a dialect of SQL implemented by a particular RDBMS. Subclasses implement NHibernate compatibility with different systems. Subclasses should provide a public default constructor that Register() a set of type mappings and default Hibernate properties. Characters used for quoting sql identifiers The base constructor for Dialect. Every subclass should override this and call Register() with every except , , , , , . The Default properties for this Dialect should also be set - such as whether or not to use outer-joins and what the batch size should be. Get an instance of the dialect specified by the current properties. The specified Dialect Get de from a property bag (prop name ) The property bag. An instance of . When is null. When the property bag don't contains de property . Get the name of the database type associated with the given , The SqlType The database type name used by ddl. Get the name of the database type associated with the given . The SqlType The datatype length The datatype precision The datatype scale The database type name used by ddl. Gets the name of the longest registered type for a particular DbType. Get the name of the database type appropriate for casting operations (via the CAST() SQL function) for the given typecode. The typecode The database type name Subclasses register a typename for the given type code and maximum column length. $l in the type name will be replaced by the column length (if appropriate) The typecode Maximum length of database type The database type name Suclasses register a typename for the given type code. $l in the typename will be replaced by the column length (if appropriate). The typecode The database type name Get the name of the Hibernate associated with th given typecode. The typecode The Hibernate name. Get the name of the Hibernate associated with the given typecode with the given storage specification parameters. The typecode The datatype length The datatype precision The datatype scale The Hibernate name. Registers a Hibernate name for the given type code and maximum column length. The typecode The maximum length of database type The Hibernate name Registers a Hibernate name for the given type code. The typecode The Hibernate name The syntax used to add a foreign key constraint to a table. If SupportsForeignKeyConstraintInAlterTable is false, the returned string will be added to the create table statement instead. In this case, extra strings, like "add", that apply when using alter table should be omitted. The FK constraint name. The names of the columns comprising the FK The table referenced by the FK The explicit columns in the referencedTable referenced by this FK. if false, constraint should be explicit about which column names the constraint refers to the "add FK" fragment The syntax used to add a primary key constraint to a table Get a strategy instance which knows how to acquire a database-level lock of the specified mode for this dialect. The persister for the entity to be locked. The type of lock to be acquired. The appropriate locking strategy. Given a lock mode, determine the appropriate for update fragment to use. The lock mode to apply. The appropriate for update fragment. Get the FOR UPDATE OF column_list fragment appropriate for this dialect given the aliases of the columns to be write locked. The columns to be write locked. The appropriate FOR UPDATE OF column_list clause string. Get the FOR UPDATE OF column_list NOWAIT fragment appropriate for this dialect given the aliases of the columns to be write locked. The columns to be write locked. The appropriate FOR UPDATE colunm_list NOWAIT clause string. Modifies the given SQL by applying the appropriate updates for the specified lock modes and key columns. the SQL string to modify a map of lock modes indexed by aliased table names. a map of key columns indexed by aliased table names. the modified SQL string. The behavior here is that of an ANSI SQL SELECT FOR UPDATE. This method is really intended to allow dialects which do not support SELECT FOR UPDATE to achieve this in their own fashion. Some dialects support an alternative means to SELECT FOR UPDATE, whereby a "lock hint" is appends to the table name in the from clause. The lock mode to apply The name of the table to which to apply the lock hint. The table with any required lock hints. Return SQL needed to drop the named table. May (and should) use some form of "if exists" clause, and cascade constraints. Generate a temporary table name given the bas table. The table name from which to base the temp table name. The generated temp table name. Does the dialect require that temporary table DDL statements occur in isolation from other statements? This would be the case if the creation would cause any current transaction to get committed implicitly. see the result matrix above. JDBC defines a standard way to query for this information via the {@link java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit()} method. However, that does not distinguish between temporary table DDL and other forms of DDL; MySQL, for example, reports DDL causing a transaction commit via its driver, even though that is not the case for temporary table DDL.

Possible return values and their meanings:

  • {@link Boolean#TRUE} - Unequivocally, perform the temporary table DDL in isolation.
  • {@link Boolean#FALSE} - Unequivocally, do not perform the temporary table DDL in isolation.
  • null - defer to the JDBC driver response in regards to {@link java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit()}
Do we need to drop the temporary table after use? Registers an OUT parameter which will be returing a . How this is accomplished varies greatly from DB to DB, hence its inclusion (along with {@link #getResultSet}) here. The callable statement. The bind position at which to register the OUT param. The number of (contiguous) bind positions used. Given a callable statement previously processed by , extract the from the OUT parameter. The callable statement. The extracted result set. SQLException Indicates problems extracting the result set. The syntax used to drop a foreign key constraint from a table. The name of the foreign key constraint to drop. The SQL string to drop the foreign key constraint. The syntax that is used to check if a constraint does not exists before creating it The table. The name. The syntax that is used to close the if for a constraint exists check, used for dialects that requires begin/end for ifs The table. The name. The syntax that is used to check if a constraint exists before dropping it The table. The name. The syntax that is used to close the if for a constraint exists check, used for dialects that requires begin/end for ifs The table. The name. The syntax used to drop a primary key constraint from a table. The name of the primary key constraint to drop. The SQL string to drop the primary key constraint. The syntax used to drop an index constraint from a table. The name of the index constraint to drop. The SQL string to drop the primary key constraint. Provided we , then attch the "select identity" clause to the insert statement. The insert command The insert command with any necessary identity select clause attached. Note, if == false then the insert-string should be returned without modification. Get the select command to use to retrieve the last generated IDENTITY value for a particular table The table into which the insert was done The PK column. The type code. The appropriate select command The syntax used during DDL to define a column as being an IDENTITY of a particular type. The type code. The appropriate DDL fragment. Generate the appropriate select statement to to retreive the next value of a sequence. the name of the sequence String The "nextval" select string. This should be a "stand alone" select statement. Typically dialects which support sequences can drop a sequence with a single command. The name of the sequence The sequence drop commands This is convenience form of to help facilitate that. Dialects which support sequences and can drop a sequence in a single command need *only* override this method. Dialects which support sequences but require multiple commands to drop a sequence should instead override . The multiline script used to drop a sequence. The name of the sequence The sequence drop commands Generate the select expression fragment that will retrieve the next value of a sequence as part of another (typically DML) statement. the name of the sequence The "nextval" fragment. This differs from in that this should return an expression usable within another statement. Typically dialects which support sequences can create a sequence with a single command. The name of the sequence The sequence creation command This is convenience form of to help facilitate that. Dialects which support sequences and can create a sequence in a single command need *only* override this method. Dialects which support sequences but require multiple commands to create a sequence should instead override . An optional multi-line form for databases which . The name of the sequence The initial value to apply to 'create sequence' statement The increment value to apply to 'create sequence' statement The sequence creation commands Overloaded form of , additionally taking the initial value and increment size to be applied to the sequence definition. The name of the sequence The initial value to apply to 'create sequence' statement The increment value to apply to 'create sequence' statement The sequence creation command The default definition is to suffix with the string: " start with {initialValue} increment by {incrementSize}" where {initialValue} and {incrementSize} are replacement placeholders. Generally dialects should only need to override this method if different key phrases are used to apply the allocation information. Create a strategy responsible for handling this dialect's variations in how joins are handled. This dialect's strategy. Create a strategy responsible for handling this dialect's variations in how CASE statements are handled. This dialect's strategy. The SQL literal value to which this database maps boolean values. The boolean value The appropriate SQL literal. Add a LIMIT clause to the given SQL SELECT. Expects any database-specific offset and limit adjustments to have already been performed (ex. UseMaxForLimit, OffsetStartsAtOne). The to base the limit query off. Offset of the first row to be returned by the query. This may be represented as a parameter, a string literal, or a null value if no limit is requested. This should have already been adjusted to account for OffsetStartsAtOne. Maximum number of rows to be returned by the query. This may be represented as a parameter, a string literal, or a null value if no offset is requested. This should have already been adjusted to account for UseMaxForLimit. A new that contains the LIMIT clause. Generates a string to limit the result set to a number of maximum results with a specified offset into the results. Expects any database-specific offset and limit adjustments to have already been performed (ex. UseMaxForLimit, OffsetStartsAtOne). Performs error checking based on the various dialect limit support options. If both parameters and fixed valeus are specified, this will use the parameter option if possible. Otherwise, it will fall back to a fixed string. Some databases require that a limit statement contain the maximum row number instead of the number of rows to retrieve. This method adjusts source limit and offset values to account for this. Some databases use limit row offsets that start at one instead of zero. This method adjusts a desired offset using the OffsetStartsAtOne flag. Checks to see if the name has been quoted. The name to check if it is quoted true if name is already quoted. The default implementation is to compare the first character to Dialect.OpenQuote and the last char to Dialect.CloseQuote Quotes a name. The string that needs to be Quoted. A QuotedName

This method assumes that the name is not already Quoted. So if the name passed in is "name then it will return """name". It escapes the first char - the " with "" and encloses the escaped string with OpenQuote and CloseQuote.

Quotes a name for being used as a aliasname Original implementation calls Name of the alias A Quoted name in the format of OpenQuote + aliasName + CloseQuote

If the aliasName is already enclosed in the OpenQuote and CloseQuote then this method will return the aliasName that was passed in without going through any Quoting process. So if aliasName is passed in already Quoted make sure that you have escaped all of the chars according to your DataBase's specifications.

Quotes a name for being used as a columnname Original implementation calls Name of the column A Quoted name in the format of OpenQuote + columnName + CloseQuote

If the columnName is already enclosed in the OpenQuote and CloseQuote then this method will return the columnName that was passed in without going through any Quoting process. So if columnName is passed in already Quoted make sure that you have escaped all of the chars according to your DataBase's specifications.

Quotes a name for being used as a tablename Name of the table A Quoted name in the format of OpenQuote + tableName + CloseQuote

If the tableName is already enclosed in the OpenQuote and CloseQuote then this method will return the tableName that was passed in without going through any Quoting process. So if tableName is passed in already Quoted make sure that you have escaped all of the chars according to your DataBase's specifications.

Quotes a name for being used as a schemaname Name of the schema A Quoted name in the format of OpenQuote + schemaName + CloseQuote

If the schemaName is already enclosed in the OpenQuote and CloseQuote then this method will return the schemaName that was passed in without going through any Quoting process. So if schemaName is passed in already Quoted make sure that you have escaped all of the chars according to your DataBase's specifications.

Unquotes and unescapes an already quoted name Quoted string Unquoted string

This method checks the string quoted to see if it is quoted. If the string quoted is already enclosed in the OpenQuote and CloseQuote then those chars are removed.

After the OpenQuote and CloseQuote have been cleaned from the string quoted then any chars in the string quoted that have been escaped by doubling them up are changed back to a single version.

The following quoted values return these results "quoted" = quoted "quote""d" = quote"d quote""d = quote"d

If this implementation is not sufficient for your Dialect then it needs to be overridden. MsSql2000Dialect is an example of where UnQuoting rules are different.

Unquotes an array of Quoted Names. strings to Unquote an array of unquoted strings. This use UnQuote(string) for each string in the quoted array so it should not need to be overridden - only UnQuote(string) needs to be overridden unless this implementation is not sufficient. Given a type code, determine an appropriate null value to use in a select clause. The type code. The appropriate select clause value fragment. One thing to consider here is that certain databases might require proper casting for the nulls here since the select here will be part of a UNION/UNION ALL. Build an instance of the preferred by this dialect for converting into NHibernate's ADOException hierarchy. The Dialect's preferred . The default Dialect implementation simply returns a converter based on X/Open SQLState codes. It is strongly recommended that specific Dialect implementations override this method, since interpretation of a SQL error is much more accurate when based on the ErrorCode rather than the SQLState. Unfortunately, the ErrorCode is a vendor-specific approach. Retrieve a set of default Hibernate properties for this database. Aggregate SQL functions as defined in general. This is a case-insensitive hashtable! The results of this method should be integrated with the specialization's data. The class (which implements ) which acts as this dialects native generation strategy. The native generator class. Comes into play whenever the user specifies the native generator. The keyword used to insert a generated value into an identity column (or null). Need if the dialect does not support inserts that specify no column values. Get the select command used retrieve the names of all sequences. The select command; or null if sequences are not supported. Get the command used to select a GUID from the underlying database. (Optional operation.) The appropriate command. Command used to create a table. Slight variation on . The command used to create a multiset table. Here, we have the command used to create a table when there is no primary key and duplicate rows are expected.

Most databases do not care about the distinction; originally added for Teradata support which does care.

Command used to create a temporary table.
Get any fragments needing to be postfixed to the command for temporary table creation. Should the value returned by be treated as callable. Typically this indicates that JDBC escape sytnax is being used... Retrieve the command used to retrieve the current timestammp from the database. The name of the database-specific SQL function for retrieving the current timestamp. The keyword used to insert a row without specifying any column values The name of the SQL function that transforms a string to lowercase The syntax used to add a column to a table. Note this is deprecated The keyword used to specify a nullable column Completely optional cascading drop clause The keyword used to create a primary key constraint Do we need to drop constraints before dropping tables in the dialect? Do we need to qualify index names with the schema name? Does this dialect support the UNIQUE column syntax? Does this dialect support adding Unique constraints via create and alter table ? Does this dialect support adding foreign key constraints via alter table? If not, it's assumed they can only be added through create table. Does the dialect support the syntax 'drop table if exists NAME' Does the dialect support the syntax 'drop table NAME if exists' Does this dialect support column-level check constraints? True if column-level CHECK constraints are supported; false otherwise. Does this dialect support table-level check constraints? True if table-level CHECK constraints are supported; false otherwise. Get the string to append to SELECT statements to acquire locks for this dialect. The appropriate FOR UPDATE clause string. Is FOR UPDATE OF syntax supported? True if the database supports FOR UPDATE OF syntax; false otherwise. Does this dialect support FOR UPDATE in conjunction with outer joined rows? True if outer joined rows can be locked via FOR UPDATE. Retrieves the FOR UPDATE NOWAIT syntax specific to this dialect The appropriate FOR UPDATE NOWAIT clause string. Does this dialect support temporary tables? Does this dialect support a way to retrieve the database's current timestamp value? Gives the best resolution that the database can use for storing date/time values, in ticks. For example, if the database can store values with 100-nanosecond precision, this property is equal to 1L. If the database can only store values with 1-millisecond precision, this property is equal to 10000L (number of ticks in a millisecond). Used in TimestampType. Does this dialect support subselects? Does this dialect support identity column key generation? Does the dialect support some form of inserting and selecting the generated IDENTITY value all in the same statement. Whether this dialect has an identity clause added to the data type or a completely separate identity data type. Get the select command to use to retrieve the last generated IDENTITY value. The appropriate select command The keyword used to specify an identity column, if native key generation is supported Set this to false if no table-level primary key constraint should be generated when an identity column has been specified for the table. This is used as a work-around for SQLite so it doesn't tell us we have "more than one primary key". Does this dialect support sequences? Does this dialect support "pooled" sequences. Not aware of a better name for this. Essentially can we specify the initial and increment values? True if such "pooled" sequences are supported; false otherwise. Does this Dialect have some kind of LIMIT syntax? False, unless overridden. Does this Dialect support an offset? Can parameters be used for a statement containing a LIMIT? Does the LIMIT clause take a "maximum" row number instead of a total number of returned rows? True if limit is relative from offset; false otherwise. This is easiest understood via an example. Consider you have a table with 20 rows, but you only want to retrieve rows number 11 through 20. Generally, a limit with offset would say that the offset = 11 and the limit = 10 (we only want 10 rows at a time); this is specifying the total number of returned rows. Some dialects require that we instead specify offset = 11 and limit = 20, where 20 is the "last" row we want relative to offset (i.e. total number of rows = 20 - 11 = 9) So essentially, is limit relative from offset? Or is limit absolute? For limit clauses, indicates whether to use 0 or 1 as the offset that returns the first row. Should be true if the first row is at offset 1. The opening quote for a quoted identifier. The closing quote for a quoted identifier. Does this dialect support UNION ALL, which is generally a faster variant of UNION? True if UNION ALL is supported; false otherwise. Does this dialect support empty IN lists? For example, is [where XYZ in ()] a supported construct? True if empty in lists are supported; false otherwise. Are string comparisons implicitly case insensitive. In other words, does [where 'XYZ' = 'xyz'] resolve to true? True if comparisons are case insensitive. Is this dialect known to support what ANSI-SQL terms "row value constructor" syntax; sometimes called tuple syntax.

Basically, does it support syntax like "... where (FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME) = ('Steve', 'Ebersole') ...".

True if this SQL dialect is known to support "row value constructor" syntax; false otherwise.
If the dialect supports {@link #supportsRowValueConstructorSyntax() row values}, does it offer such support in IN lists as well?

For example, "... where (FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME) IN ( (?, ?), (?, ?) ) ..."

True if this SQL dialect is known to support "row value constructor" syntax in the IN list; false otherwise.
Should LOBs (both BLOB and CLOB) be bound using stream operations (i.e. {@link java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBinaryStream}). True if BLOBs and CLOBs should be bound using stream operations. Does this dialect support parameters within the select clause of INSERT ... SELECT ... statements? True if this is supported; false otherwise. Does this dialect support asking the result set its positioning information on forward only cursors. Specifically, in the case of scrolling fetches, Hibernate needs to use {@link java.sql.ResultSet#isAfterLast} and {@link java.sql.ResultSet#isBeforeFirst}. Certain drivers do not allow access to these methods for forward only cursors.

NOTE : this is highly driver dependent!

True if methods like {@link java.sql.ResultSet#isAfterLast} and {@link java.sql.ResultSet#isBeforeFirst} are supported for forward only cursors; false otherwise.
Does this dialect support definition of cascade delete constraints which can cause circular chains? True if circular cascade delete constraints are supported; false otherwise. Are subselects supported as the left-hand-side (LHS) of IN-predicates. In other words, is syntax like "... {subquery} IN (1, 2, 3) ..." supported? True if subselects can appear as the LHS of an in-predicate;false otherwise. Expected LOB usage pattern is such that I can perform an insert via prepared statement with a parameter binding for a LOB value without crazy casting to JDBC driver implementation-specific classes...

Part of the trickiness here is the fact that this is largely driver dependent. For example, Oracle (which is notoriously bad with LOB support in their drivers historically) actually does a pretty good job with LOB support as of the 10.2.x versions of their drivers...

True if normal LOB usage patterns can be used with this driver; false if driver-specific hookiness needs to be applied.
Does the dialect support propagating changes to LOB values back to the database? Talking about mutating the internal value of the locator as opposed to supplying a new locator instance...

For BLOBs, the internal value might be changed by: {@link java.sql.Blob#setBinaryStream}, {@link java.sql.Blob#setBytes(long, byte[])}, {@link java.sql.Blob#setBytes(long, byte[], int, int)}, or {@link java.sql.Blob#truncate(long)}.

For CLOBs, the internal value might be changed by: {@link java.sql.Clob#setAsciiStream(long)}, {@link java.sql.Clob#setCharacterStream(long)}, {@link java.sql.Clob#setString(long, String)}, {@link java.sql.Clob#setString(long, String, int, int)}, or {@link java.sql.Clob#truncate(long)}.

NOTE : I do not know the correct answer currently for databases which (1) are not part of the cruise control process or (2) do not {@link #supportsExpectedLobUsagePattern}.

True if the changes are propagated back to the database; false otherwise.
Is it supported to materialize a LOB locator outside the transaction in which it was created?

Again, part of the trickiness here is the fact that this is largely driver dependent.

NOTE: all database I have tested which {@link #supportsExpectedLobUsagePattern()} also support the ability to materialize a LOB outside the owning transaction...

True if unbounded materialization is supported; false otherwise.
Does this dialect support referencing the table being mutated in a subquery. The "table being mutated" is the table referenced in an UPDATE or a DELETE query. And so can that table then be referenced in a subquery of said UPDATE/DELETE query.

For example, would the following two syntaxes be supported:

  • delete from TABLE_A where ID not in ( select ID from TABLE_A )
  • update TABLE_A set NON_ID = 'something' where ID in ( select ID from TABLE_A)
True if this dialect allows references the mutating table from a subquery.
Does the dialect support an exists statement in the select clause? True if exists checks are allowed in the select clause; false otherwise. For the underlying database, is READ_COMMITTED isolation implemented by forcing readers to wait for write locks to be released? True if writers block readers to achieve READ_COMMITTED; false otherwise. For the underlying database, is REPEATABLE_READ isolation implemented by forcing writers to wait for read locks to be released? True if readers block writers to achieve REPEATABLE_READ; false otherwise. Does this dialect support using a JDBC bind parameter as an argument to a function or procedure call? True if the database supports accepting bind params as args; false otherwise. The class (which implements ) which acts as this dialects identity-style generation strategy. The native generator class. Comes into play whenever the user specifies the "identity" generator. Supports splitting batches using GO T-SQL command Batches http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175502.aspx Only needed if the Dialect does not have SupportsForeignKeyConstraintInAlterTable. Only needed if the Dialect does not have SupportsForeignKeyConstraintInAlterTable. This specialized string tokenizier will break a string to tokens, taking into account single quotes, parenthesis and commas and [ ] Notice that we aren't differenciating between [ ) and ( ] on purpose, it would complicate the code and it is not legal at any rate. Defines a contract for implementations that can extract the name of a violated constraint from a SQLException that is the result of that constraint violation. Extract the name of the violated constraint from the given SQLException. The exception that was the result of the constraint violation. The extracted constraint name. Use a parameter with ParameterDirection.Output Use a parameter with ParameterDirection.ReturnValue Summary description for FirebirdDialect. The FirebirdDialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class A generic SQL dialect which may or may not work on any actual databases Summary description for InformixDialect. This dialect is intended to work with IDS version 7.31 However I can test only version 10.00 as I have only this version at work The InformixDialect defaults the following configuration properties: ConnectionDriver NHibernate.Driver.OdbcDriver PrepareSql true connection.driver_class Get the FOR UPDATE OF column_list fragment appropriate for this dialect given the aliases of the columns to be write locked. The columns to be write locked. The appropriate FOR UPDATE OF column_list clause string. Does the dialect require that temporary table DDL statements occur in isolation from other statements? This would be the case if the creation would cause any current transaction to get committed implicitly. see the result matrix above. JDBC defines a standard way to query for this information via the {@link java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit()} method. However, that does not distinguish between temporary table DDL and other forms of DDL; MySQL, for example, reports DDL causing a transaction commit via its driver, even though that is not the case for temporary table DDL.

Possible return values and their meanings:

  • {@link Boolean#TRUE} - Unequivocally, perform the temporary table DDL in isolation.
  • {@link Boolean#FALSE} - Unequivocally, do not perform the temporary table DDL in isolation.
  • null - defer to the JDBC driver response in regards to {@link java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit()}
Get the select command to use to retrieve the last generated IDENTITY value for a particular table The table into which the insert was done The PK column. The type code. The appropriate select command The syntax used during DDL to define a column as being an IDENTITY of a particular type. The type code. The appropriate DDL fragment. Create a strategy responsible for handling this dialect's variations in how joins are handled. This dialect's strategy. The SQL literal value to which this database maps boolean values. The boolean value The appropriate SQL literal. The keyword used to insert a generated value into an identity column (or null). Need if the dialect does not support inserts that specify no column values. Command used to create a temporary table. Get any fragments needing to be postfixed to the command for temporary table creation. Should the value returned by be treated as callable. Typically this indicates that JDBC escape sytnax is being used... Retrieve the command used to retrieve the current timestammp from the database. The name of the database-specific SQL function for retrieving the current timestamp. Is FOR UPDATE OF syntax supported? True if the database supports FOR UPDATE OF syntax; false otherwise. Does this dialect support FOR UPDATE in conjunction with outer joined rows? True if outer joined rows can be locked via FOR UPDATE. Does this dialect support temporary tables? Does this dialect support a way to retrieve the database's current timestamp value? Whether this dialect have an Identity clause added to the data type or a completely seperate identity data type The syntax that returns the identity value of the last insert, if native key generation is supported The keyword used to specify an identity column, if native key generation is supported Does this dialect support sequences? Does this Dialect have some kind of LIMIT syntax? False, unless overridden. Does this Dialect support an offset? Can parameters be used for a statement containing a LIMIT? Does this dialect support UNION ALL, which is generally a faster variant of UNION? True if UNION ALL is supported; false otherwise. Knows how to extract a violated constraint name from an error message based on the fact that the constraint name is templated within the message. Extracts the constraint name based on a template (i.e., templateStartconstraintNametemplateEnd). The pattern denoting the start of the constraint name within the message. The pattern denoting the end of the constraint name within the message. The templated error message containing the constraint name. The found constraint name, or null. Extract the name of the violated constraint from the given SQLException. The exception that was the result of the constraint violation. The extracted constraint name. Extract the name of the violated constraint from the given DbException. The exception that was the result of the constraint violation. The extracted constraint name. Summary description for InformixDialect. This dialect is intended to work with IDS version 9.40 The InformixDialect defaults the following configuration properties: ConnectionDriver NHibernate.Driver.OdbcDriver PrepareSql true connection.driver_class Generate the appropriate select statement to to retreive the next value of a sequence. the name of the sequence String The "nextval" select string. This should be a "stand alone" select statement. Generate the select expression fragment that will retrieve the next value of a sequence as part of another (typically DML) statement. the name of the sequence The "nextval" fragment. This differs from in that this should return an expression usable within another statement. Create a strategy responsible for handling this dialect's variations in how joins are handled. This dialect's strategy. Get the select command used retrieve the names of all sequences. The select command; or null if sequences are not supported. Does this dialect support sequences? Does this dialect support "pooled" sequences. Not aware of a better name for this. Essentially can we specify the initial and increment values? True if such "pooled" sequences are supported; false otherwise. Does this Dialect have some kind of LIMIT syntax? False, unless overridden. Does this Dialect support an offset? Summary description for InformixDialect. This dialect is intended to work with IDS version 10.00 The InformixDialect defaults the following configuration properties: ConnectionDriver NHibernate.Driver.OdbcDriver PrepareSql true connection.driver_class Does this Dialect have some kind of LIMIT syntax? False, unless overridden. Does this Dialect support an offset? An SQL dialect for IngresSQL. The IngresDialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class An SQL dialect compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2000. The MsSql2000Dialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class adonet.batch_size 10 query.substitutions true 1, false 0, yes 'Y', no 'N' Generates the string to drop the table using SQL Server syntax. The name of the table to drop. The SQL with the inserted. MsSql does not require the OpenQuote to be escaped as long as the first char is an OpenQuote. Does this Dialect have some kind of LIMIT syntax? True, we'll use the SELECT TOP nn syntax. Does this Dialect support an offset? Can parameters be used for a statement containing a LIMIT? Does the LIMIT clause take a "maximum" row number instead of a total number of returned rows? false, unless overridden Indicates whether the string fragment contains matching parenthesis the statement to evaluate true if the statment contains no parenthesis or an equal number of opening and closing parenthesis;otherwise false Sql Server 2005 supports a query statement that provides LIMIT functionality. true Sql Server 2005 supports a query statement that provides LIMIT functionality with an offset. true Sql Server 2005 supports a query statement that provides LIMIT functionality with an offset. false An SQL dialect compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 7. There have been no test run with this because the NHibernate team does not have a machine with Sql 7 installed on it. But there have been users using Ms Sql 7 with NHibernate. As issues with Ms Sql 7 and NHibernate become known this Dialect will be updated. Uses @@identity to get the Id value. There is a well known problem with @@identity and triggers that insert into rows into other tables that also use an identity column. The only way I know of to get around this problem is to upgrade your database server to Ms Sql 2000. A dialect for SQL Server Everywhere (SQL Server CE). A SQL dialect for MySQL The MySQLDialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class Create the SQL string to drop a foreign key constraint. The name of the foreign key to drop. The SQL string to drop the foreign key constraint. Create the SQL string to drop a primary key constraint. The name of the primary key to drop. The SQL string to drop the primary key constraint. Create the SQL string to drop an index. The name of the index to drop. The SQL string to drop the index constraint. Suclasses register a typename for the given type code, to be used in CAST() statements. The typecode The database type name Get the name of the database type appropriate for casting operations (via the CAST() SQL function) for the given typecode. The typecode The database type name A dialect specifically for use with Oracle 10g. The main difference between this dialect and is the use of "ANSI join syntax" here... A dialect for Oracle 8i. Support for the oracle proprietary join syntax... The orqacle join fragment Map case support to the Oracle DECODE function. Oracle did not add support for CASE until 9i. The oracle CASE -> DECODE fragment Allows access to the basic implementation... The mapping type The appropriate select cluse fragment It's a immature version, it just work. An SQL dialect for Oracle Lite The OracleLiteDialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class An SQL dialect for PostgreSQL 8.1 and above. PostgreSQL 8.1 supports FOR UPDATE ... NOWAIT syntax. PostgreSQL supports Identity column using the "SERIAL" type. Serial type is a "virtual" type that will automatically: Create a sequence named tablename_colname_seq. Set the default value of this column to the next value of the sequence. (using function nextval('tablename_colname_seq')) Add a "NOT NULL" constraint to this column. Set the sequence as "owned by" the table. To insert the next value of the sequence into the serial column, exclude the column from the list of columns in the INSERT statement or use the DEFAULT key word. If the table or the column is dropped, the sequence is dropped too. An SQL dialect for PostgreSQL. The PostgreSQLDialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class PostgreSQL requires to cast NULL values to correctly handle UNION/UNION ALL See PostgreSQL BUG #1847: Error in some kind of UNION query. The type code. null casted as : "null::sqltypename" PostgreSQL supports UNION ALL clause Reference: PostgreSQL 8.0 UNION Clause documentation PostgreSQL supports serial and serial4 type for 4 bytes integer auto increment column. bigserial or serial8 can be used for 8 bytes integer auto increment column. bigserial if equal Int64, serial otherwise PostgreSQL supports Identity column using the "SERIAL" type. PostgreSQL doesn't have type in identity column. To create an identity column it uses the SQL syntax CREATE TABLE tablename (colname SERIAL); or CREATE TABLE tablename (colname BIGSERIAL); The sql syntax to insert a row without specifying any column in PostgreSQL is INSERT INTO table DEFAULT VALUES; PostgreSQL 8.1 and above defined the fuction lastval() that returns the value of the last sequence that nextval() was used on in the current session. Call lastval() if nextval() has not yet been called in the current session throw an exception. An SQL dialect for PostgreSQL 8.2 and above. PostgreSQL 8.2 supports DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tablename and DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS sequencename syntax. See for more information. A SQL dialect for SQLite.

Author: Ioan Bizau

SQLite does not currently support dropping foreign key constraints by alter statements. This means that tables cannot be dropped if there are any rows that depend on those. If there are cycles between tables, it would even be excessively difficult to delete the data in the right order first. Because of this, we just turn off the foreign constraints before we drop the schema and hope that we're not going to break anything. :( We could theoretically check for data consistency afterwards, but we don't currently. An SQL dialect for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0

This dialect probably will not work with schema-export. If anyone out there can fill in the ctor with DbTypes to Strings that would be helpful.

The dialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class prepare_sql
ASA does not require to drop constraint before dropping tables, and DROP statement syntax used by Hibernate to drop constraint is not compatible with ASA, so disable it. Comments matchs SybaseAnywhereDialect from Hibernate-3.1 src An SQL dialect targeting Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15 and higher. The dialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class Sybase ASE 15 temporary tables are not supported By default, temporary tables in Sybase ASE 15 can only be created outside a transaction. This is not supported by NHibernate. Temporary tables (and other DDL) statements can only be run in a transaction if the 'ddl in tran' database option on tempdb is set to 'true'. However, Sybase does not recommend this setting due to the performance impact arising from locking and contention on tempdb system tables. This is false only by default. The database can be configured to be case-insensitive. SQL Dialect for SQL Anywhere 10 - for the NHibernate 3.0.0 distribution Copyright (C) 2010 Glenn Paulley Contact: http://iablog.sybase.com/paulley This NHibernate dialect should be considered BETA software. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA The dialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class prepare_sql SQL Anywhere 10 supports READ, WRITE, and INTENT row locks. INTENT locks are sufficient to ensure that other concurrent connections cannot modify a row (though other connections can still read that row). SQL Anywhere also supports 3 modes of snapshot isolation (multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). SQL Anywhere's FOR UPDATE clause supports FOR UPDATE BY [ LOCK | VALUES ] FOR UPDATE OF ( COLUMN LIST ) though they cannot be specified at the same time. BY LOCK is the syntax that acquires INTENT locks. FOR UPDATE BY VALUES forces the use of the KEYSET cursor, which returns a warning to the application when a row in the cursor has been subsequently modified by another connection, and an error if the row has been deleted. SQL Anywhere does not support the FOR UPDATE NOWAIT syntax of Oracle on a statement-by-statement basis. However, the identical functionality is provided by setting the connection option BLOCKING to "OFF", or setting an appropriate timeout period through the connection option BLOCKING_TIMEOUT. SQL Anywhere 10 does not perform a COMMIT upon creation of a temporary table. However, it does perform an implicit COMMIT when creating an index over a temporary table, or upon ALTERing the definition of temporary table. SQL Anywhere does support OUT parameters with callable stored procedures. SQL Anywhere uses DEFAULT AUTOINCREMENT to identify an IDENTITY column in a CREATE TABLE statement. SQL Anywhere does support FOR UPDATE OF syntax. However, in SQL Anywhere one cannot specify both FOR UPDATE OF syntax and FOR UPDATE BY LOCK in the same statement. To achieve INTENT locking when using FOR UPDATE OF syntax one must use a table hint in the query's FROM clause, ie. SELECT * FROM FOO WITH( UPDLOCK ) FOR UPDATE OF ( column-list ). In this dialect, we avoid this issue by supporting only FOR UPDATE BY LOCK. SQL Anywhere supports FOR UPDATE over cursors containing outer joins. Lock rows in the cursor explicitly using INTENT row locks. Enforce the condition that this query is read-only. This ensure that certain query rewrite optimizations, such as join elimination, can be used. Lock rows in the cursor explicitly using INTENT row locks. SQL Anywhere does not support FOR UPDATE NOWAIT. However, the intent is to acquire pessimistic locks on the underlying rows; with NHibernate one can accomplish this through setting the BLOCKING connection option. Hence, with this API we lock rows in the cursor explicitly using INTENT row locks. We assume that applications using this dialect are NOT using SQL Anywhere's snapshot isolation modes. We assume that applications using this dialect are NOT using SQL Anywhere's snapshot isolation modes. SQL Anywhere supports both double quotes or '[' (Microsoft syntax) for quoted identifiers. Note that quoted identifiers are controlled through the QUOTED_IDENTIFIER connection option. SQL Anywhere supports both double quotes or '[' (Microsoft syntax) for quoted identifiers. SQL Anywhere's implementation of KEYSET-DRIVEN cursors does not permit absolute postioning. With jConnect as the driver, this support will succeed because jConnect FETCHes the entire result set to the client first; it will fail with the iAnywhere JDBC driver. Because the server may decide to use a KEYSET cursor even if the cursor is declared as FORWARD ONLY, this support is disabled. By default, the SQL Anywhere dbinit utility creates a case-insensitive database for the CHAR collation. This can be changed through the use of the -c command line switch on dbinit, and the setting may differ for the NCHAR collation for national character sets. Whether or not a database supports case-sensitive comparisons can be determined via the DB_Extended_property() function, for example SELECT DB_EXTENDED_PROPERTY( 'Collation', 'CaseSensitivity'); SQL Anywhere supports COMMENT ON statements for a wide variety of database objects. When the COMMENT statement is executed an implicit COMMIT is performed. However, COMMENT syntax for CREATE TABLE, as expected by NHibernate (see Table.cs), is not supported. SQL Anywhere currently supports only "VALUES (DEFAULT)", not the ANSI standard "DEFAULT VALUES". This latter syntax will be supported in the SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 release. For the moment, "VALUES (DEFAULT)" works only for a single-column table. SQL Anywhere does not require dropping a constraint before dropping a table, and the DROP statement syntax used by Hibernate to drop a constraint is not compatible with SQL Anywhere, so disable it. In SQL Anywhere, the syntax, DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE ..., can also be used, which creates a temporary table with procedure scope, which may be important for stored procedures. Assume that temporary table rows should be preserved across COMMITs. SQL Dialect for SQL Anywhere 11 - for the NHibernate 3.0.0 distribution Copyright (C) 2010 Glenn Paulley Contact: http://iablog.sybase.com/paulley This NHibernate dialect should be considered BETA software. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA The dialect defaults the following configuration properties: Property Default Value connection.driver_class prepare_sql This class maps a DbType to names. Associations may be marked with a capacity. Calling the Get() method with a type and actual size n will return the associated name with smallest capacity >= n, if available and an unmarked default type otherwise. Eg, setting Names.Put(DbType, "TEXT" ); Names.Put(DbType, 255, "VARCHAR($l)" ); Names.Put(DbType, 65534, "LONGVARCHAR($l)" ); will give you back the following: Names.Get(DbType) // --> "TEXT" (default) Names.Get(DbType,100) // --> "VARCHAR(100)" (100 is in [0:255]) Names.Get(DbType,1000) // --> "LONGVARCHAR(1000)" (100 is in [256:65534]) Names.Get(DbType,100000) // --> "TEXT" (default) On the other hand, simply putting Names.Put(DbType, "VARCHAR($l)" ); would result in Names.Get(DbType) // --> "VARCHAR($l)" (will cause trouble) Names.Get(DbType,100) // --> "VARCHAR(100)" Names.Get(DbType,1000) // --> "VARCHAR(1000)" Names.Get(DbType,10000) // --> "VARCHAR(10000)" Get default type name for specified type the type key the default type name associated with the specified key Get the type name specified type and size the type key the SQL length the SQL scale the SQL precision The associated name with smallest capacity >= size if available and the default type name otherwise For types with a simple length, this method returns the definition for the longest registered type. Set a type name for specified type key and capacity the type key the (maximum) type size/length The associated name The SybaseSQLAnywhereDriver Driver provides a database driver for Sybase SQL Anywhere 10 and above Base class for the implementation of IDriver A strategy for describing how NHibernate should interact with the different .NET Data Providers. The IDriver interface is not intended to be exposed to the application. Instead it is used internally by NHibernate to obtain connection objects, command objects, and to generate and prepare IDbCommands. Implementors should provide a public default constructor. This is the interface to implement, or you can inherit from if you have an ADO.NET data provider that NHibernate does not have built in support for. To use the driver, NHibernate property connection.driver_class should be set to the assembly-qualified name of the driver class. key="connection.driver_class" value="FullyQualifiedClassName, AssemblyName" Configure the driver using . Creates an uninitialized IDbConnection object for the specific Driver Generates an IDbCommand from the SqlString according to the requirements of the DataProvider. The of the command to generate. The SqlString that contains the SQL. The types of the parameters to generate for the command. An IDbCommand with the CommandText and Parameters fully set. Prepare the by calling . May be a no-op if the driver does not support preparing commands, or for any other reason. The command. Generates an IDbDataParameter for the IDbCommand. It does not add the IDbDataParameter to the IDbCommand's Parameter collection. The IDbCommand to use to create the IDbDataParameter. The name to set for IDbDataParameter.Name The SqlType to set for IDbDataParameter. An IDbDataParameter ready to be added to an IDbCommand. Expand the parameters of the cmd to have a single parameter for each parameter in the sql string This is for databases that do not support named parameters. So, instead of a single parameter for 'select ... from MyTable t where t.Col1 = @p0 and t.Col2 = @p0' we can issue 'select ... from MyTable t where t.Col1 = ? and t.Col2 = ?' Make any adjustments to each IDbCommand object before it is added to the batcher. The command. This method should be executed before add each single command to the batcher. If you have to adjust parameters values/type (when the command is full filled) this is a good place where do it. Does this Driver support having more than 1 open IDataReader with the same IDbConnection. A value of indicates that an exception would be thrown if NHibernate attempted to have 2 IDataReaders open using the same IDbConnection. NHibernate (since this version is a close to straight port of Hibernate) relies on the ability to recursively open 2 IDataReaders. If the Driver does not support it then NHibernate will read the values from the IDataReader into an . A value of will result in greater performance because an IDataReader can be used instead of the . So if the Driver supports it then make sure it is set to . Change the parameterName into the correct format IDbCommand.CommandText for the ConnectionProvider The unformatted name of the parameter A parameter formatted for an IDbCommand.CommandText Changes the parameterName into the correct format for an IDbParameter for the Driver. For SqlServerConnectionProvider it will change id to @id The unformatted name of the parameter A parameter formatted for an IDbParameter. Generates an IDbDataParameter for the IDbCommand. It does not add the IDbDataParameter to the IDbCommand's Parameter collection. The IDbCommand to use to create the IDbDataParameter. The name to set for IDbDataParameter.Name The SqlType to set for IDbDataParameter. An IDbDataParameter ready to be added to an IDbCommand. Override to make any adjustments to the IDbCommand object. (e.g., Oracle custom OUT parameter) Parameters have been bound by this point, so their order can be adjusted too. This is analagous to the RegisterResultSetOutParameter() function in Hibernate. Override to make any adjustments to each IDbCommand object before it added to the batcher. The command. This method is similar to the but, instead be called just before execute the command (that can be a batch) is executed before add each single command to the batcher and before . If you have to adjust parameters values/type (when the command is full filled) this is a good place where do it. Does this Driver require the use of a Named Prefix in the SQL statement. For example, SqlClient requires select * from simple where simple_id = @simple_id If this is false, like with the OleDb provider, then it is assumed that the ? can be a placeholder for the parameter in the SQL statement. Does this Driver require the use of the Named Prefix when trying to reference the Parameter in the Command's Parameter collection. This is really only useful when the UseNamedPrefixInSql == true. When this is true the code will look like: IDbParameter param = cmd.Parameters["@paramName"] if this is false the code will be IDbParameter param = cmd.Parameters["paramName"]. The Named Prefix for parameters. Sql Server uses "@" and Oracle uses ":". Does this Driver support IDbCommand.Prepare(). A value of indicates that an exception would be thrown or the company that produces the Driver we are wrapping does not recommend using IDbCommand.Prepare(). A value of indicates that calling IDbCommand.Prepare() will function fine on this Driver. Initializes a new instance of with type names that are loaded from the specified assembly. Assembly to load the types from. Connection type name. Command type name. Initializes a new instance of with type names that are loaded from the specified assembly. The Invariant name of a provider. Assembly to load the types from. Connection type name. Command type name. Initializes a new instance of the class. Thrown when the iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere assembly is not and can not be loaded. The SybaseAsaClientDriver driver provides a database driver for Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0. Initializes a new instance of the class. Thrown when the iAnywhere.Data.AsaClient assembly is not and can not be loaded. Execute the given for each command of the resultset. The action to perform where the first parameter is the and the second parameter is the parameters offset of the . Datareader wrapper with the same life cycle of its command (through the batcher) NHibernate driver for the Community CsharpSqlite data provider.

Author: Nikolaos Tountas

In order to use this Driver you must have the Community.CsharpSqlite.dll and Community.CsharpSqlite.SQLiteClient assemblies referenced.

Please check http://code.google.com/p/csharp-sqlite/ for more information regarding csharp-sqlite.

Initializes a new instance of . Thrown when the Community.CsharpSqlite.dll assembly can not be loaded. A NHibernate Driver for using the IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries DataProvider. Initializes a new instance of the class. Thrown when the IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries assembly can not be loaded. A NHibernate Driver for using the IBM.Data.DB2 DataProvider. Initializes a new instance of the class. Thrown when the IBM.Data.DB2 assembly can not be loaded. A NHibernate Driver for using the Firebird data provider located in FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient assembly. Initializes a new instance of the class. Thrown when the FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird assembly can not be loaded. A NHibernate Driver for using the FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird DataProvider. Initializes a new instance of the class. Thrown when the FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient assembly can not be loaded. A NHibernate Driver for using the Informix DataProvider Initializes a new instance of the class. Thrown when the IBM.Data.Informix assembly can not be loaded. A NHibernate Driver for using the Ingres DataProvider Provides a database driver for MySQL. In order to use this driver you must have the assembly MySql.Data.dll available for NHibernate to load, including its dependencies (ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll is required by the assembly MySql.Data.dll as of the time of this writing). Please check the product's website for any updates and/or documentation regarding MySQL. Initializes a new instance of the class. Thrown when the MySql.Data assembly can not be loaded. MySql.Data uses named parameters in the sql. - MySql uses ? in the sql. MySql.Data use the ? to locate parameters in sql. ? is used to locate parameters in sql. The MySql.Data driver does NOT support more than 1 open IDataReader with only 1 IDbConnection. - it is not supported. MySql.Data does not support preparing of commands. - it is not supported. With the Gamma MySql.Data provider it is throwing an exception with the message "Expected End of data packet" when a select command is prepared. Some Data Providers (ie - SqlClient) do not support Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS). NHibernate relies on being able to create MARS to read Components and entities inside of Collections. This is a completely off-line DataReader - the underlying IDataReader that was used to create this has been closed and no connections to the Db exists. Creates a NDataReader from a The to get the records from the Database. if we are loading the in the middle of reading it. NHibernate attempts to not have to read the contents of an into memory until it absolutely has to. What that means is that it might have processed some records from the and will pick up the midstream so that the underlying can be closed so a new one can be opened. Sets the values that can be cached back to null and sets the index of the cached column to -1 Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. There are not any unmanaged resources or any disposable managed resources that this class is holding onto. It is in here to comply with the interface. Stores a Result from a DataReader in memory. Initializes a new instance of the NResult class. The IDataReader to populate the Result with. if the is already positioned on the record to start reading from. An implementation of that will work with either an returned by Execute or with an whose contents have been read into a . This allows NHibernate to use the underlying for as long as possible without the need to read everything into the . The consumer of the returned from does not need to know the underlying reader and can use it the same even if it switches from an to in the middle of its use. Initializes a new instance of the class. The underlying IDataReader to use. Initializes a new instance of the NHybridDataReader class. The underlying IDataReader to use. if the contents of the IDataReader should be read into memory right away. Reads all of the contents into memory because another needs to be opened. This will result in a no op if the reader is closed or is already in memory. A flag to indicate if Disose() has been called. Finalizer that ensures the object is correctly disposed of. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Indicates if this NHybridDataReader is being Disposed of or Finalized. If this NHybridDataReader is being Finalized (isDisposing==false) then make sure not to call any methods that could potentially bring this NHybridDataReader back to life. Gets if the object is in the middle of reading a Result. if NextResult and Read have been called on the . The PostgreSQL data provider provides a database driver for PostgreSQL.

