St. Petersburg, FL

Updated 8 years ago

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Calorie counting web application written in the Go language

Updated 55 years ago

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Version control system wrapper allowing the developer to worry about only having to learn one command set to manage all types of repositories.

Updated 55 years ago

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Create live-image for Grit OS

Updated 55 years ago

Simple ZSH script to update the i3status configuration file with the current network devices found on the machine

Updated 55 years ago

ViM plug-in to visualize your code coverage in real time line-by-line.

Updated 55 years ago

Highcharts wrapper to assist in creating the proper JSON server-side.

Updated 55 years ago

The company website

Updated 55 years ago

jQuery plug-in to provide custom analytics. For those of us who can not use Google Analytics at work or just want to dork with something else.

Updated 55 years ago

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Version control system wrapper allowing the developer to worry about only having to learn one command set to manage all types of repositories. Derivative of the Python project

Updated 55 years ago

Updated 55 years ago

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Updated 55 years ago

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TFS 2013 leaderboard to provide friendly competition amongst co-workers

Updated 55 years ago

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Personal book of passwords

Updated 55 years ago

Updated 55 years ago

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Updated 55 years ago

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C# format tool from the command line.

Updated 55 years ago
