package controllers import ( "fmt" "" "" "strings" "strconv" "time" ) type Profile struct { Application } const formatSmallDate = "2006-01-02" func (c Profile) getGoals(account *models.Account, startDate time.Time) []*models.Goal { if account == nil { return nil } duration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%dh", 1*24)) oneDayAhead := time.Now().Add(duration) results, err := c.Transaction.Select( models.Goal{}, `select * from Goal where AccountId = ? and (Date between ? and ?) order by Date desc`, account.Id, startDate.Format(formatSmallDate), oneDayAhead.Format(formatSmallDate)) if err != nil { return nil } rows := len(results) if rows == 0 { return nil } goals := make([]*models.Goal, 0) for i := 0; i < rows; i++ { goals = append(goals, results[i].(*models.Goal)) } return goals } func (c Profile) getDaysIn(month time.Month, year int) int { return time.Date(year, month+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Day() } func (c Profile) getWeights(account *models.Account, startDate time.Time) []*models.Weight { if account == nil { return nil } duration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%dh", 1*24)) oneDayAhead := time.Now().Add(duration) results, err := c.Transaction.Select( models.Weight{}, `select * from Weight where AccountId = ? and (Date between ? and ?) order by Date desc`, account.Id, startDate.Format(formatSmallDate), oneDayAhead.Format(formatSmallDate)) if err != nil { return nil } rows := len(results) if rows == 0 { return nil } weights := make([]*models.Weight, 0) for i := 0; i < rows; i++ { weights = append(weights, results[i].(*models.Weight)) } return weights } func (c Profile) getHistory(account *models.Account, startDate time.Time) []*models.History { if account == nil { return nil } duration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%dh", 1*24)) oneDayAhead := time.Now().Add(duration) results, err := c.Transaction.Select( models.History{}, `select * from History where AccountId = ? and (Date between ? and ?) order by Date desc`, account.Id, startDate.Format(formatSmallDate), oneDayAhead.Format(formatSmallDate)) if err != nil { return nil } rows := len(results) if rows == 0 { return nil } history := make([]*models.History, 0) for i := 0; i < rows; i++ { history = append(history, results[i].(*models.History)) } return history } func (c Profile) getLatestGoal(account *models.Account) (goal int64) { goal = 2000 if account == nil { return goal } results := models.Goal{} err := c.Transaction.SelectOne( &results, `select * from Goal where AccountId = ? order by Date desc limit 1`, account.Id) if err != nil { return goal } goal = results.Calories return goal } func (c Profile) setGoal(account *models.Account, calories int64) { goals, err := c.Transaction.Select( models.Goal{}, `select * from Goal where AccountId = ? order by Date desc limit 1`, account.Id) if err != nil { revel.INFO.Println(err) return } now := time.Now().Local() if len(goals) > 0 { goal := goals[0].(*models.Goal) local := goal.Date.Local() if now.Day() == local.Day() && now.Month() == local.Month() && now.Year() == local.Year() { goal.Calories = calories c.Transaction.Update(goal) } else { newGoal := models.Goal{AccountId: account.Id, Calories: calories, Date: now} c.Transaction.Insert(&newGoal) } } else { newGoal := models.Goal{AccountId: account.Id, Calories: calories, Date: now} c.Transaction.Insert(&newGoal) } } func (c Profile) getLatestWeight(account *models.Account) (weight float64) { weight = 0 if account == nil { return weight } results := models.Weight{} err := c.Transaction.SelectOne( &results, `select * from Weight where AccountId = ? order by Date desc limit 1`, account.Id) if err != nil { return weight } weight = results.Weight return weight } func (c Profile) setWeight(account *models.Account, weight float64) { weights, err := c.Transaction.Select( models.Weight{}, `select * from Weight where AccountId = ? order by Date desc limit 1`, account.Id) if err != nil { revel.INFO.Println(err) return } now := time.Now().Local() if len(weights) > 0 { w := weights[0].(*models.Weight) local := w.Date.Local() if now.Day() == local.Day() && now.Month() == local.Month() && now.Year() == local.Year() { w.Weight = weight c.Transaction.Update(w) } else { newWeight := models.Weight{AccountId: account.Id, Weight: weight, Date: now} c.Transaction.Insert(&newWeight) } } else { newWeight := models.Weight{AccountId: account.Id, Weight: weight, Date: now} c.Transaction.Insert(&newWeight) } } func (c Profile) getCaloriesForDate(history []*models.History, date time.Time) (current int64) { current = 0 if history != nil { for _, moment := range history { if moment != nil { local := moment.Date.Local() if local.Day() == date.Day() && local.Month() == date.Month() && local.Year() == date.Year() { current += moment.Calories } } } } return current } func (c Profile) getStreak(history []*models.History, ceiling int64) (streak int64) { now := time.Now() streak = 0 if history != nil && len(history) > 0 { interval := 1 for { s := fmt.Sprintf("-%dh", interval*24) duration, _ := time.ParseDuration(s) count := c.getCaloriesForDate(history, now.Add(duration)) if count > 0 && ceiling > count { streak += 1 interval += 1 } else { break } } } return streak } func (c Profile) getMoment(id int64) *models.History { history, err := c.Transaction.Select(models.History{}, `select * from History where Id = ?