Author: Oliver Weichhold

In order to use this Driver you must have the Npgsql.dll Assembly available for NHibernate to load it.

Please check the products website http://www.postgresql.org/ for any updates and or documentation.

The homepage for the .NET DataProvider is: http://pgfoundry.org/projects/npgsql.

Initializes a new instance of the class. Thrown when the Npgsql assembly can not be loaded. A NHibernate Driver for using the Odbc DataProvider Always look for a native .NET DataProvider before using the Odbc DataProvider. A NHibernate Driver for using the OleDb DataProvider Always look for a native .NET DataProvider before using the OleDb DataProvider. OLE DB provider does not support multiple open data readers A NHibernate Driver for using the Oracle DataProvider. A NHibernate Driver for using the Oracle.DataAccess DataProvider Code was contributed by James Mills on the NHibernate forums in this post. Initializes a new instance of . Thrown when the Oracle.DataAccess assembly can not be loaded. This adds logic to ensure that a DbType.Boolean parameter is not created since ODP.NET doesn't support it. A NHibernate Driver for using the Oracle.DataAccess.Lite DataProvider Initializes a new instance of . Thrown when the Oracle.DataAccess.Lite_w32 assembly can not be loaded. This adds logic to ensure that a DbType.Boolean parameter is not created since ODP.NET doesn't support it. A NHibernate Driver for using the SqlClient DataProvider Creates an uninitialized object for the SqlClientDriver. An unitialized object. Creates an uninitialized object for the SqlClientDriver. An unitialized object. Interprets if a parameter is a Clob (for the purposes of setting its default size) The parameter The of the parameter True, if the parameter should be interpreted as a Clob, otherwise False Interprets if a parameter is a Blob (for the purposes of setting its default size) The parameter The of the parameter True, if the parameter should be interpreted as a Blob, otherwise False MsSql requires the use of a Named Prefix in the SQL statement. because MsSql uses "@". MsSql requires the use of a Named Prefix in the Parameter. because MsSql uses "@". The Named Prefix for parameters. Sql Server uses "@". The SqlClient driver does NOT support more than 1 open IDataReader with only 1 IDbConnection. - it is not supported. MS SQL Server 2000 (and 7) throws an exception when multiple IDataReaders are attempted to be opened. When SQL Server 2005 comes out a new driver will be created for it because SQL Server 2005 is supposed to support it. NHibernate driver for the System.Data.SQLite data provider for .NET 2.0.

In order to use this driver you must have the System.Data.SQLite.dll assembly available for NHibernate to load. This assembly includes the SQLite.dll or SQLite3.dll libraries.

You can get the System.Data.SQLite.dll assembly from http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlite-dotnet2.

Please check http://www.sqlite.org/ for more information regarding SQLite.

Initializes a new instance of . Thrown when the SQLite.NET assembly can not be loaded. NHibernate driver for the SQLite.NET data provider.

Author: Ioan Bizau

In order to use this Driver you must have the SQLite.NET.dll Assembly available for NHibernate to load it. You must also have the SQLite.dll and SQLite3.dll libraries.

Please check http://www.sqlite.org/ for more information regarding SQLite.

Initializes a new instance of . Thrown when the SQLite.NET assembly can not be loaded. A NHibernate driver for Microsoft SQL Server CE data provider Initializes a new instance of the class. MsSql requires the use of a Named Prefix in the SQL statement. because MsSql uses "@". MsSql requires the use of a Named Prefix in the Parameter. because MsSql uses "@". The Named Prefix for parameters. Sql Server uses "@". The SqlClient driver does NOT support more than 1 open IDataReader with only 1 IDbConnection. - it is not supported. Ms Sql 2000 (and 7) throws an Exception when multiple DataReaders are attempted to be Opened. When Yukon comes out a new Driver will be created for Yukon because it is supposed to support it. This provides a driver for Sybase ASE 15 using the ADO.NET driver. You will need the following libraries available to your application:
  • Sybase.AdoNet2.AseClient.dll
  • sybdrvado20.dll
Represents state associated with the processing of a given in regards to loading collections. Another implementation option to consider is to not expose ResultSets directly (in the JDBC redesign) but to always "wrap" them and apply a [series of] context[s] to that wrapper. Creates a collection load context for the given result set. Callback to other collection load contexts. The result set this is "wrapping". Retrieve the collection that is being loaded as part of processing this result set. The persister for the collection being requested. The key of the collection being requested. The loading collection (see discussion above). Basically, there are two valid return values from this method:
  • an instance of {@link PersistentCollection} which indicates to continue loading the result set row data into that returned collection instance; this may be either an instance already associated and in the midst of being loaded, or a newly instantiated instance as a matching associated collection was not found.
  • null indicates to ignore the corresponding result set row data relating to the requested collection; this indicates that either the collection was found to already be associated with the persistence context in a fully loaded state, or it was found in a loading state associated with another result set processing context.
Finish the process of collection-loading for this bound result set. Mainly this involves cleaning up resources and notifying the collections that loading is complete. The persister for which to complete loading. Add the collection to the second-level cache The entry representing the collection to add The persister Maps to specific contextual data related to processing that . Implementation note: internally an is used to maintain the mappings; was chosen because I'd rather not be dependent upon potentially bad and implementations. Considering the JDBC-redesign work, would further like this contextual info not mapped separately, but available based on the result set being processed. This would also allow maintaining a single mapping as we could reliably get notification of the result-set closing... Creates and binds this to the given persistence context. The persistence context to which this will be bound. Release internal state associated with the given result set. The result set for which it is ok to release associated resources. This should be called when we are done with processing said result set, ideally as the result set is being closed. Release internal state associated with *all* result sets. This is intended as a "failsafe" process to make sure we get everything cleaned up and released. Get the {@link CollectionLoadContext} associated with the given {@link ResultSet}, creating one if needed. The result set for which to retrieve the context. The processing context. Attempt to locate the loading collection given the owner's key. The lookup here occurs against all result-set contexts... The collection persister The owner key The loading collection, or null if not found. Register a loading collection xref. The xref collection key The corresponding loading collection entry This xref map is used because sometimes a collection is in process of being loaded from one result set, but needs to be accessed from the context of another "nested" result set processing. Implementation note: package protected, as this is meant solely for use by {@link CollectionLoadContext} to be able to locate collections being loaded by other {@link CollectionLoadContext}s/{@link ResultSet}s. The inverse of {@link #registerLoadingCollectionXRef}. Here, we are done processing the said collection entry, so we remove it from the load context. The key of the collection we are done processing. The idea here is that other loading collections can now reference said collection directly from the {@link PersistenceContext} because it has completed its load cycle. Implementation note: package protected, as this is meant solely for use by {@link CollectionLoadContext} to be able to locate collections being loaded by other {@link CollectionLoadContext}s/{@link ResultSet}s. Locate the LoadingCollectionEntry within *any* of the tracked s. The collection key. The located entry; or null. Implementation note: package protected, as this is meant solely for use by to be able to locate collections being loaded by other s/ResultSets. Retrieves the persistence context to which this is bound. Do we currently have any internal entries corresponding to loading collections? True if we currently hold state pertaining to loading collections; false otherwise. Do we currently have any registered internal entries corresponding to loading collections? True if we currently hold state pertaining to a registered loading collections; false otherwise. Represents a collection currently being loaded. Describes a return in a native SQL query. Represents a return defined as part of a native sql query which names a collection role in the form {classname}.{collectionrole}; it is used in defining a custom sql query for loading an entity's collection in non-fetching scenarios (i.e., loading the collection itself as the "root" of the result). Represents the base information for a non-scalar return defined as part of a native sql query. Constructs some form of non-scalar return descriptor The result alias Any user-supplied column->property mappings The lock mode to apply to the return. Retrieve the defined result alias Retrieve the lock-mode to apply to this return Retrieve the user-supplied column->property mappings. Construct a native-sql return representing a collection initializer The result alias The entity-name of the entity owning the collection to be initialized. The property name (on the owner) which represents the collection to be initialized. Any user-supplied column->property mappings The lock mode to apply to the collection. The class owning the collection. The name of the property representing the collection from the . Represents a return defined as part of a native sql query which names a fetched role. Construct a return descriptor representing some form of fetch. The result alias The owner's result alias The owner's property representing the thing to be fetched Any user-supplied column->property mappings The lock mode to apply The alias of the owner of this fetched association. Retrieve the property name (relative to the owner) which maps to the association to be fetched. Represents a return defined as part of a native sql query which names a "root" entity. A root entity means it is explicitly a "column" in the result, as opposed to a fetched relationship or role. Construct a return representing an entity returned at the root of the result. The result alias The entity name. The lock mode to apply Construct a return representing an entity returned at the root of the result. The result alias The entity name. Any user-supplied column->property mappings The lock mode to apply The name of the entity to be returned. Describes a scalar return in a native SQL query. Extends an HQLQueryPlan to maintain a reference to the collection-role name being filtered. Defines a query execution plan for an HQL query (or filter). Descriptor regarding a named parameter. Not supported yet (AST parse needed) Defines a query execution plan for a native-SQL query. Encapsulates metadata about parameters encountered within a query. The single available method is responsible for parsing a query string and recognizing tokens in relation to parameters (either named, ejb3-style, or ordinal) and providing callbacks about such recognitions. Performs the actual parsing and tokenizing of the query string making appropriate callbacks to the given recognizer upon recognition of the various tokens. Note that currently, this only knows how to deal with a single output parameter (for callable statements). If we later add support for multiple output params, this, obviously, needs to change. The string to be parsed/tokenized. The thing which handles recognition events. Implements a parameter parser recognizer specifically for the purpose of journaling parameter locations. Convenience method for creating a param location recognizer and initiating the parse. The query to be parsed for parameter locations. The generated recognizer, with journaled location info. The dictionary of named parameter locations. The dictionary is keyed by parameter name. The list of ordinal parameter locations. The list elements are integers, representing the location for that given ordinal. Thus OrdinalParameterLocationList[n] represents the location for the nth parameter. Acts as a cache for compiled query plans, as well as query-parameter metadata. Represents work that needs to be performed in a manner which isolates it from any current application unit of work transaction. Perform the actual work to be done. The ADP connection to use. The active transaction of the connection. Class which provides the isolation semantics required by an . Processing comes in two flavors: makes sure the work to be done is performed in a seperate, distinct transaction makes sure the work to be done is performed outside the scope of any transaction Ensures that all processing actually performed by the given work will occur on a seperate transaction. The work to be performed. The session from which this request is originating. Ensures that all processing actually performed by the given work will occur outside of a transaction. The work to be performed. The session from which this request is originating. Responsible for maintaining the queue of actions related to events. The ActionQueue holds the DML operations queued as part of a session's transactional-write-behind semantics. DML operations are queued here until a flush forces them to be executed against the database. Perform all currently queued entity-insertion actions. Perform all currently queued actions. Prepares the internal action queues for execution. Execute any registered Performs cleanup of any held cache softlocks. Was the transaction successful. Check whether the given tables/query-spaces are to be executed against given the currently queued actions. The table/query-spaces to check. True if we contain pending actions against any of the given tables; false otherwise. Check whether any insertion or deletion actions are currently queued. True if insertions or deletions are currently queued; false otherwise. Identifies a named association belonging to a particular entity instance. Used to record the fact that an association is null during loading. Defines a sequence of elements that are currently eligible for batch fetching. Even though this is a map, we only use the keys. A map was chosen in order to utilize a to maintain sequencing as well as uniqueness. A map of subselect-fetch descriptors keyed by the against which the descriptor is registered. The owning persistence context. Constructs a queue for the given context. The owning persistence context. Clears all entries from this fetch queue. Retrieve the fetch descriptor associated with the given entity key. The entity key for which to locate any defined subselect fetch. The fetch descriptor; may return null if no subselect fetch queued for this entity key. Adds a subselect fetch decriptor for the given entity key. The entity for which to register the subselect fetch. The fetch descriptor. After evicting or deleting an entity, we don't need to know the query that was used to load it anymore (don't call this after loading the entity, since we might still need to load its collections) Clears all pending subselect fetches from the queue. Called after flushing. If an EntityKey represents a batch loadable entity, add it to the queue. Note that the contract here is such that any key passed in should previously have been been checked for existence within the ; failure to do so may cause the referenced entity to be included in a batch even though it is already associated with the . After evicting or deleting or loading an entity, we don't need to batch fetch it anymore, remove it from the queue if necessary Get a batch of uninitialized collection keys for a given role The persister for the collection role. A key that must be included in the batch fetch the maximum number of keys to return The entity mode. an array of collection keys, of length batchSize (padded with nulls) Get a batch of unloaded identifiers for this class, using a slightly complex algorithm that tries to grab keys registered immediately after the given key. The persister for the entities being loaded. The identifier of the entity currently demanding load. The maximum number of keys to return The entity mode. an array of identifiers, of length batchSize (possibly padded with nulls) The types of children to cascade to A cascade point that occurs just after the insertion of the parent entity and just before deletion A cascade point that occurs just before the insertion of the parent entity and just after deletion A cascade point that occurs just after the insertion of the parent entity and just before deletion, inside a collection A cascade point that occurs just after the update of the parent entity A cascade point that occurs just before the session is flushed A cascade point that occurs just after eviction of the parent entity from the session cache A cascade point that occurs just after locking a transient parent entity into the session cache A cascade point that occurs just after locking a transient parent entity into the session cache A cascade point that occurs just before merging from a transient parent entity into the object in the session cache Delegate responsible, in conjunction with the various , for implementing cascade processing. Cascade an action from the parent entity instance to all its children. The parent's entity persister The parent reference. Cascade an action from the parent entity instance to all its children. This form is typicaly called from within cascade actions. The parent's entity persister The parent reference. Typically some form of cascade-local cache which is specific to each CascadingAction type Cascade an action to the child or children Cascade an action to a collection Cascade an action to a to-one association or any type Cascade to the collection elements Delete any entities that were removed from the collection A contract for defining the aspects of cascading various persistence actions. package-protected constructor For this style, should the given action be cascaded? The action to be checked for cascade-ability. True if the action should be cascaded under this style; false otherwise. Probably more aptly named something like doCascadeToCollectionElements(); it is however used from both the collection and to-one logic branches... The action to be checked for cascade-ability. True if the action should be really cascaded under this style; false otherwise. For this style, should the given action really be cascaded? The default implementation is simply to return {@link #doCascade}; for certain styles (currently only delete-orphan), however, we need to be able to control this separately. Factory method for obtaining named cascade styles The named cascade style name. The appropriate CascadeStyle save / delete / update / evict / lock / replicate / merge / persist + delete orphans save / delete / update / evict / lock / replicate / merge / persist save / update lock refresh evict replicate merge create delete delete + delete orphans no cascades Do we need to delete orphaned collection elements? True if this style need to account for orphan delete operations; false otherwise. A session action that may be cascaded from parent entity to its children Cascade the action to the child object. The session within which the cascade is occurring. The child to which cascading should be performed. The child's entity name Typically some form of cascade-local cache which is specific to each CascadingAction type Are cascading deletes enabled. Given a collection, get an iterator of the children upon which the current cascading action should be visited. The session within which the cascade is occurring. The mapping type of the collection. The collection instance. The children iterator. Called (in the case of returning true) to validate that no cascade on the given property is considered a valid semantic. The session within which the cascade is occurring. The property value The property value owner The entity persister for the owner The index of the property within the owner. Given a collection, get an iterator of all its children, loading them from the database if necessary. The session within which the cascade is occurring. The mapping type of the collection. The collection instance. The children iterator. Iterate just the elements of the collection that are already there. Don't load any new elements from the database. Execute persist during flush time Does this action potentially extrapolate to orphan deletes? True if this action can lead to deletions of orphans. Does the specified cascading action require verification of no cascade validity? True if this action requires no-cascade verification; false otherwise. Should this action be performed (or noCascade consulted) in the case of lazy properties. We need an entry to tell us all about the current state of a collection with respect to its persistent state session-start/post-flush persistent state allow the snapshot to be serialized The when the Collection was loaded. This can be if the Collection was not loaded by NHibernate and was passed in along with a transient object. The identifier of the Entity that is the owner of this Collection during the load or post flush. Indicates that the Collection can still be reached by an Entity that exist in the . It is also used to ensure that the Collection is not shared between two Entities. Indicates that the Collection has been processed and is ready to have its state synchronized with the database. Indicates that a Collection needs to be updated. A Collection needs to be updated whenever the contents of the Collection have been changed. Indicates that a Collection has old elements that need to be removed. A Collection needs to have removals performed whenever its role changes or the key changes and it has a loadedPersister - ie - it was loaded by NHibernate. Indicates that a Collection needs to be recreated. A Collection needs to be recreated whenever its role changes or the owner changes. If we instantiate a collection during the process, we must ignore it for the rest of the flush. The that is currently responsible for the Collection. This is set when NHibernate is updating a reachable or an unreachable collection. Initializes a new instance of . For newly wrapped collections, or dereferenced collection wrappers For collections just loaded from the database Initializes a new instance of for initialized detached collections. For initialized detached collections Determine if the collection is "really" dirty, by checking dirtiness of the collection elements, if necessary Prepares this CollectionEntry for the Flush process. The that this CollectionEntry will be responsible for flushing. Updates the CollectionEntry to reflect that the has been initialized. The initialized that this Entry is for. Updates the CollectionEntry to reflect that it is has been successfully flushed to the database. The that was flushed. Called after a successful flush. Sets the information in this CollectionEntry that is specific to the . The that is responsible for the Collection. Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session. Record the fact that this collection was dereferenced The collection to be updated by unreachability. The session. Initialize the role of the collection. The collection to be updated by reachibility. The type of the collection. The owner of the collection. The session. We need an entry to tell us all about the current state of an object with respect to its persistent state Initializes a new instance of EntityEntry. The current of the Entity. The snapshot of the Entity's state when it was loaded. The identifier of the Entity in the database. The version of the Entity. The for the Entity. A boolean indicating if the Entity exists in the database. The that is responsible for this Entity. After actually inserting a row, record the fact that the instance exists on the database (needed for identity-column key generation) After actually updating the database, update the snapshot information, and escalate the lock mode. After actually deleting a row, record the fact that the instance no longer exists in the database Can the entity be modified? The entity is modifiable if all of the following are true: - the entity class is mutable - the entity is not read-only - if the current status is Status.Deleted, then the entity was not read-only when it was deleted true, if the entity is modifiable; false, otherwise Gets or sets the current of the Entity. The of the Entity. Gets or sets the of this Entity with respect to its persistence in the database. The of this Entity. Gets or sets the identifier of the Entity in the database. The identifier of the Entity in the database if one has been assigned. This might be when the is and the database generates the id. Gets or sets the snapshot of the Entity when it was loaded from the database. The snapshot of the Entity. There will only be a value when the Entity was loaded in the current Session. Gets or sets the snapshot of the Entity when it was marked as being ready for deletion. The snapshot of the Entity. This will be if the Entity is not being deleted. Gets or sets a indicating if this Entity exists in the database. if it is already in the database. It can also be if it does not exists in the database yet and the is . Gets or sets the version of the Entity. The version of the Entity. Gets or sets the that is responsible for this Entity. The that is responsible for this Entity. Gets the Fully Qualified Name of the class this Entity is an instance of. The Fully Qualified Name of the class this Entity is an instance of. Get the EntityKey based on this EntityEntry. A globally unique identifier of an instance, consisting of the user-visible identifier and the identifier space (eg. tablename) Construct a unique identifier for an entity class instance Used to reconstruct an EntityKey during deserialization. The identifier value The root entity name The specific entity name The type of the identifier value Whether represented entity is eligible for batch loading The session factory The entity's entity mode To use in deserialization callback Used to uniquely key an entity instance in relation to a particular session by some unique property reference, as opposed to identifier. Uniqueing information consists of the entity-name, the referenced property name, and the referenced property value. A FilterDefinition defines the global attributes of a dynamic filter. This information includes its name as well as its defined parameters (name and type). Set the named parameter's value list for this filter. The name of the filter for which this configuration is in effect. The default filter condition. A dictionary storing the NHibernate type of each parameter under its name. if set to true used in many to one rel Retreive the type of the named parameter defined for this filter. The name of the filter parameter for which to return the type. The type of the named parameter. Gets a value indicating whether to use this filter-def in manytoone refs. true if [use in many to one]; otherwise, false. Get the name of the filter this configuration defines. The filter name for this configuration. Get a set of the parameters defined by this configuration. The parameters named by this configuration. Algorithms related to foreign key constraint transparency Is this instance persistent or detached? If is non-null, don't hit the database to make the determination, instead assume that value; the client code must be prepared to "recover" in the case that this assumed result is incorrect. Is this instance, which we know is not persistent, actually transient? If assumed is non-null, don't hit the database to make the determination, instead assume that value; the client code must be prepared to "recover" in the case that this assumed result is incorrect. If is non-null, don't hit the database to make the determination, instead assume that value; the client code must be prepared to "recover" in the case that this assumed result is incorrect. Return the identifier of the persistent or transient object, or throw an exception if the instance is "unsaved" Used by OneToOneType and ManyToOneType to determine what id value should be used for an object that may or may not be associated with the session. This does a "best guess" using any/all info available to use (not just the EntityEntry). Nullify all references to entities that have not yet been inserted in the database, where the foreign key points toward that entity Return null if the argument is an "unsaved" entity (ie. one with no existing database row), or the input argument otherwise. This is how Hibernate avoids foreign key constraint violations. Determine if the object already exists in the database, using a "best guess" A strategy for determining if an identifier value is an identifier of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance. The strategy is determined by the Unsaved-Value attribute in the mapping file. Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if its identifier is null or equal to Value Does the given identifier belong to a new instance Always assume the transient instance is newly instantiated Never assume that transient instance is newly instantiated Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if the identifier is null. Assume nothing. Holds the state of the persistence context, including the first-level cache, entries, snapshots, proxies, etc. Add a collection which has no owner loaded Get and remove a collection whose owner is not yet loaded, when its owner is being loaded Clear the state of the persistence context Set the status of an entry Called after transactions end Get the current state of the entity as known to the underlying database, or null if there is no corresponding row Retrieve the cached database snapshot for the requested entity key. The entity key for which to retrieve the cached snapshot The cached snapshot This differs from is two important respects: no snapshot is obtained from the database if not already cached an entry of NO_ROW here is interpreted as an exception Get the values of the natural id fields as known to the underlying database, or null if the entity has no natural id or there is no corresponding row. Add a canonical mapping from entity key to entity instance Get the entity instance associated with the given EntityKey Is there an entity with the given key in the persistence context Remove an entity from the session cache, also clear up other state associated with the entity, all except for the EntityEntry Get an entity cached by unique key Add an entity to the cache by unique key Retrieve the EntityEntry representation of the given entity. The entity for which to locate the EntityEntry. The EntityEntry for the given entity. Remove an entity entry from the session cache Is there an EntityEntry for this instance? Get the collection entry for a persistent collection Adds an entity to the internal caches. Generates an appropriate EntityEntry instance and adds it to the event source's internal caches. Is the given collection associated with this persistence context? Is the given proxy associated with this persistence context? Takes the given object and, if it represents a proxy, reassociates it with this event source. The possible proxy to be reassociated. Whether the passed value represented an actual proxy which got initialized. If a deleted entity instance is re-saved, and it has a proxy, we need to reset the identifier of the proxy Get the entity instance underlying the given proxy, throwing an exception if the proxy is uninitialized. If the given object is not a proxy, simply return the argument. Possibly unproxy the given reference and reassociate it with the current session. The reference to be unproxied if it currently represents a proxy. The unproxied instance. Attempts to check whether the given key represents an entity already loaded within the current session. The entity reference against which to perform the uniqueness check. The entity key. If the existing proxy is insufficiently "narrow" (derived), instantiate a new proxy and overwrite the registration of the old one. This breaks == and occurs only for "class" proxies rather than "interface" proxies. Also init the proxy to point to the given target implementation if necessary. The proxy instance to be narrowed. The persister for the proxied entity. The internal cache key for the proxied entity. (optional) the actual proxied entity instance. An appropriately narrowed instance. Return the existing proxy associated with the given EntityKey, or the third argument (the entity associated with the key) if no proxy exists. Init the proxy to the target implementation, if necessary. Return the existing proxy associated with the given EntityKey, or the argument (the entity associated with the key) if no proxy exists. (slower than the form above) Get the entity that owns this persistent collection Get the entity that owned this persistent collection when it was loaded The persistent collection The owner if its entity ID is available from the collection's loaded key and the owner entity is in the persistence context; otherwise, returns null Get the ID for the entity that owned this persistent collection when it was loaded The persistent collection the owner ID if available from the collection's loaded key; otherwise, returns null add a collection we just loaded up (still needs initializing) add a detached uninitialized collection Add a new collection (ie. a newly created one, just instantiated by the application, with no database state or snapshot) The collection to be associated with the persistence context add an (initialized) collection that was created by another session and passed into update() (ie. one with a snapshot and existing state on the database) add a collection we just pulled out of the cache (does not need initializing) Get the collection instance associated with the CollectionKey Register a collection for non-lazy loading at the end of the two-phase load Force initialization of all non-lazy collections encountered during the current two-phase load (actually, this is a no-op, unless this is the "outermost" load) Get the PersistentCollection object for an array Register a PersistentCollection object for an array. Associates a holder with an array - MUST be called after loading array, since the array instance is not created until endLoad(). Remove the mapping of collection to holder during eviction of the owning entity Get the snapshot of the pre-flush collection state Get the collection entry for a collection passed to filter, which might be a collection wrapper, an array, or an unwrapped collection. Return null if there is no entry. Get an existing proxy by key Add a proxy to the session cache Remove a proxy from the session cache Called before cascading Called after cascading Call this before beginning a two-phase load Call this after finishing a two-phase load Search the persistence context for an owner for the child object, given a collection role Search the persistence context for an index of the child object, given a collection role Record the fact that the association belonging to the keyed entity is null. Is the association property belonging to the keyed entity null? Change the read-only status of an entity (or proxy). Read-only entities can be modified, but changes are not persisted. They are not dirty-checked and snapshots of persistent state are not maintained. Immutable entities cannot be made read-only. To set the default read-only setting for entities and proxies that are loaded into the persistence context, see . An entity (or ). If true, the entity or proxy is made read-only; if false, it is made modifiable. Is the specified entity (or proxy) read-only? An entity (or ) true if the entity or proxy is read-only, otherwise false. Add child/parent relation to cache for cascading operations The child. The parent. Remove child/parent relation from cache The child. Get the session to which this persistence context is bound. Retrieve this persistence context's managed load context. Get the BatchFetchQueue, instantiating one if necessary. Retrieve the set of EntityKeys representing nullifiable references Get the mapping from key value to entity instance Get the mapping from entity instance to entity entry Get the mapping from collection instance to collection entry Get the mapping from collection key to collection instance How deep are we cascaded? Is a flush cycle currently in process? Called before and after the flushcycle The read-only status for entities (and proxies) loaded into this persistence context. When a proxy is initialized, the loaded entity will have the same read-only setting as the uninitialized proxy has, regardless of the persistence context's current setting. To change the read-only setting for a particular entity or proxy that is already in the current persistence context, use . False if we know for certain that all the entities are read-only Is in a two-phase load? Defines the internal contract between the ISessionFactory and other parts of NHibernate such as implementors of IType. Creates ISessions. Usually an application has a single SessionFactory. Threads servicing client requests obtain ISessions from the factory. Implementors must be threadsafe. ISessionFactorys are immutable. The behaviour of a SessionFactory is controlled by properties supplied at configuration time. These properties are defined on Environment Open a ISession on the given connection A connection provided by the application A session Note that the second-level cache will be disabled if you supply a ADO.NET connection. NHibernate will not be able to track any statements you might have executed in the same transaction. Consider implementing your own . Create database connection and open a ISession on it, specifying an interceptor A session-scoped interceptor A session Open a ISession on the given connection, specifying an interceptor A connection provided by the application A session-scoped interceptor A session Note that the second-level cache will be disabled if you supply a ADO.NET connection. NHibernate will not be able to track any statements you might have executed in the same transaction. Consider implementing your own . Create a database connection and open a ISession on it Get the associated with the given entity class the given entity type. The class metadata or if not found. Get the associated with the given entity name the given entity name. The class metadata or if not found. Get the CollectionMetadata associated with the named collection role Get all as a from entityname to metadata object A dictionary from an entity name to Get all CollectionMetadata as a IDictionary from role name to metadata object Destroy this SessionFactory and release all resources connection pools, etc). It is the responsibility of the application to ensure that there are no open Sessions before calling close(). Evict all entries from the process-level cache. This method occurs outside of any transaction; it performs an immediate "hard" remove, so does not respect any transaction isolation semantics of the usage strategy. Use with care. Evict an entry from the process-level cache. This method occurs outside of any transaction; it performs an immediate "hard" remove, so does not respect any transaction isolation semantics of the usage strategy. Use with care. Evict all entries from the second-level cache. This method occurs outside of any transaction; it performs an immediate "hard" remove, so does not respect any transaction isolation semantics of the usage strategy. Use with care. Evict an entry from the second-level cache. This method occurs outside of any transaction; it performs an immediate "hard" remove, so does not respect any transaction isolation semantics of the usage strategy. Use with care. Evict all entries from the process-level cache. This method occurs outside of any transaction; it performs an immediate "hard" remove, so does not respect any transaction isolation semantics of the usage strategy. Use with care. Evict an entry from the process-level cache. This method occurs outside of any transaction; it performs an immediate "hard" remove, so does not respect any transaction isolation semantics of the usage strategy. Use with care. Evict any query result sets cached in the default query cache region. Evict any query result sets cached in the named query cache region. Get a new stateless session. Get a new stateless session for the given ADO.NET connection. Obtain the definition of a filter by name. The name of the filter for which to obtain the definition. The filter definition. Obtains the current session. The definition of what exactly "current" means is controlled by the implementation configured for use. The current session. Indicates an issue locating a suitable current session. Get the statistics for this session factory Was this already closed? Obtain a set of the names of all filters defined on this SessionFactory. The set of filter names. Get the persister for the named entity The name of the entity that is persisted. The for the entity. If no can be found. Get the persister object for a collection role Get the return types of a query Get the return aliases of a query Get the names of all persistent classes that implement/extend the given interface/class The entity-name, the class name or full name, the imported class name. All implementors class names. Get a class name, using query language imports Get a particular named query cache, or the default cache the name of the cache region, or null for the default query cache the existing cache, or a newly created cache if none by that region name Gets the hql query identified by the name. The name of that identifies the query. A hql query or if the named query does not exist. Get the identifier generator for the hierarchy Get a named second-level cache region Open a session conforming to the given parameters. Used mainly for current session processing. The external ado.net connection to use, if one (i.e., optional). Should the session be auto-flushed prior to transaction completion? Should the session be auto-closed after transaction completion? The release mode for managed jdbc connections. An appropriate session. Retrieves a set of all the collection roles in which the given entity is a participant, as either an index or an element. The entity name for which to get the collection roles. Set of all the collection roles in which the given entityName participates. Get the persister for the named entity The name of the entity that is persisted. The for the entity or is the name was not found. Get the entity-name for a given mapped class. the mapped class the enntity name where available or null Get the SQL . Get the used. The cache of table update timestamps Statistics SPI Retrieves the SQLExceptionConverter in effect for this SessionFactory. The SQLExceptionConverter for this SessionFactory. Get the default query cache Gets the ICurrentSessionContext instance attached to this session factory. Defines the internal contract between the Session and other parts of NHibernate such as implementors of Type or ClassPersister Initialize the session after its construction was complete Initialize the collection (if not already initialized) Load an instance without checking if it was deleted. If it does not exist and isn't nullable, throw an exception. This method may create a new proxy or return an existing proxy. The entityName (or class full name) to load. The identifier of the object in the database. Allow null instance When enabled, the object is eagerly fetched. A proxy of the object or an instance of the object if the persistentClass does not have a proxy. No object could be found with that id. Load an instance immediately. Do not return a proxy. Execute a List() query Execute a List() expression query Create a new instance of Query for the given query expression A hibernate query expression The query Strongly-typed version of Strongly-typed version of Execute an Iterate() query Strongly-typed version of Execute a filter Execute a filter (strongly-typed version). Collection from a filter Strongly-typed version of Get the for any instance optional entity name the entity instance Notify the session that an NHibernate transaction has begun. Notify the session that the transaction is about to complete Notify the session that the transaction completed, so we no longer own the old locks. (Also we should release cache softlocks). May be called multiple times during the transaction completion process. Return the identifier of the persistent object, or null if transient Instantiate the entity class, initializing with the given identifier Execute an SQL Query Strongly-typed version of Execute an SQL Query Retrieve the currently set value for a filter parameter. The filter parameter name in the format {FILTER_NAME.PARAMETER_NAME}. The filter parameter value. Retrieve the type for a given filter parameter. The filter parameter name in the format {FILTER_NAME.PARAMETER_NAME}. The filter parameter type. Get the entity instance associated with the given Key, calling the Interceptor if necessary The best guess entity name for an entity not in an association The guessed entity name for an entity not in an association Execute a native SQL update or delete query Execute a HQL update or delete query System time before the start of the transaction Get the creating SessionFactoryImplementor Get the prepared statement Batcher for this session Return the currently enabled filters. The filter map is keyed by filter name, with values corresponding to the instance. The currently enabled filters. Retrieves the configured event listeners from this event source. Get the persistence context for this session Is the ISession still open? Is the ISession currently connected? Determine whether the session is closed. Provided separately from {@link #isOpen()} as this method does not attempt any JTA synch registration, where as {@link #isOpen()} does; which makes this one nicer to use for most internal purposes. True if the session is closed; false otherwise. Does this Session have an active Hibernate transaction or is there a JTA transaction in progress? Retrieve the entity mode in effect for this session. Get the columns of the associated table which are to be used in the join Get the aliased columns of the owning entity which are to be used in the join Get the columns of the owning entity which are to be used in the join Implements the algorithm for validating property values for illegal null values Check nullability of the class persister properties entity properties class persister wether it is intended to be updated or saved Check sub elements-nullability. Returns property path that break nullability or null if none type to check value to check property path Check component nullability. Returns property path that break nullability or null if none component properties component not-nullable type property path Return a well formed property path. Basicaly, it will return parent.child parent in path child in path parent-child path Container for data that is used during the NHibernate query/load process. Ensure the Types and Values are the same length. If the Lengths of and are not equal. Gets or sets an array of objects that is stored at the index of the Parameter. Gets or sets an array of objects that is stored at the index of the Parameter. Gets or sets the for the Query. Gets or sets an that contains the alias name of the object from hql as the key and the as the value. An of lock modes. Information to determine how to run an IDbCommand and what records to return from the IDataReader. Indicates that the no value has been set on the Property. Gets or Sets the Index of the First Row to Select The Index of the First Rows to Select Defaults to 0 unless specifically set. Gets or Sets the Maximum Number of Rows to Select The Maximum Number of Rows to Select Defaults to NoValue unless specifically set. Gets or Sets the Timeout of the Query The Query Timeout Defaults to NoValue unless specifically set. A represents the state of persistent "stuff" which NHibernate is tracking. This includes persistent entities, collections, as well as proxies generated. There is meant to be a one-to-one correspondence between a SessionImpl and a PersistentContext. The SessionImpl uses the PersistentContext to track the current state of its context. Event-listeners then use the PersistentContext to drive their processing. Constructs a PersistentContext, bound to the given session. The session "owning" this context. Add a collection which has no owner loaded Get and remove a collection whose owner is not yet loaded, when its owner is being loaded Clear the state of the persistence context Set the status of an entry Called after transactions end Get the current state of the entity as known to the underlying database, or null if there is no corresponding row Retrieve the cached database snapshot for the requested entity key. The entity key for which to retrieve the cached snapshot The cached snapshot This differs from is two important respects: no snapshot is obtained from the database if not already cached an entry of NO_ROW here is interpreted as an exception Get the values of the natural id fields as known to the underlying database, or null if the entity has no natural id or there is no corresponding row. Add a canonical mapping from entity key to entity instance Get the entity instance associated with the given EntityKey Is there an entity with the given key in the persistence context Remove an entity from the session cache, also clear up other state associated with the entity, all except for the EntityEntry Get an entity cached by unique key Add an entity to the cache by unique key Retrieve the EntityEntry representation of the given entity. The entity for which to locate the EntityEntry. The EntityEntry for the given entity. Remove an entity entry from the session cache Is there an EntityEntry for this instance? Get the collection entry for a persistent collection Adds an entity to the internal caches. Generates an appropriate EntityEntry instance and adds it to the event source's internal caches. Is the given collection associated with this persistence context? Is the given proxy associated with this persistence context? Takes the given object and, if it represents a proxy, reassociates it with this event source. The possible proxy to be reassociated. Whether the passed value represented an actual proxy which got initialized. If a deleted entity instance is re-saved, and it has a proxy, we need to reset the identifier of the proxy Associate a proxy that was instantiated by another session with this session The proxy initializer. The proxy to reassociate. Get the entity instance underlying the given proxy, throwing an exception if the proxy is uninitialized. If the given object is not a proxy, simply return the argument. Possibly unproxy the given reference and reassociate it with the current session. The reference to be unproxied if it currently represents a proxy. The unproxied instance. Attempts to check whether the given key represents an entity already loaded within the current session. The entity reference against which to perform the uniqueness check. The entity key. If the existing proxy is insufficiently "narrow" (derived), instantiate a new proxy and overwrite the registration of the old one. This breaks == and occurs only for "class" proxies rather than "interface" proxies. Also init the proxy to point to the given target implementation if necessary. The proxy instance to be narrowed. The persister for the proxied entity. The internal cache key for the proxied entity. (optional) the actual proxied entity instance. An appropriately narrowed instance. Return the existing proxy associated with the given EntityKey, or the third argument (the entity associated with the key) if no proxy exists. Init the proxy to the target implementation, if necessary. Return the existing proxy associated with the given EntityKey, or the argument (the entity associated with the key) if no proxy exists. (slower than the form above) Get the entity that owns this persistent collection Get the entity that owned this persistent collection when it was loaded The persistent collection The owner, if its entity ID is available from the collection's loaded key and the owner entity is in the persistence context; otherwise, returns null Get the ID for the entity that owned this persistent collection when it was loaded The persistent collection the owner ID if available from the collection's loaded key; otherwise, returns null Get the ID for the entity that owned this persistent collection when it was loaded The collection entry the owner ID if available from the collection's loaded key; otherwise, returns null add a collection we just loaded up (still needs initializing) add a detached uninitialized collection Add a new collection (ie. a newly created one, just instantiated by the application, with no database state or snapshot) The collection to be associated with the persistence context Add an collection to the cache, with a given collection entry. The collection for which we are adding an entry. The entry representing the collection. The key of the collection's entry. Add a collection to the cache, creating a new collection entry for it The collection for which we are adding an entry. The collection persister add an (initialized) collection that was created by another session and passed into update() (ie. one with a snapshot and existing state on the database) add a collection we just pulled out of the cache (does not need initializing) Get the collection instance associated with the CollectionKey Register a collection for non-lazy loading at the end of the two-phase load Force initialization of all non-lazy collections encountered during the current two-phase load (actually, this is a no-op, unless this is the "outermost" load) Get the PersistentCollection object for an array Register a PersistentCollection object for an array. Associates a holder with an array - MUST be called after loading array, since the array instance is not created until endLoad(). Remove the mapping of collection to holder during eviction of the owning entity Get the snapshot of the pre-flush collection state Get the collection entry for a collection passed to filter, which might be a collection wrapper, an array, or an unwrapped collection. Return null if there is no entry. Get an existing proxy by key Add a proxy to the session cache Remove a proxy from the session cache Called before cascading Called after cascading Call this before begining a two-phase load Call this after finishing a two-phase load Search the persistence context for an owner for the child object, given a collection role Search the persistence context for an index of the child object, given a collection role Record the fact that the association belonging to the keyed entity is null. Is the association property belonging to the keyed entity null? Get the session to which this persistence context is bound. Retrieve this persistence context's managed load context. Get the BatchFetchQueue, instantiating one if necessary. Retrieve the set of EntityKeys representing nullifiable references Get the mapping from key value to entity instance Get the mapping from entity instance to entity entry Get the mapping from collection instance to collection entry Get the mapping from collection key to collection instance How deep are we cascaded? Is a flush cycle currently in process? Called before and after the flushcycle False if we know for certain that all the entities are read-only Represents the status of an entity with respect to this session. These statuses are for internal book-keeping only and are not intended to represent any notion that is visible to the application. The Entity is snapshotted in the Session with the same state as the database (called Managed in H3). The Entity is in the Session and has been marked for deletion but not deleted from the database yet. The Entity has been deleted from database. The Entity is in the process of being loaded. The Entity is in the process of being saved. The entity is read-only. Allows work to be done outside the current transaction, by suspending it, and performing work in a new transaction The work to be done Suspend the current transaction and perform work in a new transaction Functionality relating to Hibernate's two-phase loading process, that may be reused by persisters that do not use the Loader framework Register the "hydrated" state of an entity instance, after the first step of 2-phase loading. Add the "hydrated state" (an array) of an uninitialized entity to the session. We don't try to resolve any associations yet, because there might be other entities waiting to be read from the JDBC result set we are currently processing Perform the second step of 2-phase load. Fully initialize the entity instance. After processing a JDBC result set, we "resolve" all the associations between the entities which were instantiated and had their state "hydrated" into an array Add an uninitialized instance of an entity class, as a placeholder to ensure object identity. Must be called before postHydrate(). Create a "temporary" entry for a newly instantiated entity. The entity is uninitialized, but we need the mapping from id to instance in order to guarantee uniqueness. An ordered pair of a value and its Hibernate type. Return an IdentifierValue for the specified unsaved-value. If none is specified, guess the unsaved value by instantiating a test instance of the class and reading it's id property, or if that is not possible, using the java default value for the type An enum of the different ways a value might be "included". This is really an expanded true/false notion with Partial being the expansion. Partial deals with components in the cases where parts of the referenced component might define inclusion, but the component overall does not. Utility methods for managing versions and timestamps Increment the given version number The value of the current version. The of the versioned property. The current . Returns the next value for the version. Create an initial version number The of the versioned property. The current . A seed value to initialize the versioned property with. Seed the given instance state snapshot with an initial version number An array of objects that contains a snapshot of a persistent object. The index of the version property in the fields parameter. The of the versioned property. Force the version to initialize The current session, if any. if the version property needs to be seeded with an initial value. Set the version number of the given instance state snapshot An array of objects that contains a snapshot of a persistent object. The value the version should be set to in the fields parameter. The that is responsible for persisting the values of the fields parameter. Get the version number of the given instance state snapshot An array of objects that contains a snapshot of a persistent object. The that is responsible for persisting the values of the fields parameter. The value of the version contained in the fields parameter or null if the Entity is not versioned. Do we need to increment the version number, given the dirty properties? The array of property indexes which were deemed dirty Were any collections found to be dirty (structurally changed) An array indicating versionability of each property. True if a version increment is required; false otherwise. A strategy for determining if a version value is an version of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance. The strategy is determined by the Unsaved-Value attribute in the mapping file. Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if its version is null or equal to Value Does the given identifier belong to a new instance Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if the version is null, otherwise assume it is a detached instance. Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if the version is null, otherwise defer to the identifier unsaved-value. Assume the transient instance is newly instantiated if the identifier is null. A convenience base class for listeners whose functionality results in flushing. Coordinates the processing necessary to get things ready for executions as db calls by preparing the session caches and moving the appropriate entities and collections to their respective execution queues. The flush event. Execute all SQL and second-level cache updates, in a special order so that foreign-key constraints cannot be violated: Inserts, in the order they were performed Updates Deletion of collection elements Insertion of collection elements Deletes, in the order they were performed 1. Recreate the collection key -> collection map 2. rebuild the collection entries 3. call Interceptor.postFlush() A convenience base class for listeners that respond to requests to perform a pessimistic lock upgrade on an entity. A convenience base class for listeners that respond to requests to reassociate an entity to a session ( such as through lock() or update() ). Associates a given entity (either transient or associated with another session) to the given session. The event triggering the re-association The entity to be associated The id of the entity. The entity's persister instance. An EntityEntry representing the entity within this session. Performs a pessimistic lock upgrade on a given entity, if needed. The entity for which to upgrade the lock. The entity's EntityEntry instance. The lock mode being requested for locking. The session which is the source of the event being processed. A convenience bas class for listeners responding to save events. Prepares the save call using the given requested id. The entity to be saved. The id to which to associate the entity. The name of the entity being saved. Generally cascade-specific information. The session which is the source of this save event. The id used to save the entity. Prepares the save call using a newly generated id. The entity to be saved The entity-name for the entity to be saved Generally cascade-specific information. The session which is the source of this save event. does the event context require access to the identifier immediately after execution of this method (if not, post-insert style id generators may be postponed if we are outside a transaction). The id used to save the entity; may be null depending on the type of id generator used and the requiresImmediateIdAccess value Prepares the save call by checking the session caches for a pre-existing entity and performing any lifecycle callbacks. The entity to be saved. The id by which to save the entity. The entity's persister instance. Is an identity column being used? Generally cascade-specific information. The session from which the event originated. does the event context require access to the identifier immediately after execution of this method (if not, post-insert style id generators may be postponed if we are outside a transaction). The id used to save the entity; may be null depending on the type of id generator used and the requiresImmediateIdAccess value Performs all the actual work needed to save an entity (well to get the save moved to the execution queue). The entity to be saved The id to be used for saving the entity (or null, in the case of identity columns) The entity's persister instance. Should an identity column be used for id generation? Generally cascade-specific information. The session which is the source of the current event. Is access to the identifier required immediately after the completion of the save? persist(), for example, does not require this... The id used to save the entity; may be null depending on the type of id generator used and the requiresImmediateIdAccess value Perform any property value substitution that is necessary (interceptor callback, version initialization...) The entity The entity identifier The snapshot entity state The entity persister The originating session True if the snapshot state changed such that reinjection of the values into the entity is required. Handles the calls needed to perform pre-save cascades for the given entity. The session from which the save event originated. The entity's persister instance. The entity to be saved. Generally cascade-specific data Handles to calls needed to perform post-save cascades. The session from which the event originated. The entity's persister instance. The entity being saved. Generally cascade-specific data Determine whether the entity is persistent, detached, or transient The entity to check The name of the entity The entity's entry in the persistence context The originating session. The state. After the save, will te version number be incremented if the instance is modified? True if the version will be incremented on an entity change after save; false otherwise. Abstract superclass of algorithms that walk a tree of property values of an entity, and perform specific functionality for collections, components and associated entities. Dispatch each property value to ProcessValue(). Visit a property value. Dispatch to the correct handler for the property type. Visit a component. Dispatch each property to Visit a many-to-one or one-to-one associated entity. Default superclass implementation is a no-op. Visit a collection. Default superclass implementation is a no-op. Walk the tree starting from the given entity. Defines the default flush event listeners used by hibernate for flushing session state in response to generated auto-flush events. Defines the contract for handling of session auto-flush events. Handle the given auto-flush event. The auto-flush event to be handled. Handle the given auto-flush event. The auto-flush event to be handled. Defines the default delete event listener used by hibernate for deleting entities from the datastore in response to generated delete events. Defines the contract for handling of deletion events generated from a session. Handle the given delete event. The delete event to be handled. Handle the given delete event. The delete event to be handled. Called when we have recognized an attempt to delete a detached entity. The event. This is perfectly valid in Hibernate usage; JPA, however, forbids this. Thus, this is a hook for HEM to affect this behavior. We encountered a delete request on a transient instance.

