Umbrella ======== Runs unit tests and code coverage within the project. Introduction ------------ There seems to be a plethora of ways to run unit tests and provide code coverage. It is fine to have a pretty print out showing what areas need more eyes on them but we can do better. By providing quicker feedback the aim is to minimize errors before committing as well as maximizing our testable code base. Installation ------------ Using [pathogen.vim]( ```sh cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone git:// ``` Restart `vim` and then: ```vim :Helptags ``` Once help tags have been generated, you can view the manual with ```vim :help umbrella ``` - Using [vundle]( Append the plugin to the list of existing bundles: ```sh Bundle "revolvingcow/vim-umbrella" ``` Then quit (`:q`) and go back in to `vim` and run `:BundleInstall` How it works ------------ ```vim :Umbrella ``` ```vim :UmbrellaRefresh ``` ```vim :UmbrellaClear ``` ```vim nnoremap :Umbrella ... ``` License ------- Umbrella is licensed under the same terms as Vim itself (see [`:help license`]( Thanks ------ Many thanks go to [syntastic]( and [makeshift]( Both of these provided a great template to extend on.