`, id) if err != nil { panic(err) } if len(history) == 0 { return nil } return history[0].(*models.History) } func (c Profile) Index() revel.Result { account := c.Connected() return c.Render(account) } func (c Profile) Logon(id string) revel.Result { c.Response.ContentType = "application/json" c.Validation.Required(id).Message("You must be logged on.") if c.Validation.HasErrors() { revel.INFO.Println("Validation errors found.") c.Validation.Keep() c.FlashParams() return c.RenderJson(nil) } revel.INFO.Println("Setting up the variables for storage.") now := time.Now() account := c.getAccount(id) if account == nil { revel.INFO.Println("Creating account.") account = &models.Account{} account.Profile = id account.Created = now account.LastVisit = now c.Transaction.Insert(account) } else { revel.INFO.Println("Updating account.") account.LastVisit = now c.Transaction.Update(account) } c.Session["account"] = id c.Session.SetDefaultExpiration() return c.RenderJson(true) } func (c Profile) History() revel.Result { account := c.Connected() if account == nil { return c.RenderJson(nil) } duration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("-%dh", 8*24)) sevenDaysAgo := time.Now().Add(duration) history := c.getHistory(account, sevenDaysAgo) return c.RenderJson(history) } func (c Profile) Stats() revel.Result { account := c.Connected() if account == nil { return c.RenderJson(nil) } duration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("-%dh", 8*24)) sevenDaysAgo := time.Now().Add(duration) goal := c.getLatestGoal(account) history := c.getHistory(account, sevenDaysAgo) response := models.ResponseStatistics{ Goal: goal, Current: c.getCaloriesForDate(history, time.Now()), Streak: c.getStreak(history, goal), } return c.RenderJson(response) } func (c Profile) Trends() revel.Result { account := c.Connected() if account == nil { return c.RenderJson(nil) } now := time.Now() duration, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("-%dh", 31*24)) oneMonthAgo := now.Add(duration) labels := make([]int, 0) for i := 1; i < c.getDaysIn(now.Month(), now.Year()); i++ { labels = append(labels, i) } rawGoals := c.getGoals(account, oneMonthAgo) rawWeights := c.getWeights(account, oneMonthAgo) rawHistory := c.getHistory(account, oneMonthAgo) latestGoal := c.getLatestGoal(account) latestWeight := float64(0) goals := make(map[string]int64, 0) weights := make(map[string]float64, 0) calories := make(map[string]int64, 0) for _, day := range labels { dayAsString := strconv.Itoa(day) goals[dayAsString] = latestGoal weights[dayAsString] = latestWeight calories[dayAsString] = 0 for _, goal := range rawGoals { if day == goal.Date.Day() { goals[dayAsString] = goal.Calories } } for _, weight := range rawWeights { if day == weight.Date.Day() { weights[dayAsString] = weight.Weight latestWeight = weight.Weight } } for _, moment := range rawHistory { if day == moment.Date.Day() { calories[dayAsString] += moment.Calories } } } response := models.ResponseTrends{ Labels: labels, Goals: goals, Weights: weights, History: calories, } return c.RenderJson(response) } func (c Profile) Add(product string, calories int64) revel.Result { account := c.Connected() if account == nil || strings.TrimSpace(product) == "" { return c.RenderJson(nil) } c.Validation.Required(product).Message("You must include a product.") c.Validation.Required(calories).Message("You must provide the amount of calories") if c.Validation.HasErrors() { c.Validation.Keep() c.FlashParams() return c.RenderJson(nil) } moment := models.History{ AccountId: account.Id, Product: product, Calories: calories, Date: time.Now(), } c.Transaction.Insert(&moment) return c.RenderJson(moment) } func (c Profile) Delete(id int64) revel.Result { account := c.Connected() if account == nil { return c.RenderJson(nil) } moment := c.getMoment(id) if moment == nil { return c.RenderJson(nil) } c.Transaction.Delete(moment) return c.RenderJson(true) } func (c Profile) Goal(calories int64) revel.Result { account := c.Connected() if account == nil { return c.RenderJson(nil) } c.setGoal(account, calories) return c.RenderJson(true) } func (c Profile) Weight(weight float64) revel.Result { account := c.Connected() if account == nil { return c.RenderJson(nil) } c.setWeight(account, weight) return c.RenderJson(true) }