This is a deviation from historical Hibernate (pre-3.2) behavior to align with the JPA spec, which states that transient entities can be passed to remove operation in which case cascades still need to be performed.

The session which is the source of the event The entity being delete processed Is cascading of deletes enabled The entity persister A cache of already visited transient entities (to avoid infinite recursion).
Perform the entity deletion. Well, as with most operations, does not really perform it; just schedules an action/execution with the for execution during flush. The originating session The entity to delete The entity's entry in the Is delete cascading enabled? The entity persister. A cache of already deleted entities. Defines the default dirty-check event listener used by hibernate for checking the session for dirtiness in response to generated dirty-check events. Defines the contract for handling of session dirty-check events. Handle the given dirty-check event. The dirty-check event to be handled. Defines the default evict event listener used by hibernate for evicting entities in response to generated flush events. In particular, this implementation will remove any hard references to the entity that are held by the infrastructure (references held by application or other persistent instances are okay) Defines the contract for handling of evict events generated from a session. Handle the given evict event. The evict event to be handled. An event that occurs for each entity instance at flush time Flushes a single entity's state to the database, by scheduling an update action, if necessary make sure user didn't mangle the id The obj. The persister. The id. The entity mode. Performs all necessary checking to determine if an entity needs an SQL update to synchronize its state to the database. Modifies the event by side-effect! Note: this method is quite slow, avoid calling if possible! Perform a dirty check, and attach the results to the event Defines the default flush event listeners used by hibernate for flushing session state in response to generated flush events. Defines the contract for handling of session flush events. Handle the given flush event. The flush event to be handled. Defines the contract for handling of collection initialization events generated by a session. called by a collection that wants to initialize itself Try to initialize a collection from the cache Defines the default load event listeners used by NHibernate for loading entities in response to generated load events. Defines the contract for handling of load events generated from a session. Handle the given load event. The load event to be handled. The result (i.e., the loaded entity). Perfoms the load of an entity. The loaded entity. Based on configured options, will either return a pre-existing proxy, generate a new proxy, or perform an actual load. The result of the proxy/load operation. Given that there is a pre-existing proxy. Initialize it if necessary; narrow if necessary. Given that there is no pre-existing proxy. Check if the entity is already loaded. If it is, return the entity, otherwise create and return a proxy. If the class to be loaded has been configured with a cache, then lock given id in that cache and then perform the load. The loaded entity Coordinates the efforts to load a given entity. First, an attempt is made to load the entity from the session-level cache. If not found there, an attempt is made to locate it in second-level cache. Lastly, an attempt is made to load it directly from the datasource. The load event The persister for the entity being requested for load The EntityKey representing the entity to be loaded. The load options. The loaded entity, or null. Performs the process of loading an entity from the configured underlying datasource. The load event The persister for the entity being requested for load The EntityKey representing the entity to be loaded. The load options. The object loaded from the datasource, or null if not found. Attempts to locate the entity in the session-level cache. The load event The EntityKey representing the entity to be loaded. The load options. The entity from the session-level cache, or null. If allowed to return nulls, then if the entity happens to be found in the session cache, we check the entity type for proper handling of entity hierarchies. If checkDeleted was set to true, then if the entity is found in the session-level cache, it's current status within the session cache is checked to see if it has previously been scheduled for deletion. Attempts to load the entity from the second-level cache. The load event The persister for the entity being requested for load The load options. The entity from the second-level cache, or null. Defines the default lock event listeners used by hibernate to lock entities in response to generated lock events. Defines the contract for handling of lock events generated from a session. Handle the given lock event. The lock event to be handled. Handle the given lock event. The lock event to be handled. Defines the default event listener for handling of merge events generated from a session. Defines the contract for handling of merge events generated from a session. Handle the given merge event. The merge event to be handled. Handle the given merge event. The merge event to be handled. Perform any cascades needed as part of this copy event. The merge event being processed. The persister of the entity being copied. The entity being copied. A cache of already copied instance. Determine which merged entities in the copyCache are transient. Should this method be on the EventCache class? Retry merging transient entities Cascade behavior is redefined by this subclass, disable superclass behavior Cascade behavior is redefined by this subclass, disable superclass behavior Defines the default create event listener used by hibernate for creating transient entities in response to generated create events. Defines the contract for handling of create events generated from a session. Handle the given create event. The create event to be handled. Handle the given create event. The create event to be handled. Handle the given create event. The save event to be handled. When persist is used as the cascade action, persistOnFlush should be used Call interface if necessary Occurs after an an entity instance is fully loaded. Called before injecting property values into a newly loaded entity instance. Called before injecting property values into a newly loaded entity instance. Defines the default refresh event listener used by hibernate for refreshing entities in response to generated refresh events. Defines the contract for handling of refresh events generated from a session. Handle the given refresh event. The refresh event to be handled. Defines the default replicate event listener used by Hibernate to replicate entities in response to generated replicate events. Defines the contract for handling of replicate events generated from a session. Handle the given replicate event. The replicate event to be handled. An event handler for save() events Defines the default listener used by Hibernate for handling save-update events. Defines the contract for handling of update events generated from a session. Handle the given update event. The update event to be handled. The given save-update event named a transient entity. Here, we will perform the save processing. The save event to be handled. The entity's identifier after saving. Save the transient instance, assigning the right identifier The initiating event. The entity's identifier value after saving. The given save-update event named a detached entity. Here, we will perform the update processing. The update event to be handled. Determine the id to use for updating. The entity. The entity persister The requested identifier The entity mode. The id. Handles the calls needed to perform cascades as part of an update request for the given entity. The event currently being processed. The defined persister for the entity being updated. The entity being updated. An event handler for update() events If the user specified an id, assign it to the instance and use that, otherwise use the id already assigned to the instance A Visitor that determines if a dirty collection was found. Reason for dirty collection If it is a new application-instantiated collection, return true (does not occur anymore!) If it is a component, recurse. If it is a wrapped collection, ask the collection entry. Gets a indicating if a dirty collection was found. if a dirty collection was found. Associates the specified entity with the specified copy in this EventCache; indicates if the operation is performed on the entity Returns copy-entity mappings Returns true if the listener is performing the operation on the specified entity. Must be non-null and this EventCache must contain a mapping for this entity Set flag to indicate if the listener is performing the operation on the specified entity. Returns the number of entity-copy mappings in this EventCache Evict any collections referenced by the object from the session cache. This will NOT pick up any collections that were dereferenced, so they will be deleted (suboptimal but not exactly incorrect). Process collections reachable from an entity. This visitor assumes that wrap was already performed for the entity. When a transient entity is passed to lock(), we must inspect all its collections and 1. associate any uninitialized PersistentCollections with this session 2. associate any initialized PersistentCollections with this session, using the existing snapshot 3. throw an exception for each "new" collection Abstract superclass of visitors that reattach collections Reassociates uninitialized proxies with the session Visit a many-to-one or one-to-one associated entity. Default superclass implementation is a no-op. Has the owner of the collection changed since the collection was snapshotted and detached? Reattach a detached (disassociated) initialized or uninitialized collection wrapper, using a snapshot carried with the collection wrapper Schedules a collection for deletion. The persister representing the collection to be removed. The collection key (differs from owner-id in the case of property-refs). The session from which the request originated. This version is slightly different in that here we need to assume that the owner is not yet associated with the session, and thus we cannot rely on the owner's EntityEntry snapshot... The persister for the collection role being processed. When an entity is passed to replicate(), and there is an existing row, we must inspect all its collections and 1. associate any uninitialized PersistentCollections with this session 2. associate any initialized PersistentCollections with this session, using the existing snapshot 3. execute a collection removal (SQL DELETE) for each null collection property or "new" collection When an entity is passed to update(), we must inspect all its collections and 1. associate any uninitialized PersistentCollections with this session 2. associate any initialized PersistentCollections with this session, using the existing snapshot 3. execute a collection removal (SQL DELETE) for each null collection property or "new" collection Wrap collections in a Hibernate collection wrapper. Defines a base class for events involving collections. Defines a base class for Session generated events. Returns the session event source for this event. This is the underlying session from which this event was generated. Constructs an event from the given event session. The session event source. Returns the session event source for this event. This is the underlying session from which this event was generated. Constructs an AbstractCollectionEvent object. The collection persister. The collection The Session source The owner that is affected by this event; can be null if unavailable The ID for the owner that is affected by this event; can be null if unavailable that is affected by this event; can be null if unavailable Get the entity name for the collection owner entity that is affected by this event. The entity name; if the owner is not in the PersistenceContext, the returned value may be a superclass name, instead of the actual class name The collection owner entity that is affected by this event. Returns null if the entity is not in the persistence context (e.g., because the collection from a detached entity was moved to a new owner) Get the ID for the collection owner entity that is affected by this event. Returns null if the ID cannot be obtained from the collection's loaded key (e.g., a property-ref is used for the collection and does not include the entity's ID) Represents an operation we performed against the database. Represents an operation we performed against the database. The entity involved in the database operation. The id to be used in the database operation. The persister for the . Constructs an event containing the pertinent information. The session from which the event originated. The entity to be invloved in the database operation. The entity id to be invloved in the database operation. The entity's persister. The entity involved in the database operation. The id to be used in the database operation. The persister for the . Represents an operation we are about to perform against the database. The entity involved in the database operation. The id to be used in the database operation. The persister for the . Constructs an event containing the pertinent information. The session from which the event originated. The entity to be invloved in the database operation. The entity id to be invloved in the database operation. The entity's persister. The entity involved in the database operation. The id to be used in the database operation. The persister for the . Defines an event class for the auto-flushing of a session. Defines an event class for the flushing of a session. Defines an event class for the deletion of an entity. Constructs a new DeleteEvent instance. The entity to be deleted. The session from which the delete event was generated. Returns the encapsulated entity to be deleed. Defines an event class for the dirty-checking of a session. A convience holder for all defined session event listeners. Call on any listeners that implement . Defines an event class for the evicting of an entity. Contract for listeners which require notification of SessionFactory closing, presumably to destroy internal state. Notification of shutdown. The main runtime interface between a .NET application and NHibernate. This is the central API class abstracting the notion of a persistence service. The lifecycle of a ISession is bounded by the beginning and end of a logical transaction. (Long transactions might span several database transactions.) The main function of the ISession is to offer create, find and delete operations for instances of mapped entity classes. Instances may exist in one of two states: transient: not associated with any ISession persistent: associated with a ISession Transient instances may be made persistent by calling Save(), Insert(), or Update(). Persistent instances may be made transient by calling Delete(). Any instance returned by a List(), Enumerable(), Load(), or Create() method is persistent. Save() results in an SQL INSERT, Delete() in an SQL DELETE and Update() in an SQL UPDATE. Changes to persistent instances are detected at flush time and also result in an SQL UPDATE. It is not intended that implementors be threadsafe. Instead each thread/transaction should obtain its own instance from an ISessionFactory. A ISession instance is serializable if its persistent classes are serializable A typical transaction should use the following idiom: using (ISession session = factory.OpenSession()) using (ITransaction tx = session.BeginTransaction()) { try { // do some work ... tx.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) tx.Rollback(); throw; } } If the ISession throws an exception, the transaction must be rolled back and the session discarded. The internal state of the ISession might not be consistent with the database after the exception occurs. Force the ISession to flush. Must be called at the end of a unit of work, before commiting the transaction and closing the session (Transaction.Commit() calls this method). Flushing if the process of synchronising the underlying persistent store with persistable state held in memory. Disconnect the ISession from the current ADO.NET connection. If the connection was obtained by Hibernate, close it or return it to the connection pool. Otherwise return it to the application. This is used by applications which require long transactions. The connection provided by the application or Obtain a new ADO.NET connection. This is used by applications which require long transactions Reconnect to the given ADO.NET connection. This is used by applications which require long transactions An ADO.NET connection End the ISession by disconnecting from the ADO.NET connection and cleaning up. It is not strictly necessary to Close() the ISession but you must at least Disconnect() it. The connection provided by the application or Cancel execution of the current query. May be called from one thread to stop execution of a query in another thread. Use with care! Does this ISession contain any changes which must be synchronized with the database? Would any SQL be executed if we flushed this session? Is the specified entity (or proxy) read-only? Facade for . An entity (or ) true if the entity (or proxy) is read-only, otherwise false. Change the read-only status of an entity (or proxy). Read-only entities can be modified, but changes are not persisted. They are not dirty-checked and snapshots of persistent state are not maintained. Immutable entities cannot be made read-only. To set the default read-only setting for entities and proxies that are loaded into the session, see . This method a facade for . An entity (or ). If true, the entity or proxy is made read-only; if false, it is made modifiable. Return the identifier of an entity instance cached by the ISession Throws an exception if the instance is transient or associated with a different ISession a persistent instance the identifier Is this instance associated with this Session? an instance of a persistent class true if the given instance is associated with this Session Remove this instance from the session cache. Changes to the instance will not be synchronized with the database. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="all" or cascade="all-delete-orphan". a persistent instance Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier, obtaining the specified lock mode. A persistent class A valid identifier of an existing persistent instance of the class The lock level the persistent instance Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier, obtaining the specified lock mode, assuming the instance exists. The entity-name of a persistent class a valid identifier of an existing persistent instance of the class the lock level the persistent instance or proxy Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier, assuming that the instance exists. You should not use this method to determine if an instance exists (use a query or instead). Use this only to retrieve an instance that you assume exists, where non-existence would be an actual error. A persistent class A valid identifier of an existing persistent instance of the class The persistent instance or proxy Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier, obtaining the specified lock mode. A persistent class A valid identifier of an existing persistent instance of the class The lock level the persistent instance Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier, assuming that the instance exists. You should not use this method to determine if an instance exists (use a query or instead). Use this only to retrieve an instance that you assume exists, where non-existence would be an actual error. A persistent class A valid identifier of an existing persistent instance of the class The persistent instance or proxy Return the persistent instance of the given with the given identifier, assuming that the instance exists. The entity-name of a persistent class a valid identifier of an existing persistent instance of the class The persistent instance or proxy You should not use this method to determine if an instance exists (use instead). Use this only to retrieve an instance that you assume exists, where non-existence would be an actual error. Read the persistent state associated with the given identifier into the given transient instance. An "empty" instance of the persistent class A valid identifier of an existing persistent instance of the class Persist all reachable transient objects, reusing the current identifier values. Note that this will not trigger the Interceptor of the Session. a detached instance of a persistent class Persist the state of the given detached instance, reusing the current identifier value. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="replicate". a detached instance of a persistent class Persist the given transient instance, first assigning a generated identifier. Save will use the current value of the identifier property if the Assigned generator is used. A transient instance of a persistent class The generated identifier Persist the given transient instance, using the given identifier. A transient instance of a persistent class An unused valid identifier Persist the given transient instance, first assigning a generated identifier. (Or using the current value of the identifier property if the assigned generator is used.) The Entity name. a transient instance of a persistent class the generated identifier This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="save-update". Either Save() or Update() the given instance, depending upon the value of its identifier property. By default the instance is always saved. This behaviour may be adjusted by specifying an unsaved-value attribute of the identifier property mapping A transient instance containing new or updated state Either or the given instance, depending upon resolution of the unsaved-value checks (see the manual for discussion of unsaved-value checking). The name of the entity a transient or detached instance containing new or updated state This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="save-update". Update the persistent instance with the identifier of the given transient instance. If there is a persistent instance with the same identifier, an exception is thrown. If the given transient instance has a identifier, an exception will be thrown. A transient instance containing updated state Update the persistent state associated with the given identifier. An exception is thrown if there is a persistent instance with the same identifier in the current session. A transient instance containing updated state Identifier of persistent instance Update the persistent instance with the identifier of the given detached instance. The Entity name. a detached instance containing updated state If there is a persistent instance with the same identifier, an exception is thrown. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="save-update". Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If the given instance is unsaved, save a copy of and return it as a newly persistent instance. The given instance does not become associated with the session. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="merge".
The semantics of this method are defined by JSR-220.
a detached instance with state to be copied an updated persistent instance
Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If the given instance is unsaved, save a copy of and return it as a newly persistent instance. The given instance does not become associated with the session. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="merge".
The semantics of this method are defined by JSR-220. Name of the entity. a detached instance with state to be copied an updated persistent instance
Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If the given instance is unsaved, save a copy of and return it as a newly persistent instance. The given instance does not become associated with the session. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="merge".
The semantics of this method are defined by JSR-220.
a detached instance with state to be copied an updated persistent instance
Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If the given instance is unsaved, save a copy of and return it as a newly persistent instance. The given instance does not become associated with the session. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="merge".
The semantics of this method are defined by JSR-220. Name of the entity. a detached instance with state to be copied an updated persistent instance
Make a transient instance persistent. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="persist".
The semantics of this method are defined by JSR-220.
a transient instance to be made persistent
Make a transient instance persistent. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="persist".
The semantics of this method are defined by JSR-220.
Name of the entity. a transient instance to be made persistent
Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the same identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If the given instance is unsaved or does not exist in the database, save it and return it as a newly persistent instance. Otherwise, the given instance does not become associated with the session. a transient instance with state to be copied an updated persistent instance Copy the state of the given object onto the persistent object with the given identifier. If there is no persistent instance currently associated with the session, it will be loaded. Return the persistent instance. If there is no database row with the given identifier, save the given instance and return it as a newly persistent instance. Otherwise, the given instance does not become associated with the session. a persistent or transient instance with state to be copied the identifier of the instance to copy to an updated persistent instance Remove a persistent instance from the datastore. The argument may be an instance associated with the receiving ISession or a transient instance with an identifier associated with existing persistent state. The instance to be removed Remove a persistent instance from the datastore. The object argument may be an instance associated with the receiving or a transient instance with an identifier associated with existing persistent state. This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="delete". The entity name for the instance to be removed. the instance to be removed Delete all objects returned by the query. The query string Returns the number of objects deleted. Delete all objects returned by the query. The query string A value to be written to a "?" placeholer in the query The hibernate type of value. The number of instances deleted Delete all objects returned by the query. The query string A list of values to be written to "?" placeholders in the query A list of Hibernate types of the values The number of instances deleted Obtain the specified lock level upon the given object. A persistent instance The lock level Obtain the specified lock level upon the given object. The Entity name. a persistent or transient instance the lock level This may be used to perform a version check (), to upgrade to a pessimistic lock (), or to simply reassociate a transient instance with a session (). This operation cascades to associated instances if the association is mapped with cascade="lock". Re-read the state of the given instance from the underlying database. It is inadvisable to use this to implement long-running sessions that span many business tasks. This method is, however, useful in certain special circumstances. For example, Where a database trigger alters the object state upon insert or update After executing direct SQL (eg. a mass update) in the same session After inserting a Blob or Clob A persistent instance Re-read the state of the given instance from the underlying database, with the given LockMode. It is inadvisable to use this to implement long-running sessions that span many business tasks. This method is, however, useful in certain special circumstances. a persistent or transient instance the lock mode to use Determine the current lock mode of the given object A persistent instance The current lock mode Begin a unit of work and return the associated ITransaction object. If a new underlying transaction is required, begin the transaction. Otherwise continue the new work in the context of the existing underlying transaction. The class of the returned object is determined by the property transaction_factory A transaction instance Begin a transaction with the specified isolationLevel Isolation level for the new transaction A transaction instance having the specified isolation level Creates a new Criteria for the entity class. The entity class An ICriteria object Creates a new Criteria for the entity class with a specific alias The entity class The alias of the entity An ICriteria object Creates a new Criteria for the entity class. The class to Query An ICriteria object Creates a new Criteria for the entity class with a specific alias The class to Query The alias of the entity An ICriteria object Create a new Criteria instance, for the given entity name. The name of the entity to Query An ICriteria object Create a new Criteria instance, for the given entity name, with the given alias. The name of the entity to Query The alias of the entity An ICriteria object Creates a new IQueryOver<T> for the entity class. The entity class An IQueryOver<T> object Creates a new IQueryOver<T> for the entity class. The entity class The alias of the entity An IQueryOver<T> object Creates a new IQueryOver{T}; for the entity class. The entity class The name of the entity to Query An IQueryOver{T} object Creates a new IQueryOver{T} for the entity class. The entity class The name of the entity to Query The alias of the entity An IQueryOver{T} object Create a new instance of Query for the given query string A hibernate query string The query Create a new instance of Query for the given collection and filter string A persistent collection A hibernate query A query Obtain an instance of for a named query string defined in the mapping file. The name of a query defined externally. An from a named query string. The query can be either in HQL or SQL format. Create a new instance of for the given SQL query string. a query expressed in SQL An from the SQL string Completely clear the session. Evict all loaded instances and cancel all pending saves, updates and deletions. Do not close open enumerables or instances of ScrollableResults. Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier, or null if there is no such persistent instance. (If the instance, or a proxy for the instance, is already associated with the session, return that instance or proxy.) a persistent class an identifier a persistent instance or null Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier, or null if there is no such persistent instance. Obtain the specified lock mode if the instance exists. a persistent class an identifier the lock mode a persistent instance or null Return the persistent instance of the given named entity with the given identifier, or null if there is no such persistent instance. (If the instance, or a proxy for the instance, is already associated with the session, return that instance or proxy.) the entity name an identifier a persistent instance or null Strongly-typed version of Strongly-typed version of Return the entity name for a persistent entity a persistent entity the entity name Enable the named filter for this current session. The name of the filter to be enabled. The Filter instance representing the enabled filter. Retrieve a currently enabled filter by name. The name of the filter to be retrieved. The Filter instance representing the enabled filter. Disable the named filter for the current session. The name of the filter to be disabled. Create a multi query, a query that can send several queries to the server, and return all their results in a single call. An that can return a list of all the results of all the queries. Note that each query result is itself usually a list. Sets the batch size of the session Gets the session implementation. This method is provided in order to get the NHibernate implementation of the session from wrapper implementions. Implementors of the interface should return the NHibernate implementation of this method. An NHibernate implementation of the interface An that can return a list of all the results of all the criterias. Starts a new Session with the given entity mode in effect. This secondary Session inherits the connection, transaction, and other context information from the primary Session. It doesn't need to be flushed or closed by the developer. The entity mode to use for the new session. The new session The entity mode in effect for this session. Determines at which points Hibernate automatically flushes the session. For a readonly session, it is reasonable to set the flush mode to FlushMode.Never at the start of the session (in order to achieve some extra performance). The current cache mode. Cache mode determines the manner in which this session can interact with the second level cache. Get the that created this instance. Gets the ADO.NET connection. Applications are responsible for calling commit/rollback upon the connection before closing the ISession. Is the ISession still open? Is the ISession currently connected? The read-only status for entities (and proxies) loaded into this Session. When a proxy is initialized, the loaded entity will have the same read-only setting as the uninitialized proxy, regardless of the session's current setting. To change the read-only setting for a particular entity or proxy that is already in this session, see . To override this session's read-only setting for entities and proxies loaded by a query, see . This method is a facade for . Get the current Unit of Work and return the associated ITransaction object. Get the statistics for this session. Instantiate an entity instance, using either an interceptor, or the given persister Force an immediate flush Cascade merge an entity instance Cascade persist an entity instance Cascade persist an entity instance during the flush process Cascade refresh an entity instance Cascade copy an entity instance Cascade delete an entity instance Get the ActionQueue for this session An event listener that requires access to mappings to initialize state at initialization time. An event that occurs when a collection wants to be initialized Called after recreating a collection Called after removing a collection Called after updating a collection Called after deleting an item from the datastore Called after inserting an item in the datastore Called after updating the datastore Called before recreating a collection Called before removing a collection Called before updating a collection Called before deleting an item from the datastore Return true if the operation should be vetoed Called before inserting an item in the datastore Return true if the operation should be vetoed Called before updating the datastore Return true if the operation should be vetoed Values for listener type property. Not allowed in Xml. It represents the default value when an explicit type is assigned. Xml value: auto-flush Xml value: merge Xml value: create Xml value: create-onflush Xml value: delete Xml value: dirty-check Xml value: evict Xml value: flush Xml value: flush-entity Xml value: load Xml value: load-collection Xml value: lock Xml value: refresh Xml value: replicate Xml value: save-update Xml value: save Xml value: pre-update Xml value: update Xml value: pre-load Xml value: pre-delete Xml value: pre-insert Xml value: pre-collection-recreate Xml value: pre-collection-remove Xml value: pre-collection-update Xml value: post-load Xml value: post-insert Xml value: post-update Xml value: post-delete Xml value: post-commit-update Xml value: post-commit-insert Xml value: post-commit-delete Xml value: post-collection-recreate Xml value: post-collection-remove Xml value: post-collection-update Defines an event class for the loading of an entity. Defines an event class for the locking of an entity. An event class for merge() and saveOrUpdateCopy() An event class for persist() An event that occurs after a collection is recreated An event that occurs after a collection is removed An event that occurs after a collection is updated Occurs after deleting an item from the datastore Occurs after inserting an item in the datastore Occurs after an an entity instance is fully loaded. Occurs after the datastore is updated An event that occurs before a collection is recreated An event that occurs before a collection is removed An event that occurs before a collection is updated Represents a pre-delete event, which occurs just prior to performing the deletion of an entity from the database. Constructs an event containing the pertinent information. The entity to be deleted. The id to use in the deletion. The entity's state at deletion time. The entity's persister. The session from which the event originated. This is the entity state at the time of deletion (useful for optomistic locking and such). Represents a pre-insert event, which occurs just prior to performing the insert of an entity into the database. These are the values to be inserted. Called before injecting property values into a newly loaded entity instance. Represents a pre-update event, which occurs just prior to performing the update of an entity in the database. Retrieves the state to be used in the update. The old state of the entity at the time it was last loaded from the database; can be null in the case of detached entities. Defines an event class for the refreshing of an object. Defines an event class for the replication of an entity. An event class for saveOrUpdate() Implementation of ADOException indicating problems with communicating with the database (can also include incorrect ADO setup). Wraps exceptions that occur during ADO.NET calls. Exceptions thrown by various ADO.NET providers are not derived from a common base class (SQLException in Java), so is used instead in NHibernate. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Collect data of an to be converted. The to be converted. An optional error message. The SQL that generate the exception Optional EntityName where available in the original exception context. Optional EntityId where available in the original exception context. Converts the given SQLException into Exception hierarchy, as well as performing appropriate logging. The converter to use. The exception to convert. An optional error message. The SQL executed. The converted . Converts the given SQLException into Exception hierarchy, as well as performing appropriate logging. The converter to use. The exception to convert. An optional error message. The converted . For the given , locates the . The exception from which to extract the The , or null. Implementation of ADOException indicating that the requested DML operation resulted in a violation of a defined integrity constraint. Returns the name of the violated constraint, if known. The name of the violated constraint, or null if not known. Implementation of ADOException indicating that evaluation of the valid SQL statement against the given data resulted in some illegal operation, mismatched types or incorrect cardinality. The Configurable interface defines the contract for impls that want to be configured prior to usage given the currently defined Hibernate properties. Configure the component, using the given settings and properties. All defined startup properties. Defines a contract for implementations that know how to convert a into NHibernate's hierarchy. Inspired by Spring's SQLExceptionTranslator. Implementations must have a constructor which takes a parameter. Implementations may implement if they need to perform configuration steps prior to first use. Convert the given into custom Exception. Available information during exception throw. The resulting Exception to throw. Implementation of ADOException indicating a problem acquiring lock on the database. A factory for building SQLExceptionConverter instances. Build a SQLExceptionConverter instance. The defined dialect. The configuration properties. An appropriate instance. First, looks for a property to see if the configuration specified the class of a specific converter to use. If this property is set, attempt to construct an instance of that class. If not set, or if construction fails, the converter specific to the dialect will be used. Builds a minimal converter. The instance returned here just always converts to . The minimal converter. Implementation of ADOException indicating that the SQL sent to the database server was invalid (syntax error, invalid object references, etc). A SQLExceptionConverter implementation which performs no conversion of the underlying . Interpretation of a SQL error based on is not possible as using the ErrorCode (which is, however, vendor- specific). Use of a ErrorCode-based converter should be preferred approach for converting/interpreting SQLExceptions. Handle an exception not converted to a specific type based on the SQLState. The exception to be handled. An optional message Optionally, the sql being performed when the exception occurred. The converted exception; should never be null. Encapsulates the strategy required to execute various types of update, delete, and insert statements issued through HQL. Execute the sql managed by this executor using the given parameters. Essentially bind information for this processing. The session originating the request. The number of entities updated/deleted. True if this is a filter query (allow no FROM clause). * Returns to the previous 'FROM' context. Implementations will report or handle errors invoked by an ANTLR base parser. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong all append invocations on the buf should go through this Output instance variable. The value of this variable may be temporarily substitued by sql function processing code to catch generated arguments. This is because sql function templates need arguments as seperate string chunks that will be assembled into the target dialect-specific function call. Handles parser errors. Add a aspace if the previous token was not a space or a parenthesis. The default SQL writer. Writes SQL fragments. todo remove this hack The parameter is either ", " or " , ". This is needed to pass sql generating tests as the old sql generator uses " , " in the WHERE and ", " in SELECT. @param comma either " , " or ", " The default SQL writer. Abstract superclass of object loading (and querying) strategies.

This class implements useful common functionality that concrete loaders would delegate to. It is not intended that this functionality would be directly accessed by client code (Hence, all methods of this class are declared protected or private.) This class relies heavily upon the interface, which is the contract between this class and s that may be loaded by it.

The present implementation is able to load any number of columns of entities and at most one collection role per query.

What lock mode does this load entities with? A Collection of lock modes specified dynamically via the Query Interface Append FOR UPDATE OF clause, if necessary. This empty superclass implementation merely returns its first argument. Does this query return objects that might be already cached by the session, whose lock mode may need upgrading. Modify the SQL, adding lock hints and comments, if necessary Execute an SQL query and attempt to instantiate instances of the class mapped by the given persister from each row of the DataReader. If an object is supplied, will attempt to initialize that object. If a collection is supplied, attempt to initialize that collection. Loads a single row from the result set. This is the processing used from the ScrollableResults where no collection fetches were encountered. The result set from which to do the load. The session from which the request originated. The query parameters specified by the user. Should proxies be generated The loaded "row". Read any collection elements contained in a single row of the result set Get the actual object that is returned in the user-visible result list. This empty implementation merely returns its first argument. This is overridden by some subclasses. For missing objects associated by one-to-one with another object in the result set, register the fact that the the object is missing with the session. Read one collection element from the current row of the ADO.NET result set If this is a collection initializer, we need to tell the session that a collection is being initilized, to account for the possibility of the collection having no elements (hence no rows in the result set). Read a row of EntityKeys from the IDataReader into the given array. Warning: this method is side-effecty. If an id is given, don't bother going to the IDataReader Check the version of the object in the IDataReader against the object version in the session cache, throwing an exception if the version numbers are different. Resolve any ids for currently loaded objects, duplications within the IDataReader, etc. Instanciate empty objects to be initialized from the IDataReader. Return an array of objects (a row of results) and an array of booleans (by side-effect) that determine wheter the corresponding object should be initialized The entity instance is already in the session cache The entity instance is not in the session cache Hydrate the state of an object from the SQL IDataReader, into an array of "hydrated" values (do not resolve associations yet), and pass the hydrated state to the session. Determine the concrete class of an instance for the IDataReader Advance the cursor to the first required row of the IDataReader Should we pre-process the SQL string, adding a dialect-specific LIMIT clause. Performs dialect-specific manipulations on the offset value before returning it. This method is applicable for use in limit statements only. Performs dialect-specific manipulations on the limit value before returning it. This method is applicable for use in limit statements only. Obtain an IDbCommand with all parameters pre-bound. Bind positional parameters, named parameters, and limit parameters. Creates an IDbCommand object and populates it with the values necessary to execute it against the database to Load an Entity. The to use for the IDbCommand. TODO: find out where this is used... The SessionImpl this Command is being prepared in. A CommandWrapper wrapping an IDbCommand that is ready to be executed. Some dialect-specific LIMIT clauses require the maximium last row number (aka, first_row_number + total_row_count), while others require the maximum returned row count (the total maximum number of rows to return). The selection criteria The dialect The appropriate value to bind into the limit clause. Limits the number of rows returned by the Sql query if necessary. The IDbCommand to limit. The RowSelection that contains the MaxResults info. TODO: This does not apply to ADO.NET at all Fetch a IDbCommand, call SetMaxRows and then execute it, advance to the first result and return an SQL IDataReader The to execute. The to apply to the and . true if result types need to be auto-discovered by the loader; false otherwise. The to load in. An IDataReader advanced to the first record in RowSelection. Called by subclasses that load entities Called by subclasses that batch load entities Called by subclasses that load collections Called by wrappers that batch initialize collections Called by subclasses that batch initialize collections Return the query results, using the query cache, called by subclasses that implement cacheable queries Actually execute a query, ignoring the query cache Calculate and cache select-clause suffixes. Must be called by subclasses after instantiation. An array indicating whether the entities have eager property fetching enabled. Eager property fetching indicators. An array of indexes of the entity that owns a one-to-one association to the entity at the given index (-1 if there is no "owner") The indexes contained here are relative to the result of . An array of the owner types corresponding to the returns. Indices indicating no owner would be null here. Get the index of the entity that owns the collection, or -1 if there is no owner in the query results (i.e. in the case of a collection initializer) or no collection. Return false is this loader is a batch entity loader Get the result set descriptor The SqlString to be called; implemented by all subclasses The setter was added so that class inheriting from Loader could write a value using the Property instead of directly to the field. The scope is protected internal because the needs to be able to get the SqlString of the when it is parsing a subquery. An array of persisters of entity classes contained in each row of results; implemented by all subclasses The setter was added so that classes inheriting from Loader could write a value using the Property instead of directly to the field. An (optional) persister for a collection to be initialized; only collection loaders return a non-null value Get the SQL table aliases of entities whose associations are subselect-loadable, returning null if this loader does not support subselect loading Identifies the query for statistics reporting, if null, no statistics will be reported Utility method that generates 0_, 1_ suffixes. Subclasses don't necessarily need to use this algorithm, but it is intended that they will in most cases. a collection of lock modes specified dynamically via the Query interface Base class for nodes dealing 'is null' and 'is not null' operators. todo : a good deal of this is copied from BinaryLogicOperatorNode; look at consolidating these code fragments Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Represents a unary operator node. Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong A semantic analysis node, that points back to the main analyzer. Authoer: josh Ported by: Steve Strong A base AST node for the intermediate tree. The original text for the node, mostly for debugging. The data type of this node. Null for 'no type'. Retrieve the text to be used for rendering this particular node. The session factory The text to use for rendering An interface for initializeable AST nodes. Initializes the node with the parameter. the initialization parameter. A pointer back to the phase 2 processor. Contract for nodes representing unary operators. Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Contract for nodes representing operators (logic or arithmetic). Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Called by the tree walker during hql-sql semantic analysis after the operator sub-tree is completely built. Retrieves the data type for the overall operator expression. The expression's data type. Retrieves the node representing the operator's single operand. When (if) we need to expand a row value constructor, what is the type of connector to use between the expansion fragments. The expansion connector type. When (if) we need to expand a row value constructor, what is the text of connector to use between the expansion fragments. The expansion connector text. Convenience implementation of Statement to centralize common functionality. Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Implementors will return additional display text, which will be used by the ASTPrinter to display information (besides the node type and node text). Returns additional display text for the AST node. The additional display text. Common interface modeling the different HQL statements (i.e., INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT). Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong The "phase 2" walker which generated this statement tree. The main token type representing the type of this statement. Does this statement require the StatementExecutor? Essentially, at the JDBC level, does this require an executeUpdate()? Returns additional display text for the AST node. The additional display text. Type definition for Statements which are restrictable via a where-clause (and thus also having a from-clause). Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Retreives the from-clause in effect for this statement; could be null if the from-clause has not yet been parsed/generated. Does this statement tree currently contain a where clause? Returns True if a where-clause is found in the statement tree and that where clause actually defines restrictions; false otherwise. Retreives the where-clause defining the restriction(s) in effect for this statement. Note that this will generate a where-clause if one was not found, so caution needs to taken prior to calling this that restrictions will actually exist in the resulting statement tree (otherwise "unexpected end of subtree" errors might occur during rendering). Represents an element of a projection list, i.e. a select expression. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Appends AST nodes that represent the columns after the current AST node. (e.g. 'as col0_O_') The index of the select expression in the projection list. Returns the data type of the select expression. Returns the FROM element that this expression refers to. Returns true if the element is a constructor (e.g. new Foo). Returns true if this select expression represents an entity that can be returned. Sets the text of the node. Represents an aggregate function i.e. min, max, sum, avg. Author: Joshua Davis Ported by: Steve Strong Encapsulates the information relating to an individual assignment within the set clause of an HQL update statement. This information is used during execution of the update statements when the updates occur against "multi-table" stuff. Contract for nodes representing logcial BETWEEN (ternary) operators. Nodes which represent binary arithmetic operators. Contract for nodes representing binary operators. Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong The left-hand operand of the operator. The right-hand operand of the operator. Retrieves the left-hand operand of the operator. @return The left-hand operand Retrieves the right-hand operand of the operator. @return The right-hand operand Contract for nodes representing binary operators. Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Currently this is needed in order to deal with {@link FromElement FromElements} which contain "hidden" JDBC parameters from applying filters. Would love for this to go away, but that would require that Hibernate's internal {@link org.hibernate.engine.JoinSequence join handling} be able to either:
  • render the same AST structures
  • render structures capable of being converted to these AST structures
In the interim, this allows us to at least treat these "hidden" parameters properly which is the most pressing need. Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong
Adds a parameter specification for a parameter encountered within this node. We use the term 'embedded' here because of the fact that the parameter was simply encountered as part of the node's text; it does not exist as part of a subtree as it might in a true AST. The generated specification. Retrieve all embedded parameter specifications. All embedded parameter specifications; may return null. Set the renderable text of this node. Determine whether this node contans embedded parameters. The implication is that {@link #getEmbeddedParameters()} is allowed to return null if this method returns false. Performs the operator node initialization by seeking out any parameter nodes and setting their expected type, if possible. Mutate the subtree relating to a row-value-constructor to instead use a series of ANDed predicates. This allows multi-column type comparisons and explicit row-value-constructor syntax even on databases which do not support row-value-constructor.

For example, here we'd mutate "... where (col1, col2) = ('val1', 'val2) ..." to "... where col1 = 'val1' and col2 = 'val2' ..." @param valueElements The number of elements in the row value constructor list.

