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Each PPM engagement is customized to our clients' organizational culture, preferences and are mapped to their own internal processes. Whenever possible, we work within the framework of your existing organizational processes while pointing out and educating our clients on potential areas of improvement that can lead to a higher level of certainty of project success</p> --> </div> </div> <div class="col s12 m4"> <div class="icon-block"> <h2 class="center cyan-text text-darken-2"><i class="material-icons">group</i></h2> <h5 class="center">Agile Development</h5> <p class="light">Led by certified Scrum Masters and Agile certified practitioners</p> <!-- <p class="light">Don't have internal agile application development talent? AgileSavant, LLC also provides agile application development, integration and lifecycle management (ALM) services. We understand that application development, integration and ALM capabilities are an important component to possess in the rapidly changing world of Information Technology. Many applications now have web components, while the border between custom development and commercial applications is getting thinner. New development technologies, new connected devices, and new cloud-oriented business models create rich opportunity for application developers to drive greater innovation and creativity. With AgileSavant's proven expertise and methodologies, our clients can build the next generation of continuous services that are dynamic, scalable and optimized to connect with a next-generation multi-device world.</p> --> </div> </div> <div class="col s12 m4"> <div class="icon-block"> <h2 class="center cyan-text text-darken-2"><i class="material-icons">settings</i></h2> <h5 class="center">Dev-Ops</h5> <p class="light">Minimized your risks along the way through tight collaboration between developers and IT operations professionals</p> <!-- <p class="light">Having problems with effectively managing the necessary collaboration between your application developers and IT operations professionals? AgileSavant, LLC provides development and operations consulting services (DevOps) that can assist your organization in obtaining the goals of an optimized and effective DevOps competency. The professionals at AgileSavant can help your organization attain the specific goals of a DevOps approach which spans the entire delivery pipeline, and these goals include improved deployment frequency, which can lead to faster time to market, lower failure rate of new releases, shortened lead time between fixes, and faster mean time to recovery in the event of a new release crashing or otherwise disabling the current system. We can assist you in making simple processes become increasingly programmable and dynamic, using a DevOps approach to application delivery and operations, which aims to maximize the predictability, efficiency, security, and maintainability of operational processes. AgileSavant can partner with your organization by consulting you on developing and implementing a DevOps approach that leverages existing staff, or be engaged to build a DevOps competency that we then manage for you. Whatever your DevOps needs, we'll leverage our consultative sales process to recommend the right approach for your organization.</p> --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="parallax-container valign-wrapper"> <div class="section no-pad-bot"> <div class="container"> <div class="row center"> <h5 class="header col s12 light">Dev Ops that deliver</h5> </div> </div> </div> <div class="parallax"><img src="img/Mac-Keyboard-Wallpaper-High-Res-Stock-Photos-65326.jpg" alt="Unsplashed background img 2"></div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="section"> <a id="contact"></a> <div class="row"> <div class="col s12 center"> <h3><i class="mdi-content-send brown-text"></i></h3> <h4>Get in touch</h4> </div> <div class="col m6 s12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col s12"> <div class="map" style="height: 20em;"><iframe src=";f=q&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;t=m&amp;iwloc=&amp;q=8160+Maple+Lawn+Blvd%2c+Suite+200%2c+Fulton%2c+MD+20759&amp;hl=en&amp;z=14&amp;source=s_q&amp;output=embed" style="width: 100%; height: 100%" scrolling="no" height="100%"></iframe><div style="overflow:hidden"><a href="//;f=q&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;t=m&amp;iwloc=&amp;q=8160+Maple+Lawn+Blvd%2c+Suite+200%2c+Fulton%2c+MD+20759&amp;z=14&amp;source=embed" target="_blank">View Larger Map</a></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col s12"> <p class="left-align light"> 8160 Maple Lawn Blvd, Suite 200<br/> Fulton, MD 20759 </p> <p class="left-align light"> Telephone: <a href="tel:443-527-6086">(443) 527-6086</a> </p> <p class="left-align light"> E-mail: <a href=""></a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <form class="col m6 s12"> <div class="row"> <div class="input-field col s6"> <input id="name" type="text" class="validate"> <label for="name">Name</label> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="input-field col s12"> <input id="email" type="email" class="validate"> <label for="email">Email</label> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="input-field col s12"> <input id="subject" type="text" class="validate"> <label for="subject">Subject</label> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="input-field col s12"> <textarea id="message" class="materialize-textarea"></textarea> <label for="message">Message</label> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col s12"> <button class="btn light-blue waves-effect waves-light" type="submit" name="action"> Submit <i class="material-icons right">send</i> </button> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> <div class="parallax-container valign-wrapper"> <div class="section no-pad-bot"> <div class="container"> <div class="row center"> <h5 class="header col s12 light">Approaches that work</h5> </div> </div> </div> <div class="parallax"><img src="img/people-coffee-tea-meeting.jpg" alt="Unsplashed background img 3"></div> </div> <footer class="page-footer light-blue darken-1"> <div class="container"> <a id="about"></a> <div class="row"> <div class="col l9 s12"> <h5 class="white-text">Company Bio</h5> <p class="grey-text text-lighten-4">AgileSavant, LLC specializes in managing projects using both Agile Scrum and traditional Waterfall methodologies. We customize our services delivery approach to each unique customer engagement. Our experience, best practices and standards, combined with effective communication, strategic planning and risk management support, are all leveraged to ensure the success of our clients' product and program management objectives.</p> <p class="grey-text text-lighten-4">Though we have professionals certified in the delivery of Waterfall based project management methodologies, AgileSavant strongly encourages its clients to explore the merits and real benefits that an Agile Scrum software delivery approach provides to developer teams, clients, end users, and IT operations professionals. We educate our clients on what Scrum is, the benefits of "iterative" development and acceptance of software feature sets, the agile project / program management lifecycle, as well as what it takes to ensure the optimal collaboration between software developers and IT operations professionals (DevOps). All of these components are then pulled together to arm our clients with trust and confidence in the process, while delivering an exceptional product development experience.</p> </div> <div class="col l3 s12"> <h5 class="white-text">Connect</h5> <div class="row"> <!-- <a href="#" class="white-text" title="Follow us on Facebook" target="_blank"><i class="icon fa facebook-square fa-2x"></i></a> --> <div class="col s4"> <a href="#" class="white-text" title="Follow us on Twitter" target="_blank"><i class="icon fa fa-twitter fa-2x"></i></a> </div> <div class="col s4"> <a href="#" class="white-text" title="Follow us on Goolge+" target="_blank"><i class="icon fa fa-google-plus fa-2x"></i></a> </div> <div class="col s4"> <a href="#" class="white-text" title="Follow us on LinkedIn" target="_blank"><i class="icon fa fa-linkedin fa-2x"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer-copyright light-blue darken-2"> <div class="container"> &copy; 2015 | AgileSavant, LLC </div> </div> </footer> <!-- Scripts--> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> (function ($) { $(function () { $('.button-collapse').sideNav(); $('.parallax').parallax(); }); })(jQuery); </script> </body> </html>