Represents a boolean literal within a query.
Represents a literal. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Interface for nodes which wish to be made aware of any determined "expected type" based on the context within they appear in the query. Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Expected-types really only pertinent here for boolean literals... @param expectedType Represents a case ... when .. then ... else ... end expression in a select. Represents a case ... when .. then ... else ... end expression in a select. Author: Gavin King Ported by: Steve Strong Represents 'elements()' or 'indices()'. Author: josh Ported by: Steve strong Represents a method call Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Constructor form used to initialize . The FROM clause to which this element belongs. The origin (LHS) of this element. The alias applied to this element. Returns the identifier select SQL fragment. The total number of returned types. The sequence of the current returned type. the identifier select SQL fragment. Returns the property select SQL fragment. The total number of returned types. The sequence of the current returned type. the property select SQL fragment. Render the identifier select, but in a 'scalar' context (i.e. generate the column alias). the sequence of the returned type the identifier select with the column alias. Returns true if this FromElement was implied by a path, or false if this FROM element is explicitly declared in the FROM clause. Delegate that handles the type and join sequence information for a FromElement. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Returns the identifier select SQL fragment. The total number of returned types. The sequence of the current returned type. the identifier select SQL fragment. Render the identifier select, but in a 'scalar' context (i.e. generate the column alias). the sequence of the returned type the identifier select with the column alias. Returns the property select SQL fragment. The total number of returned types. The sequence of the current returned type. the property select SQL fragment. Returns the type of a property, given it's name (the last part) and the full path. The last part of the full path to the property. The full property path. The type This accounts for a quirk in Queryable, where it sometimes generates ', ' in front of the SQL fragment. :-P A SQL fragment. The fragment, without the leading comma and spaces. Returns the Hibernate queryable implementation for the HQL class. Abstraction of all mappings that define properties: entities, collection elements. Given a component path expression, get the type of the property Given a component path expression, get the type of the property. true if a type was found, false if not Given a query alias and a property path, return the qualified column name Given a property path, return the corresponding column name(s). Get the type of the thing containing the properties Common behavior - a node that contains a list of select expressions. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Returns an array of SelectExpressions gathered from the children of the given parent AST node. Returns an array of SelectExpressions gathered from the children of the given parent AST node. Returns the first select expression node that should be considered when building the array of select expressions. Represents a COUNT expression in a select. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL delete statement. Represents a reference to a property or alias expression. This should duplicate the relevant behaviors in PathExpressionParser. Author: Joshua Davis Ported by: Steve Strong The contract for expression sub-trees that can resolve themselves. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Does the work of resolving an identifier or a dot Does the work of resolving an identifier or a dot, but without a parent node Does the work of resolving an identifier or a dot, but without a parent node or alias Does the work of resolving inside of the scope of a function call Does the work of resolving an an index []. An AST node with a path property. This path property will be the fully qualified name. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Returns the full path name represented by the node. the full path name represented by the node. Sub-classes can override this method if they produce implied joins (e.g. DotNode). an implied join created by this from reference. The full path, to the root alias of this dot node. The type of dereference that hapened (DEREF_xxx). The identifier that is the name of the property. The unresolved property path relative to this dot node. The column names that this resolves to. Fetch join or not. The type of join to create. Default is an inner join. Is the given property name a reference to the primary key of the associated entity construed by the given entity type? For example, consider a fragment like order.customer.id (where order is a from-element alias). Here, we'd have: propertyName = "id" AND owningType = ManyToOneType(Customer) and are being asked to determine whether "customer.id" is a reference to customer's PK... The name of the property to check. The type represeting the entity "owning" the property True if propertyName references the entity's (owningType->associatedEntity) primary key; false otherwise. Sets the join type for this '.' node structure. Returns the full path of the node. Represents the 'FROM' part of a query or subquery, containing all mapped class references. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Counts the from elements as they are added. All of the implicit FROM xxx JOIN yyy elements that are the destination of a collection. These are created from index operators on collection property references. Pointer to the parent FROM clause, if there is one. Collection of FROM clauses of which this is the parent. Convenience method to check whether a given token represents a from-element alias. The potential from-element alias to check. True if the possibleAlias is an alias to a from-element visible from this point in the query graph. Returns true if the from node contains the class alias name. The HQL class alias name. true if the from node contains the class alias name. Returns true if the from node contains the table alias name. The SQL table alias name. true if the from node contains the table alias name. Adds a new from element to the from node. The reference to the class. The alias AST. The new FROM element. Retreives the from-element represented by the given alias. The alias by which to locate the from-element. The from-element assigned the given alias, or null if none. Returns the list of from elements in order. The list of from elements (instances of FromElement). Returns the list of from elements that will be part of the result set. the list of from elements that will be part of the result set. Look for an existing implicit or explicit join by the given path. Creates entity from elements. Creates collection from elements. Insert a new node into both the Tree and the Node Array. Add DOWN and UP nodes if needed. The parent node The child node Count the number of child nodes (including DOWNs and UPs) of a parent node The index of the parent in the node array The number of child nodes Represents the [] operator and provides it's semantics. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL "insert select" statement. Performs detailed semantic validation on this insert statement tree. Indicates validation failure. Retreive this insert statement's into-clause. The into-clause Retreive this insert statement's select-clause. The select-clause. Represents an entity referenced in the INTO clause of an HQL INSERT statement. Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Returns additional display text for the AST node. The additional display text. Determine whether the two types are "assignment compatible". The type defined in the into-clause. The type defined in the select clause. True if they are assignment compatible. Interface for nodes which require access to the SessionFactory Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong IsNotNullLogicOperatorNode implementation Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Represents a 'is null' check. A node representing a static Java constant. Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Implementation of OrderByClause. Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Implementation of ParameterNode. Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Locate the select clause that is part of this select statement. Note, that this might return null as derived select clauses (i.e., no select clause at the HQL-level) get generated much later than when we get created; thus it depends upon lifecycle. Our select clause, or null. Represents the list of expressions in a SELECT clause. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Prepares a derived (i.e., not explicitly defined in the query) select clause. @param fromClause The from clause to which this select clause is linked. Prepares an explicitly defined select clause. @param fromClause The from clause linked to this select clause. @throws SemanticException FromElements which need to be accounted for in the load phase (either for return or for fetch). The column alias names being used in the generated SQL. The constructor to use for dynamic instantiation queries. The HQL aliases, or generated aliases The types actually being returned from this query at the "object level". A select expression that was generated by a FROM element. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Represents an SQL fragment in the AST. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL update statement. Generates class/table/column aliases during semantic analysis and SQL rendering. Its essential purpose is to keep an internal counter to ensure that the generated aliases are unique. Appends child nodes to a parent efficiently. Depth first iteration of an ANTLR AST. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Returns the 'list' representation with some brackets around it for debugging. The tree. The list representation of the tree. Determine if a given node (test) is contained anywhere in the subtree of another given node (fixture). The node against which to be checked for children. The node to be tested as being a subtree child of the parent. True if child is contained in the parent's collection of children. Finds the first node of the specified type in the chain of children. The parent The type to find. The first node of the specified type, or null if not found. Filters nodes in/out of a tree. The node to check. true to keep the node, false if the node should be filtered out. Generates the scalar column AST nodes for a given array of SQL columns Performs the post-processing of the join information gathered during semantic analysis. The join generating classes are complex, this encapsulates some of the JoinSequence-related code. Author: Joshua Davis Ported by: Steve Strong Constructs a new JoinProcessor. The walker to which we are bound, giving us access to needed resources. Translates an AST join type (i.e., the token type) into a JoinFragment.XXX join type. The AST join type (from HqlSqlWalker) a JoinType.XXX join type. Indicates that Float and Double literal values should be treated using the SQL "exact" format (i.e., '.001') Indicates that Float and Double literal values should be treated using the SQL "approximate" format (i.e., '1E-3') In what format should Float and Double literal values be sent to the database? See #EXACT, #APPROXIMATE Traverse the AST tree depth first. Note that the AST passed in is not visited itself. Visitation starts with its children. ast Turns a path into an AST. The path. The AST factory to use. An HQL AST representing the path. Creates synthetic and nodes based on the where fragment part of a JoinSequence. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Generates translators which uses the Antlr-based parser to perform the translation. Author: Gavin King Ported by: Steve Strong Facade for generation of and instances. Facade for generation of and instances. Construct a instance capable of translating an HQL query string. The query string to be translated Currently enabled filters The session factory An appropriate translator. Construct a instance capable of translating a Linq expression. The query-identifier (used in collection). This is typically the same as the queryString parameter except for the case of split polymorphic queries which result in multiple physical sql queries. The query expression to be translated Currently enabled filters The session factory An appropriate translator. Look ahead for tokenizing is all lowercase, whereas the original case of an input stream is preserved. Copied from http://www.antlr.org/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1782 Provides a map of collection function names to the corresponding property names. Authoer: josh Ported by: Steve Strong A problem occurred translating a Hibernate query to SQL due to invalid query syntax, etc. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The query that contains the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Sets the serialization info for after getting the info from the base Exception. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Gets or sets the of HQL that caused the Exception. Gets a message that describes the current . The error message that explains the reason for this exception including the HQL. An error handler that counts parsing errors and warnings. Defines the behavior of an error handler for the HQL parsers. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong A custom token class for the HQL grammar. The previous token type. Public constructor Public constructor Returns a string representation of the object. The debug string Indicates if the token could be an identifier. Gets or Sets the type of the token, remembering the previous type on Sets. Returns the previous token type. Exception thrown when an invalid path is found in a query. Author: josh Ported by: Steve Strong Specialized interface for filters. Defines the constract of an HQL->SQL translator. Compile a "normal" query. This method may be called multiple times. Subsequent invocations are no-ops. Defined query substitutions. Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id) select? There was a problem parsing the query string. There was a problem querying defined mappings. Perform a list operation given the underlying query definition. The session owning this query. The query bind parameters. The query list results. Perform a bulk update/delete operation given the underlying query defintion. The query bind parameters. The session owning this query. The number of entities updated or deleted. Returns the column names in the generated SQL. the column names in the generated SQL. The set of query spaces (table names) that the query referrs to. The SQL string generated by the translator. The HQL string processed by the translator. Returns the filters enabled for this query translator. Filters enabled for this query execution. Returns an array of Types represented in the query result. Query return types. Returns an array of HQL aliases Returns an array of HQL aliases Does the translated query contain collection fetches? True if the query does contain collection fetched; false otherwise. Compile a filter. This method may be called multiple times. Subsequent invocations are no-ops. the role name of the collection used as the basis for the filter. Defined query substitutions. Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id) select? Creates a new AST-based query translator. The query-identifier (used in stats collection) The hql query to translate Currently enabled filters The session factory constructing this translator instance. Compile a "normal" query. This method may be called multiple times. Subsequent invocations are no-ops. Defined query substitutions. Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id) select? Compile a filter. This method may be called multiple times. Subsequent invocations are no-ops. the role name of the collection used as the basis for the filter. Defined query substitutions. Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id) select? Performs both filter and non-filter compiling. Defined query substitutions. Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id) select? the role name of the collection used as the basis for the filter, NULL if this is not a filter. Construct a new SessionFactoryHelperExtensions instance. The SessionFactory impl to be encapsulated. Locate a registered sql function by name. The name of the function to locate The sql function, or null if not found. Locate a registered sql function by name. The name of the function to locate The sql function, or throws QueryException if no matching sql functions could be found. Find the function return type given the function name and the first argument expression node. The function name. The first argument expression. the function return type given the function name and the first argument expression node. Given a (potentially unqualified) class name, locate its imported qualified name. The potentially unqualified class name The qualified class name. Does the given persister define a physical discriminator column for the purpose of inheritence discrimination? The persister to be checked. True if the persister does define an actual discriminator column. Locate the collection persister by the collection role. The collection role name. The defined CollectionPersister for this collection role, or null. Determine the name of the property for the entity encapsulated by the given type which represents the id or unique-key. The type representing the entity. The corresponding property name Retrieves the column names corresponding to the collection elements for the given collection role. The collection role The sql column-qualification alias (i.e., the table alias) the collection element columns Essentially the same as GetElementType, but requiring that the element type be an association type. The collection type to be checked. The AssociationType of the elements of the collection. Locate the collection persister by the collection role, requiring that such a persister exist. The collection role name. The defined CollectionPersister for this collection role. Locate the persister by class or entity name, requiring that such a persister exist. The class or entity name The defined persister for this entity Given a (potentially unqualified) class name, locate its persister. The (potentially unqualified) class name. The defined persister for this class, or null if none found. Given a (potentially unqualified) class name, locate its persister. The session factory implementor. The (potentially unqualified) class name. The defined persister for this class, or null if none found. Locate the persister by class or entity name. The class or entity name The defined persister for this entity, or null if none found. Create a join sequence rooted at the given collection. The persister for the collection at which the join should be rooted. The alias to use for qualifying column references. The generated join sequence. Generate an empty join sequence instance. The generated join sequence. Generate a join sequence representing the given association type. Should implicit joins (theta-style) or explicit joins (ANSI-style) be rendered The type representing the thing to be joined into. The table alias to use in qualifing the join conditions The type of join to render (inner, outer, etc) The columns making up the condition of the join. The generated join sequence. Retreive a PropertyMapping describing the given collection role. The collection role for whcih to retrieve the property mapping. The property mapping. Given a collection type, determine the Type representing elements within instances of that collection. The collection type to be checked. The Type of the elements of the collection. Generates translators which uses the older hand-written parser to perform the translation. Parses the hibernate query into its constituent clauses. A parser is a state machine that accepts a string of tokens, bounded by start() and end() and modifies a QueryTranslator. Parsers are NOT intended to be threadsafe. They SHOULD be reuseable for more than one token stream. Parses the from clause of a hibernate query, looking for tables and aliases for the SQL query. FromPathExpressionParser Parses an expression of the form foo.bar.baz and builds up an expression involving two less table joins than there are path components. NOTE: we avoid joining to the next table if the named property is just the foreign key value Used to hold column type in nested functions. Parses the GROUP BY clause of an aggregate query Parses the having clause of a hibernate query and translates it to an SQL having clause. Parses the where clause of a hibernate query and translates it to an SQL where clause. Parses the ORDER BY clause of a query HQL lexical analyzer (not really a parser) An instance of QueryTranslator translates a Hibernate query string to SQL. Construct a query translator A unique identifier for the query of which this translation is part; typically this is the original, user-supplied query string. The "preprocessed" query string; at the very least already processed by {@link org.hibernate.hql.QuerySplitter}. Any enabled filters. The session factory. Construct a query translator Compile a subquery Compile a "normal" query. This method may be called multiple times. Subsequent invocations are no-ops. Compile a filter. This method may be called multiple times. Subsequent invocations are no-ops. Compile the query (generate the SQL). WARNING: side-effecty Extract the complete clause of function. The list of tokens The index of the list that represent the founded function. String trepresentation of each token. Each token can be string or SqlString Used for collection filters Persisters for the return values of a List style query The Persisters stored by QueryTranslator have to be . The setter will attempt to cast the ILoadable array passed in into an IQueryable array. Types of the return values of an Enumerate() style query. Return an array of s. Is this query called by Scroll() or Iterate()? true if it is, false if it is called by find() or list() Parsers the select clause of a hibernate query, looking for a table (well, really class) alias. Wraps SessionFactoryImpl, adding more lookup behaviors and encapsulating some of the error handling. Locate the collection persister by the collection role. The collection role name. The defined CollectionPersister for this collection role, or null. Locate the persister by class or entity name, requiring that such a persister exists The class or entity name The defined persister for this entity Locate the persister by class or entity name. The class or entity name The defined persister for this entity, or null if none found. Retreive a PropertyMapping describing the given collection role. The collection role for whcih to retrieve the property mapping. The property mapping. Provides utility methods for generating HQL / SQL names. Shared by both the 'classic' and 'new' query translators. Handle Hibernate "implicit" polymorphism, by translating the query string into several "concrete" queries against mapped classes. Contract for providing callback access to a , typically from the . Retrieve the next value from the underlying source. Encapsulates definition of the underlying data structure backing a sequence-style generator. A callback to be able to get the next value from the underlying structure as needed. The session. The next value. Prepare this structure for use. Called sometime after instantiation, but before first use. The optimizer being applied to the generator. Commands needed to create the underlying structures. The database dialect being used. The creation commands. Commands needed to drop the underlying structures. The database dialect being used. The drop commands. The name of the database structure (table or sequence). How many times has this structure been accessed through this reference? The configured increment size Performs optimization on an optimizable identifier generator. Typically this optimization takes the form of trying to ensure we do not have to hit the database on each and every request to get an identifier value. Optimizers work on constructor injection. They should provide a constructor with the following arguments. - The return type for the generated values. - int The increment size. Generate an identifier value accounting for this specific optimization. Callback to access the underlying value source. The generated identifier value. A common means to access the last value obtained from the underlying source. This is intended for testing purposes, since accessing the unerlying database source directly is much more difficult. The last value we obtained from the underlying source; -1 indicates we have not yet consulted with the source. Defined increment size. The increment size. Are increments to be applied to the values stored in the underlying value source? True if the values in the source are to be incremented according to the defined increment size; false otherwise, in which case the increment is totally an in memory construct. Describes a sequence. An that requires creation of database objects All s that also implement An have access to a special mapping parameter: schema The general contract between a class that generates unique identifiers and the . It is not intended that this interface ever be exposed to the application. It is intended that users implement this interface to provide custom identifier generation strategies. Implementors should provide a public default constructor. Implementations that accept configuration parameters should also implement . Implementors must be threadsafe. Generate a new identifier The this id is being generated in. The entity for which the id is being generated. The new identifier The SQL required to create the underlying database objects The to help with creating the sql. An array of objects that contain the sql to create the necessary database objects. The SQL required to remove the underlying database objects The to help with creating the sql. A that will drop the database objects. Return a key unique to the underlying database objects. A key unique to the underlying database objects. Prevents us from trying to create/remove them multiple times An IdentiferGenerator that supports "configuration". Configure this instance, given the values of parameters specified by the user as <param> elements. This method is called just once, followed by instantiation. The the identifier should be. An of Param values that are keyed by parameter name. The to help with Configuration. Describes a table used to mimic sequence behavior Abstract InsertGeneratedIdentifierDelegate implementation where the underlying strategy causes the generated identitifer to be returned as an effect of performing the insert statement. Thus, there is no need for an additional sql statement to determine the generated identitifer. Responsible for handling delegation relating to variants in how insert-generated-identifier generator strategies dictate processing:
  • building the sql insert statement
  • determination of the generated identifier value
Build a specific to the delegate's mode of handling generated key values. The insert object. Perform the indicated insert SQL statement and determine the identifier value generated. The generated identifier value. Abstract InsertGeneratedIdentifierDelegate implementation where the underlying strategy requires an subsequent select after the insert to determine the generated identifier. Extract the generated key value from the given result set. The session The result set containing the generated primay key values. The entity being saved. The generated identifier Bind any required parameter values into the SQL command . The session The prepared command The entity being saved. Get the SQL statement to be used to retrieve generated key values. The SQL command string Types of any required parameter values into the SQL command . Nothing more than a distinguishing subclass of Insert used to indicate intent. Some subclasses of this also provided some additional functionality or semantic to the genernated SQL statement string. A class that builds an INSERT sql statement. Builds a SqlString from the internal data. A valid SqlString that can be converted into an IDbCommand Adds the Property's columns to the INSERT sql The column name for the Property The IType of the property. The SqlInsertBuilder. The column will be associated with a parameter. Add a column with a specific value to the INSERT sql The name of the Column to add. The value to set for the column. The NHibernateType to use to convert the value to a sql string. The SqlInsertBuilder. Add a column with a specific value to the INSERT sql The name of the Column to add. A valid sql string to set as the value of the column. The SqlInsertBuilder. Specialized IdentifierGeneratingInsert which appends the database specific clause which signifies to return generated IDENTITY values to the end of the insert statement. Disable comments on insert. implementation where the underlying strategy causes the generated identitifer to be returned, as an effect of performing the insert statement, in a Output parameter. Thus, there is no need for an additional sql statement to determine the generated identitifer. Specialized IdentifierGeneratingInsert which appends the database specific clause which signifies to return generated identifier values to the end of the insert statement. The IdentityGenerator for autoincrement/identity key generation. The this id is being generated in. The entity the id is being generated for. IdentityColumnIndicator Indicates to the Session that identity (i.e. identity/autoincrement column) key generation should be used. An that returns the current identifier assigned to an instance.

This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as <generator class="assigned" />

Generates a new identifier by getting the value of the identifier for the obj parameter. The this id is being generated in. The entity for which the id is being generated. The value that was assigned to the mapped id's property. Thrown when a is passed in as the obj or if the identifier of obj is null. An that returns a Int64 constructed from the system time and a counter value. Not safe for use in a clustser! An that uses the value of the id property of an associated object This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as <generator class="foreign"> <param name="property">AssociatedObject</param> </generator> The mapping parameter property is required. Generates an identifer from the value of a Property. The this id is being generated in. The entity for which the id is being generated. The identifier value from the associated object or if the session already contains obj. Configures the ForeignGenerator by reading the value of property from the parms parameter. The the identifier should be. An of Param values that are keyed by parameter name. The to help with Configuration. Thrown if the key property is not found in the parms parameter. An that generates values using a strategy suggested Jimmy Nilsson's article on informit.com.

This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as <generator class="guid.comb" />

The comb algorithm is designed to make the use of GUIDs as Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, and Indexes nearly as efficient as ints.

This code was contributed by Donald Mull.

Generate a new using the comb algorithm. The this id is being generated in. The entity for which the id is being generated. The new identifier as a . Generate a new using the comb algorithm. An that generates values using Guid.NewGuid().

This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as <generator class="guid" />

Generate a new for the identifier. The this id is being generated in. The entity for which the id is being generated. The new identifier as a . Thrown by implementation class when ID generation fails Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Factory methods for IdentifierGenerator framework.

The built in strategies for identifier generation in NHibernate are:

strategy Implementation of strategy assigned counter foreign guid guid.comb guid.native hilo identity native Chooses between , , and based on the 's capabilities. seqhilo sequence uuid.hex uuid.string
Get the generated identifier when using identity columns The to read the identifier value from. The the value should be converted to. The the value is retrieved in. The value for the identifier. Gets the value of the identifier from the and ensures it is the correct . The to read the identifier value from. The the value should be converted to. The the value is retrieved in. The value for the identifier. Thrown if there is any problem getting the value from the or with converting it to the . An where the key is the strategy and the value is the for the strategy. When this is returned by Generate() it indicates that the object has already been saved. String.Empty When this is return Initializes the static fields in . Creates an from the named strategy. The name of the generator to create. This can be one of the NHibernate abbreviations (ie - native, sequence, guid.comb, etc...), a full class name if the Type is in the NHibernate assembly, or a full type name if the strategy is in an external assembly. The that the retured identifier should be. An of <param> values from the mapping. The to help with Configuration. An instantiated and configured . Thrown if there are any exceptions while creating the . Create the correct boxed for the identifier. The value of the new identifier. The the identifier should be. The identifier value converted to the . The type parameter must be an , , or . An that indicates to the that identity (ie. identity/autoincrement column) key generation should be used.

This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as <generator class="identity" /> or if the database natively supports identity columns <generator class="native" />

This indicates to NHibernate that the database generates the id when the entity is inserted.

Delegate for dealing with IDENTITY columns where the dialect supports returning the generated IDENTITY value directly from the insert statement. Delegate for dealing with IDENTITY columns where the dialect requires an additional command execution to retrieve the generated IDENTITY value The configuration parameter holding the entity name An IIdentifierGenerator that returns a Int64, constructed by counting from the maximum primary key value at startup. Not safe for use in a cluster! java author Gavin King, .NET port Mark Holden Mapping parameters supported, but not usually needed: table, column. The configuration parameter holding the schema name The configuration parameter holding the table name for the generated id The configuration parameter holding the table names for all tables for which the id must be unique The configuration parameter holding the primary key column name of the generated id The configuration parameter holding the catalog name A persister that may have an identity assigned by execution of a SQL INSERT. Get a SQL select string that performs a select based on a unique key determined by the given property name). The name of the property which maps to the column(s) to use in the select statement restriction. The SQL select string Get the database-specific SQL command to retrieve the last generated IDENTITY value. The names of the primary key columns in the root table. The primary key column names. Get the identifier type Generates Guid values using the server side Guid function. A generator that selects the just inserted row to determine the identifier value assigned by the database. The correct row is located using a unique key. One mapping parameter is required: key (unless a natural-id is defined in the mapping). The delegate for the select generation strategy. An that generates Int64 values using an oracle-style sequence. A higher performance algorithm is .

This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as <generator class="sequence"> <param name="sequence">uid_sequence</param> <param name="schema">db_schema</param> </generator>

The sequence parameter is required while the schema is optional.

The name of the sequence parameter. The parameters parameter, appended to the create sequence DDL. For example (Oracle): INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 MAXVALUE 100 NOCACHE. Configures the SequenceGenerator by reading the value of sequence and schema from the parms parameter. The the identifier should be. An of Param values that are keyed by parameter name. The to help with Configuration. Generate an , , or for the identifier by using a database sequence. The this id is being generated in. The entity for which the id is being generated. The new identifier as a , , or . The SQL required to create the database objects for a SequenceGenerator. The to help with creating the sql. An array of objects that contain the Dialect specific sql to create the necessary database objects for the SequenceGenerator. The SQL required to remove the underlying database objects for a SequenceGenerator. The to help with creating the sql. A that will drop the database objects for the SequenceGenerator. Return a key unique to the underlying database objects for a SequenceGenerator. The configured sequence name. An that combines a hi/lo algorithm with an underlying oracle-style sequence that generates hi values.

This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as <generator class="seqhilo"> <param name="sequence">uid_sequence</param> <param name="max_lo">max_lo_value</param> <param name="schema">db_schema</param> </generator>

The sequence parameter is required, the max_lo and schema are optional.

The user may specify a max_lo value to determine how often new hi values are fetched. If sequences are not avaliable, TableHiLoGenerator might be an alternative.

The name of the maximum low value parameter. Configures the SequenceHiLoGenerator by reading the value of sequence, max_lo, and schema from the parms parameter. The the identifier should be. An of Param values that are keyed by parameter name. The to help with Configuration. Generate an , , or for the identifier by using a database sequence. The this id is being generated in. The entity for which the id is being generated. The new identifier as a , , or . A generator which combines sequence generation with immediate retrieval by attaching a output parameter to the SQL command In this respect it works much like ANSI-SQL IDENTITY generation. An that uses a database table to store the last generated value.

It is not intended that applications use this strategy directly. However, it may be used to build other (efficient) strategies. The return type is System.Int32

The hi value MUST be fetched in a seperate transaction to the ISession transaction so the generator must be able to obtain a new connection and commit it. Hence this implementation may not be used when the user is supplying connections.

The mapping parameters table and column are required.

An additional where clause that is added to the queries against the table. The name of the column parameter. The name of the table parameter. Default column name Default table name Configures the TableGenerator by reading the value of table, column, and schema from the parms parameter. The the identifier should be. An of Param values that are keyed by parameter name. The to help with Configuration. Generate a , , or for the identifier by selecting and updating a value in a table. The this id is being generated in. The entity for which the id is being generated. The new identifier as a , , or . The SQL required to create the database objects for a TableGenerator. The to help with creating the sql. An array of objects that contain the Dialect specific sql to create the necessary database objects and to create the first value as 1 for the TableGenerator. The SQL required to remove the underlying database objects for a TableGenerator. The to help with creating the sql. A that will drop the database objects for the TableGenerator. Return a key unique to the underlying database objects for a TableGenerator. The configured table name. An that returns an Int64, constructed using a hi/lo algorithm.

This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as <generator class="hilo"> <param name="table">table</param> <param name="column">id_column</param> <param name="max_lo">max_lo_value</param> <param name="schema">db_schema</param> </generator>

The table and column parameters are required, the max_lo and schema are optional.

The hi value MUST be fecthed in a seperate transaction to the ISession transaction so the generator must be able to obtain a new connection and commit it. Hence this implementation may not be used when the user is supplying connections. In that case a would be a better choice (where supported).

The name of the max lo parameter. Configures the TableHiLoGenerator by reading the value of table, column, max_lo, and schema from the parms parameter. The the identifier should be. An of Param values that are keyed by parameter name. The to help with Configuration. Generate a for the identifier by selecting and updating a value in a table. The this id is being generated in. The entity for which the id is being generated. The new identifier as a . An that returns a string of length 32, 36, or 38 depending on the configuration.

This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as <generator class="uuid.hex"> <param name="format">format_string</param> <param name="seperator">seperator_string</param> </generator>

The format and seperator parameters are optional.

The identifier string will consist of only hex digits. Optionally, the identifier string may be generated with enclosing characters and seperators between each component of the UUID. If there are seperators then the string length will be 36. If a format that has enclosing brackets is used, then the string length will be 38.

format is either "N" (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx), "D" (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx), "B" ({xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}), or "P" ((xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)). These formats are described in the Guid.ToString(String) method. If no format is specified the default is "N".

seperator is the char that will replace the "-" if specified. If no value is configured then the default seperator for the format will be used. If the format "D", "B", or "P" is specified, then the seperator will replace the "-". If the format is "N" then this parameter will be ignored.

This class is based on

Generate a new for the identifier using the "uuid.hex" algorithm. The this id is being generated in. The entity for which the id is being generated. The new identifier as a . Configures the UUIDHexGenerator by reading the value of format and seperator from the parms parameter. The the identifier should be. An of Param values that are keyed by parameter name. The to help with Configuration. Generate a Guid into a string using the format. A new Guid string An that returns a string of length 16.

This id generation strategy is specified in the mapping file as <generator class="uuid.string" />

The identifier string will NOT consist of only alphanumeric characters. Use this only if you don't mind unreadable identifiers. This impelementation was known to be incompatible with Postgres.
Generate a new for the identifier using the "uuid.string" algorithm. The this id is being generated in. The entity for which the id is being generated. The new identifier as a . Base class to create queries in "detached mode" where the NHibernate session is not available. The behaviour of each method is basically the same of methods. The main difference is on : If you mix with named parameters setter, if same param name are found, the value of the parameter setter override the value read from the POCO. Interface to create queries in "detached mode" where the NHibernate session is not available. All methods have the same semantics as the corresponding methods of the interface. Get an executable instance of , to actually run the query. Set the maximum number of rows to retrieve. The maximum number of rows to retreive. Sets the first row to retrieve. The first row to retreive. Enable caching of this query result set. Should the query results be cacheable? Set the name of the cache region. The name of a query cache region, or for the default query cache Entities retrieved by this query will be loaded in a read-only mode where Hibernate will never dirty-check them or make changes persistent. Enable/Disable read -only mode The timeout for the underlying ADO query Set a fetch size for the underlying ADO query. the fetch size Set the lockmode for the objects idententified by the given alias that appears in the FROM clause. alias a query alias, or this for a collection filter Add a comment to the generated SQL. a human-readable string Bind a value to an indexed parameter. Position of the parameter in the query, numbered from 0 The possibly null parameter value The Hibernate type Bind a value to a named query parameter The name of the parameter The possibly null parameter value The NHibernate . Bind a value to an indexed parameter, guessing the Hibernate type from the class of the given object. The position of the parameter in the query, numbered from 0 The non-null parameter value Bind a value to a named query parameter, guessing the NHibernate from the class of the given object. The name of the parameter The non-null parameter value Bind multiple values to a named query parameter. This is useful for binding a list of values to an expression such as foo.bar in (:value_list) The name of the parameter A collection of values to list The Hibernate type of the values Bind multiple values to a named query parameter, guessing the Hibernate type from the class of the first object in the collection. This is useful for binding a list of values to an expression such as foo.bar in (:value_list) The name of the parameter A collection of values to list Bind the property values of the given object to named parameters of the query, matching property names with parameter names and mapping property types to Hibernate types using heuristics. Any POCO Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a array to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a array. Bind an instance of a array to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a array. Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . A non-null instance of a . The name of the parameter Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a mapped persistent class to an indexed parameter. Position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a persistent class Bind an instance of a mapped persistent class to a named parameter. The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a persistent class Bind an instance of a persistent enumeration class to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a persistent enumeration Bind an instance of a persistent enumeration class to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a persistent enumeration Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 An instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter An instance of a . Override the current session flush mode, just for this query. Set a strategy for handling the query results. This can be used to change "shape" of the query result. Set the value to ignore unknown parameters names. True to ignore unknown parameters names. Override the current session cache mode, just for this query. The cache mode to use. this (for method chaining) Interface for DetachedQuery implementors. When you are working with queries in "detached mode" you may need some additional services like clone, copy of parameters from another query and so on. Copy all properties to a given . The given . Usually the implementation use to set properties to the . This mean that existing properties are merged/overriden. Set only parameters to a given . The given . Existing parameters are merged/overriden. Override all properties reading new values from a given . The given origin. Override all parameters reading new values from a given . The given origin. Override the current session cache mode, just for this query. The cache mode to use. this (for method chaining) Fill all properties. The . Query properties are overriden/merged. Copy all properties to a given . The given . The method use to set properties of . Set only parameters to a given . The given . The method use to set properties of . Existing parameters in are merged/overriden. Clear all existing parameters and copy new parameters from a given origin. The origin of parameters. The current instance If is null. Abstract implementation of the IQuery interface. An object-oriented representation of a NHibernate query. An IQuery instance is obtained by calling . Key features of this interface include: Paging: A particular page of the result set may be selected by calling , . The generated SQL depends on the capabilities of the . Some Dialects are for databases that have built in paging (LIMIT) and those capabilities will be used to limit the number of records returned by the SQL statement. If the database does not support LIMITs then all of the records will be returned, but the objects created will be limited to the specific results requested. Named parameters Ability to return 'read-only' entities Named query parameters are tokens of the form :name in the query string. For example, a value is bound to the Int32 parameter :foo by calling: SetParameter("foo", foo, NHibernateUtil.Int32); A name may appear multiple times in the query string. Unnamed parameters ? are also supported. To bind a value to an unnamed parameter use a Set method that accepts an Int32 positional argument - numbered from zero. You may not mix and match unnamed parameters and named parameters in the same query. Queries are executed by calling or . A query may be re-executed by subsequent invocations. Its lifespan is, however, bounded by the lifespan of the ISession that created it. Implementors are not intended to be threadsafe. Return the query results as an . If the query contains multiple results per row, the results are returned in an instance of object[].

Entities returned as results are initialized on demand. The first SQL query returns identifiers only.

This is a good strategy to use if you expect a high number of the objects returned to be already loaded in the or in the 2nd level cache.

Strongly-typed version of . Return the query results as an . If the query contains multiple results per row, the results are returned in an instance of object[]. The filled with the results. This is a good strategy to use if you expect few of the objects being returned are already loaded or if you want to fill the 2nd level cache. Return the query results an place them into the . The to place the results in. Strongly-typed version of . Convenience method to return a single instance that matches the query, or null if the query returns no results. the single result or Thrown when there is more than one matching result. Strongly-typed version of . Execute the update or delete statement. The number of entities updated or deleted. Set the maximum number of rows to retrieve. The maximum number of rows to retreive. Sets the first row to retrieve. The first row to retreive. Set the read-only mode for entities (and proxies) loaded by this query. This setting overrides the default setting for the session (see ). Read-only entities can be modified, but changes are not persisted. They are not dirty-checked and snapshots of persistent state are not maintained. When a proxy is initialized, the loaded entity will have the same read-only setting as the uninitialized proxy, regardless of the session's current setting. The read-only setting has no impact on entities or proxies returned by the criteria that existed in the session before the criteria was executed. If true, entities (and proxies) loaded by the query will be read-only. this (for method chaining) Enable caching of this query result set. Should the query results be cacheable? Set the name of the cache region. The name of a query cache region, or for the default query cache The timeout for the underlying ADO query Set a fetch size for the underlying ADO query. the fetch size Set the lockmode for the objects idententified by the given alias that appears in the FROM clause. alias a query alias, or this for a collection filter Add a comment to the generated SQL. a human-readable string Override the current session flush mode, just for this query. Override the current session cache mode, just for this query. The cache mode to use. this (for method chaining) Bind a value to an indexed parameter. Position of the parameter in the query, numbered from 0 The possibly null parameter value The NHibernate type Bind a value to a named query parameter The name of the parameter The possibly null parameter value The NHibernate . Bind a value to an indexed parameter. Position of the parameter in the query, numbered from 0 The possibly null parameter value The parameter's Bind a value to a named query parameter The name of the parameter The possibly null parameter value The parameter's Bind a value to an indexed parameter, guessing the NHibernate type from the class of the given object. The position of the parameter in the query, numbered from 0 The non-null parameter value Bind a value to a named query parameter, guessing the NHibernate from the class of the given object. The name of the parameter The non-null parameter value Bind multiple values to a named query parameter. This is useful for binding a list of values to an expression such as foo.bar in (:value_list) The name of the parameter A collection of values to list The NHibernate type of the values Bind multiple values to a named query parameter, guessing the NHibernate type from the class of the first object in the collection. This is useful for binding a list of values to an expression such as foo.bar in (:value_list) The name of the parameter A collection of values to list Bind the property values of the given object to named parameters of the query, matching property names with parameter names and mapping property types to NHibernate types using heuristics. Any PONO Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a array to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a array. Bind an instance of a array to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a array. Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . A non-null instance of a . The name of the parameter Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a persistent enumeration class to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a persistent enumeration Bind an instance of a persistent enumeration class to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a persistent enumeration Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to an indexed parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 An instance of a . Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter An instance of a . Bind an instance of a mapped persistent class to an indexed parameter. Position of the parameter in the query string, numbered from 0 A non-null instance of a persistent class Bind an instance of a mapped persistent class to a named parameter. The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a persistent class Set a strategy for handling the query results. This can be used to change "shape" of the query result. Get a enumerable that when enumerated will execute a batch of queries in a single database roundtrip Get an IFutureValue instance, whose value can be retrieved through its Value property. The query is not executed until the Value property is retrieved, which will execute other Future queries as well in a single roundtrip The query string The NHibernate types of the query result set. Return the HQL select clause aliases (if any) An array of aliases as strings The names of all named parameters of the query The parameter names, in no particular order Will entities (and proxies) returned by the query be loaded in read-only mode? If the query's read-only setting is not initialized (with ), the value of the session's property is returned instead. The value of this property has no effect on entities or proxies returned by the query that existed in the session before the query was executed. true if entities and proxies loaded by the query will be put in read-only mode, otherwise false. Perform parameter validation. Used prior to executing the encapsulated query. if true, the first ? will not be verified since its needed for e.g. callable statements returning a out parameter Guesses the from the param's value. The object to guess the of. An for the object. Thrown when the param is null because the can't be guess from a null value. Guesses the from the . The to guess the of. An for the . Thrown when the clazz is null because the can't be guess from a null type. Warning: adds new parameters to the argument by side-effect, as well as mutating the query string! Warning: adds new parameters to the argument by side-effect, as well as mutating the query string! Override the current session cache mode, just for this query. The cache mode to use. this (for method chaining) Functionality common to stateless and stateful sessions Implementation of the interface for collection filters. Default implementation of the , for "ordinary" HQL queries (not collection filters) Implementation of the interface Criteria is a simplified API for retrieving entities by composing objects. Using criteria is a very convenient approach for functionality like "search" screens where there is a variable number of conditions to be placed upon the result set. The Session is a factory for ICriteria. Expression instances are usually obtained via the factory methods on . eg: IList cats = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Cat)) .Add(Expression.Like("name", "Iz%")) .Add(Expression.Gt("weight", minWeight)) .AddOrder(Order.Asc("age")) .List(); You may navigate associations using or . eg: IList<Cat> cats = session.CreateCriteria<Cat> .CreateCriteria("kittens") .Add(Expression.like("name", "Iz%")) .List<Cat>(); You may specify projection and aggregation using Projection instances obtained via the factory methods on Projections. eg: IList<Cat> cats = session.CreateCriteria<Cat> .SetProjection( Projections.ProjectionList() .Add(Projections.RowCount()) .Add(Projections.Avg("weight")) .Add(Projections.Max("weight")) .Add(Projections.Min("weight")) .Add(Projections.GroupProperty("color"))) .AddOrder(Order.Asc("color")) .List<Cat>(); Used to specify that the query results will be a projection (scalar in nature). Implicitly specifies the projection result transformer. The projection representing the overall "shape" of the query results. This instance (for method chaining) The individual components contained within the given determines the overall "shape" of the query result. Add an Expression to constrain the results to be retrieved. An an Order to the result set Specify an association fetching strategy. Currently, only one-to-many and one-to-one associations are supported. A dot seperated property path. The Fetch mode. Set the lock mode of the current entity the lock mode Set the lock mode of the aliased entity an alias the lock mode Join an association, assigning an alias to the joined entity Join an association using the specified join-type, assigning an alias to the joined association The type of join to use. this (for method chaining) Join an association using the specified join-type, assigning an alias to the joined association The type of join to use. The criteria to be added to the join condition (ON clause) this (for method chaining) Create a new , "rooted" at the associated entity Create a new , "rooted" at the associated entity, using the specified join type. A dot-seperated property path The type of join to use The created "sub criteria" Create a new , "rooted" at the associated entity, assigning the given alias Create a new , "rooted" at the associated entity, assigning the given alias and using the specified join type. A dot-separated property path The alias to assign to the joined association (for later reference). The type of join to use. The created "sub criteria" Create a new , "rooted" at the associated entity, assigning the given alias and using the specified join type. A dot-separated property path The alias to assign to the joined association (for later reference). The type of join to use. The criteria to be added to the join condition (ON clause) The created "sub criteria" Set a strategy for handling the query results. This determines the "shape" of the query result set. Set a limit upon the number of objects to be retrieved Set the first result to be retrieved Set a fetch size for the underlying ADO query. the fetch size this (for method chaining) Set a timeout for the underlying ADO.NET query Enable caching of this query result set Set the name of the cache region. the name of a query cache region, or for the default query cache Add a comment to the generated SQL. a human-readable string this (for method chaining) Override the flush mode for this particular query. The flush mode to use. this (for method chaining) Override the cache mode for this particular query. The cache mode to use. this (for method chaining) Get the results Convenience method to return a single instance that matches the query, or null if the query returns no results. the single result or If there is more than one matching result Get a enumerable that when enumerated will execute a batch of queries in a single database roundtrip Get an IFutureValue instance, whose value can be retrieved through its Value property. The query is not executed until the Value property is retrieved, which will execute other Future queries as well in a single roundtrip Set the read-only mode for entities (and proxies) loaded by this Criteria. This setting overrides the default for the session (see ). To set the default read-only setting for entities and proxies that are loaded into the session, see . Read-only entities can be modified, but changes are not persisted. They are not dirty-checked and snapshots of persistent state are not maintained. When a proxy is initialized, the loaded entity will have the same read-only setting as the uninitialized proxy has, regardless of the session's current setting. The read-only setting has no impact on entities or proxies returned by the criteria that existed in the session before the criteria was executed. If true, entities (and proxies) loaded by the criteria will be read-only. this (for method chaining) Get the results and fill the The list to fill with the results. Strongly-typed version of . Strongly-typed version of . Clear all orders from criteria. Allows to get a sub criteria by path. Will return null if the criteria does not exists. The path. Alows to get a sub criteria by alias. Will return null if the criteria does not exists The alias. Gets the root entity type if available, throws otherwise This is an NHibernate specific method, used by several dependent frameworks for advance integration with NHibernate. Get the alias of the entity encapsulated by this criteria instance. The alias for the encapsulated entity. Was the read-only mode explicitly initialized? true if the read-only mode was explicitly initialized, otherwise false. /// Will entities (and proxies) loaded by this Criteria be put in read-only mode? If the read-only setting was not initialized, then the value of the session's property is returned instead. The read-only setting has no impact on entities or proxies returned by the Criteria that existed in the session before the Criteria was executed. true if entities and proxies loaded by the criteria will be put in read-only mode, otherwise false. Override the cache mode for this particular query. The cache mode to use. this (for method chaining) Override the cache mode for this particular query. The cache mode to use. this (for method chaining) The Clone is supported only by a root criteria. The clone of the root criteria. Named query in "detached mode" where the NHibernate session is not available. Create a new instance of for a named query string defined in the mapping file. The name of a query defined externally. The query can be either in HQL or SQL format. Get an executable instance of , to actually run the query. Creates a new DetachedNamedQuery that is a deep copy of the current instance. The clone. Get the query name. Query in "detached mode" where the NHibernate session is not available. Create a new instance of for the given query string. A hibernate query string Get an executable instance of , to actually run the query. Creates a new DetachedQuery that is a deep copy of the current instance. The clone. Get the HQL string. Provides an wrapper over the results of an . This is the IteratorImpl in H2.0.3 Create an wrapper over an . The to enumerate over. The used to create the . The to use to load objects. The s contained in the . The names of the columns in the . The that should be applied to the . Instantiator of the result holder (used for "select new SomeClass(...)" queries). The should already be positioned on the first record in . Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the query results. An that can be used to iterate through the query results. Advances the enumerator to the next element of the query results. if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next query results ; if the enumerator has passed the end of the query results. A flag to indicate if Dispose() has been called. Finalizer that ensures the object is correctly disposed of. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Indicates if this EnumerableImpl is being Disposed of or Finalized. The command is closed and the reader is disposed. This allows other ADO.NET related actions to occur without needing to move all the way through the EnumerableImpl. Gets the current element in the query results. The current element in the query results which is either an object or an object array. If the only returns one type of Entity then an object will be returned. If this is a multi-column resultset then an object array will be returned. Subquery type enumeration exact all some Converts lambda expressions to NHibernate criterion/order Invoke the expression to extract its runtime value Retrieves the projection for the expression Retrieves the name of the property from a member expression An expression tree that can contain either a member, or a conversion from a member. If the member is referenced from a null valued object, then the container is treated as an alias. The name of the member property Retrieves the name of the property from a member expression (without leading member access) Retrieves a detached criteria from an appropriate lambda expression Expresson for detached criteria using .As<>() extension"/> Evaluated detached criteria Convert a lambda expression to NHibernate ICriterion The type of the lambda expression The lambda expression to convert NHibernate ICriterion Convert a lambda expression to NHibernate ICriterion The lambda expression to convert NHibernate ICriterion Convert a lambda expression to NHibernate Order The type of the lambda expression The lambda expression to convert The appropriate order delegate (order direction) NHibernate Order Convert a lambda expression to NHibernate Order The lambda expression to convert The appropriate order delegate (order direction) NHibernate Order Convert a lambda expression to NHibernate Order The lambda expression to convert The appropriate order delegate (order direction) NHibernate Order Convert a lambda expression to NHibernate Order The lambda expression to convert The appropriate order delegate (order direction) NHibernate Order Convert a lambda expression to NHibernate subquery AbstractCriterion type of member expression type of subquery lambda expression to convert NHibernate.ICriterion.AbstractCriterion Convert a lambda expression to NHibernate subquery AbstractCriterion type of subquery lambda expression to convert NHibernate.ICriterion.AbstractCriterion Register a custom method for use in a QueryOver expression Lambda expression demonstrating call of custom method function to convert MethodCallExpression to ICriterion Register a custom projection for use in a QueryOver expression Lambda expression demonstrating call of custom method function to convert MethodCallExpression to IProjection Retreive the property name from a supplied PropertyProjection Note: throws is the supplied IProjection is not a PropertyProjection Warning: adds new parameters to the argument by side-effect, as well as mutating the query expression tree! Type definition of Filter. Filter defines the user's view into enabled dynamic filters, allowing them to set filter parameter values. Set the named parameter's value list for this filter. The parameter's name. The values to be applied. This FilterImpl instance (for method chaining). Set the named parameter's value list for this filter. Used in conjunction with IN-style filter criteria. The parameter's name. The values to be expanded into an SQL IN list. This FilterImpl instance (for method chaining). Set the named parameter's value list for this filter. Used in conjunction with IN-style filter criteria. The parameter's name. The values to be expanded into an SQL IN list. This FilterImpl instance (for method chaining). Perform validation of the filter state. This is used to verify the state of the filter after its enablement and before its use. Get the name of this filter. This filter's name. Get the filter definition containing additional information about the filter (such as default-condition and expected parameter names/types). The filter definition Set the named parameter's value for this filter. The parameter's name. The value to be applied. This FilterImpl instance (for method chaining). Set the named parameter's value list for this filter. Used in conjunction with IN-style filter criteria. The parameter's name. The values to be expanded into an SQL IN list. This FilterImpl instance (for method chaining). Set the named parameter's value list for this filter. Used in conjunction with IN-style filter criteria. The parameter's name. The values to be expanded into an SQL IN list. This FilterImpl instance (for method chaining). Perform validation of the filter state. This is used to verify the state of the filter after its enablement and before its use. Get the name of this filter. Helper methods for rendering log messages and exception messages Generate small message that can be used in traces and exception messages. The to create the string from. The identifier of the object. A descriptive in the format of [classname#id] Generate small message that can be used in traces and exception messages. The for the class in question. The identifier of the object. The . A descriptive in the format of [classname#id] Generate small message that can be used in traces and exception messages. The for the class in question. The identifier of the object. The . The NHibernate type of the identifier. A descriptive in the format of [classname#id] Generate small message that can be used in traces and exception messages. The for the class in question The id A descriptive in the form [FooBar#id] Generate small message that can be used in traces and exception messages. The for the class in question A descriptive in the form [FooBar] Generate small message that can be used in traces and exception messages. The for the class in question The id A descriptive in the form [collectionrole#id] Generate an info message string relating to a given property value for an entity. The entity name The name of the property The property value. An info string, in the form [Foo.bars#1] Generate an info message string relating to a particular managed collection. The persister for the collection The id value of the owner The session factory An info string, in the form [Foo.bars#1] Generate an info message string relating to a particular entity, based on the given entityName and id. The defined entity name. The entity id value. An info string, in the form [FooBar#1]. Combines several queries into a single DB call Get all the results Adds the specified criteria to the query. The result will be contained in a Return results in a The criteria. Adds the specified criteria to the query. The result will be contained in a The criteria. Adds the specified criteria to the query, and associates it with the given key. The result will be contained in a The key The criteria Adds the specified detached criteria. The result will be contained in a The detached criteria. Adds the specified detached criteria, and associates it with the given key. The result will be contained in a The key The detached criteria Adds the specified criteria to the query The criteria. Adds the specified criteria to the query, and associates it with the given key The key The criteria Adds the specified detached criteria. The detached criteria. Adds the specified detached criteria, and associates it with the given key The key The detached criteria Adds the specified IQueryOver to the query. The result will be contained in a Return results in a The IQueryOver. Adds the specified IQueryOver to the query. The result will be contained in a The IQueryOver. Adds the specified IQueryOver to the query. The result will be contained in a The IQueryOver. Adds the specified IQueryOver to the query, and associates it with the given key. The result will be contained in a The key The IQueryOver Adds the specified IQueryOver to the query, and associates it with the given key. The result will be contained in a The key The IQueryOver Sets whatevert this criteria is cacheable. if set to true [cachable]. Set the cache region for thie criteria The region Force a cache refresh Sets the result transformer for all the results in this mutli criteria instance The result transformer. Returns the result of one of the Criteria based on the key The key Initializes a new instance of the class. The session. The factory. Return a cacheable "disassembled" representation of the object. the value to cache the session optional parent entity object (needed for collections) the disassembled, deep cloned state Reconstruct the object from its cached "disassembled" state. the disassembled state from the cache the session the parent entity object the the object Called before assembling a query result set from the query cache, to allow batch fetching of entities missing from the second-level cache. Combines sevaral queries into a single database call Get all the results The result is a IList of IList. Adds the specified query to the query. The result will be contained in a Return results in a The query. The instance for method chain. Add the specified HQL query to the multi query. The result will be contained in a The query Add the specified HQL query to the multi query, and associate it with the given key. The result will be contained in a The key to get results of the specific query. The query The instance for method chain. Add the specified HQL Query to the multi query, and associate it with the given key. The result will be contained in a The key to get results of the specific query. The query The instance for method chain. Add the specified HQL query to the multi query. The result will be contained in a The query The instance for method chain. Add a named query to the multi query. The result will be contained in a The query The instance for method chain. Add a named query to the multi query, and associate it with the given key. The result will be contained in a The key to get results of the specific query. The query The instance for method chain. Add the specified HQL query to the multi query, and associate it with the given key The key to get results of the specific query. The query The instance for method chain. Add the specified HQL query to the multi query The query The instance for method chain. Add the specified HQL Query to the multi query, and associate it with the given key The key to get results of the specific query. The query The instance for method chain. Add the specified HQL query to the multi query The instance for method chain. Add a named query to the multi query The query The instance for method chain. Add a named query to the multi query, and associate it with the given key The key to get results of the specific query. The query The instance for method chain. Enable caching of this query result set. Should the query results be cacheable? The instance for method chain. Set the name of the cache region. The name of a query cache region, or for the default query cache The instance for method chain. Should the query force a refresh of the specified query cache region? This is particularly useful in cases where underlying data may have been updated via a seperate process (i.e., not modified through Hibernate) and allows the application to selectively refresh the query cache regions based on its knowledge of those events. Should the query result in a forcible refresh of the query cache? The instance for method chain. The timeout for the underlying ADO query The instance for method chain. Bind a value to a named query parameter The name of the parameter The possibly null parameter value The NHibernate . The instance for method chain. Bind a value to a named query parameter, guessing the NHibernate from the class of the given object. The name of the parameter The non-null parameter value The instance for method chain. Bind multiple values to a named query parameter. This is useful for binding a list of values to an expression such as foo.bar in (:value_list) The name of the parameter A collection of values to list The Hibernate type of the values The instance for method chain. Bind multiple values to a named query parameter, guessing the Hibernate type from the class of the first object in the collection. This is useful for binding a list of values to an expression such as foo.bar in (:value_list) The name of the parameter A collection of values to list The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a array to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a array. The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . A non-null instance of a . The name of the parameter The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a mapped persistent class to a named parameter. The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a persistent class The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a persistent enumeration class to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a persistent enumeration The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter An instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Bind an instance of a to a named parameter using an NHibernate . The name of the parameter A non-null instance of a . The instance for method chain. Override the current session flush mode, just for this query. The instance for method chain. Set a strategy for handling the query results. This can be used to change "shape" of the query result. The will be applied after the transformer of each single query. The instance for method chain. Returns the result of one of the query based on the key The key The instance for method chain. Return the query results of all the queries an actual entity object, not a proxy! Concrete implementation of a SessionFactory. Has the following responsibilities: Caches configuration settings (immutably) Caches "compiled" mappings - ie. and Caches "compiled" queries (memory sensitive cache) Manages PreparedStatements/IDbCommands - how true in NH? Delegates IDbConnection management to the Factory for instances of This class must appear immutable to clients, even if it does all kinds of caching and pooling under the covers. It is crucial that the class is not only thread safe , but also highly concurrent. Synchronization must be used extremely sparingly. NH specific : to avoid the use of entityName for generic implementation this is a shortcut. Gets the hql query identified by the name. The name of that identifies the query. A hql query or if the named query does not exist. Get the return aliases of a query Return the names of all persistent (mapped) classes that extend or implement the given class or interface, accounting for implicit/explicit polymorphism settings and excluding mapped subclasses/joined-subclasses of other classes in the result. Closes the session factory, releasing all held resources. cleans up used cache regions and "stops" the cache provider. close the ADO.NET connection Get a new stateless session. Get a new stateless session for the given ADO.NET connection. Statistics SPI Get the statistics for this session factory Gets the ICurrentSessionContext instance attached to this session factory. Delegate to handle the scenario of an entity not found by a specified id. Delegate method to handle the scenario of an entity not found. The entityName (may be the class fullname) The requested id not founded. Resolves lookups and deserialization. This is used heavily be Deserialization. Currently a SessionFactory is not really serialized. All that is serialized is it's name and uid. During Deserializaiton the serialized SessionFactory is converted to the one contained in this object. So if you are serializing across AppDomains you should make sure that "name" is specified for the SessionFactory in the hbm.xml file and that the other AppDomain has a configured SessionFactory with the same name. If you are serializing in the same AppDomain then there will be no problem because the uid will be in this object. Adds an Instance of the SessionFactory to the local "cache". The identifier of the ISessionFactory. The name of the ISessionFactory. The ISessionFactory. The configured properties for the ISessionFactory. Removes the Instance of the SessionFactory from the local "cache". The identifier of the ISessionFactory. The name of the ISessionFactory. The configured properties for the ISessionFactory. Returns a Named Instance of the SessionFactory from the local "cache" identified by name. The name of the ISessionFactory. An instantiated ISessionFactory. Returns an Instance of the SessionFactory from the local "cache" identified by UUID. The identifier of the ISessionFactory. An instantiated ISessionFactory. We always set the result to use a thread static variable, on the face of it, it looks like it is not a valid choice, since ASP.Net and WCF may decide to switch threads on us. But, since SessionIdLoggingContext is only used inside NH calls, and since NH calls are never async, this isn't an issue for us. In addition to that, attempting to match to the current context has proven to be performance hit. Concrete implementation of an , also the central, organizing component of NHibernate's internal implementation. Exposes two interfaces: itself, to the application and to other components of NHibernate. This is where the hard stuff is... This class is NOT THREADSAFE. Constructor used to recreate the Session during the deserialization. This is needed because we have to do some checking before the serialization process begins. I don't know how to add logic in ISerializable.GetObjectData and have .net write all of the serializable fields out. Verify the ISession can be serialized and write the fields to the Serializer. The fields are marked with [NonSerializable] as just a point of reference. This method has complete control and what is serialized and those attributes are ignored. However, this method should be in synch with the attributes for easy readability. Once the entire object graph has been deserialized then we can hook the collections, proxies, and entities back up to the ISession. Constructor used for OpenSession(...) processing, as well as construction of sessions for GetCurrentSession(). The user-supplied connection to use for this session. The factory from which this session was obtained NOT USED The timestamp for this session The interceptor to be applied to this session The entity-mode for this session Should we auto flush before completion of transaction Should we auto close after completion of transaction The mode by which we should release JDBC connections. Constructor used in building "child sessions". The parent Session The entity mode Close the session and release all resources Do not call this method inside a transaction scope, use Dispose instead, since Close() is not aware of distributed transactions Ensure that the locks are downgraded to and that all of the softlocks in the have been released. Save a transient object. An id is generated, assigned to the object and returned Save a transient object with a manually assigned ID Delete a persistent object Delete a persistent object (by explicit entity name) Give the interceptor an opportunity to override the default instantiation Force an immediate flush Cascade merge an entity instance Cascade persist an entity instance Cascade persist an entity instance during the flush process Cascade refresh an entity instance Cascade copy an entity instance Cascade delete an entity instance detect in-memory changes, determine if the changes are to tables named in the query and, if so, complete execution the flush Load the data for the object with the specified id into a newly created object using "for update", if supported. A new key will be assigned to the object. This should return an existing proxy where appropriate. If the object does not exist in the database, an exception is thrown. Thrown when the object with the specified id does not exist in the database. Load the data for the object with the specified id into a newly created object using "for update", if supported. A new key will be assigned to the object. This should return an existing proxy where appropriate. If the object does not exist in the database, null is returned. Load the data for the object with the specified id into a newly created object. This is only called when lazily initializing a proxy. Do NOT return a proxy. Return the object with the specified id or throw exception if no row with that id exists. Defer the load, return a new proxy or return an existing proxy if possible. Do not check if the object was deleted. This can be called from commit() or at the start of a List() method. Perform all the necessary SQL statements in a sensible order, to allow users to repect foreign key constraints: Inserts, in the order they were performed Updates Deletion of collection elements Insertion of collection elements Deletes, in the order they were performed Go through all the persistent objects and look for collections they might be holding. If they had a nonpersistable collection, substitute a persistable one Not for internal use Get the id value for an object that is actually associated with the session. This is a bit stricter than GetEntityIdentifierIfNotUnsaved(). called by a collection that wants to initialize itself Finalizer that ensures the object is correctly disposed of. Perform a soft (distributed transaction aware) close of the session Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Indicates if this Session is being Disposed of or Finalized. If this Session is being Finalized (isDisposing==false) then make sure not to call any methods that could potentially bring this Session back to life. remove any hard references to the entity that are held by the infrastructure (references held by application or other persistant instances are okay) Get the ActionQueue for this session Gets if the ISession is connected. if the ISession is connected. An ISession is considered connected if there is an (regardless of its state) or if it the field connect is true. Meaning that it will connect at the next operation that requires a connection. Get the statistics for this session. Retrieves the configured event listeners from this event source. Implements SQL query passthrough An example mapping is: <sql-query-name name="mySqlQuery"> <return alias="person" class="eg.Person" /> SELECT {person}.NAME AS {person.name}, {person}.AGE AS {person.age}, {person}.SEX AS {person.sex} FROM PERSON {person} WHERE {person}.NAME LIKE 'Hiber%' </sql-query-name> Declare a "root" entity, without specifying an alias Declare a "root" entity Declare a "root" entity, specifying a lock mode Declare a "root" entity, without specifying an alias Declare a "root" entity Declare a "root" entity, specifying a lock mode Declare a "joined" entity Declare a "joined" entity, specifying a lock mode Declare a scalar query result Use a predefined named ResultSetMapping Constructs a SQLQueryImpl given a sql query defined in the mappings. The representation of the defined sql-query. The session to which this SQLQueryImpl belongs. Metadata about parameters found in the query. A command-oriented API for performing bulk operations against a database. A stateless session does not implement a first-level cache nor interact with any second-level cache, nor does it implement transactional write-behind or automatic dirty checking, nor do operations cascade to associated instances. Collections are ignored by a stateless session. Operations performed via a stateless session bypass NHibernate's event model and interceptors. Stateless sessions are vulnerable to data aliasing effects, due to the lack of a first-level cache. For certain kinds of transactions, a stateless session may perform slightly faster than a stateful session. Gets the stateless session implementation. This method is provided in order to get the NHibernate implementation of the session from wrapper implementations. Implementors of the interface should return the NHibernate implementation of this method. An NHibernate implementation of the interface Close the stateless session and release the ADO.NET connection. Insert an entity. A new transient instance The identifier of the instance Insert a row. The name of the entity to be inserted A new transient instance The identifier of the instance Update an entity. A detached entity instance Update an entity. The name of the entity to be updated A detached entity instance Delete an entity. A detached entity instance Delete an entity. The name of the entity to be deleted A detached entity instance Retrieve a entity. A detached entity instance Retrieve an entity. A detached entity instance Retrieve an entity, obtaining the specified lock mode. A detached entity instance Retrieve an entity, obtaining the specified lock mode. A detached entity instance Refresh the entity instance state from the database. The entity to be refreshed. Refresh the entity instance state from the database. The name of the entity to be refreshed. The entity to be refreshed. Refresh the entity instance state from the database. The entity to be refreshed. The LockMode to be applied. Refresh the entity instance state from the database. The name of the entity to be refreshed. The entity to be refreshed. The LockMode to be applied. Create a new instance of Query for the given HQL query string. Entities returned by the query are detached. Obtain an instance of for a named query string defined in the mapping file. The query can be either in HQL or SQL format. Entities returned by the query are detached. Create a new instance, for the given entity class, or a superclass of an entity class. A class, which is persistent, or has persistent subclasses The . Entities returned by the query are detached. Create a new instance, for the given entity class, or a superclass of an entity class, with the given alias. A class, which is persistent, or has persistent subclasses The alias of the entity The . Entities returned by the query are detached. Create a new instance, for the given entity class, or a superclass of an entity class. A class, which is persistent, or has persistent subclasses The . Entities returned by the query are detached. Create a new instance, for the given entity class, or a superclass of an entity class, with the given alias. A class, which is persistent, or has persistent subclasses The alias of the entity The . Entities returned by the query are detached. Create a new instance, for the given entity name. The entity name. The . Entities returned by the query are detached. Create a new instance, for the given entity name, with the given alias. The entity name. The alias of the entity The . Entities returned by the query are detached. Creates a new IQueryOver<T> for the entity class. The entity class An ICriteria<T> object Creates a new IQueryOver<T> for the entity class. The entity class An ICriteria<T> object Create a new instance of for the given SQL query string. Entities returned by the query are detached. A SQL query The Begin a NHibernate transaction A NHibernate transaction Begin a NHibernate transaction with the specified isolation level The isolation level A NHibernate transaction Sets the batch size of the session The batch size. The same instance of the session for methods chain. Returns the current ADO.NET connection associated with this instance. If the session is using aggressive connection release (as in a CMT environment), it is the application's responsibility to close the connection returned by this call. Otherwise, the application should not close the connection. Get the current NHibernate transaction. Is the IStatelessSession still open? Is the IStatelessSession currently connected? Gets the stateless session implementation. This method is provided in order to get the NHibernate implementation of the session from wrapper implementations. Implementors of the interface should return the NHibernate implementation of this method. An NHibernate implementation of the interface Close the stateless session and release the ADO.NET connection. Insert a entity. A new transient instance the identifier of the instance Insert a row. The entityName for the entity to be inserted a new transient instance the identifier of the instance Update a entity. a detached entity instance Update a entity. The entityName for the entity to be updated a detached entity instance Delete a entity. a detached entity instance Delete a entity. The entityName for the entity to be deleted a detached entity instance Retrieve a entity. a detached entity instance Retrieve a entity. a detached entity instance Retrieve a entity, obtaining the specified lock mode. a detached entity instance Retrieve a entity, obtaining the specified lock mode. a detached entity instance Refresh the entity instance state from the database. The entity to be refreshed. Refresh the entity instance state from the database. The entityName for the entity to be refreshed. The entity to be refreshed. Refresh the entity instance state from the database. The entity to be refreshed. The LockMode to be applied. Refresh the entity instance state from the database. The entityName for the entity to be refreshed. The entity to be refreshed. The LockMode to be applied. Create a new instance, for the given entity class, or a superclass of an entity class. A class, which is persistent, or has persistent subclasses The . Entities returned by the query are detached. Create a new instance, for the given entity class, or a superclass of an entity class, with the given alias. A class, which is persistent, or has persistent subclasses The alias of the entity The . Entities returned by the query are detached. Create a new instance, for the given entity name. The entity name. The . Entities returned by the query are detached. Create a new instance, for the given entity name, with the given alias. The entity name. The alias of the entity The . Entities returned by the query are detached. Begin a NHibernate transaction A NHibernate transaction Begin a NHibernate transaction with the specified isolation level The isolation level A NHibernate transaction Finalizer that ensures the object is correctly disposed of. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. 2 Get the current Hibernate transaction. Contract for field interception handlers. The the given field initialized for the entity to which we are bound? The name of the field to check True if the given field is initialized; otherwise false. Forcefully mark the entity as being dirty. Clear the internal dirty flag. Intercept field set/get Is the entity considered dirty? True if the entity is dirty; otherwise false. Use to associate the entity to which we are bound to the given session. Is the entity to which we are bound completely initialized? Get the entity-name of the field DeclaringType. Get the MappedClass (field container). Helper class for dealing with enhanced entity classes. Marker value for uninitialized properties Contract for controlling how lazy properties get initialized. Initialize the property, and return its new value All joins are created as outer joins. An optimization in finds joins that may be inner joined and calls on them. 's will then emit the correct HQL join. An AggregatingGroupBy is a query such as: from p in db.Products group p by p.Category.CategoryId into g select new { g.Key, MaxPrice = g.Max(p => p.UnitPrice) }; Where the grouping operation is being fully aggregated and hence does not create any form of heirarchy. This class takes such queries, flattens out the re-linq sub-query and re-writes the outer select Detects if an expression tree contains aggregate functions An AggregatingGroupJoin is a query such as: from c in db.Customers join o in db.Orders on c.CustomerId equals o.Customer.CustomerId into ords join e in db.Employees on c.Address.City equals e.Address.City into emps select new { c.ContactName, ords = ords.Count(), emps = emps.Count() }; where the results of the joins are being fully aggregated and hence do not create any form of hierarchy. This class takes such expressions and turns them into this form: from c in db.Customers select new { c.ContactName, ords = (from o2 in db.Orders where o2.Customer.CustomerId == c.CustomerId select o2).Count(), emps = (from e2 in db.Employees where e2.Address.City == c.Address.City select e2).Count() }; This re-writer is responsible to re-write a query without a body (no where-clause and so on). Removes various result operators from a query so that they can be processed at the same tree level as the query itself. Rewrites expressions so that they sit in the outermost portion of the query. Gets an of that were rewritten. Gets the representing the type of data that the operator works upon. Result of . Gets an of implementations that were rewritten. Gets the representing the type of data that the operator works upon. Builds HQL Equality nodes and used in joins Performs the equivalent of a ToString() on an expression. Swaps out constants for parameters so that, for example: from c in Customers where c.City = "London" generate the same key as from c in Customers where c.City = "Madrid" Locates constants in the expression tree and generates parameters for each one Performs bottom-up analysis to determine which nodes that match a certain predicate Represents a possible set of values for a computation. For example, an expression may be null, it may be a non-null value, or we may even have a constant value that is known precisely. This class contains operators that know how to combine these values with each other. This class is intended to be used to provide static analysis of expressions before we hit the database. As an example for future improvement, we could handle ranges of numeric values. We can also improve this by handling operators such as the comparison operators and arithmetic operators. They are currently handled by naive null checks. Possible values of expression if there's set of values for the requested member expression. For example, if we have an expression "3" and we request the state for "a.B.C", we'll use "3" from Values since it won't exist in MemberExpressionValuesIfEmptyOuterJoined. Stores the possible values of an expression that would result if the given member expression string was emptily outer joined. For example a.B.C would result in "null" if we try to outer join to B and there are no rows. Even if an expression tree does contain a particular member experssion, it may not appear in this list. In that case, the emptily outer joined value set for that member expression will be whatever's in Values instead. Extract the from a given expression. The declaring-type of the method. The method. The of the no-generic method or the generic-definition for a generic-method. Extract the from a given expression. The method. The of the no-generic method or the generic-definition for a generic-method. Gets the field or property to be accessed. The declaring-type of the property. The type of the property. The expression representing the property getter. The of the property. Provides the main entry point to a LINQ query. Implementors define a strategy for transforming criteria query results into the actual application-visible query result list. Walker for collections of values and many-to-many associations Superclass of walkers for collection initializers Add on association (one-to-one, many-to-one, or a collection) to a list of associations to be fetched by outerjoin (if necessary) Add on association (one-to-one, many-to-one, or a collection) to a list of associations to be fetched by outerjoin Adds an association and extracts the aliases the association's 'with clause' is dependent on For an entity class, return a list of associations to be fetched by outerjoin For a collection role, return a list of associations to be fetched by outerjoin For a collection role, return a list of associations to be fetched by outerjoin For an entity class, add to a list of associations to be fetched by outerjoin For a component, add to a list of associations to be fetched by outerjoin For a composite element, add to a list of associations to be fetched by outerjoin Extend the path by the given property name Get the join type (inner, outer, etc) or -1 if the association should not be joined. Override on subclasses. Use an inner join if it is a non-null association and this is the "first" join in a series Does the mapping, and Hibernate default semantics, specify that this association should be fetched by outer joining Override on subclasses to enable or suppress joining of certain association types Used to detect circularities in the joined graph, note that this method is side-effecty Used to detect circularities in the joined graph, note that this method is side-effecty Should we join this association? Generate a sequence of LEFT OUTER JOIN clauses for the given associations. Count the number of instances of IJoinable which are actually also instances of ILoadable, or are one-to-many associations Count the number of instances of which are actually also instances of which are being fetched by outer join Get the order by string required for collection fetching Render the where condition for a (batch) load by identifier / collection key Generate a select list of columns containing all properties of the entity classes Uniquely identifier a foreign key, so that we don't join it more than once, and create circularities We can use an inner join for first many-to-many association Loads a collection of values or a many-to-many association. The collection persister must implement . For other collections, create a customized subclass of Superclass for loaders that initialize collections Implements logic for walking a tree of associated classes. Generates an SQL select string containing all properties of those classes. Tablse are joined using an ANSI-style left outer join. An interface for collection loaders Initialize the given collection "Batch" loads collections, using multiple foreign key values in the SQL Where clause Walker for one-to-many associations Loads one-to-many associations The collection persister must implement . For other collections, create a customized subclass of . Implements subselect fetching for a collection Implements subselect fetching for a one to many association A for queries. The superclass deliberately excludes collections Don't bother with the discriminator, unless overridden by subclass Use the discriminator, to narrow the select to instances of the queried subclass, also applying any filters. A Loader for queries. Note that criteria queries are more like multi-object Load()s than like HQL queries. Get the names of the columns constrained by this criterion. Get the a typed value for the given property value. Get the aliases of the columns constrained by this criterion (for use in ORDER BY clause). Implements Hibernate's built-in support for native SQL queries. This support is built on top of the notion of "custom queries"... Extension point allowing any SQL query with named and positional parameters to be executed by Hibernate, returning managed entities, collections and simple scalar values. The SQL query string to be performed. Any query spaces to apply to the query execution. Query spaces are used in Hibernate's auto-flushing mechanism to determine which entities need to be checked for pending changes. A collection of descriptors describing the ADO result set to be expected and how to map this result set. Substitues ADO parameter placeholders (?) for all encountered parameter specifications. It also tracks the positions of these parameter specifications within the query string. This accounts for ordinal-params, named-params, and ejb3-positional-params. The query string. The SQL query with parameter substitution complete. Spefically a fetch return that refers to a collection association. Represents a return which names a fetched association. Represents some non-scalar (entity/collection) return within the query result. Represents a return in a custom query. Retrieves the return descriptor for the owner of this fetch. The name of the property on the owner which represents this association. Represents a return which names a collection role; it is used in defining a custom query for loading an entity's collection in non-fetching scenarios (i.e., loading the collection itself as the "root" of the result). Returns the class owning the collection. Returns the name of the property representing the collection from the . that uses columnnames instead of generated aliases. Aliases can still be overwritten via <return-property> Type definition of CollectionAliases. Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for columns making up the key for this collection (i.e., its FK to its owner). The key result-set column aliases. Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the columns making up the collection's index (map or list). The index result-set column aliases. Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the columns making up the collection's elements. The element result-set column aliases. Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the column defining the collection's identifier (if any). The identifier result-set column aliases. Returns the suffix used to unique the column aliases for this particular alias set. The uniqued column alias suffix. Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for columns making up the key for this collection (i.e., its FK to its owner). The key result-set column aliases. Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the columns making up the collection's index (map or list). The index result-set column aliases. Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the columns making up the collection's elements. The element result-set column aliases. Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the column defining the collection's identifier (if any). The identifier result-set column aliases. Returns the suffix used to unique the column aliases for this particular alias set. The uniqued column alias suffix. that chooses the column names over the alias names. EntityAliases which handles the logic of selecting user provided aliases (via return-property), before using the default aliases. Metadata describing the SQL result set column aliases for a particular entity The result set column aliases for the property columns of a subclass The result set column aliases for the primary key columns The result set column aliases for the discriminator columns The result set column aliases for the version columns The result set column alias for the Oracle row id The result set column aliases for the property columns Calculate and cache select-clause suffixes. Extension point for loaders which use a SQL result set with "unexpected" column aliases. Build a logical result row. Entity data defined as "root returns" and already handled by the normal Loader mechanism. The ADO result set (positioned at the row currently being processed). Does this query have an associated . The session from which the query request originated. The logical result row At this point, Loader has already processed all non-scalar result data. We just need to account for scalar result data here... Encapsulates the metadata available from the database result set. Initializes a new instance of the class. The result set. Gets the column count in the result set. The column count. Gets the (zero-based) position of the column with the specified name. Name of the column. The column position. Gets the name of the column at the specified position. The (zero-based) position. The column name. Gets the Hibernate type of the specified column. The column position. The Hibernate type. Specifically a fetch return that refers to an entity association. Represents a return which names a "root" entity. A root entity means it is explicitly a "column" in the result, as opposed to a fetched association. Represent a scalar (AKA simple value) return within a query result. Abstract superclass for entity loaders that use outer joins Loads entities for a Load an entity instance. If OptionalObject is supplied, load the entity state into the given (uninitialized) object "Batch" loads entities, using multiple primary key values in the SQL where clause. A walker for loaders that fetch entities Override to use the persister to change the table-alias for columns in join-tables Disable outer join fetching if this loader obtains an upgrade lock mode Load an entity using outerjoin fetching to fetch associated entities. The must implement . For other entities, create a customized subclass of . CollectionAliases which handles the logic of selecting user provided aliases (via return-property), before using the default aliases. Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for columns making up the key for this collection (i.e., its FK to its owner). Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the columns making up the collection's index (map or list). Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the columns making up the collection's elements. Returns the suffixed result-set column-aliases for the column defining the collection's identifier (if any). Returns the suffix used to unique the column aliases for this particular alias set. Get the position of the join with the given alias in the list of joins Add or modify a value-class pair. The value of the DB-field dor a given association instance (should override ) The class associated to the specific . Add or modify a value-class pair. The value of the DB-field dor a given association instance (should override ) The class associated to the specific . Not supported in NH3. Using the Join, it is possible to split properties of one class to several tables, when there's a 1-to-1 relationship between the table The split-group identifier. By default it is assigned to the join-table-name The lambda to map the join. Force the component to a different type than the one of the property. Mapped component type. Useful when the property is an interface and you need the mapping to a concrete class mapped as component. Get all candidate persistent properties, or fields, to be used as Persistent-Object-ID, for a given root-entity class or interface. The root-entity class or interface. All candidate properties or fields to be used as Persistent-Object-ID. Get all candidate persistent properties or fields for a given root-entity class or interface. The root-entity class or interface. All candidate properties or fields. Get all candidate persistent properties or fields for a given entity subclass or interface. The entity subclass or interface. The superclass (it may be different from ) All candidate properties or fields. In NHibernate, for a subclass, the method should return only those members not included in its super-classes. Get all candidate persistent properties or fields for a given entity subclass or interface. The class of the component or an interface. All candidate properties or fields. Force the many-to-one to a different type than the one of the property. Mapped entity type. Useful when the property is an interface and you need the mapping to a concrete class mapped as entity. Set the Foreign-Key name The name of the Foreign-Key Where the is "none" or or all white-spaces the FK won't be created. Use null to reset the default NHibernate's behavior. Manage the mapping of a HbmKeyProperty but implementing instead a more limitated KeyProperty. Defines behavior of soft-cascade actions. To check the content or to include/exclude values, from cascade, is strongly recommanded the usage of extensions methods defined in Occurs before apply pattern-appliers on a root class. Occurs before apply pattern-appliers on a subclass. Occurs before apply pattern-appliers on a joined-subclass. Occurs before apply pattern-appliers on a union-subclass. Occurs after apply the last customizer on a root class. Occurs after apply the last customizer on a subclass. Occurs after apply the last customizer on a joined-subclass.. Occurs after apply the last customizer on a union-subclass.. Util extensions to use in your test or where you need to see the XML mappings Provide the list of progressive-paths Given a path as : Pl1.Pl2.Pl3.Pl4.Pl5 returns paths-sequence as: Pl5 Pl4.Pl5 Pl3.Pl4.Pl5 Pl2.Pl3.Pl4.Pl5 Pl1.Pl2.Pl3.Pl4.Pl5 Dictionary containing the embedded strategies to find a field giving a property name. The key is the "partial-name" of the strategy used in XML mapping. The value is an instance of the strategy. A which allows customization of conditions with explicitly declared members. Decode a member access expression of a specific ReflectedType Type to reflect The expression of the property getter The os the ReflectedType. Decode a member access expression of a specific ReflectedType Type to reflect Type of property The expression of the property getter The os the ReflectedType. Given a property or a field try to get the member from a given possible inherited type. The member to find. The type where find the member. The member from the reflected-type or the original where the is not accessible from . Try to find a property or field from a given type. The type The property or field name. A or a where the member is found; null otherwise. Where found the member is returned always from the declaring type. Convenience base class for AuxiliaryDatabaseObjects. This implementation performs dialect scoping checks strictly based on dialect name comparisons. Custom implementations might want to do instanceof-type checks. Auxiliary database objects (i.e., triggers, stored procedures, etc) defined in the mappings. Allows Hibernate to manage their lifecycle as part of creating/dropping the schema. Operations to create/drop the mapping element in the database. When implemented by a class, generates the SQL string to create the mapping element in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to create an object. When implemented by a class, generates the SQL string to drop the mapping element from the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to drop an object. Add the given dialect name to the scope of dialects to which this database object applies. The name of a dialect. Does this database object apply to the given dialect? The dialect to check against. True if this database object does apply to the given dialect. Gets called by NHibernate to pass the configured type parameters to the implementation. A NHibernate any type. Polymorphic association to one of several tables. Any value that maps to columns. Represents an identifying key of a table: the value for primary key of an entity, or a foreign key of a collection or join table or joined subclass table. A value is anything that is persisted by value, instead of by reference. It is essentially a Hibernate IType, together with zero or more columns. Values are wrapped by things with higher level semantics, for example properties, collections, classes. Determines if the Value is part of a valid mapping. The to validate. if the Value is part of a valid mapping, otherwise. Mainly used to make sure that Value maps to the correct number of columns. Gets the number of columns that this value spans in the table. Gets an of objects that this value is stored in. Gets the to read/write the Values. Gets the this Value is stored in. Gets a indicating if this Value is unique. Gets a indicating if this Value can have null values. Gets a indicating if this is a SimpleValue that does not involve foreign keys. Get or set the identifier type name Get or set the metatype Represent the relation between a meta-value and the related entityName An array has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index column A list has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index column Indexed collections include IList, IDictionary, Arrays and primitive Arrays. Base class that stores the mapping information for <array>, <bag>, <id-bag>, <list>, <map>, and <set> collections. Subclasses are responsible for the specialization required for the particular collection style. Any mapping with an outer-join attribute Defines mapping elements to which filters may be applied. Gets or sets a indicating if this is a mapping for a generic collection. if a collection from the System.Collections.Generic namespace should be used, if a collection from the System.Collections namespace should be used. This has no affect on any versions of the .net framework before .net-2.0. Gets or sets an array of that contains the arguments needed to construct an instance of a closed type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that contains this list mapping. Gets the appropriate that is specialized for this list mapping. Mapping for a property of a .NET class (entity or component). Common interface for things that can handle meta attributes. Retrieve the The attribute name The if exists; null otherwise Meta-Attribute collection. Gets the number of columns this property uses in the db. Gets an of s. Gets or Sets the name of the Property in the class. A bag permits duplicates, so it has no primary key A bag permits duplicates, so it has no primary key. The that contains this bag mapping. Gets the appropriate that is specialized for this bag mapping. Represents the mapping to a column in a database. Initializes a new instance of . Initializes a new instance of . The name of the column. Gets the name of this Column in quoted form if it is necessary. The that knows how to quote the column name. The column name in a form that is safe to use inside of a SQL statement. Quoted if it needs to be, not quoted if it does not need to be. For any column name, generate an alias that is unique to that column name, and also 10 characters or less in length. Gets the name of the data type for the column. The to use to get the valid data types. The name of the data type for the column. If the mapping file contains a value of the attribute sql-type this will return the string contained in that attribute. Otherwise it will use the typename from the of the object. Determines if this instance of and a specified object, which must be a Column can be considered the same. An that should be a . if the name of this Column and the other Column are the same, otherwise . Determines if this instance of and the specified Column can be considered the same. A to compare to this Column. if the name of this Column and the other Column are the same, otherwise . Returns the hash code for this instance. returns quoted name as it would be in the mapping file. Shallow copy, the value is not copied Gets or sets the length of the datatype in the database. The length of the datatype in the database. Gets or sets the name of the column in the database. The name of the column in the database. The get does not return a Quoted column name.

If a value is passed in that is wrapped by ` then NHibernate will Quote the column whenever SQL is generated for it. How the column is quoted depends on the Dialect.

The value returned by the getter is not Quoted. To get the column name in quoted form use .

Gets or sets if the column can have null values in it. if the column can have a null value in it. Gets or sets the index of the column in the . The index of the column in the . Gets or sets if the column contains unique values. if the column contains unique values. Gets or sets the sql data type name of the column. The sql data type name of the column. This is usually read from the sql-type attribute. Gets or sets if the column needs to be quoted in SQL statements. if the column is quoted. Gets or sets whether the column is unique. Gets or sets a check constraint on the column Do we have a check constraint? The underlying columns SqlType. If null, it is because the sqltype code is unknown. Use to retreive the sqltypecode used for the columns associated Value/Type. The mapping for a component, composite element, composite identifier, etc. Base class for relational constraints in the database. Adds the to the of Columns that are part of the constraint. The to include in the Constraint. Generates the SQL string to drop this Constraint in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to drop this Constraint. Generates the SQL string to create this Constraint in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to create this Constraint. When implemented by a class, generates the SQL string to create the named Constraint in the database. The to use for SQL rules. The name to use as the identifier of the constraint in the database. A string that contains the SQL to create the named Constraint. Gets or sets the Name used to identify the constraint in the database. The Name used to identify the constraint in the database. Gets an of objects that are part of the constraint. An of objects that are part of the constraint. Gets the number of columns that this Constraint contains. The number of columns that this Constraint contains. Gets or sets the this Constraint is in. The this Constraint is in. Represents a Table in a database that an object gets mapped against. Initializes a new instance of . Generates the SQL string to create this Table in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to create this Table, Primary Key Constraints , and Unique Key Constraints. Generates the SQL string to drop this Table in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to drop this Table and to cascade the drop to the constraints if the database supports it. Gets the schema qualified name of the Table. The that knows how to Quote the Table name. The name of the table qualified with the schema if one is specified. Gets the schema qualified name of the Table using the specified qualifier The that knows how to Quote the Table name. The catalog name. The schema name. A String representing the Qualified name. If this were used with MSSQL it would return a dbo.table_name. returns quoted name as it would be in the mapping file. Gets the name of this Table in quoted form if it is necessary. The that knows how to quote the Table name. The Table name in a form that is safe to use inside of a SQL statement. Quoted if it needs to be, not quoted if it does not need to be. returns quoted name as it is in the mapping file. Gets the schema for this table in quoted form if it is necessary. The that knows how to quote the table name. The schema name for this table in a form that is safe to use inside of a SQL statement. Quoted if it needs to be, not quoted if it does not need to be. Gets the at the specified index. The index of the Column to get. The at the specified index. Adds the to the of Columns that are part of the Table. The to include in the Table. Gets the identified by the name. The name of the to get. The identified by the name. If the identified by the name does not exist then it is created. Gets the identified by the name. The name of the to get. The identified by the name. If the identified by the name does not exist then it is created. Create a for the columns in the Table. An of objects. A for the columns in the Table. This does not necessarily create a , if one already exists for the columns then it will return an existing . Generates a unique string for an of objects. An of objects. An unique string for the objects. Sets the Identifier of the Table. The that represents the Identifier. Return the column which is identified by column provided as argument. column with atleast a name. The underlying column or null if not inside this table. Note: the instance *can* be different than the input parameter, but the name will be the same. Gets or sets the name of the Table in the database. The name of the Table in the database. The get does not return a Quoted Table name.

If a value is passed in that is wrapped by ` then NHibernate will Quote the Table whenever SQL is generated for it. How the Table is quoted depends on the Dialect.

The value returned by the getter is not Quoted. To get the column name in quoted form use .

Gets the number of columns that this Table contains. The number of columns that this Table contains. Gets an of objects that are part of the Table. An of objects that are part of the Table. Gets an of objects that are part of the Table. An of objects that are part of the Table. Gets an of objects that are part of the Table. An of objects that are part of the Table. Gets an of objects that are part of the Table. An of objects that are part of the Table. Gets or sets the of the Table. The of the Table. Gets or sets the schema the table is in. The schema the table is in or if no schema is specified. Gets the unique number of the Table. The unique number of the Table. Gets or sets if the column needs to be quoted in SQL statements. if the column is quoted. A value which is "typed" by reference to some other value (for example, a foreign key is typed by the referenced primary key). A Foreign Key constraint in the database. Generates the SQL string to create the named Foreign Key Constraint in the database. The to use for SQL rules. The name to use as the identifier of the constraint in the database. A string that contains the SQL to create the named Foreign Key Constraint. Get the SQL string to drop this Constraint in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to drop this Constraint. Validates that columnspan of the foreignkey and the primarykey is the same. Furthermore it aligns the length of the underlying tables columns. Gets or sets the that the Foreign Key is referencing. The the Foreign Key is referencing. Thrown when the number of columns in this Foreign Key is not the same amount of columns as the Primary Key in the ReferencedTable. Does this foreignkey reference the primary key of the reference table A formula is a derived column value. An PersistentIdentifierBag has a primary key consistenting of just the identifier column. A collection with a synthetic "identifier" column. An Index in the database. Generates the SQL string to create this Index in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to create this Index. Generates the SQL string to drop this Index in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to drop this Index. Adds the to the of Columns that are part of the Index. The to include in the Index. Gets or sets the this Index is in. The this Index is in. Gets an of objects that are part of the Index. An of objects that are part of the Index. Gets or sets the Name used to identify the Index in the database. The Name used to identify the Index in the database. Declaration of a System.Type mapped with the <subclass> or <joined-subclass> element. Base class for the mapped by <class> and a that is mapped by <subclass> or <joined-subclass>. Adds a to the class hierarchy. The to add to the hierarchy. Change the property definition or add a new property definition The to add. Adds a that is implemented by a subclass. The implemented by a subclass. Adds a that a subclass is stored in. The the subclass is stored in. Creates the for the this type is persisted in. The that is used to Alias columns. Given a property path, locate the appropriate referenceable property reference. A referenceable property is a property which can be a target of a foreign-key mapping (an identifier or explicitly named in a property-ref). The property path to resolve into a property reference. The property reference (never null). If the property could not be found. Gets the that is being mapped. The that is being mapped. The value of this is set by the name attribute on the <class> element. Gets or sets the to use as a Proxy. The to use as a Proxy. The value of this is set by the proxy attribute. Gets or Sets if the Insert Sql is built dynamically. if the Sql is built at runtime. The value of this is set by the dynamic-insert attribute. Gets or Sets if the Update Sql is built dynamically. if the Sql is built at runtime. The value of this is set by the dynamic-update attribute. Gets or Sets the value to use as the discriminator for the Class. A value that distinguishes this subclass in the database. The value of this is set by the discriminator-value attribute. Each <subclass> in a hierarchy must define a unique discriminator-value. The default value is the class name if no value is supplied. Gets the number of subclasses that inherit either directly or indirectly. The number of subclasses that inherit from this PersistentClass. Iterate over subclasses in a special 'order', most derived subclasses first. It will recursively go through Subclasses so that if a SubclassType has Subclasses it will pick those up also. Gets an of objects that directly inherit from this PersistentClass. An of objects that directly inherit from this PersistentClass. When implemented by a class, gets a boolean indicating if this mapped class is inherited from another. if this class is a subclass or joined-subclass that inherited from another class. When implemented by a class, gets a boolean indicating if the mapped class has a version property. if there is a <version> property. When implemented by a class, gets an of objects that this mapped class contains. An of objects that this mapped class contains. This is all of the properties of this mapped class and each mapped class that it is inheriting from. When implemented by a class, gets an of objects that this mapped class reads from and writes to. An of objects that this mapped class reads from and writes to. This is all of the tables of this mapped class and each mapped class that it is inheriting from. Gets an of objects that this mapped class contains and that all of its subclasses contain. An of objects that this mapped class contains and that all of its subclasses contain. Gets an of all of the objects that the subclass finds its information in. An of objects. It adds the TableClosureIterator and the subclassTables into the IEnumerable. When implemented by a class, gets or sets the of the Persister. When implemented by a class, gets the of the class that is mapped in the class element. The of the class that is mapped in the class element. Build a collection of properties which are "referenceable". See for a discussion of "referenceable". Build an iterator over the properties defined on this class. The returned iterator only accounts for "normal" properties (i.e. non-identifier properties). An of objects. Differs from in that the iterator we return here will include properties defined as part of a join. Build an enumerable over the properties defined on this class which are not defined as part of a join. As with the returned iterator only accounts for non-identifier properties. An enumerable over the non-joined "normal" properties. Gets a boolean indicating if this PersistentClass has any subclasses. if this PeristentClass has any subclasses. Gets or Sets the that this class is stored in. The this class is stored in. The value of this is set by the table attribute. When implemented by a class, gets or set a boolean indicating if the mapped class has properties that can be changed. if the object is mutable. The value of this is set by the mutable attribute. When implemented by a class, gets a boolean indicating if the mapped class has a Property for the id. if there is a Property for the id. When implemented by a class, gets or sets the that is used as the id. The that is used as the id. When implemented by a class, gets or sets the that contains information about the identifier. The that contains information about the identifier. When implemented by a class, gets or sets the that is used as the version. The that is used as the version. When implemented by a class, gets or sets the that contains information about the discriminator. The that contains information about the discriminator. When implemented by a class, gets or sets if the mapped class has subclasses or is a subclass. if the mapped class has subclasses or is a subclass. When implemented by a class, gets or sets the CacheConcurrencyStrategy to use to read/write instances of the persistent class to the Cache. The CacheConcurrencyStrategy used with the Cache. When implemented by a class, gets or sets the that this mapped class is extending. The that this mapped class is extending. When implemented by a class, gets or sets a boolean indicating if explicit polymorphism should be used in Queries. if only classes queried on should be returned, if any class in the heirarchy should implicitly be returned. The value of this is set by the polymorphism attribute. When implemented by a class, gets or sets a boolean indicating if the identifier is embedded in the class. if the class identifies itself. An embedded identifier is true when using a composite-id specifying properties of the class as the key-property instead of using a class as the composite-id. When implemented by a class, gets the of the class that is mapped in the class element. The of the class that is mapped in the class element. When implemented by a class, gets or sets the that contains information about the Key. The that contains information about the Key. When implemented by a class, gets or sets the sql string that should be a part of the where clause. The sql string that should be a part of the where clause. The value of this is set by the where attribute. Gets or sets a boolean indicating if only values in the discriminator column that are mapped will be included in the sql. if the mapped discriminator values should be forced. The value of this is set by the force attribute on the discriminator element. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that is the superclass. Add the to this PersistentClass. The to add. This also adds the to the Superclass' collection of SubclassType Properties. Adds a that is implemented by a subclass. The implemented by a subclass. This also adds the to the Superclass' collection of SubclassType Properties. Adds a that a subclass is stored in. The the subclass is stored in. This also adds the to the Superclass' collection of SubclassType Tables. Gets a boolean indicating if this mapped class is inherited from another. because this is a SubclassType. Gets an of objects that this mapped class contains. An of objects that this mapped class contains. This is all of the properties of this mapped class and each mapped class that it is inheriting from. Gets an of objects that this mapped class reads from and writes to. An of objects that this mapped class reads from and writes to. This is all of the tables of this mapped class and each mapped class that it is inheriting from. Gets a boolean indicating if the mapped class has a version property. if for the Superclass there is a Property for a version. Gets the of the class that is mapped in the class element. The of the Superclass that is mapped in the class element. Gets or sets the CacheConcurrencyStrategy to use to read/write instances of the persistent class to the Cache. The CacheConcurrencyStrategy used with the Cache. Gets the of the class that is mapped in the class element. The of the Superclass that is mapped in the class element. Gets or sets the that this mapped class is extending. The that this mapped class is extending. Gets or sets the that is used as the id. The from the Superclass that is used as the id. Gets or sets the that contains information about the identifier. The from the Superclass that contains information about the identifier. Gets a boolean indicating if the mapped class has a Property for the id. if in the Superclass there is a Property for the id. Gets or sets the that contains information about the discriminator. The from the Superclass that contains information about the discriminator. Gets or set a boolean indicating if the mapped class has properties that can be changed. if the Superclass is mutable. Gets or sets if the mapped class is a subclass. since this mapped class is a subclass. The setter should not be used to set the value to anything but . Gets or sets the that is used as the version. The from the Superclass that is used as the version. Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the identifier is embedded in the class. if the Superclass has an embedded identifier. An embedded identifier is true when using a composite-id specifying properties of the class as the key-property instead of using a class as the composite-id. Gets or sets the that contains information about the Key. The that contains information about the Key. Gets or sets a boolean indicating if explicit polymorphism should be used in Queries. The value of the Superclasses IsExplicitPolymorphism property. Gets the sql string that should be a part of the where clause. The sql string that should be a part of the where clause. Thrown when the setter is called. The where clause can not be set on the SubclassType, only the RootClass. Gets or Sets the that this class is stored in. The this class is stored in. This also adds the to the Superclass' collection of SubclassType Tables. A many-to-one association mapping A simple-point association (ie. a reference to another entity). A map has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index columns. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that contains this map mapping. Gets the appropriate that is specialized for this list mapping. A meta attribute is a named value or values. A mapping for a one-to-many association. No foreign key element for a one-to-many A mapping for a one-to-one association. A Primary Key constraint in the database. Generates the SQL string to create the Primary Key Constraint in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to create the Primary Key Constraint. Generates the SQL string to create the named Primary Key Constraint in the database. The to use for SQL rules. The name to use as the identifier of the constraint in the database. A string that contains the SQL to create the named Primary Key Constraint. Get the SQL string to drop this Constraint in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to drop this Constraint. A primitive array has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index column. Indicates whether given properties are generated by the database and, if so, at what time(s) they are generated. Values for this property are never generated by the database. Values for this property are generated by the database on insert. Values for this property are generated by the database on both insert and update. Declaration of a System.Type mapped with the <class> element that is the root class of a table-per-subclass, or table-per-concrete-class inheritance heirarchy. The default name of the column for the Identifier id is the default column name for the Identifier. The default name of the column for the Discriminator class is the default column name for the Discriminator. Adds a to the class hierarchy. The to add to the hierarchy. When a is added this mapped class has the property set to . Gets a boolean indicating if this mapped class is inherited from another. because this is the root mapped class. Gets an of objects that this mapped class contains. An of objects that this mapped class contains. Gets an of objects that this mapped class reads from and writes to. An of objects that this mapped class reads from and writes to. There is only one in the since this is the root class. Gets a boolean indicating if the mapped class has a version property. if there is a Property for a version. Gets the of the class that is mapped in the class element. The of the class this mapped class. Gets or sets a boolean indicating if the identifier is embedded in the class. if the class identifies itself. An embedded identifier is true when using a composite-id specifying properties of the class as the key-property instead of using a class as the composite-id. Gets or sets the cache region name. The region name used with the Cache. Gets or sets the that is used as the id. The that is used as the id. Gets or sets the that contains information about the identifier. The that contains information about the identifier. Gets a boolean indicating if the mapped class has a Property for the id. if there is a Property for the id. Gets or sets the that contains information about the discriminator. The that contains information about the discriminator. Gets or sets if the mapped class has subclasses. if the mapped class has subclasses. Gets the of the class that is mapped in the class element. this since this is the root mapped class. Gets or sets a boolean indicating if explicit polymorphism should be used in Queries. if only classes queried on should be returned, if any class in the hierarchy should implicitly be returned. Gets or sets the that is used as the version. The that is used as the version. Gets or set a boolean indicating if the mapped class has properties that can be changed. if the object is mutable. Gets or sets the that this mapped class is extending. since this is the root class. Thrown when the setter is called. The Superclass can not be set on the RootClass, only the SubclassType can have a Superclass set. Gets or sets the that contains information about the Key. The that contains information about the Key. Gets or sets a boolean indicating if only values in the discriminator column that are mapped will be included in the sql. if the mapped discriminator values should be forced. Gets or sets the sql string that should be a part of the where clause. The sql string that should be a part of the where clause. Gets or sets the CacheConcurrencyStrategy to use to read/write instances of the persistent class to the Cache. The CacheConcurrencyStrategy used with the Cache. A Set with no nullable element columns will have a primary key consisting of all table columns (ie - key columns + element columns). A simple implementation of AbstractAuxiliaryDatabaseObject in which the CREATE and DROP strings are provided up front. Contains simple facilities for templating the catalog and schema names into the provided strings. This is the form created when the mapping documents use <create/> and <drop/>. Placeholder for typedef information An Unique Key constraint in the database. Generates the SQL string to create the Unique Key Constraint in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to create the Unique Key Constraint. Generates the SQL string to create the Unique Key Constraint in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to create the Unique Key Constraint. Get the SQL string to drop this Constraint in the database. The to use for SQL rules. A string that contains the SQL to drop this Constraint. Exposes entity class metadata to the application Get the type of a particular (named) property Return the values of the mapped properties of the object The persistent class Create a class instance initialized with the given identifier Get the value of a particular (named) property Extract the property values from the given entity. The entity from which to extract the property values. The entity-mode of the given entity The property values. Set the value of a particular (named) property Set the given values to the mapped properties of the given object Get the identifier of an instance (throw an exception if no identifier property) Set the identifier of an instance (or do nothing if no identifier property) Does the class implement the interface? Does the class implement the interface? Get the version number (or timestamp) from the object's version property (or return null if not versioned) The name of the entity The name of the identifier property (or return null) The names of the class' persistent properties The identifier Hibernate type The Hibernate types of the classes properties Are instances of this class mutable? Are instances of this class versioned by a timestamp or version number column? Gets the index of the version property Get the nullability of the class' persistent properties Get the "laziness" of the properties of this class Which properties hold the natural id? Does this entity extend a mapped superclass? Does the class support dynamic proxies? Does the class have an identifier property? Does this entity declare a natural id? Does this entity have mapped subclasses? Exposes collection metadata to the application The collection key type The collection element type The collection index type (or null if the collection has no index) Is the collection indexed? The name of this collection role Is the collection an array? Is the collection a primitive array? Is the collection lazily initialized? An additional contract for parameters which originate from parameters explicitly encountered in the source statement (HQL or native-SQL). Author: Steve Ebersole Ported by: Steve Strong Maintains information relating to parameters which need to get bound into a . Bind the appropriate value into the given command. The command into which the value should be bound. The list of Sql query parameter in the exact sequence they are present in the query. The defined values for the current query execution. The session against which the current execution is occuring. Bind the appropriate value into the given command. The command into which the value should be bound. The parameter-list of the whole query of the command. The offset from where start the list of in the given for the query where this was used. The list of Sql query parameter in the exact sequence they are present in the query where this was used. The defined values for the query where this was used. The session against which the current execution is occuring. Suppose the is composed by two queries. The for the first query is zero. If the first query in has 12 parameters (size of its SqlType array) the offset to bind all s of the second query in the is 12 (for the first query we are using from 0 to 11). Render this parameter into displayable info (for logging, etc). The displayable info An string array to unique identify this parameter-span inside an . The session-factory (used only because required by IType). The each id-for-backtrack is supposed to be unique in the context of a query. The number of elements returned depend on the column-span of the . Get or set the type which we are expeting for a bind into this parameter based on translated contextual information. Explicit parameters may have no set the during query parse. The defined values for the current query execution. This method should be removed when the parameter type is inferred during the parse. Retrieves the line number on which this parameter occurs in the source query. Retrieves the column number (within the {@link #getSourceLine()}) where this parameter occurs. Constructs an AbstractExplicitParameterSpecification. sourceLine sourceColumn Creates a specialized collection-filter collection-key parameter spec. The collection role being filtered. The mapped collection-key type. The position within QueryParameters where we can find the appropriate param value to bind. Constructs a parameter specification for a particular filter parameter. The name of the filter The name of the parameter The paremeter type specified on the filter metadata Defines a mapping from a .NET to a SQL datatype. This interface is intended to be implemented by applications that need custom types. Implementors should usually be immutable and MUST definately be threadsafe. When implemented by a class, returns the SqlTypes for the columns mapped by this IType. The that uses this IType.An array of s. When implemented by a class, returns how many columns are used to persist this type. The that uses this IType.The number of columns this IType spans.MappingException When implemented by a class, should the parent be considered dirty, given both the old and current field or element value? The old valueThe current valueThe true if the field is dirty When implemented by a class, gets an instance of the object mapped by this IType from the . The that contains the values The names of the columns in the that contain the value to populate the IType with. The object mapped by this IType. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. When implemented by a class, gets an instance of the object mapped by this IType from the . The that contains the valuesThe name of the column in the that contains the value to populate the IType with.The object mapped by this IType. Implementations should handle possibility of null values. This method might be called if the IType is known to be a single-column type. When implemented by a class, puts the value/values from the mapped class into the . The to put the values into.The object that contains the values.The index of the to start writing the values to.Indicates which columns are to be set. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. A multi-column type should be written to parameters starting from . When implemented by a class, puts the value/values from the mapped class into the . The to put the values into. The object that contains the values. The index of the to start writing the values to. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. A multi-column type should be written to parameters starting from . When implemented by a class, a representation of the value to be embedded in an XML element The object that contains the values.An Xml formatted string. When implemented by a class, returns a deep copy of the persistent state, stopping at entities and at collections. A Collection element or Entity fieldThe entityMode.The session factory.A deep copy of the object. When implemented by a class, retrieves an instance of the mapped class, or the identifier of an entity or collection from a . The that contains the values. The names of the columns in the that contain the value to populate the IType with. the sessionThe parent EntityAn identifier or actual object mapped by this IType. This is useful for 2-phase property initialization - the second phase is a call to ResolveIdentifier() Most implementors of this method will just pass the call to NullSafeGet(). When implemented by a class, maps identifiers to Entities or Collections. An identifier or value returned by Hydrate()The sessionThe parent EntityThe Entity or Collection referenced by this Identifier. This is the second phase of 2-phase property initialization. Given a hydrated, but unresolved value, return a value that may be used to reconstruct property-ref associations. During merge, replace the existing (target) value in the entity we are merging to with a new (original) value from the detached entity we are merging. For immutable objects, or null values, it is safe to simply return the first parameter. For mutable objects, it is safe to return a copy of the first parameter. For objects with component values, it might make sense to recursively replace component values. the value from the detached entity being merged the value in the managed entity the value to be merged Compare two instances of the class mapped by this type for persistence "equality" - equality of persistent state - taking a shortcut for entity references. boolean Compare two instances of the class mapped by this type for persistence "equality" - equality of persistent state. boolean Compare two instances of the class mapped by this type for persistence "equality" - equality of persistent state. boolean Get a hashcode, consistent with persistence "equality" Get a hashcode, consistent with persistence "equality" compare two instances of the type Get the type of a semi-resolved value. A representation of the value to be embedded in an XML element. Parse the XML representation of an instance. an instance of the type Given an instance of the type, return an array of boolean, indicating which mapped columns would be null. an instance of the type When implemented by a class, gets the abbreviated name of the type. The NHibernate type name. When implemented by a class, gets the returned by the NullSafeGet() methods. The from the .NET framework. This is used to establish the class of an array of this Itype When implemented by a class, gets the value indicating if the objects of this IType are mutable. true if the objects mapped by this IType are mutable. With respect to the referencing object... Entities and Collections are considered immutable because they manage their own internal state. When implemented by a class, gets a value indicating if the implementor is castable to an an true if this is an AssociationThis does not necessarily imply that the type actually represents an association. When implemented by a class, gets a value indicating if the implementor is a collection type true if this is a . When implemented by a class, gets a value indicating if the implementor is an . true if this is an If true, the implementation must be castable to . A component type may own collections or associations and hence must provide certain extra functionality. When implemented by a class, gets a value indicating if the implementor extends true if this is an Parameter bind specification for an explicit named parameter. Constructs a named parameter bind specification. sourceLine sourceColumn The named parameter name. The user parameter name. Parameter bind specification for an explicit positional (or ordinal) parameter. Constructs a position/ordinal parameter bind specification. sourceLine sourceColumn The position in the source query, relative to the other source positional parameters. Getter for property 'hqlPosition'. Autogenerated parameter for . Autogenerated parameter for . Summary description for AbstractCollectionPersister. A collection role that may be queried or loaded by outer join. Anything that can be loaded by outer join - namely persisters for classes or collections. All columns to select, when loading. Get the where clause part of any joins (optional operation) Get the from clause part of any joins (optional operation) Get the where clause filter, given a query alias and considering enabled session filters Very, very, very ugly... Does this persister "consume" entity column aliases in the result set? Very, very, very ugly... Does this persister "consume" collection column aliases in the result set? An identifying name; a class name or collection role name. The columns to join on. Is this instance actually a ICollectionPersister? The table to join to. A strategy for persisting a collection role. Defines a contract between the persistence strategy and the actual persistent collection framework and session. Does not define operations that are required for querying collections, or loading by outer join. Implements persistence of a collection instance while the instance is referenced in a particular role. This class is highly coupled to the hierarchy, since double dispatch is used to load and update collection elements. May be considered an immutable view of the mapping object Initialize the given collection with the given key Read the key from a row of the Read the element from a row of the Read the index from a row of the Read the identifier from a row of the Completely remove the persistent state of the collection (Re)create the collection's persistent state Delete the persistent state of any elements that were removed from the collection Update the persistent state of any elements that were modified Insert the persistent state of any new collection elements Generates the collection's key column aliases, based on the given suffix. The suffix to use in the key column alias generation. The key column aliases. Generates the collection's index column aliases, based on the given suffix. The suffix to use in the index column alias generation. The index column aliases, or null if not indexed. Generates the collection's element column aliases, based on the given suffix. The suffix to use in the element column alias generation. The element column aliases. Generates the collection's identifier column aliases, based on the given suffix. The suffix to use in the identifier column alias generation. The identifier column aliases. Try to find an element by a given index. The key of the collection (collection-owner identifier) The given index. The active . The owner of the collection. The value of the element where available; otherwise . Get the cache Get the cache structure Get the associated IType Get the "key" type (the type of the foreign key) Get the "index" type for a list or map (optional operation) Get the "element" type Return the element class of an array, or null otherwise Is this an array or primitive values? Is this an array? Is this a one-to-many association? Is this a many-to-many association? Note that this is mainly a convenience feature as the single persister does not contain all the information needed to handle a many-to-many itself, as internally it is looked at as two many-to-ones. Is this collection lazily initialized? Is this collection "inverse", so state changes are not propogated to the database. Get the name of this collection role (the fully qualified class name, extended by a "property path") Get the persister of the entity that "owns" this collection Get the surrogate key generation strategy (optional operation) Get the type of the surrogate key Get the "space" that holds the persistent state Is cascade delete handled by the database-level foreign key constraint definition? Does this collection cause version increment of the owning entity? Can the elements of this collection change? Is this collection role cacheable Is this an "indexed" collection? (list or map) Does this collection implement "orphan delete"? Is this an ordered collection? (An ordered collection is ordered by the initialization operation, not by sorting that happens in memory, as in the case of a sorted collection.) A place-holder to inform that the data-reader was empty. Generate a list of collection index and element columns Get the names of the collection index columns if this is an indexed collection (optional operation), aliased by the given table alias Get the names of the collection element columns (or the primary key columns in the case of a one-to-many association), aliased by the given table alias Get the extra where clause filter SQL Get the order by SQL Get the order-by to be applied at the target table of a many to many The alias for the many-to-many target table Appropriate order-by fragment or empty string. Get the index formulas if this is an indexed collection (optional operation) Get the persister of the element class, if this is a collection of entities (optional operation). Note that for a one-to-many association, the returned persister must be OuterJoinLoadable. Should we load this collection role by outer joining? Get the names of the collection index columns if this is an indexed collection (optional operation) Get the names of the collection element columns (or the primary key columns in the case of a one-to-many association) Does this collection role have a where clause filter? Reads the Element from the IDataReader. The IDataReader will probably only contain the id of the Element. See ReadElementIdentifier for an explanation of why this method will be depreciated. Perform an SQL INSERT, and then retrieve a generated identifier. the id of the collection entry This form is used for PostInsertIdentifierGenerator-style ids (IDENTITY, select, etc). Return the element class of an array, or null otherwise Get the name of this collection role (the fully qualified class name, extended by a "property path") Collection persister for collections of values and many-to-many associations. Generate the SQL DELETE that deletes all rows Generate the SQL INSERT that creates a new row Generate the SQL UPDATE that updates a row Generate the SQL DELETE that deletes a particular row Create the Summary description for CollectionPropertyMapping. The names of all the collection properties. Summary description for CompositeElementPropertyMapping. Base implementation of a PropertyMapping. Summary description for ElementPropertyMapping. Summary description for OneToManyPersister. Generate the SQL UPDATE that updates all the foreign keys to null Generate the SQL UPDATE that updates a foreign key to a value Not needed for one-to-many association Generate the SQL UPDATE that updates a particular row's foreign key to null Create the Superclass for built-in mapping strategies. Implements functionalty common to both mapping strategies May be considered an immutable view of the mapping object A ClassPersister that may be loaded by outer join using the OuterJoinLoader hierarchy and may be an element of a one-to-many association. Implemented by ClassPersister that uses Loader. There are several optional operations used only by loaders that inherit OuterJoinLoader Concrete IEntityPersisters implement mapping and persistence logic for a particular class. Implementors must be threadsafe (preferably immutable) and must provide a constructor of type matching the signature of: (PersistentClass, SessionFactoryImplementor) Finish the initialization of this object, once all ClassPersisters have been instantiated. Called only once, before any other method. Determine whether the given name represents a subclass entity (or this entity itself) of the entity mapped by this persister. The entity name to be checked. True if the given entity name represents either the entity mapped by this persister or one of its subclass entities; false otherwise. Get the type of a particular property Locate the property-indices of all properties considered to be dirty. The current state of the entity (the state to be checked). The previous state of the entity (the state to be checked against). The entity for which we are checking state dirtiness. The session in which the check is ccurring. or the indices of the dirty properties Locate the property-indices of all properties considered to be dirty. The old state of the entity. The current state of the entity. The entity for which we are checking state modification. The session in which the check is ccurring. return or the indicies of the modified properties Retrieve the current state of the natural-id properties from the database. The identifier of the entity for which to retrieve the naturak-id values. The session from which the request originated. The natural-id snapshot. Load an instance of the persistent class. Do a version check (optional operation) Persist an instance Persist an instance, using a natively generated identifier (optional operation) Delete a persistent instance Update a persistent instance The id. The fields. The dirty fields. if set to [has dirty collection]. The old fields. The old version. The obj. The rowId The session. Get the current database state of the object, in a "hydrated" form, without resolving identifiers if select-before-update is not enabled or not supported Get the current version of the object, or return null if there is no row for the given identifier. In the case of unversioned data, return any object if the row exists. Try to discover the entity mode from the entity instance Has the class actually been bytecode instrumented? Called just after the entities properties have been initialized Called just after the entity has been reassociated with the session Create a new proxy instance Is this a new transient instance? Return the values of the insertable properties of the object (including backrefs) Perform a select to retrieve the values of any generated properties back from the database, injecting these generated values into the given entity as well as writing this state to the persistence context. Note, that because we update the persistence context here, callers need to take care that they have already written the initial snapshot to the persistence context before calling this method. The entity's id value. The entity for which to get the state. The entity state (at the time of Save). The session. Perform a select to retrieve the values of any generated properties back from the database, injecting these generated values into the given entity as well as writing this state to the persistence context. Note, that because we update the persistence context here, callers need to take care that they have already written the initial snapshot to the persistence context before calling this method. The entity's id value. The entity for which to get the state. The entity state (at the time of Save). The session. The persistent class, or null Does the class implement the ILifecycle inteface? Does the class implement the IValidatable interface? Get the proxy interface that instances of this concrete class will be cast to Set the given values to the mapped properties of the given object Set the value of a particular property Return the values of the mapped properties of the object Get the value of a particular property Get the value of a particular property Get the identifier of an instance ( throw an exception if no identifier property) Set the identifier of an instance (or do nothing if no identifier property) The object to set the Id property on. The value to set the Id property to. The EntityMode Get the version number (or timestamp) from the object's version property (or return null if not versioned) Create a class instance initialized with the given identifier Determines whether the specified entity is an instance of the class managed by this persister. The entity. The EntityMode if the specified entity is an instance; otherwise, . Does the given instance have any uninitialized lazy properties? Set the identifier and version of the given instance back to its "unsaved" value, returning the id Get the persister for an instance of this class or a subclass Check the version value trough . The snapshot entity state The result of . NHibernate-specific feature, not present in H3.2 The ISessionFactory to which this persister "belongs". Returns an object that identifies the space in which identifiers of this entity hierarchy are unique. The entity name which this persister maps. Retrieve the underlying entity metamodel instance... The metamodel Returns an array of objects that identify spaces in which properties of this entity are persisted, for instances of this class only. The property spaces. For most implementations, this returns the complete set of table names to which instances of the mapped entity are persisted (not accounting for superclass entity mappings). Returns an array of objects that identify spaces in which properties of this entity are persisted, for instances of this class and its subclasses. Much like , except that here we include subclass entity spaces. The query spaces. Are instances of this class mutable? Determine whether the entity is inherited one or more other entities. In other words, is this entity a subclass of other entities. True if other entities extend this entity; false otherwise. Is the identifier assigned before the insert by an IDGenerator or is it returned by the Insert() method? This determines which form of Insert() will be called. Are instances of this class versioned by a timestamp or version number column? Get the type of versioning (optional operation) Which property holds the version number? (optional operation) If the entity defines a natural id (), which properties make up the natural id. The indices of the properties making of the natural id; or null, if no natural id is defined. Return the IIdentifierGenerator for the class Get the Hibernate types of the class properties Get the names of the class properties - doesn't have to be the names of the actual .NET properties (used for XML generation only) Gets if the Property is insertable. if the Property's value can be inserted. This is for formula columns and if the user sets the insert attribute on the <property> element. Which of the properties of this class are database generated values on insert? Which of the properties of this class are database generated values on update? Properties that may be dirty (and thus should be dirty-checked). These include all updatable properties and some associations. Get the nullability of the properties of this class Get the "versionability" of the properties of this class (is the property optimistic-locked) if the property is optimistic-locked; otherwise, . Get the cascade styles of the properties (optional operation) Get the identifier type Get the name of the indentifier property (or return null) - need not return the name of an actual .NET property Should we always invalidate the cache instead of recaching updated state Should lazy properties of this entity be cached? Get the cache (optional operation) Get the cache structure Get the user-visible metadata for the class (optional operation) Is batch loading enabled? Is select snapshot before update enabled? Does this entity contain a version property that is defined to be database generated? Does this class support dynamic proxies? Do instances of this class contain collections? Determine whether any properties of this entity are considered mutable. True if any properties of the entity are mutable; false otherwise (meaning none are). Determine whether this entity contains references to persistent collections which are fetchable by subselect? True if the entity contains collections fetchable by subselect; false otherwise. Does this class declare any cascading save/update/deletes? Does the class have a property holding the identifier value? Determine whether detahced instances of this entity carry their own identifier value. True if either (1) or (2) the identifier is an embedded composite identifier; false otherwise. The other option is the deprecated feature where users could supply the id during session calls. Determine whether this entity defines a natural identifier. True if the entity defines a natural id; false otherwise. Determine whether this entity defines any lazy properties (ala bytecode instrumentation). True if the entity has properties mapped as lazy; false otherwise. Gets if the Property is updatable if the Property's value can be updated. This is for formula columns and if the user sets the update attribute on the <property> element. Does this class have a cache? Does this entity define any properties as being database-generated on insert? Does this entity define any properties as being database-generated on update? Get the concrete subclass corresponding to the given discriminator value Get the result set aliases used for the identifier columns, given a suffix Get the result set aliases used for the property columns, given a suffix (properties of this class, only). Get the result set column names mapped for this property (properties of this class, only). Get the alias used for the discriminator column, given a suffix Retrieve property values from one row of a result set The discriminator type Get the names of columns used to persist the identifier Get the name of the column used as a discriminator Does the persistent class have subclasses? Does the result set contain rowids? Generate a list of collection index and element columns How many properties are there, for this class and all subclasses? (optional operation) May this property be fetched using an SQL outerjoin? Get the cascade style of this (subclass closure) property Is this property defined on a subclass of the mapped class? Get an array of the types of all properties of all subclasses (optional operation) Get the name of the numbered property of the class or a subclass (optional operation) Is the numbered property of the class of subclass nullable? Return the column names used to persist all properties of all sublasses of the persistent class (optional operation) Return the table name used to persist the numbered property of the class or a subclass (optional operation) Given the number of a property of a subclass, and a table alias, return the aliased column names (optional operation) Get the main from table fragment, given a query alias (optional operation) Get the column names for the given property path Get the table name for the given property path Return the alised identifier column names Get the table alias used for the supplied column Extends the generic ILoadable contract to add operations required by HQL Given a query alias and an identifying suffix, render the intentifier select fragment. Given a query alias and an identifying suffix, render the property select fragment. Given a property name, determine the number of the table which contains the column to which this property is mapped. The name of the property. The number of the table to which the property is mapped. Note that this is not relative to the results from {@link #getConstraintOrderedTableNameClosure()}. It is relative to the subclass table name closure maintained internal to the persister (yick!). It is also relative to the indexing used to resolve {@link #getSubclassTableName}... Determine whether the given property is declared by our mapped class, our super class, or one of our subclasses...

Note: the method is called 'subclass property...' simply for consistency sake (e.g. {@link #getSubclassPropertyTableNumber}

The property name. The property declarer
Get the name of the table with the given index from the internal array. The index into the internal array. The alias used for any filter conditions (mapped where-fragments or enabled-filters). The root alias The alias used for "filter conditions" within the where clause. This may or may not be different from the root alias depending upon the inheritance mapping strategy. Is this class explicit polymorphism only? The class that this class is mapped as a subclass of - not necessarily the direct superclass The discriminator value for this particular concrete subclass, as a string that may be embedded in a select statement The discriminator value for this particular concrete subclass The DiscriminatorValue is specific of NH since we are using strongly typed parameters for SQL query. Is the inheritance hierarchy described by this persister contained across multiple tables? True if the inheritance hierarchy is spread across multiple tables; false otherwise. Get the names of all tables used in the hierarchy (up and down) ordered such that deletes in the given order would not cause constraint violations. The ordered array of table names. For each table specified in , get the columns that define the key between the various hierarchy classes. The first dimension here corresponds to the table indexes returned in . The second dimension should have the same length across all the elements in the first dimension. If not, that'd be a problem ;) Get the name of the temporary table to be used to (potentially) store id values when performing bulk update/deletes. The appropriate temporary table name. Get the appropriate DDL command for generating the temporary table to be used to (potentially) store id values when performing bulk update/deletes. The appropriate temporary table creation command. Is the version property included in insert statements? Describes a class that may be loaded via a unique key. Load an instance of the persistent class, by a unique key other than the primary key. Get the property number of the unique key property A class persister that supports queries expressed in the platform native SQL dialect. Returns the column alias names used to persist/query the numbered property of the class or a subclass (optional operation). Return the column names used to persist/query the named property of the class or a subclass (optional operation). All columns to select, when loading. Get the type Contract for things that can be locked via a . Currently only the root table gets locked, except for the case of HQL and Criteria queries against dialects which do not support either (1) FOR UPDATE OF or (2) support hint locking (in which case *all* queried tables would be locked). Get the SQL alias this persister would use for the root table given the passed driving alias. The driving alias; or the alias for the table mapped by this persister in the hierarchy. The root table alias. Locks are always applied to the "root table". Get the names of columns on the root table used to persist the identifier. For versioned entities, get the name of the column (again, expected on the root table) used to store the version values. To build the SQL command in pessimistic lock Decide which tables need to be updated The indices of all the entity properties considered dirty. Whether any collections owned by the entity which were considered dirty. Array of booleans indicating which table require updating. The return here is an array of boolean values with each index corresponding to a given table in the scope of this persister. Generate the SQL that selects the version number by id Retrieve the version number Warning: When there are duplicated property names in the subclasses of the class, this method may return the wrong table number for the duplicated subclass property (note that SingleTableEntityPersister defines an overloaded form which takes the entity name. Get the column names for the numbered property of this class Must be called by subclasses, at the end of their constructors Generate the SQL that updates a row by id (and version) Generate the SQL that inserts a row Marshall the fields of a persistent instance to a prepared statement Unmarshall the fields of a persistent instance from a result set, without resolving associations or collections Perform an SQL INSERT, and then retrieve a generated identifier. This form is used for PostInsertIdentifierGenerator-style ids (IDENTITY, select, etc). Perform an SQL INSERT. This for is used for all non-root tables as well as the root table in cases where the identifier value is known before the insert occurs. Perform an SQL UPDATE or SQL INSERT Perform an SQL DELETE Load an instance using the appropriate loader (as determined by Transform the array of property indexes to an array of booleans, true when the property is dirty Which properties appear in the SQL update? (Initialized, updateable ones!) Determines whether the specified entity is an instance of the class managed by this persister. The entity. The entity mode. if the specified entity is an instance; otherwise, . The queries that delete rows by id (and version) The queries that insert rows with a given id The queries that update rows by id (and version) The query that inserts a row, letting the database generate an id The IDENTITY-based insertion query. We can't immediately add to the cache if we have formulas which must be evaluated, or if we have the possibility of two concurrent updates to the same item being merged on the database. This can happen if (a) the item is not versioned and either (b) we have dynamic update enabled or (c) we have multiple tables holding the state of the item. The property name of the "special" identifier property in HQL A IEntityPersister implementing the normalized "table-per-subclass" mapping strategy Constructs the NormalizedEntityPerister for the PersistentClass. The PersistentClass to create the EntityPersister for. The configured . The SessionFactory that this EntityPersister will be stored in. The mapping used to retrieve type information. Find the Index of the table name from a list of table names. The name of the table to find. The array of table names The Index of the table in the array. Thrown when the tableName specified can't be found Not really a Loader, just a wrapper around a named query. Default implementation of the ClassPersister interface. Implements the "table-per-class hierarchy" mapping strategy for an entity class. Generate the SQL that selects a row by id Factory for IEntityPersister and ICollectionPersister instances. Creates a built in Entity Persister or a custom Persister. Creates a specific Persister - could be a built in or custom persister. A Strategy for converting a mapped property name to a Field name. When implemented by a class, converts the Property's name into a Field name The name of the mapped property. The name of the Field. Represents a "back-reference" to the id of a collection owner. Abstracts the notion of a "property". Defines a strategy for accessing the value of a mapped property. When implemented by a class, create a "getter" for the mapped property. The to find the Property in. The name of the mapped Property to get. The to use to get the value of the Property from an instance of the . Thrown when a Property specified by the propertyName could not be found in the . When implemented by a class, create a "setter" for the mapped property. The to find the Property in. The name of the mapped Property to set. The to use to set the value of the Property on an instance of the . Thrown when a Property specified by the propertyName could not be found in the . Allow embedded and custom accessors to define if the ReflectionOptimizer can be used. The Setter implementation for id backrefs. Sets values of a particular mapped property. When implemented by a class, sets the value of the Property/Field on the object. The object to set the Property value in. The value to set the Property to. Thrown when there is a problem setting the value in the target. When implemented by a class, gets the name of the Property. The name of the Property or . This is an optional operation - if it is not implemented then is an acceptable value to return. When implemented by a class, gets the for the set accessor of the property. This is an optional operation - if the is not for a property set then is an acceptable value to return. It is used by the proxies to determine which setter to intercept for the identifier property. The Getter implementation for id backrefs. Gets values of a particular mapped property. When implemented by a class, gets the value of the Property/Field from the object. The object to get the Property/Field value from. The value of the Property for the target. Thrown when there is a problem getting the value from the target. Get the property value from the given owner instance. The instance containing the value to be retrieved. a map of merged persistent instances to detached instances The session from which this request originated. The extracted value. When implemented by a class, gets the that the Property/Field returns. The that the Property returns. When implemented by a class, gets the name of the Property. The name of the Property or . This is an optional operation - if the is not for a Property get then is an acceptable value to return. When implemented by a class, gets the for the get accessor of the property. This is an optional operation - if the is not for a property get then is an acceptable value to return. It is used by the proxies to determine which getter to intercept for the identifier property. Accesses mapped property values via a get/set pair, which may be nonpublic. The default (and recommended strategy). Create a for the mapped property. The to find the Property in. The name of the mapped Property to get. The to use to get the value of the Property from an instance of the . Thrown when a Property specified by the propertyName could not be found in the . Create a for the mapped property. The to find the Property in. The name of the mapped Property to get. The to use to set the value of the Property on an instance of the . Thrown when a Property specified by the propertyName could not be found in the . Helper method to find the Property get. The to find the Property in. The name of the mapped Property to get. The for the Property get or if the Property could not be found. Helper method to find the Property set. The to find the Property in. The name of the mapped Property to set. The for the Property set or if the Property could not be found. An for a Property get. An that can emit IL to get the property value. Emit IL to get the property value from the object on top of the stack. Initializes a new instance of . The that contains the Property get. The for reflection. The name of the Property. Gets the value of the Property from the object. The object to get the Property value from. The value of the Property for the target. Gets the that the Property returns. The that the Property returns. Gets the name of the Property. The name of the Property. Gets the for the Property. The for the Property. An for a Property set. An that can emit IL to set the property value. Emit IL to set the property of an object to the value. The object is loaded onto the stack first, then the value, then this method is called. Initializes a new instance of . The that contains the Property set. The for reflection. The name of the mapped Property. Sets the value of the Property on the object. The object to set the Property value in. The value to set the Property to. Thrown when there is a problem setting the value in the target. Gets the name of the mapped Property. The name of the mapped Property or . Gets the for the mapped Property. The for the mapped Property. Implementation of for fields that are prefixed with an m_ and the PropertyName is changed to camelCase. Converts the Property's name into a Field name by making the first character of the propertyName lowercase and prefixing it with the letter 'm' and an underscore. The name of the mapped property. The name of the Field in CamelCase format prefixed with an 'm' and an underscore. Implementation of for fields that are the camelCase version of the PropertyName Converts the Property's name into a Field name by making the first character lower case. The name of the mapped property. The name of the Field in CamelCase format. Implementation of for fields that are prefixed with an underscore and the PropertyName is changed to camelCase. Converts the Property's name into a Field name by making the first character of the propertyName lowercase and prefixing it with an underscore. The name of the mapped property. The name of the Field in CamelCase format prefixed with an underscore. Access the mapped property by using a Field to get and set the value. The is useful when you expose getter and setters for a Property, but they have extra code in them that shouldn't be executed when NHibernate is setting or getting the values for loads or saves. Initializes a new instance of . Initializes a new instance of . The to use. Create a to get the value of the mapped Property through a Field. The to find the Property in. The name of the mapped Property to get. The to use to get the value of the Property from an instance of the . Thrown when a Field specified by the propertyName could not be found in the . Create a to set the value of the mapped Property through a Field. The to find the mapped Property in. The name of the mapped Property to set. The to use to set the value of the Property on an instance of the . Thrown when a Field for the Property specified by the propertyName using the could not be found in the . Helper method to find the Field. The to find the Field in. The name of the Field to find. The for the field. Thrown when a field could not be found. Converts the mapped property's name into a Field using the if one exists. The name of the Property. The name of the Field. Gets the used to convert the name of the mapped Property in the hbm.xml file to the name of the field in the class. The or . An that uses a Field instead of the Property get. Initializes a new instance of . The that contains the field to use for the Property get. The for reflection. The name of the Field. Gets the value of the Field from the object. The object to get the Field value from. The value of the Field for the target. Gets the that the Field returns. The that the Field returns. Gets the name of the Property. since this is a Field - not a Property. Gets the for the Property. since this is a Field - not a Property. An that uses a Field instead of the Property set. Initializes a new instance of . The that contains the Field to use for the Property set. The for reflection. The name of the Field. Sets the value of the Field on the object. The object to set the Field value in. The value to set the Field to. Thrown when there is a problem setting the value in the target. Gets the name of the Property. since this is a Field - not a Property. Gets the for the Property. since this is a Field - not a Property. Represents a "back-reference" to the index of a collection. Constructs a new instance of IndexPropertyAccessor. The collection role which this back ref references. The owner entity name. The Setter implementation for index backrefs. The Getter implementation for index backrefs. Implementation of for fields that are the PropertyName in all LowerCase characters. Converts the Property's name into a Field name by making the all characters of the propertyName lowercase. The name of the mapped property. The name of the Field in lowercase. Implementation of for fields that are prefixed with an underscore and the PropertyName is changed to lower case. Converts the Property's name into a Field name by making the all characters of the propertyName lowercase and prefixing it with an underscore. The name of the mapped property. The name of the Field in lowercase prefixed with an underscore. Used to declare properties not represented at the pojo level A Getter which will always return null. It should not be called anyway. A Setter which will just do nothing. Access the mapped property through a Property get to get the value and go directly to the Field to set the value. This is most useful because Classes can provider a get for the Property that is the <id> but tell NHibernate there is no setter for the Property so the value should be written directly to the field. Initializes a new instance of . The to use. Creates an to get the value from the Property. The to find the Property in. The name of the mapped Property to get. The to use to get the value of the Property from an instance of the . Thrown when a Property specified by the propertyName could not be found in the . Create a to set the value of the mapped Property through a Field. The to find the mapped Property in. The name of the mapped Property to set. The to use to set the value of the Property on an instance of the . Thrown when a Field for the Property specified by the propertyName using the could not be found in the . Converts the Property's name into a Field name by making the first character of the propertyName uppercase and prefixing it with the letter 'm'. The name of the mapped property. The name of the Field in PascalCase format prefixed with an 'm'. Implementation of for fields that are prefixed with an m_ and the first character in PropertyName capitalized. Converts the Property's name into a Field name by making the first character of the propertyName uppercase and prefixing it with the letter 'm' and an underscore. The name of the mapped property. The name of the Field in PascalCase format prefixed with an 'm' and an underscore. Implementation of for fields that are prefixed with an _ and the first character in PropertyName capitalized. Converts the Property's name into a Field name by making the first character of the propertyName uppercase and prefixing it with an underscore. The name of the mapped property. The name of the Field in PascalCase format prefixed with an underscore. Factory for creating the various PropertyAccessor strategies. Initializes the static members in . Gets or creates the specified by the type. The specified by the type. The built in ways of accessing the values of Properties in your domain class are: Access Method How NHibernate accesses the Mapped Class. property The name attribute is the name of the Property. This is the default implementation. field The name attribute is the name of the field. If you have any Properties in the Mapped Class those will be bypassed and NHibernate will go straight to the field. This is a good option if your setters have business rules attached to them or if you don't want to expose a field through a Getter & Setter. nosetter The name attribute is the name of the Property. NHibernate will use the Property's get method to retrieve the value and will use the field to set the value. This is a good option for <id> Properties because this access method allows users of the Class to get the value of the Id but not set the value. readonly The name attribute is the name of the Property. NHibernate will use the Property's get method to retrieve the value but will never set the value back in the domain. This is used for read-only calculated properties with only a get method. Assembly Qualified Name If NHibernate's built in s are not what is needed for your situation then you are free to build your own. Provide an Assembly Qualified Name so that NHibernate can call Activator.CreateInstance(AssemblyQualifiedName) to create it. In order for the nosetter to know the name of the field to access NHibernate needs to know what the naming strategy is. The following naming strategies are built into NHibernate: Naming Strategy How NHibernate converts the value of the name attribute to a field name. camelcase The name attribute should be changed to CamelCase to find the field. <property name="FooBar" ... > finds a field fooBar. camelcase-underscore The name attribute should be changed to CamelCase and prefixed with an underscore to find the field. <property name="FooBar" ... > finds a field _fooBar. camelcase-m-underscore The name attribute should be changed to CamelCase and prefixed with an 'm' and underscore to find the field. <property name="FooBar" ... > finds a field m_fooBar. pascalcase-underscore The name attribute should be prefixed with an underscore to find the field. <property name="FooBar" ... > finds a field _FooBar. pascalcase-m-underscore The name attribute should be prefixed with an 'm' and underscore to find the field. <property name="FooBar" ... > finds a field m_FooBar. pascalcase-m The name attribute should be prefixed with an 'm'. <property name="FooBar" ... > finds a field mFooBar. lowercase The name attribute should be changed to lowercase to find the field. <property name="FooBar" ... > finds a field foobar. lowercase-underscore The name attribute should be changed to lowercase and prefixed with and underscore to find the field. <property name="FooBar" ... > finds a field _foobar. The naming strategy can also be appended at the end of the field access method. Where this could be useful is a scenario where you do expose a get and set method in the Domain Class but NHibernate should only use the fields. With a naming strategy and a get/set for the Property available the user of the Domain Class could write an Hql statement from Foo as foo where foo.SomeProperty = 'a'. If no naming strategy was specified the Hql statement would have to be from Foo as foo where foo._someProperty (assuming CamelCase with an underscore field naming strategy is used). Retrieves a PropertyAccessor instance based on the given property definition and entity mode. The property for which to retrieve an accessor. The mode for the resulting entity. An appropriate accessor. Access the mapped property through a Property get to get the value and do nothing to set the value. This is useful to allow calculated properties in the domain that will never be recovered from the DB but can be used for querying. Initializes a new instance of . Creates an to get the value from the Property. The to find the Property in. The name of the mapped Property to get. The to use to get the value of the Property from an instance of the . Thrown when a Property specified by the propertyName could not be found in the . Create a to do nothing when trying to se the value of the mapped Property The to find the mapped Property in. The name of the mapped Property to set. An instance of . Responsible for accessing property values represented as a XmlElement or XmlAttribute. For nodes like "@bar" Defines the strategy for getting property values out of a dom4j Node. Get the declared type Optional operation (return null) Optional operation (return null) For nodes like "@bar" Optional operation (return null) Optional operation (return null) For nodes like "foo/@bar" For nodes like "foo/@bar" For nodes like "foo" For nodes like "foo" For nodes like "." For nodes like "." Lazy initializer for "dynamic-map" entity representations. Provides the base functionality to Handle Member calls into a dynamically generated NHibernate Proxy. This could be an extension point later if the .net framework ever gets a Proxy class that is similar to the java.lang.reflect.Proxy or if a library similar to cglib was made in .net. Perform an ImmediateLoad of the actual object for the Proxy. Thrown when the Proxy has no Session or the Session is closed or disconnected. Return the underlying persistent object, initializing if necessary. The persistent object this proxy is proxying. Return the underlying persistent object in a given , or null. The session to get the object from. The persistent object this proxy is proxying, or . Initialize the proxy manually by injecting its target. The proxy target (the actual entity being proxied). Associate the proxy with the given session. Care should be given to make certain that the proxy is added to the session's persistence context as well to maintain the symmetry of the association. That must be done seperately as this method simply sets an internal reference. We do also check that if there is already an associated session that the proxy reference was removed from that previous session's persistence context. The session Unset this initializer's reference to session. It is assumed that the caller is also taking care or cleaning up the owning proxy's reference in the persistence context. Generally speaking this is intended to be called only during and processing; most other use-cases should call instead. The identifier value for the entity our owning proxy represents. The entity-name of the entity our owning proxy represents. Get the actual class of the entity. Generally, should be used instead. Is the proxy uninitialzed? Get the session to which this proxy is associated, or null if it is not attached. Is the read-only setting available? Read-only status Not available when the proxy is detached or its associated session is closed. To check if the read-only setting is available, use The read-only status of the entity will be made to match the read-only status of the proxy upon initialization. If this is returned by Invoke then the subclass needs to Invoke the method call against the object that is being proxied. Create a LazyInitializer to handle all of the Methods/Properties that are called on the Proxy. The entityName The Id of the Object we are Proxying. The ISession this Proxy is in. Perform an ImmediateLoad of the actual object for the Proxy. Thrown when the Proxy has no Session or the Session is closed or disconnected. Return the Underlying Persistent Object, initializing if necessary. The Persistent Object this proxy is Proxying. Return the Underlying Persistent Object in a given , or null. The Session to get the object from. The Persistent Object this proxy is Proxying, or . Proxy for "dynamic-map" entity representations. A marker interface so NHibernate can know if it is dealing with an object that is a Proxy. This interface should not be implemented by anything other than the Dynamically generated Proxy. If it is implemented by a class then NHibernate will think that class is a Proxy and will not work. It has to be public scope because the Proxies are created in a separate DLL than NHibernate. Get the underlying lazy initialization handler. Contract for run-time, proxy-based lazy initialization proxies. Called immediately after instantiation of this factory. The name of the entity for which this factory should generate proxies. The entity class for which to generate proxies; not always the same as the entityName. The interfaces to expose in the generated proxy; is already included in this collection. Reference to the identifier getter method; invocation on this method should not force initialization Reference to the identifier setter method; invocation on this method should not force initialization For composite identifier types, a reference to the type of the identifier property; again accessing the id should generally not cause initialization - but need to bear in mind key-many-to-one mappings. Indicates a problem completing post Essentially equivalent to constructor injection, but contracted here via interface. Create a new proxy The id value for the proxy to be generated. The session to which the generated proxy will be associated. The generated proxy. Indicates problems generating requested proxy. Lazy initializer for POCOs Adds all of the information into the SerializationInfo that is needed to reconstruct the proxy during deserialization or to replace the proxy with the instantiated target. This will only be called if the Dynamic Proxy generator does not handle serialization itself or delegates calls to the method GetObjectData to the LazyInitializer. Invokes the method if this is something that the LazyInitializer can handle without the underlying proxied object being instantiated. The name of the method/property to Invoke. The arguments to pass the method/property. The proxy object that the method is being invoked on. The result of the Invoke if the underlying proxied object is not needed. If the underlying proxied object is needed then it returns the result which indicates that the Proxy will need to forward to the real implementation. Convenient common implementation for ProxyFactory Proxeability validator. Validates whether can be specified as the base class (or an interface) for a dynamically-generated proxy. The type to validate. A collection of errors messages, if any, or if none were found. When the configuration property "use_proxy_validator" is set to true(default), the result of this method is used to throw a detailed exception about the proxeability of the given . Validate if a single method can be intercepted by proxy. The given method to check. if the method can be intercepted by proxy. otherwise. This method can be used internally by the and is used by to log errors when a property accessor can't be intercepted by proxy. The validation of property accessors is fairly enough if you ecampsulate each property. Validates whether can be specified as the base class (or an interface) for a dynamically-generated proxy. The type to validate. A collection of errors messages, if any, or if none were found. NHibernateProxyHelper provides convenience methods for working with objects that might be instances of Classes or the Proxied version of the Class. Get the class of an instance or the underlying class of a proxy (without initializing the proxy!). It is almost always better to use the entity name! The object to get the type of. The Underlying Type for the object regardless of if it is a Proxy. Get the true, underlying class of a proxied persistent class. This operation will NOT initialize the proxy and thus may return an incorrect result. a persistable object or proxy guessed class of the instance This method is approximate match for Session.bestGuessEntityName in H3.2 Aliases tables and fields for Sql Statements. Several methods of this class take an additional parameter, while their Java counterparts do not. The dialect is used to correctly quote and unquote identifiers. Java versions do the quoting and unquoting themselves and fail to consider dialect-specific rules, such as escaping closing brackets in identifiers on MS SQL 2000. An ANSI SQL CASE expression. case when ... then ... end as ... This class looks StringHelper.SqlParameter safe... Abstract SQL case fragment renderer An ANSI-style Join. Represents a SQL JOIN Sets the op The op to set An Oracle-style DECODE function. decode(pkvalue, key1, 1, key2, 2, ..., 0) Represents an SQL for update of ... nowait statement An Informix-style (theta) Join Represents an ... in (...) expression Add a value to the value list. Value may be a string, a , or one of special values or . An Oracle-style (theta) Join This method is a bit of a hack, and assumes that the column on the "right" side of the join appears on the "left" side of the operator, which is extremely weird if this was a normal join condition, but is natural for a filter. A placeholder for an ADO.NET parameter in an . We need to know what the position of the parameter was in a query before we rearranged the query. This is the ADO parameter position that this SqlString parameter is bound to. The SqlString can be safely rearranged once this is set. Create a parameter with the specified position Generates an array of parameters for the given SqlTypes. The number of parameters to generate. An array of objects Determines whether this instance and the specified object are of the same type and have the same values. An object to compare to this instance. if the object equals the current instance. Gets a hash code for the parameter. An value for the hash code. Used to determine the parameter's name (p0,p1 etc.) Unique identifier of a parameter to be tracked back by its generator. We have various query-systems. Each one, at the end, give us a . At the same time we have various bad-guys playing the game (hql function implementations, the dialect...). A bad guy can rearrange a and the query-system can easly lost organization/sequence of parameters. Using the the query-system can easily find where are its parameters. Used as a placeholder when parsing HQL or SQL queries. Summary description for QueryJoinFragment. Summary description for QuerySelect. Certain databases don't like spaces around these operators. This needs to contain both a plain string and a SqlString version of the operator because the portions in the WHERE clause will come in as SqlStrings since there might be parameters, other portions of the clause come in as strings since there are no parameters. Adds a string containing a valid "order by" sql statement to this QuerySelect The "order by" sql statement. Represents part of an SQL SELECT clause Equivalent to ToSqlStringFragment. In H3, it is called ToFragmentString(). It appears to be functionally equivalent as ToSqlStringFragment() here. The base class for all of the SqlBuilders. Converts the ColumnNames and ColumnValues to a WhereFragment The names of the Columns to Add to the WhereFragment A SqlString that contains the WhereFragment This just calls the overloaded ToWhereFragment() with the operator as " = " and the tableAlias null. Converts the ColumnNames and ColumnValues to a WhereFragment The Alias for the Table. The names of the Columns to Add to the WhereFragment A SqlString that contains the WhereFragment This defaults the op to " = " Converts the ColumnNames and ColumnValues to a WhereFragment The names of the Columns to Add to the WhereFragment The operator to use between the names & values. For example " = " or "!=" A SqlString that contains the WhereFragment Converts the ColumnNames and ColumnValues to a WhereFragment The Alias for the Table. The names of the Columns to Add to the WhereFragment The operator to use between the names & values. For example " = " or "!=" A SqlString that contains the WhereFragment re-set the index of each parameter in the final command. The offset from where start the list of , in the given command, for the this . Suppose the final command is composed by two queries. The for the first query is zero. If the first query command has 12 parameters (size of its SqlType array) the offset to bind all s, of the second query in the command, is 12 (for the first query we are using from 0 to 11). This method should be called before call . Bind the appropriate value into the given command. The command into which the value should be bound. The parameter-list of the whole query of the command. The offset from where start the list of , in the given , for the this . The session against which the current execution is occuring. Suppose the is composed by two queries. The for the first query is zero. If the first query in has 12 parameters (size of its SqlType array) the offset to bind all s, of the second query in the , is 12 (for the first query we are using from 0 to 11). Bind the appropriate value into the given command. The command into which the value should be bound. The session against which the current execution is occuring. Use this method when the contains just 'this' instance of . Use the overload when the contains more instances of . Bind the appropriate value into the given command. The command into which the value should be bound. The parameter-list of the whole query of the command. The offset from where start the list of , in the given , for the this . The session against which the current execution is occuring. Bind the appropriate value into the given command. The command into which the value should be bound. The session against which the current execution is occuring. Use this method when the contains just 'this' instance of . Use the overload when the contains more instances of . A class that builds an DELETE sql statement. Sets the IdentityColumn for the DELETE sql to use. An array of the column names for the Property The IType of the Identity Property. The SqlDeleteBuilder. Sets the VersionColumn for the DELETE sql to use. An array of the column names for the Property The IVersionType of the Version Property. The SqlDeleteBuilder. Adds the columns for the Type to the WhereFragment The names of the columns to add. The IType of the property. The operator to put between the column name and value. The SqlDeleteBuilder Adds a string to the WhereFragement A well formed sql statement with no parameters. The SqlDeleteBuilder Builds a SELECT SQL statement. Sets the text that should appear after the FROM The fromClause to set The SqlSelectBuilder Sets the text that should appear after the FROM The name of the Table to get the data from The Alias to use for the table name. The SqlSelectBuilder Sets the text that should appear after the FROM The fromClause in a SqlString The SqlSelectBuilder Sets the text that should appear after the ORDER BY. The orderByClause to set The SqlSelectBuilder Sets the text that should appear after the GROUP BY. The groupByClause to set The SqlSelectBuilder Sets the SqlString for the OUTER JOINs. All of the Sql needs to be included in the SELECT. No OUTER JOINS will automatically be added. The outerJoinsAfterFrom to set The outerJoinsAfterWhere to set The SqlSelectBuilder Sets the text for the SELECT The selectClause to set The SqlSelectBuilder Sets the text for the SELECT The selectClause to set The SqlSelectBuilder Sets the criteria to use for the WHERE. It joins all of the columnNames together with an AND. The names of the columns The Hibernate Type The SqlSelectBuilder Sets the prebuilt SqlString to the Where clause The SqlString that contains the sql and parameters to add to the WHERE This SqlSelectBuilder Sets the criteria to use for the WHERE. It joins all of the columnNames together with an AND. The names of the columns The Hibernate Type The SqlSelectBuilder Sets the prebuilt SqlString to the Having clause The SqlString that contains the sql and parameters to add to the HAVING This SqlSelectBuilder ToSqlString() is named ToStatementString() in H3 Summary description for SqlSimpleSelectBuilder. Adds a columnName to the SELECT fragment. The name of the column to add. The SqlSimpleSelectBuilder Adds a columnName and its Alias to the SELECT fragment. The name of the column to add. The alias to use for the column The SqlSimpleSelectBuilder Adds an array of columnNames to the SELECT fragment. The names of the columns to add. The SqlSimpleSelectBuilder Adds an array of columnNames with their Aliases to the SELECT fragment. The names of the columns to add. The aliases to use for the columns The SqlSimpleSelectBuilder Gets the Alias that should be used for the column The name of the column to get the Alias for. The Alias if one exists, null otherwise Sets the IdentityColumn for the SELECT sql to use. An array of the column names for the Property The IType of the Identity Property. The SqlSimpleSelectBuilder. Sets the VersionColumn for the SELECT sql to use. An array of the column names for the Property The IVersionType of the Version Property. The SqlSimpleSelectBuilder. Set the Order By fragment of the Select Command The OrderBy fragment. It should include the SQL "ORDER BY" The SqlSimpleSelectBuilder Adds the columns for the Type to the WhereFragment The names of the columns to add. The IType of the property. The operator to put between the column name and value. The SqlSimpleSelectBuilder This is a non-modifiable SQL statement that is ready to be prepared and sent to the Database for execution. If you need to modify this object pass it to a and get a new object back from it. Appends the SqlString parameter to the end of the current SqlString to create a new SqlString object. The SqlString to append. A new SqlString object. A SqlString object is immutable so this returns a new SqlString. If multiple Appends are called it is better to use the SqlStringBuilder. Appends the string parameter to the end of the current SqlString to create a new SqlString object. The string to append. A new SqlString object. A SqlString object is immutable so this returns a new SqlString. If multiple Appends are called it is better to use the SqlStringBuilder. Compacts the SqlString into the fewest parts possible. A new SqlString. Combines all SqlParts that are strings and next to each other into one SqlPart. Determines whether the end of this instance matches the specified String. A string to seek at the end. if the end of this instance matches value; otherwise, Replaces all occurrences of a specified in this instance, with another specified . A String to be replaced. A String to replace all occurrences of oldValue. A new SqlString with oldValue replaced by the newValue. The new SqlString is in the compacted form. Determines whether the beginning of this SqlString matches the specified System.String, using case-insensitive comparison. The System.String to seek true if the SqlString starts with the value. Retrieves a substring from this instance. The substring starts at a specified character position. The starting character position of a substring in this instance. A new SqlString to the substring that begins at startIndex in this instance. If the startIndex is greater than the length of the SqlString then is returned. Returns the index of the first occurrence of , case-insensitive. Text to look for in the . Must be in lower case. The text must be located entirely in a string part of the . Searching for "a ? b" in an consisting of "a ", Parameter, " b" will result in no matches. The index of the first occurrence of , or -1 if not found. Removes all occurrences of white space characters from the beginning and end of this instance. A new SqlString equivalent to this instance after white space characters are removed from the beginning and end. Returns the SqlString in a string where it looks like SELECT col1, col2 FROM table WHERE col1 = ? The question mark is used as the indicator of a parameter because at this point we are not using the specific provider so we don't know how that provider wants our parameters formatted. A provider-neutral version of the CommandText Make a copy of the SqlString, with new parameter references (Placeholders) Returns substring of this SqlString starting with the specified . If the text is not found, returns an empty, not-null SqlString. The method performs case-insensitive comparison, so the passed should be in lower case. Parse SQL in and create a SqlString representing it. Parameter marks in single quotes will be correctly skipped, but otherwise the lexer is very simple and will not parse double quotes or escape sequences correctly, for example. Gets the number of SqlParts contained in this SqlString. The number of SqlParts contained in this SqlString. The SqlStringBuilder is used to construct a SqlString. The SqlString is a nonmutable class so it can't have sql parts added to it. Instead this class should be used to generate a new SqlString. The SqlStringBuilder is to SqlString what the StringBuilder is to a String. This is different from the original version of SqlString because this does not hold the sql string in the form of "column1=@column1" instead it uses an array to build the sql statement such that object[0] = "column1=" object[1] = ref to column1 parameter What this allows us to do is to delay the generating of the parameter for the sql until the very end - making testing dialect indifferent. Right now all of our test to make sure the correct sql is getting built are specific to MsSql2000Dialect. Create an empty StringBuilder with the default capacity. Create a StringBuilder with a specific capacity. The number of parts expected. Create a StringBuilder to modify the SqlString The SqlString to modify. Adds the preformatted sql to the SqlString that is being built. The string to add. This SqlStringBuilder Adds the Parameter to the SqlString that is being built. The correct operator should be added before the Add(Parameter) is called because there will be no operator ( such as "=" ) placed between the last Add call and this Add call. The Parameter to add. This SqlStringBuilder Attempts to discover what type of object this is and calls the appropriate method. The part to add when it is not known if it is a Parameter, String, or SqlString. This SqlStringBuilder. Thrown when the part is not a Parameter, String, or SqlString. Adds an existing SqlString to this SqlStringBuilder. It does NOT add any prefix, postfix, operator, or wrap around this. It is equivalent to just adding a string. The SqlString to add to this SqlStringBuilder This SqlStringBuilder This calls the overloaded Add(sqlString, null, null, null, false) Adds an existing SqlString to this SqlStringBuilder The SqlString to add to this SqlStringBuilder String to put at the beginning of the combined SqlString. How these Statements should be junctioned "AND" or "OR" String to put at the end of the combined SqlString. This SqlStringBuilder This calls the overloaded Add method with an array of SqlStrings and wrapStatment=false so it will not be wrapped with a "(" and ")" Adds existing SqlStrings to this SqlStringBuilder The SqlStrings to combine. String to put at the beginning of the combined SqlString. How these SqlStrings should be junctioned "AND" or "OR" String to put at the end of the combined SqlStrings. This SqlStringBuilder This calls the overloaded Add method with wrapStatement=true Adds existing SqlStrings to this SqlStringBuilder The SqlStrings to combine. String to put at the beginning of the combined SqlStrings. How these SqlStrings should be junctioned "AND" or "OR" String to put at the end of the combined SqlStrings. Wrap each SqlStrings with "(" and ")" This SqlStringBuilder Insert a string containing sql into the SqlStringBuilder at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the sql should be inserted. The string containing sql to insert. This SqlStringBuilder Insert a Parameter into the SqlStringBuilder at the specified index. The zero-based index at which the Parameter should be inserted. The Parameter to insert. This SqlStringBuilder Removes the string or Parameter at the specified index. The zero-based index of the item to remove. This SqlStringBuilder Converts the mutable SqlStringBuilder into the immutable SqlString. The SqlString that was built. Gets the number of SqlParts in this SqlStringBuilder. The number of SqlParts in this SqlStringBuilder. Gets or Sets the element at the index Returns a string or Parameter. A class that builds an UPDATE sql statement. Add a column with a specific value to the UPDATE sql The name of the Column to add. The value to set for the column. The NHibernateType to use to convert the value to a sql string. The SqlUpdateBuilder. Add a column with a specific value to the UPDATE sql The name of the Column to add. A valid sql string to set as the value of the column. The SqlUpdateBuilder. Adds columns with a specific value to the UPDATE sql The names of the Columns to add. A valid sql string to set as the value of the column. This value is assigned to each column. The SqlUpdateBuilder. Adds the Property's columns to the UPDATE sql An array of the column names for the Property The IType of the property. The SqlUpdateBuilder. Adds the Property's updatable columns to the UPDATE sql An array of the column names for the Property An array of updatable column flags. If this array is null, all supplied columns are considered updatable. The IType of the property. The SqlUpdateBuilder. Sets the IdentityColumn for the UPDATE sql to use. An array of the column names for the Property The IType of the Identity Property. The SqlUpdateBuilder. Sets the VersionColumn for the UPDATE sql to use. An array of the column names for the Property The IVersionType of the Version Property. The SqlUpdateBuilder. Adds the columns for the Type to the WhereFragment The names of the columns to add. The IType of the property. The operator to put between the column name and value. The SqlUpdateBuilder Adds a string to the WhereFragment A well formed sql string with no parameters. The SqlUpdateBuilder Given an SQL SELECT statement, parse it to extract clauses starting with FROM, up to and not including ORDER BY (known collectively as a subselect clause). Contains the subselect clause as it is being built. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parts of an to extract the subselect clause from. Looks for a FROM clause in the and adds the clause to the result if found. A or a . if the part contained a FROM clause, otherwise. Returns the subselect clause of the statement being processed. An containing the subselect clause of the original SELECT statement. Allows us to construct SQL WHERE fragments Describes the details of a with the information required to to generate an . This can store the length of the string that the can hold. If no value is provided for the length then the Driver is responsible for setting the properties on the correctly. This is the base class that adds information to the for the and to use.

The uses the SqlType to get enough information to create an .

The use the SqlType to convert the to the appropriate sql type for SchemaExport.

Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The length of the string the should hold. Describes the details of a with the information required to generate an . This can store the length of the string that the can hold. If no value is provided for the length then the Driver is responsible for setting the properties on the correctly. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The length of the string the should hold. Describes the details of a that is stored in a BLOB column with the information required to generate an .

This can store the length of the binary data that the can hold. If no value is provided for the length then the Driver is responsible for setting the properties on the correctly.

This is only needed by DataProviders (SqlClient) that need to specify a Size for the IDbDataParameter. Most DataProvider(Oralce) don't need to set the Size so a BinarySqlType would work just fine.

Describes the details of a with the information required to to generate an . This can store the binary data that the can hold. If no value is provided for the length then the Driver is responsible for setting the properties on the correctly. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The length of the binary data the should hold SqlTypeFactory provides Singleton access to the SqlTypes. Describes the details of a that is stored in a CLOB column with the information required to generate an .

This can store the length of the binary data that the can hold. If no value is provided for the length then the Driver is responsible for setting the properties on the correctly.

This is only needed by DataProviders (SqlClient) that need to specify a Size for the IDbDataParameter. Most DataProvider(Oralce) don't need to set the Size so a StringSqlType would work just fine.

Describes the details of a with the information required to generate an . This can store the length of the string that the can hold. If no value is provided for the length then the Driver is responsible for setting the properties on the correctly. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The length of the string the should hold. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The length of the string the should hold. Describes the details of a with the information required to to generate an . This can store the length of the string that the can hold. If no value is provided for the length then the Driver is responsible for setting the properties on the correctly. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The length of the string the should hold. Statistics for a particular "category" (a named entity, collection role, second level cache region or query). Collection related statistics Entity related statistics Information about the first-level (session) cache for a particular session instance Get the number of entity instances associated with the session Get the number of collection instances associated with the session Get the set of all EntityKeys. Get the set of all CollectionKeys. Statistics for a particular . Beware of metrics, they are dependent of the precision: Reset all statistics Find entity statistics per name entity name EntityStatistics object Get collection statistics per role collection role CollectionStatistics Second level cache statistics per region region name SecondLevelCacheStatistics Query statistics from query string (HQL or SQL) query string QueryStatistics log in info level the main statistics Global number of entity deletes Global number of entity inserts Global number of entity loads Global number of entity fetchs Global number of entity updates Global number of executed queries The of the slowest query. The query string for the slowest query. The global number of cached queries successfully retrieved from cache The global number of cached queries *not* found in cache The global number of cacheable queries put in cache Get the global number of flush executed by sessions (either implicit or explicit) Get the global number of connections asked by the sessions (the actual number of connections used may be much smaller depending whether you use a connection pool or not) Global number of cacheable entities/collections successfully retrieved from the cache Global number of cacheable entities/collections not found in the cache and loaded from the database. Global number of cacheable entities/collections put in the cache Global number of sessions closed Global number of sessions opened Global number of collections loaded Global number of collections fetched Global number of collections updated Global number of collections removed Global number of collections recreated Start time Enable/Disable statistics logs (this is a dynamic parameter) All executed query strings The names of all entities The names of all collection roles Get all second-level cache region names The number of transactions we know to have been successful The number of transactions we know to have completed The number of prepared statements that were acquired The number of prepared statements that were released The number of StaleObjectStateExceptions that occurred The OperationThreshold to a value greater than to enable logging of long running operations. Operations that exceed the level will be logged. Statistics SPI for the NHibernate core Query statistics (HQL and SQL) Note that for a cached query, the cache miss is equals to the db count Add statistics report of a DB query rows count returned time taken Second level cache statistics of a specific region Not ported yet Not ported yet Not ported yet Not ported yet Contract for delegates responsible for managing connection used by the hbm2ddl tools. Prepare the helper for use. Release any resources held by this helper. Get a reference to the connection we are using. A implementation based on an internally built and managed . Generates ddl to export table schema for a configured Configuration to the database This Class can be used directly or the command line wrapper NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.exe can be used when a dll can not be directly used. Create a schema exported for a given Configuration The NHibernate Configuration to generate the schema from. Create a schema exporter for the given Configuration, with the given database connection properties The NHibernate Configuration to generate the schema from. The Properties to use when connecting to the Database. Set the output filename. The generated script will be written to this file The name of the file to output the ddl to. The SchemaExport object. Set the end of statement delimiter The end of statement delimiter. The SchemaExport object. Run the schema creation script if the ddl should be outputted in the Console. if the ddl should be executed against the Database. This is a convenience method that calls and sets the justDrop parameter to false. Run the drop schema script if the ddl should be outputted in the Console. if the ddl should be executed against the Database. This is a convenience method that calls and sets the justDrop parameter to true. Executes the Export of the Schema in the given connection if the ddl should be outputted in the Console. if the ddl should be executed against the Database. if only the ddl to drop the Database objects should be executed. The connection to use when executing the commands when export is . Must be an opened connection. The method doesn't close the connection. The writer used to output the generated schema This method allows for both the drop and create ddl script to be executed. This overload is provided mainly to enable use of in memory databases. It does NOT close the given connection! Executes the Export of the Schema. if the ddl should be outputted in the Console. if the ddl should be executed against the Database. if only the ddl to drop the Database objects should be executed. This method allows for both the drop and create ddl script to be executed. Execute the schema updates Execute the schema updates The action to write the each schema line. Commit the script to DB Returns a List of all Exceptions which occured during the export. Perform the validations. This acts as a template method. Specific Reader instances override the component methods. A implementation based on an explicitly supplied connection. A implementation based on a provided . Essentially, ensures that the connection gets cleaned up, but that the provider itself remains usable since it was externally provided to us. An abstract factory for instances. Concrete implementations are specified by transaction.factory_class configuration property. Implementors must be threadsafe and should declare a public default constructor. Configure from the given properties Create a new transaction and return it without starting it. This is used as a marker interface for the different transaction context required for each session Wraps an ADO.NET to implement the interface. Allows the application to define units of work, while maintaining abstraction from the underlying transaction implementation A transaction is associated with a ISession and is usually instanciated by a call to ISession.BeginTransaction(). A single session might span multiple transactions since the notion of a session (a conversation between the application and the datastore) is of coarser granularity than the notion of a transaction. However, it is intended that there be at most one uncommitted ITransaction associated with a particular ISession at a time. Implementors are not intended to be threadsafe. Begin the transaction with the default isolation level. Begin the transaction with the specified isolation level. Isolation level of the transaction Flush the associated ISession and end the unit of work. This method will commit the underlying transaction if and only if the transaction was initiated by this object. Force the underlying transaction to roll back. Enlist the in the current Transaction. The to enlist. It is okay for this to be a no op implementation. Register a user synchronization callback for this transaction. The callback to register. Is the transaction in progress Was the transaction rolled back or set to rollback only? Was the transaction successfully committed? This method could return even after successful invocation of Commit() Initializes a new instance of the class. The the Transaction is for. Enlist the in the current . The to enlist in this Transaction. This takes care of making sure the 's Transaction property contains the correct or if there is no Transaction for the ISession - ie BeginTransaction() not called. This method may be called even when the transaction is disposed. Begins the on the used by the . Thrown if there is any problems encountered while trying to create the . Commits the by flushing the and committing the . Thrown if there is any exception while trying to call Commit() on the underlying . Rolls back the by calling the method Rollback on the underlying . Thrown if there is any exception while trying to call Rollback() on the underlying . A flag to indicate if Disose() has been called. Finalizer that ensures the object is correctly disposed of. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Indicates if this AdoTransaction is being Disposed of or Finalized. If this AdoTransaction is being Finalized (isDisposing==false) then make sure not to call any methods that could potentially bring this AdoTransaction back to life. Gets a indicating if the transaction was rolled back. if the had Rollback called without any exceptions. Gets a indicating if the transaction was committed. if the had Commit called without any exceptions. A mimic to the javax.transaction.Synchronization callback to enable Result transformer that allows to transform a result to a user specified class which will be populated via setter methods or fields matching the alias names. IList resultWithAliasedBean = s.CreateCriteria(typeof(Enrollment)) .CreateAlias("Student", "st") .CreateAlias("Course", "co") .SetProjection( Projections.ProjectionList() .Add( Projections.Property("co.Description"), "CourseDescription" ) ) .SetResultTransformer( new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(typeof(StudentDTO)) ) .List(); StudentDTO dto = (StudentDTO)resultWithAliasedBean[0]; Tranforms each result row from a tuple into a , such that what you end up with is a of . Each row of results is a map () from alias to values/entities Each row of results is a Creates a resulttransformer that will inject aliased values into instances of via property methods or fields. Support for tuplizers relating to components. Defines further responsibilities regarding tuplization based on a mapped components. ComponentTuplizer implementations should have the following constructor signature: (org.hibernate.mapping.Component) A tuplizer defines the contract for things which know how to manage a particular representation of a piece of data, given that representation's (the entity-mode essentially defining which representation). If that given piece of data is thought of as a data structure, then a tuplizer is the thing which knows how to: create such a data structure appropriately extract values from and inject values into such a data structure For example, a given piece of data might be represented as a POCO class. Here, it's representation and entity-mode is POCO. Well a tuplizer for POCO entity-modes would know how to: create the data structure by calling the POCO's constructor extract and inject values through getters/setter, or by direct field access, etc That same piece of data might also be represented as a DOM structure, using the tuplizer associated with the XML entity-mode, which would generate instances of as the data structure and know how to access the values as either nested s or as s. Extract the current values contained on the given entity. The entity from which to extract values. The current property values. HibernateException Inject the given values into the given entity. The entity. The values to be injected. Extract the value of a particular property from the given entity. The entity from which to extract the property value. The index of the property for which to extract the value. The current value of the given property on the given entity. Generate a new, empty entity. The new, empty entity instance. Is the given object considered an instance of the the entity (acconting for entity-mode) managed by this tuplizer. The object to be checked. True if the object is considered as an instance of this entity within the given mode. Return the pojo class managed by this tuplizer. The persistent class. Need to determine how to best handle this for the Tuplizers for EntityModes other than POCO. Retrieve the current value of the parent property. The component instance from which to extract the parent property value. The current value of the parent property. Set the value of the parent property. The component instance on which to set the parent. The parent to be set on the component. The current session factory. Does the component managed by this tuuplizer contain a parent property? True if the component does contain a parent property; false otherwise. This method does not populate the component parent Handles mapping s to ComponentTuplizers.

Most of the handling is really in the super class; here we just create the tuplizers and add them to the superclass

Centralizes handling of to mappings. Given a supposed instance of an entity/component, guess its entity mode. The supposed instance of the entity/component. The guessed entity mode. Locate the contained tuplizer responsible for the given entity-mode. If no such tuplizer is defined on this mapping, then return null. The entity-mode for which the caller wants a tuplizer. The tuplizer, or null if not found. Locate the tuplizer contained within this mapping which is responsible for the given entity-mode. If no such tuplizer is defined on this mapping, then an exception is thrown. The entity-mode for which the caller wants a tuplizer. The tuplizer. HibernateException Unable to locate the requested tuplizer. Centralizes metamodel information about a component. A specific to the dynamic-map entity mode. A specific to the POCO entity mode. Support for tuplizers relating to entities. Defines further responsibilities regarding tuplization based on a mapped entity. EntityTuplizer implementations should have the following constructor signature: (, ) Create an entity instance initialized with the given identifier. The identifier value for the entity to be instantiated. The instantiated entity. Extract the identifier value from the given entity. The entity from which to extract the identifier value. The identifier value. Inject the identifier value into the given entity. The entity to inject with the identifier value. The value to be injected as the identifier. Has no effect if the entity does not define an identifier property Inject the given identifier and version into the entity, in order to "roll back" to their original values. The identifier value to inject into the entity. The version value to inject into the entity. Extract the value of the version property from the given entity. The entity from which to extract the version value. The value of the version property, or null if not versioned. Inject the value of a particular property. The entity into which to inject the value. The property's index. The property value to inject. Inject the value of a particular property. The entity into which to inject the value. The name of the property. The property value to inject. Extract the values of the insertable properties of the entity (including backrefs) The entity from which to extract. a map of instances being merged to merged instances The session in which the resuest is being made. The insertable property values. Extract the value of a particular property from the given entity. The entity from which to extract the property value. The name of the property for which to extract the value. The current value of the given property on the given entity. Called just after the entities properties have been initialized. The entity being initialized. Are defined lazy properties currently unfecthed The session initializing this entity. Generates an appropriate proxy representation of this entity for this entity-mode. The id of the instance for which to generate a proxy. The session to which the proxy should be bound. The generate proxies. Does the given entity instance have any currently uninitialized lazy properties? The entity to be check for uninitialized lazy properties. True if uninitialized lazy properties were found; false otherwise. Does the class managed by this tuplizer implement the interface. True if the ILifecycle interface is implemented; false otherwise. Does the class managed by this tuplizer implement the interface. True if the IValidatable interface is implemented; false otherwise. Returns the java class to which generated proxies will be typed. The .NET class to which generated proxies will be typed Is it an instrumented POCO? Does this entity, for this mode, present a possibility for proxying? True if this tuplizer can generate proxies for this entity. Constructs a new AbstractEntityTuplizer instance. The "interpreted" information relating to the mapped entity. The parsed "raw" mapping data relating to the given entity. Build an appropriate Getter for the given property. The property to be accessed via the built Getter. The entity information regarding the mapped entity owning this property. An appropriate Getter instance. Build an appropriate Setter for the given property. The property to be accessed via the built Setter. The entity information regarding the mapped entity owning this property. An appropriate Setter instance. Build an appropriate Instantiator for the given mapped entity. The mapping information regarding the mapped entity. An appropriate Instantiator instance. Build an appropriate ProxyFactory for the given mapped entity. The mapping information regarding the mapped entity. The constructed Getter relating to the entity's id property. The constructed Setter relating to the entity's id property. An appropriate ProxyFactory instance. Extract a component property value. The component property types. The component instance itself. The property path for the property to be extracted. The property value extracted. Return the entity-mode handled by this tuplizer instance. Retrieves the defined entity-name for the tuplized entity. Retrieves the defined entity-names for any subclasses defined for this entity. Handles mapping s to s. Most of the handling is really in the super class; here we just create the tuplizers and add them to the superclass Instantiates a EntityEntityModeToTuplizerMapping based on the given entity mapping and metamodel definitions. The entity mapping definition. The entity metamodel definition. An specific to the POCO entity mode. Contract for implementors responsible for instantiating entity/component instances. Perform the requested entity instantiation. The id of the entity to be instantiated. An appropriately instantiated entity. This form is never called for component instantiation, only entity instantiation. Perform the requested instantiation. The instantiated data structure. Performs check to see if the given object is an instance of the entity or component which this Instantiator instantiates. The object to be checked. True is the object does represent an instance of the underlying entity/component. Represents a defined entity identifier property within the Hibernate runtime-metamodel. Author: Steve Ebersole Defines the basic contract of a Property within the runtime metamodel. Constructor for Property instances. The name by which the property can be referenced within its owner. The node name to use for XML-based representation of this property. The Hibernate Type of this property. Construct a non-virtual identifier property. The name of the property representing the identifier within its owning entity. The node name to use for XML-based representation of this property. The Hibernate Type for the identifier property. Is this an embedded identifier. The value which, if found as the value on the identifier property, represents new (i.e., un-saved) instances of the owning entity. The generator to use for id value generation. Construct a virtual IdentifierProperty. The Hibernate Type for the identifier property. Is this an embedded identifier. The value which, if found as the value on the identifier property, represents new (i.e., un-saved) instances of the owning entity. The generator to use for id value generation. Defines a POCO-based instantiator for use from the tuplizers. Responsible for generation of runtime metamodel representations. Makes distinction between identifier, version, and other (standard) properties. Author: Steve Ebersole Generates an IdentifierProperty representation of the for a given entity mapping. The mapping definition of the entity. The identifier value generator to use for this identifier. The appropriate IdentifierProperty definition. Generates a VersionProperty representation for an entity mapping given its version mapping Property. The version mapping Property. Is property lazy loading currently available. The appropriate VersionProperty definition. Generate a "standard" (i.e., non-identifier and non-version) based on the given mapped property. The mapped property. Is property lazy loading currently available. The appropriate StandardProperty definition. Represents a basic property within the Hibernate runtime-metamodel. Author: Steve Ebersole Constructs StandardProperty instances. The name by which the property can be referenced within its owner. The node name to use for XML-based representation of this property. The Hibernate Type of this property. Should this property be handled lazily? Is this property an insertable value? Is this property an updateable value? Is this property generated in the database on insert? Is this property generated in the database on update? Is this property a nullable value? Is this property a checkable value? Is this property a versionable value? The cascade style for this property's value. Any fetch mode defined for this property Represents a version property within the Hibernate runtime-metamodel. Author: Steve Ebersole Constructs VersionProperty instances. The name by which the property can be referenced within its owner. The node name to use for XML-based representation of this property. The Hibernate Type of this property. Should this property be handled lazily? Is this property an insertable value? Is this property an updateable value? Is this property generated in the database on insert? Is this property generated in the database on update? Is this property a nullable value? Is this property a checkable value? Is this property a versionable value? The cascade style for this property's value. The value which, if found as the value of this (i.e., the version) property, represents new (i.e., un-saved) instances of the owning entity. Logic to bind stream of byte into a VARBINARY Superclass for mutable nullable types. Superclass of single-column nullable types. Maps the Property to a single column that is capable of storing nulls in it. If a .net Struct is used it will be created with its unitialized value and then on Update the uninitialized value of the Struct will be written to the column - not . The base implementation of the interface. Mapping of the built in Type hierarchy. Disassembles the object into a cacheable representation. The value to disassemble. The is not used by this method. optional parent entity object (needed for collections) The disassembled, deep cloned state of the object This method calls DeepCopy if the value is not null. Reconstructs the object from its cached "disassembled" state. The disassembled state from the cache The is not used by this method. The parent Entity object is not used by this method The assembled object. This method calls DeepCopy if the value is not null. Should the parent be considered dirty, given both the old and current field or element value? The old value The current value The is not used by this method. true if the field is dirty This method uses IType.Equals(object, object) to determine the value of IsDirty. Retrives an instance of the mapped class, or the identifier of an entity or collection from a . The that contains the values. The names of the columns in the that contain the value to populate the IType with. the session The parent Entity An identifier or actual object mapped by this IType. This method uses the IType.NullSafeGet(IDataReader, string[], ISessionImplementor, object) method to Hydrate this . Maps identifiers to Entities or Collections. An identifier or value returned by Hydrate() The is not used by this method. The parent Entity is not used by this method. The value. There is nothing done in this method other than return the value parameter passed in. Says whether the value has been modified When implemented by a class, returns a deep copy of the persistent state, stopping at entities and at collections. A Collection element or Entity fieldThe entityMode.The session factory.A deep copy of the object. When implemented by a class, returns the SqlTypes for the columns mapped by this IType. The that uses this IType.An array of s. When implemented by a class, returns how many columns are used to persist this type. The that uses this IType.The number of columns this IType spans.MappingException When implemented by a class, puts the value/values from the mapped class into the . The to put the values into.The object that contains the values.The index of the to start writing the values to.Indicates which columns are to be set. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. A multi-column type should be written to parameters starting from . When implemented by a class, puts the value/values from the mapped class into the . The to put the values into. The object that contains the values. The index of the to start writing the values to. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. A multi-column type should be written to parameters starting from . When implemented by a class, a representation of the value to be embedded in an XML element The object that contains the values.An Xml formatted string. Gets a value indicating if the is an . false - by default an is not an . Gets a value indicating if the is a . false - by default an is not a . Gets a value indicating if the is an . false - by default an is not an . Gets a value indicating if the is a . false - by default an is not a . Gets a value indicating if the implementation is an "object" type false - by default an is not a "object" type. When implemented by a class, gets the value indicating if the objects of this IType are mutable. true if the objects mapped by this IType are mutable. With respect to the referencing object... Entities and Collections are considered immutable because they manage their own internal state. When implemented by a class, gets the abbreviated name of the type. The NHibernate type name. When implemented by a class, gets the returned by the NullSafeGet() methods. The from the .NET framework. This is used to establish the class of an array of this Itype Initialize a new instance of the NullableType class using a . The underlying . This is used when the Property is mapped to a single column. When implemented by a class, put the value from the mapped Property into to the . The to put the value into. The object that contains the value. The index of the to start writing the values to. Implementors do not need to handle possibility of null values because this will only be called from after it has checked for nulls. When implemented by a class, gets the object in the for the Property. The that contains the value. The index of the field to get the value from. An object with the value from the database. When implemented by a class, gets the object in the for the Property. The that contains the value. The name of the field to get the value from. An object with the value from the database. Most implementors just call the overload of this method. A representation of the value to be embedded in an XML element The object that contains the values. An Xml formatted string. When implemented by a class, a representation of the value to be embedded in an XML element The object that contains the values.An Xml formatted string. This implementation forwards the call to if the parameter value is not null. It has been "sealed" because the Types inheriting from do not need and should not override this method. All of their implementation should be in . Parse the XML representation of an instance XML string to parse, guaranteed to be non-empty When implemented by a class, puts the value/values from the mapped class into the . The to put the values into. The object that contains the values. The index of the to start writing the values to. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. A multi-column type should be written to parameters starting from . This implementation forwards the call to . It has been "sealed" because the Types inheriting from do not need to and should not override this method. All of their implementation should be in . Puts the value from the mapped class into the . The to put the values into. The object that contains the values. The index of the to write the value to. This method checks to see if value is null, if it is then the value of is written to the . If the value is not null, then the method is called and that method is responsible for setting the value. When implemented by a class, gets an instance of the object mapped by this IType from the . The that contains the values The names of the columns in the that contain the value to populate the IType with. The object mapped by this IType. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. This has been sealed because no other class should override it. This method calls for a single value. It only takes the first name from the string[] names parameter - that is a safe thing to do because a Nullable Type only has one field. Extracts the values of the fields from the DataReader The DataReader positioned on the correct record An array of field names. The value off the field from the DataReader In this class this just ends up passing the first name to the NullSafeGet method that takes a string, not a string[]. I don't know why this method is in here - it doesn't look like anybody that inherits from NullableType overrides this... TODO: determine if this is needed Gets the value of the field from the . The positioned on the correct record. The name of the field to get the value from. The value of the field. This method checks to see if value is null, if it is then the null is returned from this method. If the value is not null, then the method is called and that method is responsible for retrieving the value. When implemented by a class, gets an instance of the object mapped by this IType from the . The that contains the valuesThe name of the column in the that contains the value to populate the IType with.The object mapped by this IType. Implementations should handle possibility of null values. This method might be called if the IType is known to be a single-column type. This implementation forwards the call to . It has been "sealed" because the Types inheriting from do not need to and should not override this method. All of their implementation should be in . When implemented by a class, returns the SqlTypes for the columns mapped by this IType. The that uses this IType.An array of s. This implementation forwards the call to . It has been "sealed" because the Types inheriting from do not need to and should not override this method because they map to a single column. All of their implementation should be in . Returns the number of columns spanned by this A always returns 1. This has the hard coding of 1 in there because, by definition of this class, a NullableType can only map to one column in a table. Determines whether the specified is equal to this . The to compare with this NullableType. true if the SqlType and Name properties are the same. Serves as a hash function for the , suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. A hash code that is based on the 's hash code and the 's hash code. Gets the underlying for the column mapped by this . The underlying . This implementation should be suitable for all subclasses unless they need to do some special things to get the value. There are no built in s that override this Property. Initialize a new instance of the MutableType class using a . The underlying . Gets the value indicating if this IType is mutable. true - a is mutable. This has been "sealed" because any subclasses are expected to be mutable. If the type is immutable then they should inherit from . An that may be used to version data. When implemented by a class, increments the version. The current version The current session, if available. an instance of the that has been incremented. When implemented by a class, gets an initial version. The current session, if available. An instance of the type. Are the two version values considered equal? One value to check. The other value to check. true if the values are equal, false otherwise. Get a comparator for the version numbers Convert the byte[] into the expected object type Convert the object into the internal byte[] representation Common base class for and . Superclass of types. Superclass of nullable immutable types. Initialize a new instance of the ImmutableType class using a . The underlying . Gets the value indicating if this IType is mutable. false - an is not mutable. This has been "sealed" because any subclasses are expected to be immutable. If the type is mutable then they should inherit from . An that may appear as an SQL literal When implemented by a class, return a representation of the value, suitable for embedding in an SQL statement The object to convert to a string for the SQL statement. A string that contains a well formed SQL Statement. Initialize a new instance of the PrimitiveType class using a . The underlying . When implemented by a class, return a representation of the value, suitable for embedding in an SQL statement The object to convert to a string for the SQL statement. A string that containts a well formed SQL Statement. A representation of the value to be embedded in an XML element The object that contains the values. An Xml formatted string. This just calls so if there is a possibility of this PrimitiveType having any characters that need to be encoded then this method should be overridden. An IType that may be used for a discriminator column. This interface contains no new methods but does require that an that will be used in a discriminator column must implement both the and interfaces. An that may be used as an identifier. When implemented by a class, converts the xml string from the mapping file to the .NET object. The value of discriminator-value or unsaved-value attribute. The string converted to the object. This method needs to be able to handle any string. It should not just call System.Type.Parse without verifying that it is a parsable value for the System.Type. Maps a Property to a column that stores date & time down to the accuracy of a second. This only stores down to a second, so if you are looking for the most accurate date and time storage your provider can give you use the . or the Base class for enum types. Maps a Property to a DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength column. Maps a Property to a column. Handles "any" mappings and the old deprecated "object" type. The identifierType is any NHibernate IType that can be serailized by default. For example, you can specify the identifierType as an Int32 or a custom identifier type that you built. The identifierType matches to one or many columns. The metaType maps to a single column. By default it stores the name of the Type that the Identifier identifies. For example, we can store a link to any table. It will have the results class_name id_col1 ======================================== Simple, AssemblyName 5 DiffClass, AssemblyName 5 Simple, AssemblyName 4 You can also provide you own type that might map the name of the class to a table with a giant switch statemet or a good naming convention for your class->table. The data stored might look like class_name id_col1 ======================================== simple_table 5 diff_table 5 simple_table 4 Enables other Component-like types to hold collections and have cascades, etc. Get the values of the component properties of a component instance Optional Operation Optional operation Get the types of the component properties Get the names of the component properties Optional operation nullability of component properties An that represents some kind of association between entities. Get the "persister" for this association - a class or collection persister Get the entity name of the associated entity Get the "filtering" SQL fragment that is applied in the SQL on clause, in addition to the usual join condition. When implemented by a class, gets the type of foreign key directionality of this association. The of this association. Is the primary key of the owning entity table to be used in the join? Get the name of the property in the owning entity that provides the join key (null if the identifier) The name of a unique property of the associated entity that provides the join key (null if the identifier of an entity, or key of a collection) Do we dirty check this association, even when there are no columns to be updated. Not really relevant to AnyType, since it cannot be "joined" An that maps an collection to the database. The base class for an that maps collections to the database. Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Instantiate an uninitialized collection wrapper or holder. Callers MUST add the holder to the persistence context! The session from which the request is originating. The underlying collection persister (metadata) The owner key. The instantiated collection. Wrap the naked collection instance in a wrapper, or instantiate a holder. Callers MUST add the holder to the persistence context! The session from which the request is originating. The bare collection to be wrapped. A subclass of that wraps the non NHibernate collection. Get the key value from the owning entity instance, usually the identifier, but might be some other unique key, in the case of property-ref Get the id value from the owning entity key, usually the same as the key, but might be some other property, in the case of property-ref The collection owner key The session from which the request is originating. The collection owner's id, if it can be obtained from the key; otherwise, null is returned Instantiate an empty instance of the "underlying" collection (not a wrapper), but with the given anticipated size (i.e. accounting for initial capacity and perhaps load factor). The anticipated size of the instantiated collection after we are done populating it. A newly instantiated collection to be wrapped. Get an iterator over the element set of the collection, which may not yet be wrapped The collection to be iterated The session from which the request is originating. The iterator. Get an iterator over the element set of the collection in POCO mode The collection to be iterated The iterator. We always need to dirty check the collection because we sometimes need to increment version number of owner and also because of how assemble/disassemble is implemented for uks Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. The of the element contained in the array. This creates a bag that is non-generic. Wraps a in a . The for the collection to be a part of. The unwrapped array. An that wraps the non NHibernate . The for the element. An that maps an collection using bag semantics to the database. Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Instantiates a new for the bag. The current for the bag. A new . Wraps an in a NHibernate . The for the collection to be a part of. The unwrapped . An that wraps the non NHibernate . Maps a System.Byte[] Property to an column that can store a BLOB. This is only needed by DataProviders (SqlClient) that need to specify a Size for the IDbDataParameter. Most DataProvider(Oralce) don't need to set the Size so a BinaryType would work just fine. BinaryType. Maps a Property to a column. Initialize a new instance of the BooleanType This is used when the Property is mapped to a native boolean type. Initialize a new instance of the BooleanType class using a . The underlying . This is used when the Property is mapped to a string column that stores true or false as a string. Maps a property to a column. Maps a Property to a column. Maps a Property to a DbType.StringFixedLength column. ClassMetaType is a NH specific type to support "any" with meta-type="class" It work like a MetaType where the key is the entity-name it self This method does not populate the component parent Maps a Property to a column. CultureInfoType stores the culture name (not the Culture ID) of the in the DB. Maps a Property to a column. A custom type for mapping user-written classes that implement . Adapts IUserType to the generic IType interface. Maps a Property to a Maps a Property to a Maps the Year, Month, and Day of a Property to a column Support for parameterizable types. A UserType or CustomUserType may be made parameterizable by implementing this interface. Parameters for a type may be set by using a nested type element for the property element Gets called by Hibernate to pass the configured type parameters to the implementation. An extension of which maps to the database's current timestamp, rather than the vm's current timestamp. Note: May/may-not cause issues on dialects which do not properly support a true notion of timestamp This is almost the exact same type as the DateTime except it can be used in the version column, stores it to the accuracy the database supports, and will default to the value of DateTime.Now if the value is null.

The value stored in the database depends on what your data provider is capable of storing. So there is a possibility that the DateTime you save will not be the same DateTime you get back when you check DateTime.Equals(DateTime) because they will have their milliseconds off.

For example - SQL Server 2000 is only accurate to 3.33 milliseconds. So if NHibernate writes a value of 01/01/98 23:59:59.995 to the Prepared Command, MsSql will store it as 1998-01-01 23:59:59.997.

Please review the documentation of your Database server.

Sets the value of this Type in the IDbCommand. The IDbCommand to add the Type's value to. The value of the Type. The index of the IDataParameter in the IDbCommand. No null values will be written to the IDbCommand for this Type. Maps a Property to a column. A reference to an entity class Constructs the requested entity type mapping. The name of the associated entity. The property-ref name, or null if we reference the PK of the associated entity. Is eager fetching enabled. Should values of this mapping be embedded in XML modes? Is unwrapping of proxies allowed for this association; unwrapping says to return the "implementation target" of lazy prooxies; typically only possible with lazy="no-proxy". Two entities are considered the same when their instances are the same. One entity instance Another entity instance The entity mode. True if x == y; false otherwise. Get the identifier value of an instance or proxy.

Intended only for loggin purposes!!!

The object from which to extract the identifier. The entity persister The entity mode The extracted identifier.
Converts the id contained in the to an object. The that contains the query results. A string array of column names that contain the id. The this is occurring in. The object that this Entity will be a part of. An instance of the object or if the identifer was null. Retrieves the {@link Joinable} defining the associated entity. The session factory. The associated joinable Determine the type of either (1) the identifier if we reference the associated entity's PK or (2) the unique key to which we refer (i.e. the property-ref). The mappings... The appropriate type. The name of the property on the associated entity to which our FK refers The mappings... The appropriate property name. Convenience method to locate the identifier type of the associated entity. The mappings... The identifier type Convenience method to locate the identifier type of the associated entity. The originating session The identifier type Resolves the identifier to the actual object. Resolve an identifier or unique key value The name of the associated entity. The session factory, for resolution. The associated entity name. The name of the associated entity. The associated entity name. Load an instance by a unique key that is not the primary key. The name of the entity to load The name of the property defining the uniqie key. The unique key property value. The originating session. The loaded entity Explicitly, an entity type is an entity type True. This returns the wrong class for an entity with a proxy, or for a named entity. Theoretically it should return the proxy class, but it doesn't.

The problem here is that we do not necessarily have a ref to the associated entity persister (nor to the session factory, to look it up) which is really needed to "do the right thing" here...

When implemented by a class, gets the type of foreign key directionality of this association. The of this association. Is the foreign key the primary key of the table? Converts the given enum instance into a basic type. Maps a to a DbType.String. If your database should store the using the named values in the enum instead of the underlying values then subclass this . All that needs to be done is to provide a default constructor that NHibernate can use to create the specific type. For example, if you had an enum defined as. public enum MyEnum { On, Off, Dimmed } all that needs to be written for your enum string type is: public class MyEnumStringType : NHibernate.Type.EnumStringType { public MyEnumStringType() : base( typeof( MyEnum ) ) { } } The mapping would look like: ... <property name="Status" type="MyEnumStringType, AssemblyContaining" /> ... The TestFixture that shows the working code can be seen in NHibernate.Test.TypesTest.EnumStringTypeFixture.cs , NHibernate.Test.TypesTest.EnumStringClass.cs , and NHibernate.Test.TypesTest.EnumStringClass.hbm.xml Hardcoding of 255 for the maximum length of the Enum name that will be saved to the db. 255 because that matches the default length that hbm2ddl will use to create the column. Initializes a new instance of . The of the Enum. Initializes a new instance of . The of the Enum. The length of the string that can be written to the column. This appends enumstring - to the beginning of the underlying enums name so that could still be stored using the underlying value through the also. Represents directionality of the foreign key constraint A foreign key from parent to child A foreign key from child to parent Should we cascade at this cascade point? An that maps an collection to the database using bag semantics. Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Instantiates a new for the bag. The current for the bag. The current for the bag. Wraps an in a . The for the collection to be a part of. The unwrapped . An that wraps the non NHibernate . An that maps an collection using bag semantics with an identifier to the database. Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Instantiates a new for the identifier bag. The current for the identifier bag. Wraps an in a . The for the collection to be a part of. The unwrapped . An that wraps the non NHibernate . An that maps an collection to the database using list semantics. An that maps an collection using list semantics to the database. Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Instantiates a new for the bag. The current for the bag. A new . Wraps an exist in a NHibernate . The for the collection to be a part of. The unwrapped . An that wraps the non NHibernate . Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Instantiates a new for the list. The current for the list. The current for the list. Wraps an in a . The for the collection to be a part of. The unwrapped . An that wraps the non NHibernate . An that maps an collection to the database. An that maps an collection to the database. Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Instantiates a new for the map. The current for the map. Wraps an in a . The for the collection to be a part of. The unwrapped . An that wraps the non NHibernate . Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Instantiates a new for the map. The current for the map. Not used. Wraps an in a . The for the collection to be a part of. The unwrapped . An that wraps the non NHibernate . An that maps a sorted collection to the database. An that maps an collection to the database. An that maps an collection to the database. Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Instantiates a new for the set. The current for the set. Wraps an in a . The for the collection to be a part of. The unwrapped . An that wraps the non NHibernate . Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. Instantiates a new for the set. The current for the set. The current for the set. Wraps an in a . The for the collection to be a part of. The unwrapped . An that wraps the non NHibernate . Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. An that maps a sorted collection to the database. Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. The to use to compare set elements. Maps a Property to a column. Maps a Property to a column. Maps a Property to a column. Maps a Property to a column. A many-to-one association to an entity Hydrates the Identifier from . The that contains the query results. A string array of column names to read from. The this is occurring in. The object that this Entity will be a part of. An instantiated object that used as the identifier of the type. A one-to-one association to an entity We don't need to dirty check one-to-one because of how assemble/disassemble is implemented and because a one-to-one association is never dirty A implemented using a collection that maintains the order in which elements are inserted into it. Initializes a new instance of a class. The role the persistent collection is in. A implemented using a collection that maintains the order in which elements are inserted into it. Initializes a new instance of a class The role the persistent collection is in. PersistentEnumType Gets an instance of the Enum The underlying value of an item in the Enum. An instance of the Enum set to the code value. Gets the correct value for the Enum. The value to convert (an enum instance). A boxed version of the code, converted to the correct type. This handles situations where the DataProvider returns the value of the Enum from the db in the wrong underlying type. It uses to convert it to the correct type. Maps a Property to a column. Maps an instance of a that has the to a column. For performance reasons, the SerializableType should be used when you know that Bytes are not going to be greater than 8,000. Implementing a custom type is recommended for larger types. The base class is because the data is stored in a byte[]. The System.Array does not have a nice "equals" method so we must do a custom implementation. Thrown when a property cannot be serialized/deserialized Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Maps a Property to an column. Verify through your database's documentation if there is a column type that matches up with the capabilities of Extends the to provide sorting. Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role using the to do the sorting. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. The to use for the sorting. Extends the to provide sorting. Initializes a new instance of a class for a specific role using the to do the sorting. The role the persistent collection is in. The name of the property in the owner object containing the collection ID, or if it is the primary key. The to use for the sorting. A one-to-one association that maps to specific formula(s) instead of the primary key column of the owning entity. Maps a Property to an column that can store a CLOB. This is only needed by DataProviders (SqlClient) that need to specify a Size for the IDbDataParameter. Most DataProvider(Oralce) don't need to set the Size so a StringType would work just fine. Maps a to a column. Maps a Property to an column that stores the DateTime using the Ticks property. This is the recommended way to "timestamp" a column. The System.DateTime.Ticks is accurate to 100-nanosecond intervals. Maps a Property to an column This is an extra way to map a . You already have but mapping against a . Maps a Property to an column Maps a Property to an DateTime column that only stores the Hours, Minutes, and Seconds of the DateTime as significant. Also you have for handling, the NHibernate Type , the which maps to a . This defaults the Date to "1753-01-01" - that should not matter because using this Type indicates that you don't care about the Date portion of the DateTime. A more appropriate choice to store the duration/time is the . The underlying tends to be handled differently by different DataProviders. Maps a to a 1 char column that stores a 'T'/'F' to indicate true/false. If you are using schema-export to generate your tables then you need to set the column attributes: length=1 or sql-type="char(1)". This needs to be done because in Java's JDBC there is a type for CHAR and in ADO.NET there is not one specifically for char, so you need to tell schema export to create a char(1) column. Used internally to obtain instances of IType. Applications should use static methods and constants on NHibernate.NHibernateUtil if the default IType is good enough. For example, the TypeFactory should only be used when the String needs to have a length of 300 instead of 255. At this point NHibernateUtil.String does not get you the correct IType. Instead use TypeFactory.GetString(300) and keep a local variable that holds a reference to the IType. Register other Default .NET type These type will be used, as default, even when the "type" attribute was NOT specified in the mapping Register other NO Default .NET type These type will be used only when the "type" attribute was is specified in the mapping. These are in here because needed to NO override default CLR types and be available in mappings Gets the classification of the Type based on the string. The name of the Type to get the classification for. The Type of Classification This parses through the string and makes the assumption that no class name and no assembly name will contain the "(". If it finds the "(" and then finds a "," afterwards then it is a TypeClassification.PrecisionScale. If it finds the "(" and doesn't find a "," afterwards, then it is a TypeClassification.Length. If it doesn't find the "(" then it assumes that it is a TypeClassification.Plain. Given the name of a Hibernate type such as Decimal, Decimal(19,0) , Int32, or even NHibernate.Type.DecimalType, NHibernate.Type.DecimalType(19,0), NHibernate.Type.Int32Type, then return an instance of NHibernate.Type.IType The name of the type. The instance of the IType that the string represents. This method will return null if the name is not found in the basicNameMap. Uses heuristics to deduce a NHibernate type given a string naming the type. An instance of NHibernate.Type.IType When looking for the NHibernate type it will look in the cache of the Basic types first. If it doesn't find it in the cache then it uses the typeName to get a reference to the Class (Type in .NET). Once we get the reference to the .NET class we check to see if it implements IType, ICompositeUserType, IUserType, ILifecycle (Association), or IPersistentEnum. If none of those are implemented then we will serialize the Type to the database using NHibernate.Type.SerializableType(typeName) Uses heuristics to deduce a NHibernate type given a string naming the type. the type name parameters for the type An instance of NHibernate.Type.IType Uses heuristics to deduce a NHibernate type given a string naming the type. the type name parameters for the type optionally, the size of the type Gets the BinaryType with the specified length. The length of the data to store in the database. A BinaryType In addition to returning the BinaryType it will also ensure that it has been added to the basicNameMap with the keys Byte[](length) and NHibernate.Type.BinaryType(length). Gets the SerializableType for the specified Type The Type that will be Serialized to the database. A SerializableType In addition to returning the SerializableType it will also ensure that it has been added to the basicNameMap with the keys Type.FullName (the result of IType.Name and Type.AssemblyQualifiedName. This is different from the other items put in the basicNameMap because it is uses the AQN and the FQN as opposed to the short name used in the maps and the FQN. Since this method calls the method GetSerializableType(System.Type, Int32) with the default length, those keys will also be added. A one-to-one association type for the given class and cascade style. A many-to-one association type for the given class and cascade style. A many-to-one association type for the given class and cascade style. A many-to-one association type for the given class and cascade style. Collection of convenience methods relating to operations across arrays of types... Deep copy a series of values from one array to another The values to copy (the source) The value types An array indicating which values to include in the copy The array into which to copy the values The originating session Apply the operation across a series of values. The values The value types The originating session Apply the operation across a series of values. The values The value types The originating session The entity "owning" the values Apply the operation across a series of values. The values The value types An array indicating which values to include in the disassembled state The originating session The entity "owning" the values The disassembled state Apply the operation across a series of values. The source of the state The target into which to replace the source values. The value types The originating session The entity "owning" the values Represent a cache of already replaced state The replaced state Apply the operation across a series of values. The source of the state The target into which to replace the source values. The value types The originating session The entity "owning" the values A map representing a cache of already replaced state FK directionality to be applied to the replacement The replaced state Apply the operation across a series of values, as long as the corresponding is an association. The source of the state The target into which to replace the source values. The value types The originating session The entity "owning" the values A map representing a cache of already replaced state FK directionality to be applied to the replacement The replaced state If the corresponding type is a component type, then apply across the component subtypes but do not replace the component value itself. Determine if any of the given field values are dirty, returning an array containing indices of the dirty fields. If it is determined that no fields are dirty, null is returned. The property definitions The current state of the entity The baseline state of the entity Columns to be included in the dirty checking, per property Does the entity currently hold any uninitialized property values? The session from which the dirty check request originated. Array containing indices of the dirty properties, or null if no properties considered dirty. Determine if any of the given field values are modified, returning an array containing indices of the modified fields. If it is determined that no fields are dirty, null is returned. The property definitions The current state of the entity The baseline state of the entity Columns to be included in the mod checking, per property Does the entity currently hold any uninitialized property values? The session from which the dirty check request originated. Array containing indices of the modified properties, or null if no properties considered modified. Maps the Assembly Qualified Name of a to a column. Initialize a new instance of the TypeType class using a . The underlying . Gets the in the for the Property. The that contains the value. The index of the field to get the value from. The from the database. Thrown when the value in the database can not be loaded as a Gets the in the for the Property. The that contains the value. The name of the field to get the value from. The from the database. This just calls gets the index of the name in the IDataReader and calls the overloaded version (IDataReader, Int32). Thrown when the value in the database can not be loaded as a Puts the Assembly Qualified Name of the Property into to the . The to put the value into. The that contains the value. The index of the to start writing the value to. This uses the method of the object to do the work. A representation of the value to be embedded in an XML element The that contains the values. An Xml formatted string that contains the Assembly Qualified Name. Gets the that will be returned by the NullSafeGet() methods. A from the .NET framework. Maps a Property to a column. Maps a Property to a column. Maps a Property to a column. Maps a to a 1 char column that stores a 'Y'/'N' to indicate true/false. If you are using schema-export to generate your tables then you need to set the column attributes: length=1 or sql-type="char(1)". This needs to be done because in Java's JDBC there is a type for CHAR and in ADO.NET there is not one specifically for char, so you need to tell schema export to create a char(1) column. A UserType that may be dereferenced in a query. This interface allows a custom type to define "properties". These need not necessarily correspond to physical .NET style properties. A ICompositeUserType may be used in almost every way that a component may be used. It may even contain many-to-one associations. Implementors must be immutable and must declare a public default constructor. Unlike UserType, cacheability does not depend upon serializability. Instead, Assemble() and Disassemble() provide conversion to/from a cacheable representation. Get the value of a property an instance of class mapped by this "type" the property value Set the value of a property an instance of class mapped by this "type" the value to set Compare two instances of the class mapped by this type for persistence "equality", ie. equality of persistent state. Get a hashcode for the instance, consistent with persistence "equality" Retrieve an instance of the mapped class from a IDataReader. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. IDataReader the column names the containing entity Write an instance of the mapped class to a prepared statement. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. A multi-column type should be written to parameters starting from index. If a property is not settable, skip it and don't increment the index. Return a deep copy of the persistent state, stopping at entities and at collections. generally a collection element or entity field Transform the object into its cacheable representation. At the very least this method should perform a deep copy. That may not be enough for some implementations, method should perform a deep copy. That may not be enough for some implementations, however; for example, associations must be cached as identifier values. (optional operation) the object to be cached Reconstruct an object from the cacheable representation. At the very least this method should perform a deep copy. (optional operation) the object to be cached During merge, replace the existing (target) value in the entity we are merging to with a new (original) value from the detached entity we are merging. For immutable objects, or null values, it is safe to simply return the first parameter. For mutable objects, it is safe to return a copy of the first parameter. However, since composite user types often define component values, it might make sense to recursively replace component values in the target object. Get the "property names" that may be used in a query. Get the corresponding "property types" The class returned by NullSafeGet(). Are objects of this type mutable? A custom type that may function as an identifier or discriminator type, or may be marshalled to and from an XML document. The interface to be implemented by user-defined types. The interface abstracts user code from future changes to the interface, simplifies the implementation of custom types and hides certain "internal interfaces from user code. Implementers must be immutable and must declare a public default constructor. The actual class mapped by a IUserType may be just about anything. However, if it is to be cacheble by a persistent cache, it must be serializable. Alternatively, custom types could implement directly or extend one of the abstract classes in NHibernate.Type. This approach risks future incompatible changes to classes or interfaces in the package. Compare two instances of the class mapped by this type for persistent "equality" ie. equality of persistent state Get a hashcode for the instance, consistent with persistence "equality" Retrieve an instance of the mapped class from a JDBC resultset. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. a IDataReader column names the containing entity HibernateException Write an instance of the mapped class to a prepared statement. Implementors should handle possibility of null values. A multi-column type should be written to parameters starting from index. a IDbCommand the object to write command parameter index HibernateException Return a deep copy of the persistent state, stopping at entities and at collections. generally a collection element or entity field a copy During merge, replace the existing () value in the entity we are merging to with a new () value from the detached entity we are merging. For immutable objects, or null values, it is safe to simply return the first parameter. For mutable objects, it is safe to return a copy of the first parameter. For objects with component values, it might make sense to recursively replace component values. the value from the detached entity being merged the value in the managed entity the managed entity the value to be merged Reconstruct an object from the cacheable representation. At the very least this method should perform a deep copy if the type is mutable. (optional operation) the object to be cached the owner of the cached object a reconstructed object from the cachable representation Transform the object into its cacheable representation. At the very least this method should perform a deep copy if the type is mutable. That may not be enough for some implementations, however; for example, associations must be cached as identifier values. (optional operation) the object to be cached a cacheable representation of the object The SQL types for the columns mapped by this type. The type returned by NullSafeGet() Are objects of this type mutable? Parse a string representation of this value, as it appears in an XML document. Return an SQL literal representation of the value Return a string representation of this value, as it should appear in an XML document Marker interface for user types which want to perform custom logging of their corresponding values Generate a loggable string representation of the collection (value). The collection to be logged; guaranteed to be non-null and initialized. The factory. The loggable string representation. Instantiate an uninitialized instance of the collection wrapper Wrap an instance of a collection Return an over the elements of this collection - the passed collection instance may or may not be a wrapper Optional operation. Does the collection contain the entity instance? Optional operation. Return the index of the entity in the collection. Replace the elements of a collection with the elements of another collection Instantiate an empty instance of the "underlying" collection (not a wrapper), but with the given anticipated size (i.e. accounting for initial size and perhaps load factor). The anticipated size of the instantiated collection after we are done populating it. Note, may be negative to indicate that we not yet know anything about the anticipated size (i.e., when initializing from a result set row by row). A user type that may be used for a version property. Generate an initial version. The session from which this request originates. May be null; currently this only happens during startup when trying to determine the "unsaved value" of entities. an instance of the type Increment the version. The session from which this request originates. the current version an instance of the type Helper class that contains common array functions and data structures used through out NHibernate. Sets item at position to . Expands the list by adding values, if needed. Computes a hash code for . The hash code is computed as the sum of hash codes of individual elements, so that the value is independent of the collection iteration order. Creates a that uses case-insensitive string comparison associated with invariant culture. This is different from the method in in that the latter uses the current culture and is thus vulnerable to the "Turkish I" problem. Creates a that uses case-insensitive string comparison associated with invariant culture. This is different from the method in in that the latter uses the current culture and is thus vulnerable to the "Turkish I" problem. Computes a hash code for . The hash code is computed as the sum of hash codes of individual elements, so that the value is independent of the collection iteration order. A read-only dictionary that is always empty and permits lookup by key. A read-only dictionary that is always empty and permits lookup by key. Utility class implementing ToString for collections. All ToString overloads call element.ToString(). To print collections of entities or typed values, use . Get only filters enabled for many-to-one association. All enabled filters A new for filters enabled for many to one. An where keys are compared by object identity, rather than equals. All external users of this class need to have no knowledge of the IdentityKey - it is all hidden by this class. Do NOT use a System.Value type as the key for this Hashtable - only classes. See the google thread about why using System.Value is a bad thing. If I understand it correctly, the first call to get an object defined by a DateTime("2003-01-01") would box the DateTime and return the identity key for the box. If you were to get that Key and unbox it into a DateTime struct, then the next time you passed it in as the Key the IdentityMap would box it again (into a different box) and it would have a different IdentityKey - so you would not get the same value for the same DateTime value. Create a new instance of the IdentityMap that has no iteration order. A new IdentityMap based on a Hashtable. Create a new instance of the IdentityMap that has an iteration order of the order the objects were added to the Map. A new IdentityMap based on ListDictionary. Return the Dictionary Entries (as instances of DictionaryEntry in a collection that is safe from concurrent modification). Ie - we may safely add new instances to the underlying IDictionary during enumeration of the Values. The IDictionary to get the enumeration safe list. A Collection of DictionaryEntries Create the IdentityMap class with the correct class for the IDictionary. Unsorted = Hashtable Sorted = ListDictionary A class that implements the IDictionary for storing the objects. Verifies that we are not using a System.ValueType as the Key in the Dictionary The object that will be the key. An object that is safe to be a key. Thrown when the obj is a System.ValueType Returns the Keys used in this IdentityMap Provides a snapshot VIEW in the form of a List of the contents of the IdentityMap. You can safely iterate over this VIEW and modify the actual IdentityMap because the VIEW is a copy of the contents, not a reference to the existing Map. Contains a copy (not that actual instance stored) of the DictionaryEntries in a List. Set implementation that use == instead of equals() as its comparison mechanism that base its implementation of IdentityMap Combines multiple objects implementing into one. Creates an IEnumerable object from multiple IEnumerables. The IEnumerables to join together. A flag to indicate if Dispose() has been called. Finalizer that ensures the object is correctly disposed of. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Takes care of freeing the managed and unmanaged resources that this class is responsible for. Indicates if this JoinedEnumerable is being Disposed of or Finalized. The command is closed and the reader is disposed. This allows other ADO.NET related actions to occur without needing to move all the way through the EnumerableImpl. A map of objects whose mapping entries are sequenced based on the order in which they were added. This data structure has fast O(1) search time, deletion time, and insertion time This class is not thread safe. This class is not a really replication of JDK LinkedHashMap{K, V}, this class is an adaptation of SequencedHashMap with generics. Initializes a new instance of the class that is empty, has the default initial capacity, and uses the default equality comparer for the key type. Initializes a new instance of the class that is empty, has the specified initial capacity, and uses the default equality comparer for the key type. The initial number of elements that the can contain. Initializes a new instance of the class that is empty, has the default initial capacity, and uses the specified . The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default EqualityComparer for the type of the key. Initializes a new instance of the class that is empty, has the specified initial capacity, and uses the specified . The initial number of elements that the can contain. The implementation to use when comparing keys, or null to use the default EqualityComparer for the type of the key. An implementation of a Map which has a maximum size and uses a Least Recently Used algorithm to remove items from the Map when the maximum size is reached and new items are added. A map of objects whose mapping entries are sequenced based on the order in which they were added. This data structure has fast O(1) search time, deletion time, and insertion time This class is not thread safe. Construct an empty sentinel used to hold the head (sentinel.next) and the tail (sentinal.prev) of the list. The sentinal has a key and value Sentinel used to hold the head and tail of the list of entries Map of keys to entries Holds the number of modifications that have occurred to the map, excluding modifications made through a collection view's iterator. Construct a new sequenced hash map with default initial size and load factor Construct a new sequenced hash map with the specified initial size and default load factor the initial size for the hash table Construct a new sequenced hash map with the specified initial size and load factor the initial size for the hashtable the load factor for the hash table Construct a new sequenced hash map with the specified initial size, hash code provider and comparer the initial size for the hashtable Creates an empty Hashtable with the default initial capacity and using the default load factor, the specified hash code provider and the specified comparer Creates an empty Hashtable with the default initial capacity and using the default load factor, the specified hash code provider and the specified comparer the initial size for the hashtable the load factor for the hash table Removes an internal entry from the linked list. THis does not remove it from the underlying map. Inserts a new internal entry to the tail of the linked list. This does not add the entry to the underlying map. Remove the Entry identified by the Key if it exists. The Key to remove. Return only the Key of the DictionaryEntry Return only the Value of the DictionaryEntry Return the full DictionaryEntry Summary description for ObjectUtils. Helper class for Reflection related code. Determine if the specified overrides the implementation of Equals from The to reflect. if any type in the hierarchy overrides Equals(object). Determine if the specified overrides the implementation of GetHashCode from The to reflect. if any type in the hierarchy overrides GetHashCode(). Finds the for the property in the . The to find the property in. The name of the Property to find. The name of the property access strategy. The to get the value of the Property. This one takes a propertyAccessor name as we might know the correct strategy by now so we avoid Exceptions which are costly Get the NHibernate for the named property of the . The to find the Property in. The name of the property/field to find in the class. The name of the property accessor for the property. The NHibernate for the named property. Get the for the named property of a type. The to find the property in. The name of the property/field to find in the class. The name of the property accessor for the property. The for the named property. Get the for the named property of a type. The FullName to find the property in. The name of the property/field to find in the class. The name of the property accessor for the property. The for the named property. Returns a reference to the Type. The name of the class or a fully qualified name. The Type for the Class. Load a System.Type given is't name. The class FullName or AssemblyQualifiedName The System.Type If the don't represent an the method try to find the System.Type scanning all Assemblies of the . If no System.Type was found for . Load a System.Type given is't name. The class FullName or AssemblyQualifiedName The System.Type or null If the don't represent an the method try to find the System.Type scanning all Assemblies of the . Returns a from an already loaded Assembly or an Assembly that is loaded with a partial name. An . if an exception should be thrown in case of an error, otherwise. A object that represents the specified type, or if the type cannot be loaded. Attempts to get a reference to the type from an already loaded assembly. If the type cannot be found then the assembly is loaded using . Returns the value of the static field of . The . The name of the field in the . The value contained in the field, or if the type or the field does not exist. Gets the default no arg constructor for the . The to find the constructor for. The for the no argument constructor, or if the type is an abstract class. Thrown when there is a problem calling the method GetConstructor on . Finds the constructor that takes the parameters. The to find the constructor in. The objects to use to find the appropriate constructor. An that can be used to create the type with the specified parameters. Thrown when no constructor with the correct signature can be found. Determines if the is a non creatable class. The to check. if the is an Abstract Class or an Interface. Unwraps the supplied and returns the inner exception preserving the stack trace. The to unwrap. The unwrapped exception. Try to find a method in a given type. The given type. The method info. The found method or null. The , in general, become from another . Try to find a property, that can be managed by NHibernate, from a given type. The given . The name of the property to find. true if the property exists; otherwise false. When the user defines a field.xxxxx access strategy should be because both the property and the field exists. NHibernate can work even when the property does not exist but in this case the user should use the appropiate accessor. Check if a method is declared in a given . The method to check. The where the method is really declared. True if the method is an implementation of the method declared in ; false otherwise. Used to ensure a collection filtering a given IEnumerable by a certain type. The type used like filter. Cache following a "Most Recently Used" (MRU) algorithm for maintaining a bounded in-memory size; the "Least Recently Used" (LRU) entry is the first available for removal from the cache. This implementation uses a bounded MRU Map to limit the in-memory size of the cache. Thus the size of this cache never grows beyond the stated size. Cache following a "Most Recently Used" (MRY) algorithm for maintaining a bounded in-memory size; the "Least Recently Used" (LRU) entry is the first available for removal from the cache. This implementation uses a "soft limit" to the in-memory size of the cache, meaning that all cache entries are kept within a completely {@link java.lang.ref.SoftReference}-based map with the most recently utilized entries additionally kept in a hard-reference manner to prevent those cache entries soft references from becoming enqueued by the garbage collector. Thus the actual size of this cache impl can actually grow beyond the stated max size bound as long as GC is not actively seeking soft references for enqueuement. Just a façade for calling string.Split() We don't use our StringTokenizer because string.Split() is more efficient (but it only works when we don't want to retrieve the delimiters) separators for the tokens of the list the string that will be broken into tokens Splits the String using the StringTokenizer. separators for the tokens of the list the string that will be broken into tokens true to include the separators in the tokens. This is more powerful than Split because you have the option of including or not including the separators in the tokens. Takes a fully qualified type name and returns the full name of the Class - includes namespaces. Takes a fully qualified type name (can include the assembly) and just returns the name of the Class. Converts a in the format of "true", "t", "false", or "f" to a . The string to convert. The value converted to a . Counts the unquoted instances of the character. Generate a nice alias for the given class name or collection role name and unique integer. Subclasses do not have to use aliases of this form. an alias of the form foo1_ Returns the interned string equal to if there is one, or otherwise. A A A StringTokenizer java like object Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified IDictionary. This method allows modules to provide users with "read-only" access to internal dictionary. Query operations on the returned dictionary "read through" to the specified dictionary, and attempts to modify the returned dictionary, whether direct or via its collection views, result in an . The type of keys in the dictionary. The type of values in the dictionary. Initializes a new instance of the UnmodifiableDictionary class that contains elements wrapped from the specified IDictionary. The whose elements are wrapped. Count of elements in the collection. Unreliable! Indicates failure of an assertion: a possible bug in NHibernate Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Controls how the session interacts with the second-level cache and query cache. The session will never interact with the cache, except to invalidate cache items when updates occur The session will never read items from the cache, but will add items to the cache as it reads them from the database. The session may read items from the cache, but will not add items, except to invalidate items when updates occur The session may read items from the cache, and add items to the cache The session will never read items from the cache, but will add items to the cache as it reads them from the database. In this mode, the effect of hibernate.cache.use_minimal_puts is bypassed, in order to force a cache refresh Initializes a new instance of the class. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Transforms Criteria queries Returns a clone of the original criteria, which will return the count of rows that are returned by the original criteria query. Returns a clone of the original criteria, which will return the count of rows that are returned by the original criteria query. Creates an exact clone of the criteria Creates an exact clone of the criteria Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The name of the duplicate object The type of the duplicate object Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the duplicate object The type of the duplicate object Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. The type of the duplicated object The name of the duplicated object Allows user code to inspect and/or change property values before they are written and after they are read from the database There might be a single instance of IInterceptor for a SessionFactory, or a new instance might be specified for each ISession. Whichever approach is used, the interceptor must be serializable if the ISession is to be serializable. This means that SessionFactory -scoped interceptors should implement ReadResolve(). The ISession may not be invoked from a callback (nor may a callback cause a collection or proxy to be lazily initialized). Called just before an object is initialized The interceptor may change the state, which will be propagated to the persistent object. Note that when this method is called, entity will be an empty uninitialized instance of the class. if the user modified the state in any way Called when an object is detected to be dirty, during a flush. The interceptor may modify the detected currentState, which will be propagated to both the database and the persistent object. Note that all flushes end in an actual synchronization with the database, in which as the new currentState will be propagated to the object, but not necessarily (immediately) to the database. It is strongly recommended that the interceptor not modify the previousState. if the user modified the currentState in any way Called before an object is saved The interceptor may modify the state, which will be used for the SQL INSERT and propagated to the persistent object if the user modified the state in any way Called before an object is deleted It is not recommended that the interceptor modify the state. Called before a collection is (re)created. Called before a collection is deleted. Called before a collection is updated. Called before a flush The entities Called after a flush that actually ends in execution of the SQL statements required to synchronize in-memory state with the database. The entitites Called when a transient entity is passed to SaveOrUpdate. The return value determines if the object is saved - the entity is passed to Save(), resulting in an INSERT - the entity is passed to Update(), resulting in an UPDATE - Hibernate uses the unsaved-value mapping to determine if the object is unsaved A transient entity Boolean or to choose default behaviour Called from Flush(). The return value determines whether the entity is updated an array of property indicies - the entity is dirty an empty array - the entity is not dirty - use Hibernate's default dirty-checking algorithm A persistent entity An array of dirty property indicies or to choose default behavior Instantiate the entity class. Return to indicate that Hibernate should use the default constructor of the class the name of the entity The type of entity instance to be returned. the identifier of the new instance An instance of the class, or to choose default behaviour The identifier property of the returned instance should be initialized with the given identifier. Get the entity name for a persistent or transient instance an entity instance the name of the entity Get a fully loaded entity instance that is cached externally the name of the entity the instance identifier a fully initialized entity Called when a NHibernate transaction is begun via the NHibernate API. Will not be called if transactions are being controlled via some other mechanism. Called before a transaction is committed (but not before rollback). Called after a transaction is committed or rolled back. Called when sql string is being prepared. sql to be prepared original or modified sql Called when a session-scoped (and only session scoped) interceptor is attached to a session session-scoped-interceptor is an instance of the interceptor used only for one session. The use of singleton-interceptor may cause problems in multi-thread scenario. Defines the representation modes available for entities. Represents a fetching strategy. This is used together with the API to specify runtime fetching strategies. For Hql queries, use the FETCH keyword instead. Default to the setting configured in the mapping file. Fetch eagerly, using a separate select. Equivalent to fetch="select" (and outer-join="false") Fetch using an outer join. Equivalent to fetch="join" (and outer-join="true") Indicates that an expected getter or setter method could not be found on a class Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Represents a flushing strategy. The flush process synchronizes database state with session state by detecting state changes and executing SQL statements Special value for unspecified flush mode (like in Java). The ISession is never flushed unless Flush() is explicitly called by the application. This mode is very efficient for read only transactions The ISession is flushed when Transaction.Commit() is called The ISession is sometimes flushed before query execution in order to ensure that queries never return stale state. This is the default flush mode. The is flushed before every query. This is almost always unnecessary and inefficient. Provides XML marshalling for classes registered with a SessionFactory Hibernate defines a generic XML format that may be used to represent any class (hibernate-generic.dtd). The user configures an XSLT stylesheet for marshalling data from this generic format to an application and/or user readable format. By default, Hibernate will use hibernate-default.xslt which maps data to a useful human- readable format. The property xml.output_stylesheet specifies a user-written stylesheet. Hibernate will attempt to load the stylesheet from the classpath first and if not found, will attempt to load it as a file It is not intended that implementors be threadsafe Add an object to the output document. A transient or persistent instance Databinder Add a collection of objects to the output document A collection of transient or persistent instance Databinder Output the generic XML representation of the bound objects Generic Xml representation Output the generic XML Representation of the bound objects to a XmlDocument A generic Xml tree Output the custom XML representation of the bound objects Custom Xml representation Output the custom XML representation of the bound objects as an XmlDocument A custom Xml Tree Controls whether bound objects (and their associated objects) that are lazily instanciated are explicityl initialized or left as they are True to explicitly initilize lazy objects, false to leave them in the state they are in Performs a null safe comparison using "==" instead of Object.Equals() First object to compare. Second object to compare. true if x is the same instance as y or if both are null references; otherwise, false. This is Lazy collection safe since it uses , unlike Object.Equals() which currently causes NHibernate to load up the collection. This behaivior of Collections is likely to change because Java's collections override Equals() and .net's collections don't. So in .net there is no need to override Equals() and GetHashCode() on the NHibernate Collection implementations. Thrown if Hibernate can't instantiate an entity or component class at runtime. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. The that NHibernate was trying to instantiate. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Sets the serialization info for after getting the info from the base Exception. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Gets the that NHibernate was trying to instantiate. Gets a message that describes the current . The error message that explains the reason for this exception and the Type that was trying to be instantiated. Thrown when an invalid type is specified as a proxy for a class. The exception is also thrown when a class is specified as lazy, but cannot be used as a proxy for itself. A problem occurred trying to lazily initialize a collection or proxy (for example the session was closed) or iterate query results. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the entity where the exception was thrown The id of the entity where the exception was thrown The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Instances represent a lock mode for a row of a relational database table. It is not intended that users spend much time worrying about locking since Hibernate usually obtains exactly the right lock level automatically. Some "advanced" users may wish to explicitly specify lock levels. Is this lock mode more restrictive than the given lock mode? Is this lock mode less restrictive than the given lock mode? No lock required. If an object is requested with this lock mode, a Read lock might be obtained if necessary. A shared lock. Objects are loaded in Read mode by default An upgrade lock. Objects loaded in this lock mode are materialized using an SQL SELECT ... FOR UPDATE Attempt to obtain an upgrade lock, using an Oracle-style SELECT ... FOR UPGRADE NOWAIT. The semantics of this lock mode, once obtained, are the same as Upgrade A Write lock is obtained when an object is updated or inserted. This is not a valid mode for Load() or Lock(). Similar to except that, for versioned entities, it results in a forced version increment. Provides access to the full range of NHibernate built-in types. IType instances may be used to bind values to query parameters. Also a factory for new Blobs and Clobs. Guesses the IType of this object The obj. Guesses the IType by the type The type. NHibernate Ansi String type NHibernate binary type NHibernate binary blob type NHibernate boolean type NHibernate byte type NHibernate character type NHibernate Culture Info type NHibernate date type NHibernate date type NHibernate local date type NHibernate utc date type NHibernate date type NHibernate date type NHibernate decimal type NHibernate double type NHibernate Currency type (System.Decimal - DbType.Currency) NHibernate Guid type. NHibernate System.Int16 (short in C#) type NHibernate System.Int32 (int in C#) type NHibernate System.Int64 (long in C#) type NHibernate System.SByte type NHibernate System.UInt16 (ushort in C#) type NHibernate System.UInt32 (uint in C#) type NHibernate System.UInt64 (ulong in C#) type NHibernate System.Single (float in C#) Type NHibernate String type NHibernate string clob type NHibernate Time type NHibernate Ticks type NHibernate Ticks type NHibernate Ticks type NHibernate Timestamp type NHibernate TrueFalse type NHibernate YesNo type NHibernate class type NHibernate class meta type for association of kind any. NHibernate serializable type NHibernate System.Object type A NHibernate persistent enum type A NHibernate serializable type A NHibernate serializable type a type mapping to a single column the entity identifier type A NHibernate persistent object (entity) type a mapped entity class A Hibernate persistent object (entity) type. a mapped entity class A NHibernate custom type a class that implements UserType Force initialization of a proxy or persistent collection. a persistable object, proxy, persistent collection or null if we can't initialize the proxy at this time, eg. the Session was closed Is the proxy or persistent collection initialized? a persistable object, proxy, persistent collection or null true if the argument is already initialized, or is not a proxy or collection Get the true, underlying class of a proxied persistent class. This operation will initialize a proxy by side-effect. a persistable object or proxy the true class of the instance Close an obtained from an returned by NHibernate immediately, instead of waiting until the session is closed or disconnected. Close an returned by NHibernate immediately, instead of waiting until the session is closed or disconnected. Check if the property is initialized. If the named property does not exist or is not persistent, this method always returns true. The potential proxy the name of a persistent attribute of the object true if the named property of the object is not listed as uninitialized; false if the object is an uninitialized proxy, or the named property is uninitialized This exception is thrown when an operation would break session-scoped identity. This occurs if the user tries to associate two different instances of the same class with a particular identifier, in the scope of a single . Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The identifier of the object that caused the exception. The EntityName of the object attempted to be loaded. Initializes a new instance of the class. The identifier of the object that caused the exception. The EntityName of the object attempted to be loaded. Initializes a new instance of the class. Sets the serialization info for after getting the info from the base Exception. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Thrown when the application calls IQuery.UniqueResult() and the query returned more than one result. Unlike all other NHibernate exceptions, this one is recoverable! Initializes a new instance of the class. The number of items in the result. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Thrown when the user tries to pass a deleted object to the ISession. Thrown when Hibernate could not resolve an object by id, especially when loading an association. Initializes a new instance of the class. The identifier of the object that caused the exception. The of the object attempted to be loaded. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The identifier of the object that caused the exception. The of the object attempted to be loaded. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Thrown when ISession.Load() fails to select a row with the given primary key (identifier value). This exception might not be thrown when Load() is called, even if there was no row on the database, because Load() returns a proxy if possible. Applications should use ISession.Get() to test if a row exists in the database. Initializes a new instance of the class. The identifier of the object that was attempting to be loaded. The that NHibernate was trying to find a row for in the database. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Thrown when the user passes a persistent instance to a ISession method that expects a transient instance Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. A problem occurred accessing a property of an instance of a persistent class by reflection Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. A indicating if this was a "setter" operation. The that NHibernate was trying find the Property or Field in. The mapped property name that was trying to be accessed. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Sets the serialization info for after getting the info from the base Exception. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Gets the that NHibernate was trying find the Property or Field in. Gets a message that describes the current . The error message that explains the reason for this exception and information about the mapped property and its usage. Indicates that an expected getter or setter method could not be found on a class Initializes a new instance of the class, used when a property get/set accessor is missing. The that is missing the property The name of the missing property The type of the missing accessor ("getter" or "setter") Initializes a new instance of the class, used when a field is missing. The that is missing the field The name of the missing property Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The that NHibernate was trying to access. The name of the Property that was being get/set. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Sets the serialization info for after getting the info from the base Exception. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Represents a replication strategy. Throw an exception when a row already exists Ignore replicated entities when a row already exists When a row already exists, choose the latest version Overwrite existing rows when a row already exists Thrown when a version number check failed, indicating that the contained stale data (when using long transactions with versioning). Initializes a new instance of the class. The EntityName that NHibernate was trying to update in the database. The identifier of the object that is stale. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Sets the serialization info for after getting the info from the base Exception. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Gets the EntityName that NHibernate was trying to update in the database. Gets the identifier of the object that is stale. Gets a message that describes the current . The error message that explains the reason for this exception. Indicated that a transaction could not be begun, committed, or rolled back Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Throw when the user passes a transient instance to a ISession method that expects a persistent instance Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Used when a user provided type does not match the expected one Thrown when ISession.Load() selects a row with the given primary key (identifier value) but the row's discriminator value specifies a different subclass from the one requested Initializes a new instance of the class. The message that describes the error. The identifier of the object that was being loaded. The name of entity that NHibernate was told to load. Initializes a new instance of the class with serialized data. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Sets the serialization info for after getting the info from the base Exception. The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Gets the identifier of the object that was being loaded. Gets the name of entity that NHibernate was told to load. Gets a message that describes the current . The error message that explains the reason for this exception.